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  1. Hi All, Received an Invoice from Vehicle Control Solutions for allegedly stopping in a no-stopping area on a private access road at Liverpool Airport - I was not the driver of the vehicle. I've read all the posts concerning VCS and no-stopping on private land at the airport and my understanding is I should ignore everything from them until their lawyers get involved. At that stage I should send them something along these lines... "Dear VCS, In reply to your letter sent on xx/xx/2018. There has been no breach of any contractual agreement therefore I owe you nothing. Regards" If it then proceeds to court I should come back here for further advice. Have I got that all right or have I missed anything? Thanks in advance 1 Date of the infringement 16/01/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] posted: 19/01/2018 3 Date received: 23/01/18. 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?} No Have you had a response? [Y/N?] N/A 7 Who is the parking company? Vehicle Control Services 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Liverpool John Lennon airport. For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. IPC
  2. Claimaint: Vehicle Control Services Solicitors: None identified Date of Issue: 19 Apr 2018 Particulars of Claim: 1.The Claim against the Defendant is for breach of contract in respect of breaching the Terms and Conidtions set on private land. The Defendant was issued with a charge notice and has failed to settle their outstanding liabilities. 2.At all material time the Defendant was the registered keeper and/or driver of the vehicle identified in the Particulars of Claim. It is alleged the Defendant breached the Terms and Conditions of entering private land as detailed in the Particulars of Claim (to follow). 3.The Claimant seeks the recovery of the CN and interest under Section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% at the same rate up the date of Judgement or earlier payment. I will provide the defendant with seperate detailed particulars within 14 days after service of the claim form. Claim is for £160 + £25 court fee = £185 ---------------------- Hi, have received court papers wrt the above Basic summary of events: -NTK (not me) received 20/4/2017. Issued 13/4/17 but for contravention date 2/4/17. Due to easter holiday this meant >14 days so POFA does not apply -I appealed on the keepers behalf. VCS say I selected the driver option. Have no recollection of this and they have been unable to provide evidence of this being selected. In my appeal wording I did not say I was the driver. -VCS pursuing me on assumption I am driver. Initially said they had CCTV, now saying pursuing based on my admission in the appeal. Don't actually think I've personally received a CN from them contrary to their PoC. -I don't actually think they have ever issued me with a charge notice. Happy to take this to court and defend myself Submitted my AoS 23/4/18 and also selected contest jurisdiction due to the byelaw issues at LJLA, however have to pay a large fee ~£200 to pursue that. Is it worth pursuing the contest of jurisdiction? I think I can make a robust defence in any case based on other threads I've read on here and Pepipoo. Can I claim the fee back if successfully contest jurisdiction? Advice re next step would be appreciated thanks in advance
  3. Hi all - as per thread title, either my better half (car owner) or I stopped at LJA whilst dropping someone off. Didn't stop on a road edge, instead turned into a side road/parking area, spun around, and let them out. Reason for this - never been to LJA before and didn't have a clue what was going on parking wise! Looking around I think this is what I'm supposed to add in here 1 Date of the infringement 26/4/18 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 1/5/18 3 Date received 8/5/18 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Doesn't appear to? 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up No 7 Who is the parking company? VCS 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Liverpool John Lennon Airport For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. IAS I've added a copy of the letter. Suffice to say it was utterly unclear that there was a contract being entered into, and that dropping someone off, whilst lost in a confusing car park, would somehow result in a harge Also suffice to say no money is being sent their way! What is best course of action? Thanks in advance for any help
  4. Hi I also received a PCN from VCS Ltd for stopping for 8 seconds on 28 May 17 to pick up my distraught Sister-In-Law at Liverpool Airport. She didn't go to the pick up point as arranged but thought it better to start walking towards the main road. I received the initial notice from VCS Ltd but ripped it up and binned it (so I don't know if it was within the 14 days timeframe). I then ripped up and threw away their second letter. The first letter from BW Legal came int he same envelope as a letter from VCS saying my account had been passed to their legal team. The second on says its a 'FINAL NOTICE' saying their client has instructed them to commence County Court Proceedings against me for the recovery of the Balance. I'm not quite sure what to do at this stage, I have read through lots of the forum threads and am thinking of sending BW a letter telling them I am not paying and to leave me alone. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  5. Hi, I am in the same position and have received a 'scary letter' from BW legal. It was alleged at l'pool airport, Vehicle Control Services. I have not acknowledged anything they've sent me so far but now it's with their 'legal team' and the price has gone up to £160 with the threat of county court proceedings etc. Do you have any advice on best course of action please? thanks.
