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Found 8 results

  1. Hello, I will be grateful if you can please help me if there is something I can do with this notice please. On 23/12 I went to Kensington high street, whilst looking for parking space I saw a sign (attached) and empty space saying No stopping at any time except 7 am - 4 pm, P for 30 minutes. I safely parked my car which was left there for about 15 minutes. I then returned and made way home. I am now in receipt of this notice (attached). I went back there and saw two conflicting signs and wonder if I could successfully challenge it or it was just my sheer stupidity :/ Thank you for your help in advance.
  2. Hey All, I have tried to do some research on this but I have found this forum and hope you can help. I came back from holiday yesterday and have received a Unpaid Traffic Penalty Charge.. The offence was dated 11/07/2018 and the Date of issue for the certificate was 04/09/2018.. The letter states the following it says that I have lost the right to appeal to either the council or to the TPT and they have increased the penalty charge.. Now I did make this turn as I was following the Satnav.. didn't see a sign.. I have checked google maps and it is signed.. What I am looking for advice on is that this letter I received was the 1st communication that I have received about this offence.. I have had nothing previously about this.. The letter has come just shy of 2 months after the offence date and they are saying that my charge has increased and I have lost the right to appeal.. even though this is the 1st letter I have received... Does anyone know where I stand with this? Thanks in advance
  3. Hi everyone I use a courier company, i will call "TPC", who in turn use DPD. I have to say on the whole the past few years has been event free but a few months ago we sent a 3D printer to someone to use and it was smashed up really badly. The recipient took photos and has emailed us stating the damage was beyond dropping in his view and we have loads of photos of the box damaged etc. I reported the issue immediately and TPC were originally very sympathetic etc. I have to say I was shocked at the damage, you would have had to try really hard to do what they did. As the client needed to get printing urgently, I resent a new identical printer out, only this time this one had a glass build plate, so about 30x20, super tough, heat resistant glass plate that the plastic is printed onto. This was in fact a bespoke upgrade I did to this one but the plastic plate was also sent. This printer was also sent insured fully. This 2nd delivery went horribly wrong yet again, with a tonne of damage done. We sent both printers in the original boxes, designed for transporting them. They are thick boxes, with the original polystyrene inserts. Loads of space etc. we also used an outer box with more packaging to be safe. The packaging has never been challenged, in fact DPD stated that it was fine. long story short. I know DPD have accepted both claims (although irrelevant as the contract was with the 3rd party we use, TPC). I am still waiting for any decision, I have emailed multiple times and so we logged a small claims track. Unfortunately the printers are no longer made, so I have asked for the replacement cost of the latest available model for both printers. The defence is that they will not pay as there was glass in the box (even though only the 2nd item had glass in it) There is no consideration about the first delivery that had no glass in it at all. I have sent the court questionnaire off, have stated I am willing to mediate and I am waiting. No solicitors seem to be involved at this point, certainly no legal sounding stuff has come back from the defendant at this point. Just want some help and advice really. I have basically lost a part of my little business due to these printers being damaged beyond repair. Questions: 1. I have no doubt that I will get the compensation for the 1st Printer as there was no glass and it was clearly in breach of the Sale of goods and services act 1982, (reasonable care and skill clause). however What about where there is a piece of glass in an item? I have never actually claimed for this extra add on, I feel that if they had delivered properly in the first place I would not have had to send the 2nd printer out and also the glass did not cause the damage, it was just "also" damaged, but again I am not claiming for this. 2. I would normally claim for the cost of the item if damaged. However in the case of the model being superseded and no longer being available. Is it OK to claim a little more for the latest available model? I have averaged the price from 5 retailers and would genuinely be buying these to simply replace my lost printers. In my defence it is a real pain in terms of retraining and new software to learn a new machine. Any help would be appreciated on the best course of action and of course I will post everything up here so others can learn from my mistakes and hopefully successes!! I am about to go through mediation, but can't find much on the process here. Has anyone gone through this process as a claimant and is there any advice anyone can give. I have been told by the CAB that it's a chance to "negotiate" but Ii'm not sure if negotiation is what I want to do, i'd really like the defendant to try and see the light. Also can the defendant deny wanting to use mediation? Any help appreciated.
  4. Please I need some help. I have been issued a PCN (penalty Charge Notice) from Merton council - 31J - entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited. It took place: London Road/Armfield Crescent (box junction) in Mitcham. When I arrived at the yellow box junction, it was empty and the traffic at the exit was moving. I proceeded to move inside the box and just as I approached the exit, the car in front stopped suddenly due to traffic ahead of it. I phoned up the authorities to ask them to send the video evidence on DVD to my home address. They said they do not do that but offered me to come and view the evidence at their offices. Therefore I went to the offices to view. I have viewed the video evidence and it showed that as I entered the empty junction box, the traffic ahead was moving. It was only when I was approaching the exit, that the car in front stopped suddenly, thus forcing me to stop in the box. My front tyres were out of the box but my rear tyres were in the box. I had stooped for approximately 13 seconds in the box and my brake lights were on as were the brake lights of the car in front. I did notice that there was a bus lane to the left of the junction box and cars were driving in there. The incident happened around 3.00pm so I presume the bus lane was not in force at that time. I have to pay by the 20th December to get the reduced rate of £65. Do I have grounds to appeal? If so for what reasons? How do I draft my appeals letter? I would be most grateful for any help or advice. Thank you very much
  5. Hi, recently I received a PCN for entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited. I don't remember this situation, but picture from the notice is very controversial. I want ask should I appeal or better to pay a half price straight away?
  6. Today I received a nasty PCN by Waltham Forest Council for my alleged contravention 31. I don't deserve it because I was waiting before a red light with cars in front of me. There was a yellow box at the road junction. The light changed to green and cars in the front began to move and so did I. Just after a few seconds suddenly the car in the front stopped and I had to stop too to avoid collision. But I was on that yellow box. The reason of that sudden stopping was that one car ahead stopped to give way to pedestrians crossing and the other cars stopped too because of that and the ripple effect was upon me. I moved only after the car in my front moved. It was for a very brief period. But the stupid CCTV sent me a photo of my car on yellow box but it does not show the whole process of my moving into and stopping in the yellow box. Please help me how to appeal. Many thanks.
  7. Hi, I would really like any help I can get on this...I received a PCN for contravention 50JR " Preforming a prohibited right turn" , which I would really like to appeal against as I dont think that the signage on the road is clear. The sign is on the other side of the road and is well before you reach the road, there is no sign on the road itself and therefore when making a last minuet decision to turn right you have no idea that it is prohibited. This is the street view link https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=horsey+road&aq=f&ie=UTF-8&hl=en Please any help or thoughts on how to go about this would be great!
  8. Hi. I hope someone can help me. My wife received a PCN 50R for tuning into a right hand turn whre there is a No Right turn sign. The sign is beyond the turning though so you don’t see it until you are actually on the turn or performing the turn. Does anyone think this is wrong and can help with stuff please? Thanks in advance. PCN1 is in advance on the right hand turn and PCN2 is almost on top of it. You can see in PCN1 that the bus obscures the sign. Andy
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