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  1. Hi All, Received an Invoice from Vehicle Control Solutions for allegedly stopping in a no-stopping area on a private access road at Liverpool Airport - I was not the driver of the vehicle. I've read all the posts concerning VCS and no-stopping on private land at the airport and my understanding is I should ignore everything from them until their lawyers get involved. At that stage I should send them something along these lines... "Dear VCS, In reply to your letter sent on xx/xx/2018. There has been no breach of any contractual agreement therefore I owe you nothing. Regards" If it then proceeds to court I should come back here for further advice. Have I got that all right or have I missed anything? Thanks in advance 1 Date of the infringement 16/01/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] posted: 19/01/2018 3 Date received: 23/01/18. 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?} No Have you had a response? [Y/N?] N/A 7 Who is the parking company? Vehicle Control Services 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Liverpool John Lennon airport. For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. IPC
  2. Name of the Claimant Parking Eye claimants Solicitors: rosanna breaks Date of issue – 03/09/18 Date to submit defence = 05/10 What is the claim for – 1.monies outstanding from the defendant, as registered keeper, in relation to a parking charge, issued 31/05/18, for parking on private land in breach of the terms and conditions (the contract). 2.Parkingeye's automated number plate recognition system, monitoring campanile liverpool queens dock, l3 4aj, captured vehicle entering and leaving the car park, parking without authorisation. 3.The signage, clearly displayed at the entrance to and throughout the car park, states that this is private land, is managed by parking eye and authorisation is required to park, along with other T+C's by which those who park on site agree to be bound. In accorance with the T+C's set out in the signage, the parking charge became payable. Notice under the protection of freedoms act 2012 has been given under sch 4 making the keeper liable. This is in reference to parking charge #### What is the value of the claim? £175 Has the claim been issued by the Private parking Company or was the PCN assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim ? PPC Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No I havnt done anything yet, I am in the process of sending the CPR 31:14 off Do i need to acknowledge the CC forms Any help will be appreciated
  3. In the same mill familiar to all- Vehicle Control Services Limited. Did all the online stuff - rejected surprise surprise. Letter from bwlegal threatening commencement of legal proceedings in the form of County Court Claim Form. bwlegal called my on the 'phone today - I am shaking! How do they get my number?? They asked me to confirm who I was which I did They then asked me to go through some security questions. I declined. I said that I will wait for any court summons and defend myself to the hilt. I said I regard this call as intimidatory. I said they and their customer are charlatans and that their actions are unreasonable and that I will rely on the reasonableness of the court to see through this I instructed them clearly and concisely that they MUST not ever call me again and that any correspondence hereon in MUST be in writing. Specifics are vehicle stopped on red lines for 30 ish seconds on side road to apparent parking location, finding it not the parking location booked, consult satnav, turnaround and drive off. No parking, no picking up, no dropping off, engine always on, brake lights always on, always in gear, no obstruction, no unsafe practice. Can't recall which of us was driving Problem is, how can we stop these crooks? If it gets too problematic, they'll just give up and move on to the next, less challenging victim. Politicians, police, JLA - are you out there? What are going to do about it? Us little people can't.
  4. Good evening, I couldn't see that there was an existing thread for this topic - forgive me if there is as this my first ever forum foray I have received a Letter of Claim from BW Legal regarding a PCN from 7th July 2017. This Letter of Claim is dated 1st March 2018 and I have not responded within the 30 days specified. I have ignored all previous correspondence as per any advice I have read however now this looks more serious, I would really welcome advice on what I should do. My issue with the PCN in the first place is that I paid for long stay car parking at Liverpool John Lennon Airport yet when I arrived, there were no parking spaces and after driving around the car park several times, I ended up parking on a kerb (like a lot of other people) and have been fined for doing so. I was left with little choice seeing as I was at the airport to catch a flight and I had paid for a space that could not be provided. BW Legal are seeking a payment of £160 (£100 for the original fine and £60 for initial legal costs) Any advice on how I should proceed would be much appreciated Thanks!