  6. Hi Our car was snapped moving along with other cars and we got a penalty notice. Please see http://www.viewmypcn.co.uk/Default.aspx?r=f6f80b089747e06ef1c94390293c17bf7073b763 The cars before us were moving, and how were we going to predict that we were stranded there? Cash cow for Waltham Forest. See give advice.
  7. Hi all You guys have helped me immensely over the past few years to send packing a number of DCA's that were treating me as a cash cow and I'm immensely grateful. I now need some advice about how to deal with a number of debts belonging to my niece that she's been paying £5 or so per month for a number of years since she was a student. She's been paying a called Debt Managers LTD based in Rotherham the £5 by DD with no contact with them for quite a while. She seems to recall receiving a notice of assignment from Lowlife a while ago about it and her current bank statements shows the DD recipient as Debt Managers. She has had the standard offer letters from both Lowlife and this latest outfit and I've explained to her what this means. The original debt was a student credit card with Barclays. Now I always paid mine over the counter at a bank or post office via a payment book. I've told her I'll send them a CCA request and the follow-up letters if necessary to get them to go skulking back under their stone, but she's asked me when she should stop the DD. If they reply they're suspending collection until they get the info, can the DD be stopped then? Or does she have to wait until they back off and admit they can't collect? One of the other debts she has relates to a student loan taken out around the turn of the century. I've asked her to do a search on Noddle but I'd be grateful for some guidelines about when to stop the Direct Debits. She seems to have around half a dozen debts each of which she's paying at around a fiver per month like this. Thank you all
  8. Hello, I am posting here to see if I can get some advice regarding employment and support allowance. My history is that I currently recieve ESA in the support group and have been on this benefit for four years now with 3 reassessments including my first in 2012. Twice I was placed in the support group after a WCA but after my second assessment I was initially told over the phone I would not get any benefit. I asked the DWP on that call to reconsider and about an hour later they called back telling me I was again in the support group. I am now waiting to find out about my next assessment for ESA and I have some questions. Firstly does anyone know how likely it is that after 4 years in the support group it will be that they can remove the benefit from me? My condition can in some cases improve but in my case it has not and I still attend the hospital regularly 2 or 3 times a year and I am awaiting a further referral. Surely it would be very difficult for the dwp to remove me from a benefit they previously agreed I was entitled to? Also if I am called to a face to face assessment I will not be able to take anyone with me I don't think which I have done in the past, I will be able to get a lift to and from the centre but nobody is free in the day anymore to come in with me. Will not having a companion at the wca be bad for my claim? My last question is on the new esa50 the say not to send any appointment letters. I feel I should send them copies of my appointment letters as it lets them see that I am still being seen regularly by the hospital and have been for some time. I don't have any reports to send and feel it is important to send something. What should I do?
  9. Please I need some help. I have been issued a PCN (penalty Charge Notice) from Merton council - 31J - entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited. It took place: London Road/Armfield Crescent (box junction) in Mitcham. When I arrived at the yellow box junction, it was empty and the traffic at the exit was moving. I proceeded to move inside the box and just as I approached the exit, the car in front stopped suddenly due to traffic ahead of it. I phoned up the authorities to ask them to send the video evidence on DVD to my home address. They said they do not do that but offered me to come and view the evidence at their offices. Therefore I went to the offices to view. I have viewed the video evidence and it showed that as I entered the empty junction box, the traffic ahead was moving. It was only when I was approaching the exit, that the car in front stopped suddenly, thus forcing me to stop in the box. My front tyres were out of the box but my rear tyres were in the box. I had stooped for approximately 13 seconds in the box and my brake lights were on as were the brake lights of the car in front. I did notice that there was a bus lane to the left of the junction box and cars were driving in there. The incident happened around 3.00pm so I presume the bus lane was not in force at that time. I have to pay by the 20th December to get the reduced rate of £65. Do I have grounds to appeal? If so for what reasons? How do I draft my appeals letter? I would be most grateful for any help or advice. Thank you very much
  10. Hi, recently I received a PCN for entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited. I don't remember this situation, but picture from the notice is very controversial. I want ask should I appeal or better to pay a half price straight away?
