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  1. Just a preliminary enquiry at the moment, nothing yet received. On 7th feb, I went to a McD's in a SW town, went thru Drive in, parked up and ate. They have copious signs about a 90 min time limit. I went to go approx. 40 mins after entry (Couldn't see any cameras/physical presence but car had a flat battery ( removed) Called RAc who duly came and tested etc and gave jump start at about 2hrs from entry. Before this, I went into McD and saw duty Manager and gave reg no etc and brief explanation ( They said they would log to prevent any "Fine" - pointed out that a fine was an incorrect term) I have heard nothing yet, but having seen various posts, just wanted to check that should anything occur, I can defeat this, The RAC will no doubt have a log, and so should McD Took photos of signs which show communication address for Met puking as a PO Box isn't this a non starter anyway? Will post if anything develops Thank you all for everything you help everyone with in all matters
  2. This weekend my daughter received a parking charge notice from MET Parking Services that her vehicle was parked for 71 minutes , oversstaying the free parking time of 60 minutes. Although she is the registered keeper, she was not driving, I was. We stopped at the restaurant, and had a lot of trouble parking. The car park was full and there were many taxis there. After we found somewhere, we queued for food and we waited about 25 minutes in all to pay and for it to be cooked. After we had eaten, we used the washroom facilities and went back to the car. We had to wait about 10 minutes to reverse out of our space as there was a queue of taxis behind us blocking us in. Imagine my horror when the parking charge arrived, charging us £100 with a discount of £50 if paid within 14 days. What should I do? Do I appeal? I phoned McDonald's customer services, but all they advised was that I should of asked the manager for an extension in time for parking. Thanks
  3. Hi, my post is relevant as its another MET PARKING CHARGE NOTICE debacle. This time at Mcdonalds, Gatwick As per the previous poster, my first correspondence from MET was a 'reminder' document. Please see the 2 files attached. I have two questions before I lodge my complaint / appeal with MET. First - I received this notification 25 working days after the alleged infraction - yes the car was there on that date however "the driver" was not aware of any parking restrictions, nor did "the driver" notice any signage - which seems a regular theme. Secondly - the notice wording suggests the drivers details have been provided by the registered keeper?????? There must be some telepathy going on here Would appreciate peoples views on whether I should respond to MET using the many templates provided OR just ignore the letter given the 2 points raised above.. Thanks attachment.pdf
  4. HI all, In the past when ive had these i have filed them in the bin and ignored the reminders and nothing has ever come of them, but, i am reading more about them going to court these days so want people opinions on if i should appeal or ignore ( or pay ? ) A sunday afternoon, spent 112 minutes in mcdonalds having lunch, drinking a couple of coffees and utilising Maccy D's free wifi to watch Lewis Hamilton win the grand prix championship and Liverpool play on sky go on ipad. I did notice the parking signs as i drove in but assumed they were 2 hours stay like most other places. just recieved a Parking Charge Notice from Met parking services so what to do next ? owt or nowt ? Scort
  5. I have today received through the post a £100 Parking Charge Notice from MET, reduced to £50 if early payment. The charge is for overstaying a 90 minute parking limit at a McDonalds, presumably because it is close but not part of, a busy shopping centre, and there are photos of the car entering and leaving, nearly half an hour overtime. The notice has been sent within the 2 week time limit. This has come out of the blue, and there was no indication at the time of any problems ie no parking attendant/ no warnings given in store. I have checked back and can see that work emails and phone calls were made during that time - hence the longer stay. This was during a midweek afternoon in termtime, possibly relatively busy on arrival, but certainly not excessivley so/ by the end of the permitted 90 minutes. McDonalds offers free wi-fi (though this was using phone internet) to its customers, which is surely an encouragement to stay a bit longer, have another drink etc, and it is common to see business users with laptops etc - at no time would the driver have left the premises. There are no receipts - as cash would have been paid for meal/ drink etc. Assuming there are notices, these didn't register, and it is not an area likely to be visited again to check, but in no way does under 30 minutes extra parking by a genuine customer justify a £100 parking charge. As a frequent traveller for work around the country, I am not aware of any other McDonalds I have personally visited with similar restrictions (though looking at this website there are obviously some), so it has never been something to be wary of - this is totally wrong. Money is tight and self employed earnings erratic, so any unexpected expense a blow. Any advice welcome - is it best to write to McDonalds/ MET or both? Presumably the only grounds are disproportionate cost, as I don't see how this affected McDonalds income at all, as am sure there would still have been ample parking for other customers.
  6. My daughter, before she started 6th form took a part time job at McDonalds for some extra spending money. but they continually accuse her of her till being short and make her pay it back. She got a A* in maths GCSE and is predicted the same at A level, she can count and handle money without mistakes. The problem is that she is not given enough time to count her till at the beginning or the end of her shift herself. Also, all the staff use the same login details to access the tills so when she is on her break someone can open and use her till without her knowing. The procedure is that she is handed a tray, told how much is in it, she goes to work, has her breaks, with the till accessible by anyone, at the end of the shif she hands the till over to the manager, who then counts it and if it is down she has to pay it back. IT appears on her wage slip as "cash advance" The laws regarding only being alowwed to take 10% of her wage on one single pay day is ignored. the thing is In the winter months they moved her to another branch, where the manager there made them count their own till at the beginning and end of the shift and her till was NEVER down. My own thoughts are that a manager is taking the money themselves. The problem is, as she has not been given opportunity to check the till herself and as its accessible to other members of staff, how can they make her pay back a shortfall? is it even legal? During busy times, managers do go on a till while a staff member is on a break, but the person assigned to the till is still held responsible if the till is down. Who is to say who made the mistake? Over the last 18 months she has been made to pay back close to £80. She is getting to the point that she is seriously thinking of leaving her job... What are your opinions on this and has anyone else had these problems with mcdonalds and had them resolved? Thank you. Marty.
  7. I have an issue with Macdonals and their car park along side their restaurant at Gatwick,but cannot find an email address for their CEO or any of their senior management, Any idea's Thanks FS
  8. My daughter visited McD's in Rotherham, She stayed longer than the specified time and because the vehicle is a company vehicle I received the parking "fine" which of course I will not be paying. I emailed their customer relations and I think You may be interested in the response I have received so here it is. If this is not allowed on here please remove it thanks Dear Mrs ******** I am writing further to your e-mail regarding your daughter's visit to our Tankersley restaurant. I have noted your comments and welcome the opportunity to confirm our policy on this matter. As a company, putting in place enforcements within our car parks is only done after careful consideration and very much as a last resort. Primarily, we use parking measures to ensure there are spaces available for our customers’ vehicles, as well as to deter unwarranted or unreasonably prolonged usage of the facility. I can confirm this parking area is managed by an independent company who are responsible for monitoring the car park and taking details of registration numbers. The regulations and signs at the restaurant clearly state our policy and the relevant charges. I trust you will appreciate that in order to maintain a consistent approach; we have to adhere to the guidelines in place. As such, in a situation such as a clear contravention of parking regulations, we are unable to deal with any specifics or cases on an individual basis. Suffice to say, if a customer contravenes the clearly displayed parking regulations, they will receive a ticket. Thank you for contacting us and again for the opportunity to comment. Yours sincerely Senior Customer Services Manager McDonald's Customer Services Department 11 - 59 High Road East Finchley London N2 8AW Tel: 08705 244622 So now we know !! no more visits to McD's for us and all my staff of Drivers are backing me so........ BYE BYE McD's
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