  5. Hi all - as per thread title, either my better half (car owner) or I stopped at LJA whilst dropping someone off. Didn't stop on a road edge, instead turned into a side road/parking area, spun around, and let them out. Reason for this - never been to LJA before and didn't have a clue what was going on parking wise! Looking around I think this is what I'm supposed to add in here 1 Date of the infringement 26/4/18 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 1/5/18 3 Date received 8/5/18 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Doesn't appear to? 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up No 7 Who is the parking company? VCS 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Liverpool John Lennon Airport For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. IAS I've added a copy of the letter. Suffice to say it was utterly unclear that there was a contract being entered into, and that dropping someone off, whilst lost in a confusing car park, would somehow result in a harge Also suffice to say no money is being sent their way! What is best course of action? Thanks in advance for any help
  6. Hi everyone, I am just after a bit of advice on how best to hand a PCN issued to one of our vehicles for 'stopping' on Liverpool business park. The vehicle in question had a puncture and the driver parked up in a disused driveway, whilst waiting for the fitter to go to him to replace the tyre. We received the usual 'PCN' from VCS to which I appealed, i have now had a reply from them saying that they will only hear the appeal if I provide the drivers name and address, for which i am not prepared to do, as the appeal will be rejected and they will bombard the poor sod with their nonsense. Am i best replying to VCS now or just leave it for the time being ? Thanks,
  7. Hey, I've pretty much shot myself in the foot too. I appealed and was rejected, ignored the requests for payment and now have a MoneyOnline County Court claim against me for £160. I'm confused, I used the argument that there was no free parking at Liverpool Airport, but I read stories that say there is .. did there used to be but they removed it?? On my first visit, dropping off my son, I assumed that a simple 60 second drop off/pick up would be free like Manchester, I entered the airport road it led to a roundabout, after following the signs for Drop Off/Pick Up I entered the car park, at this point I was on a one way road were I couldn't do anything but enter the car park. I dropped my son off, I was no more than a couple of minutes, I went to leave and couldn't get out of the car park without paying. A couple of weeks later when I went to pick him up I thought I might have gone into the wrong car park, I followed the same road and realised that I would be entering the same car park and I'd have to pay, I spotted a barrier and pressed the buzzer to get off the road and go back out, I then saw him, pulled over for about 60 seconds to let him in and was nailed. I appealed, it failed, I ignored and now I have a claim for £185.00 Any ideas?
  8. Hi, I am in the same position and have received a 'scary letter' from BW legal. It was alleged at l'pool airport, Vehicle Control Services. I have not acknowledged anything they've sent me so far but now it's with their 'legal team' and the price has gone up to £160 with the threat of county court proceedings etc. Do you have any advice on best course of action please? thanks.
  9. Hi, Please could someone offer some advice please regarding a PNC I have received. Amount due: £100.00. Incident Date: 19/07/2017 Reason for issue: Not parking correctly within the markings of the bay or space. Thanks.
  10. Hi Guys. heres my case. Im not sure what to do. Just pay the £60? 1st got a PCN as Id pulled in (not blocking the road) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i appealed via myparkingcharge.co.uk as requested on the back of the VCS letter..... To whom it may concern. I have received a "PCN" I am appealing against this as I had to stop my car as I had airport car park booking and was looking for the car park and thought that it was where I stopped. You can check our booking if you email airportparking The booking reference and details are below. Regards, ,,,,,,,. Booking reference:.... Name:.... Car registration:..... Flying from:Liverpool Parking:Imagine Outdoor (for 1 car) Parking from:Fri 12th May 2017 at 3:30 pmParking to:Mon 15th May 2017 at 12:30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I then received this on 17.6.17 from VCS....... Vehicle Control Services Ltd Central Payment Oce, P.O. Box 4777, Sheeld. S9 9DJ t: 0114 242 1111 f: 0114 244 5299 Registered in England 2498820 VAT No. 755 7800 06 O P E R A T O R A C C R E D I T E D Dear ...., Re: Parking Charge Notice Number ..... (Vehicle: ....) Site: Liverpool John Lennon Airport Issue date: 23/05/2017 We refer to your appeal in respect of the above Charge Notice received on 06/06/2017. Having considered the points you have raised and reviewed our records, we are unable to accept your appeal. Our main reason(s) for this decision are as follows: Whilst we understand your concern at receiving a Notice, it is entirely the motorist's responsibility to ensure that they adhere to the Terms and Conditions of use for the airports private access roads. The roadway in question is part of a high security zone and as such motorists are clearly advised not to park, stop or wait on double yellow lines, red routes zones or roadways at any time. Such actions may also pose an obstruction or danger to other road users. There are numerous warning signs in place along the private access roads. In response to your comments, you have confirmed to us that on the date in question, you stopped your vehicle in