  11. I have received a PCN for parking contravention 31 "Entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited". I have viewed the CCTV footage which shows the traffic flowing when I enter the box junction but just as I am exiting the traffic comes to a sudden stop and I am forced to stop in the box junction. Do you think I have grounds for an appeal here? The CCTV footage can be viewed on "https viewmypcn dot co dot uk" with the below details: PCN Number: KT5792518A Reg: Y**** My vehicle is the grey vauxhall astra 3 door.
  12. Hi All, can anyone tell me if there is a way of "stopping" a ccj before it goes through? Creditors know that I am a non-UK resident and they are taking me to court using a UK address which I am no longer associated with and they know this. I have no way to access any court papers that are sent to this address and so cannot defend myself. Can my UK property have a charging order placed on it or a order for sale? Is there any way of contacting the court pre- default judgement to let them know I cannot access the papers? Or will I have to wait till it has gone through and then apply for it to be set aside? I know I will have to pay for this but can it be set aside without me coming back to the UK as otherwise this will also be difficult and I don't have money to pay for a solicitor to deal with it for me. Any advice most welcome! Thanks.
  13. My wife has a LA PCN for stopping in a box junction which she doesnt think she did . She followed the link to the online info that shows 4 pictures of the car all off the box apart from one where she is half into it. So how do the council decide if you were stopped in the box or passing over it? Thanks for any help Sam
  14. Hi, I'd appreciate advice from others who have had similar experiences with Vodafone, and am also hoping Lee the Vodafone Rep may be able to intervene and/or offer advice. I opened a Vodafone account in June 2011. My calls and text usage was always well below the plan I was paying for. In August 2012 I received a sales call out of the blue offering me a new phone. I was under the impression I was agreeing to an upgrade, and agreed to increase my DD by £10 per month for a Smart phone to replace my Blackberry. They sent me the new phone and it transpired I had been sold a whole new contract for a second phone, line rental, the lot, which I did not need. When I queried it and asked why I had been approached when clearly I didn't need a second phone, I was told it was a special offer which I could use for a member of the family. I had a young relative just starting college so I offered the new phone to him. It seemed worth it for £10 per month. However, he ran up the bill well over the monthly limit and he didn't reimburse me with the money. I came to an agreement with Vodafone to pay the bill of £120 in instalments. I went on holiday for a week and whilst still abroad my own phone was disconnected. The bill on my own phone was fully paid up to date but my phone was disconnected because the payment on the second phone was late. And so began a catalogue of bullying and punitive behaviour by Vodafone who flatly refused to see reason or to negotiate a reasonable agreement. I had no written contract and had never been told that the two contracts were linked, ie, that if one was unpaid they would disconnect the other. On my own phone the only service I was getting was incoming texts and incoming calls but I was still receiving bills for the entire package, ie, line rental, minutes, texts and data usage. I protested this because I was not getting the services they were charging me for. Again the (previously unwritten) contract was quoted which Vodafone interpreted in their favour, but to me clearly stated that I should be paying for the package of services received. As I wasn't receiving the package of services then I refused to pay the full amount. I offered to pay a reduced amount for the service I was receiving, ie, incoming calls and texts but this was refused. After this "stand-off" for a couple of months I offered to repay in full the debt on the second phone but would not pay for the services not received on the first phone. The services on the first phone were then disconnected entirely, not at my request, Vodafone took the decision themselves, then they sent me the bill for the remainder of the contract which was another 6 months. They were trying to extort (for extortion is what it is) over £600 out of me for a debt of £120. I wrote to the MD and the CEO, neither of whom responded. I eventually reached someone in the Directors office who refused to reach an agreement to settle this issue and restore my account. This all happened in January-March 2013 and 2 years later I am still suffering losses because Vodafone posted a default notice on my credit record. I am unable to obtain a mortgage so have to continue paying rent. I have been unable to re-mortgage my buy-to-let property, thereby paying more interest than I need to. I cannot obtain a credit card; I am having to pay more for a car leasing agreement because of the credit record. It just goes on and on. To me this is a total abuse of power on Vodafone's part. Instead of trying to reach an agreement with me they have literally punished me for not giving in to their unreasonable demands. In my view they breached my contract with them. I have spoken to the Credit Reference Agency, Credit Call, who've advised me to write to the Ombudsman, which I'm in the process of doing. However, even if I were to pay the amount Vodafone are attempting to extort from me, it would be noted as "settled" on my Credit record and would still affect my credit rating for 6 years. Furthermore, I'm told by Credit Call that Vodafone will be fined £400 for every complaint that goes to the Ombudsman so I really don't understand why they can't just take a commercial decision and reach an agreement to settle with me, in return for removing the default notice altogether. It's a ridiculous situation, totally out of proportion to the "offence". Six years is a longer sentence than someone would receive for assaulting someone! I'm just waiting for the letter of deadlock so I can write to the Ombudsman but if there's anything else I could be doing, please advise. Many thanks Denfar
  15. I received a PCN notice for stopping on a road that I entered by mistake near to Liverpool Airport. I had no idea that I'd entered a controlled area and was turning around at a junction with an incomplete road once I realized I had taken a wrong turn. I stopped there for 32 seconds according to the notice. Appealed to VCS who obviously rejected it. Appealed to POPLA on grounds that I was at a junction and consistent with highway code/law etc, but to my amazement the appeal was rejected. The video evidence must have shown the road to be clear (apart from some odd looking car with a big camera to my right!). To be quite honest I thought the fine to be so ridiculous that there would be no way they'd reject my appeal. What if any options do I have now?
  16. I've been offered a job but yet to get a start date as they doing the administrative side of things but also completing a DBS check which could potentially take time to complete. It was submitted last Friday so not sure when I'll get it (Although doing a DBS check for my voluntary work - I got it back within a week. My new employer say might take longer for some reason) but if I tell Jobcentre then they'll stop my claim immediately and I may not start work for another 2-3 weeks? Do they give you a final payment after you've landed a job? (I think that's only done if you've had a 100% attendance?) Not sure what to do as I'm not sure when work will begin and what to do regards to my JSA. Any advice appreciated. Thank you.
  17. Hello all I realise discussion of this sort of topic tends to get a bit heated but I'd really appreciate some advice. There is a primary school on the street with various parking restrictions. On the side with the primary school entrance, on both sides of the gate there are zigzags, which mean no parking or waiting or stopping at any time, I believe, but please correct me if this is wrong. On the opposite side there is a single yellow, with a sign stating no parking between certain times. This would mean that you can only park before and after the stated times. Now, does anyone know the legalities of stopping to drop off or collect passengers on the single yellow line, whether it is before, during or after the times stated on the sign? Stopping off, as I mean, is no more than 2 minutes while your passenger hops in or out, with your engine running and definite signs of movement into or out of the car, certainly not parked while chatting on the phone or reading a newspaper! Some sound advice would be much appreciated.
  18. Hi, I was on a one-way road with double yellows and needed to answer a phone-call. Another car came and parked on the opposite side of the road (in the same direction); therefore, there was not much space for a car to go past so I climbed the kerb and was stationary for about 2 mins. I don't know if it's of any relevance, but I had my break lights on all the way and moved off within a couple of minutes. One of those small cctv cars came up behind me and then drove off. I received a ticket not too long after. I have written an appeal saying that I had to get on the pavement to let other cars past but haven't received a reply yet. I've attached pic's. I was wondering the following: 1: My logic tells me that I wasn't "parked", but is that legally the case. 2: I honestly had no idea that what I was doing was against the law, I don't recall reading anything like that in the highway code and despite a lot of googling and still cant even find clear info on it so how can they penalise someone for it? 3: Does anyone have any advice on how and if I can successfully appeal this? Thanks in advance for any help offered.
  19. 7 days ago i was looking to see if i could get a short term loan. I was using a website that said i had been accepted for a loan and to enter my bank details. Once i had entered my bank details i was told i would be charged something like £68.99 for the service that will be taken from my account at some point in the next 60 days (!?). I was then given my loan options and i clicked on one was asked to enter my details and was told again i would be charged £68.99 or there about for the service!!!! I decided straight away at this point to not get a loan. Ever since i have been inundated with text messages and emails offering me loans. I receive over 40 texts a day at all hours of the day and night. Is there any way i can stop the 2 payments for £68.99 leaving my bank account? I realise i have been stupid and should have been paying more attention, but also feel these websites were designed intentionally to mislead people in to paying for a service nobody would ever want!!!