a prohibited area while looking for the car park. Whilst we appreciate the circumstances you have described however, you stopped in an area where you could have caused obstruction to other drivers. Please be advised that our signage located throughout the area clearly state "No Stopping at Any Time". It is the motorist's responsibility to ensure that he/she is fully aware and compliant with the Terms and Conditions of this area. We must advise that there are over 70 high profile signs advising drivers of the consequences of not complying with the highway restrictions located throughout the 'Red Route' areas. All signage exceeds the recognised industry standards, with some as large as 2m by 1.1m (6ft 6in by 3ft 7in) on the airport approach road and other surrounding roads. Signs also contain the nationally recognised Highway Code symbol for 'NO STOPPING' (Clearway). Furthermore, the signage on the approach road is reflective and positioned to face oncoming motorists and the text size is relative to the average approach speed of vehicles, which is 30 mph. We are satisfied that the Charge Notice has been issued correctly and your appeal (representations) is therefore rejected. We will not accept any further appeals. 17 June 2017 What you should do next - Either: 1. Pay the Charge Notice: In order to settle the Charge, the payment of £60 to reach us by 01/07/2017 or £100 to reach us by 15/07/2017 must be made. Failure to pay this charge within the stated times, may result in Debt Recovery Action being taken and further costs up to an additional £60 being incurred. Payments can be made online at myparkingcharge.co.uk by following the links for "Pay Now", or over the phone by calling 0845 226 9138 by using a valid Credit or Debit Card. (If paying by Credit Card a surcharge of £1.00 will apply). OR: 2. Appeal to the Independent Appeals Services (IAS):If you believe this decision is incorrect, you are entitled to appeal to the IAS. In order to appeal, the IAS will need the following information (which is also contained in the subject header of this correspondence). Notice Serial No: .... Vehicle Registration Mark: .... Appeals must be submitted to the IAS within 21 days of the date of this correspondence. Please visit the ias website for full details on how to submit an appeal online. It is important you note that if you wish to appeal to the IAS and your appeal is unsuccessful, the discount offer will no longer apply and the full amount of £100 will be pursued. Please be aware that if a payment is made against the PCN prior to lodging an appeal with the IAS, or receiving adjudication from the IAS, and if it is accepted as Full and Final settlement of the PCN, any appeal to the IAS will automatically be dismissed. It important I also highlight that no further appeals will be accepted at this office; any such appeal must be made to the IAS. Please also note that further costs may be incurred should it be necessary for us to subsequently recover any outstanding charge using debt recovery and/or court action. Yours sincerely, Appeals Administration Team CENTRAL PROCESSING OFFICE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not sure what to do now. Just pay? thanks in advance people.
  11. Has anyone established who owns the Adelphi car park and if P.E. have rights to apply penalty charges there?
  12. I am the RK of the vehicle and received a letter with a parking charge. I have had two previous PCN's from a long time ago when the advice was always to ignore, which I did and subsequently heard nothing off a host of 'solicitors' that sent out begging letters. I think I'm right in assuming after reading many threads the situation has changed because of POPLA and the POFA?? situation in 2012 says I now as the RK have to disclose who was driving as said I am the registered keeper. My partner was the driver. She stopped in the above carpark, tells me she paid for a ticket after entering the reg number in the machine and displayed the ticket on the dashboard. She has used this carpark a few times. we're suprised to get the speculative invoice and hoped for some advice on how to play it Many thanks 1 Date of the infringement....10/4/17 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date]...14/04/17 3 Date received...20/4/17 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] YES 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? YES 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] NOT YET Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up N/A 7 Who is the parking company? PARKING EYE 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] BRITANNIA ADLPHI, LIVERPOOL sorry I should also have added that on ther back of the letter it says... On April 10th the vehicle entered the car park at 9:58 and left at 11:03 (!hr 05mins) This is 'backed up' by photographic evidence on the front of the letter. I asked the better half if she'd maybe just paid for the hour, because judging by other threads you are allowed a 10 minute overstay as per BPA, but she says she paid for 2 hours
  13. Hi All, Just another request about our friends VCS We are a haulage company and occasionally deliver to a site next to L'pool airport, which comes under the VCS control area. In the past we have received the letters for stopping on a prohibited road, which we passed to the driver concerned to be paid or ignored as they saw fit to ! The last two however for drivers of Polish nationality, one who said he has to stop for a mechanical breakdown, i appealed this and subsequently to the IAS. Both were rejected and VCS even supplied a photo of the driver stood by the side of his vehicle eating a banana , in between me receiving the final appeal the driver left our employment and returned to Poland. A short while later i received another 'stopped on the road' for another Polish driver for which i have just ignored. Both instances were towards the end of last year and i have now received the first threats of court action from BW Legal ( in the same envelope lol !! ) I was just wondering what i am best doing now, replying to BW Legal or just ignore them ? Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks,