  20. Can anyone confirm I have to pay £60 for stopping on a no stopping or waiting area for 30seconds at Liverpool Airport. The charge came from Vehicle Control Services Ltd.
  21. Hi, I just wanted to know where I stand on stopping finance payments for something that Ihas not been done correctly. I had my eyes corrected at optimax which cost me £5500 back in February, they are still not correct, I have trouble seeing out of them and now cant drive at night, I have been back to Optimax several times and I feel they are fobbing me off (now getting a second opinion at a hospital). Optimax keep saying they will take time to correct, but they seem to be getting worse and it feels like the lenses they implanted are not sitting well, all my other friends who had the same procedure could see immediately and have had no problems. What I want to know is, can I stop the finance payments to force opyimax to actually take me seriously and sort out my eyes. The problem I see is that the payments are being made to a finance company and not optimax direct, I am assuming optimax have already been paid in full by the finance company and as such my payment contract is with the finance company and if I stop payments are worried they will take court action to claim the outstanding money. I stress I only want to stop payments until optimax sort out the problem.. Thanks for your help Kev
  22. Today I received a nasty PCN by Waltham Forest Council for my alleged contravention 31. I don't deserve it because I was waiting before a red light with cars in front of me. There was a yellow box at the road junction. The light changed to green and cars in the front began to move and so did I. Just after a few seconds suddenly the car in the front stopped and I had to stop too to avoid collision. But I was on that yellow box. The reason of that sudden stopping was that one car ahead stopped to give way to pedestrians crossing and the other cars stopped too because of that and the ripple effect was upon me. I moved only after the car in my front moved. It was for a very brief period. But the stupid CCTV sent me a photo of my car on yellow box but it does not show the whole process of my moving into and stopping in the yellow box. Please help me how to appeal. Many thanks.
  23. Hi first time user here, We need help stopping eviction order we had first order suspended from gmac-rfc2007 now Paratus we have had a bad three years brother in law committed suicide, wife off work with depression, also wife had major knee surgery was off again for seven months, shortly after I myself had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands which each time I was off of work for six weeks when Paratus took over in 2011 making payments of £200 off arrears in last 12 months missed three payments one for when the car broke down both myself and my wife need car for work that was in march 2012, then an arrangement was set back up as I said had hand done off work for six weeks don't get payed only ssp show payslips + medical note of doctor hadn't missed a payment until January 2013 when my daughter was assaulted by her partner which resulted in her having a miscarriage the, relationship broke down as a result of this, she then turned to alcohol to cope with the stress which then resulted in her having to come back home after losing her job and flat and as a family we are trying to help her get back on her feet. When we explained this to Paratus they didn't care told me it was too late told them I would up the payments to £250 a month they turned down this offer, I then told them I would make the payment up that I missed in January they still turned me down they have now gone back to the courts and enforced the eviction is on the 14th may i also had my statement which i worked out expected payments was 6871.43 in payed in total 7545.50 plus paratus also added 210.00 in chargers please help!!
  24. Hi, I received a Penalty Charge Notice yesterday (13/09) for Entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited... It occurred in : BOX JUNCTION - NEW KINGS RD J?W BAGLEYS LANE Date: 08/09/12 @12:17 I have pictures but can't add any I feel this is unfair as I entered the junction with moving traffic. The cars in front of me entered the junction just in front of me and were moving. At the point of entering the junction all the traffic ahead of me seemed to be moving I had not reason to believe it would stop. The next traffic light it very close after this one and when turning red quickly caused the traffic to back up. The light of my junction was and remained green throughout and I believe I exited the junction while the traffic light was still green. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Karl
  25. My mum gets tax credits every thursday for my brother who is 19. His birthday is on the 21st of march which is a thursday, Tax credits are saying they wont pay the final payment because of the day his birthday falls on. Surely she is entitled to a payment up to that date. Maybe someone can answer the question thanks.
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