  14. Hello, My wife recieved a notice to keeper letter from Athena Ltd today. She had overstayed the allowed time of 90 minutes by about 30 minutes. She had shopped at Lidl and has the reciept to prove this. I have read a fair few posts on this website, and have a general idea of how this works out, but would appreciate help. Many thanks. Here's the answers to the questions from the other sticky post: 1 Date of the infringement 24-03-17 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] Issue date is 28-03-17 3 Date received Today - 30-03-17 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Does not appear to 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes, a photo showing entrance to the car park and also exiting. 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] No Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up N/A 7 Who is the parking company? Athena ANPR Ltd 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Lidl carpark, found at address : Lidl Liverpool, London Road, Liverpool, L3 8JN For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure, please check HERE IAS If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here Recieved none
  15. Hi I'm new to forums. I dropped an air passenger off at Liverpool Airport's "Express Drop Off" zone, in a car park that I could not avoid as it was on the end of a No Stopping road. I was stopped for 30 seconds. When I went to the barrier to leave they demanded £2 and went on about a contract and a sign on the road which I had not seen and more .... after about 20 minutes I snapped the barrier by pushing it out of the way and went to leave in my car. The car park called the Police who asked very similar questions about a contract. Now I've investigated and found PoFA S54 and do not like the idea that a person can detain me on the grounds that they demand that I have agreed to a contract of which I am unware. Oh my defence for snapping the barrier is that I was trying to prevent a crime. No further action. So I've begun the Practice Directions pre-action letters and get a reply from the car park supervisor. They have a ParkMark accreditation, but don't bother to display T&Cs, as required. No T&Cs = no contract, not just for me but to anyone. They detained me for 45 until cops let me go. I asked the cop if he was recording his trying to coerce me into agreeing to a contract. He was. Snapping the barrier was proportionate and reasonable in the circumstances cos I felt trapped. Does anyone know where they got the right to detain me from cos it ain't S54(3) PoFA 2012? No one should be confused into accepting a nonsense contract, that is not on offer, by hostile, sneering people claiming that a sign on a 40 m.p.h. road which is only in view for 3 seconds as it flies past means you've agreed a contract and pay up to leave. Already found, item 24 Sch 1 unfair terms, signage is substandard and does not conform to BPA, Fraud by false representation and abuse of position. Thanks in advance. I know I'm a nuisance but I don't want other people barracked like I was.
  16. Hi All, My mother in law was at Liverpool Airport last week and made the mistake of stopping on the road that leads to the roundabout heading into the airport. This week she received a 'Parking Charge' through the mail. What is the best way to fight this? I understand that ignoring is no longer an option. But at the same time, I don't want to write the wrong thing on any appeal. By the way, she is the registered keeper of the car as well as the driver. Any help will be gratefully received. Many thanks all.
  17. Can someone please help me. i have received a letter off BW legal. I pulled up for a few seconds to let me friend in and like you received a fine. I ignored the letters and now am upto BW legal stage. And saying about court proceedings if I don't pay can someone please tell me what to do? Do I pay up? I shouldn't ignore it but don't know what to do.
  18. Hello all great forum. You guessed it i just received a PCC from VCS after dropping my wife of at liverpool airport . I stopped briefly in the entrance to a staff car park , the traffic enforcment van was no more than 5 metres away the cheeky git even smiled at me , i thought nothing of it. until today when i got this demand. Any help advice would be greatly received. Thank you
  19. Visited Liverpool in March stayed at the Adelphi hotel, when we got there we asked at the desk where the car park was, told it's round the back, went to the car park and went over to read the charges as we were under the impression ir was gonna be £3 a day, after reading the signs i wasnt sure what the charges were as it said something about "guests" and i wasnt sure if they meant Car park guests or hotel guests???? well my Missus and her mate went to the desk to find out what the charges would be while me and mate stayed with the car .. .they came back and said they were told it was £12 per day ..... my mrs mate said she'd paid for the day.... i told her to get her £££ back and i would park elsewhere as that was a complete rip off, i left the car park and parked in the one over the road (£3) per day (there is another story concerning this ) i was in the car park for 28 minutes....... after i returned home i received a letter saying i had not paid for a ticket accompanied by in/out photos showing i had been there for 28 minutes, i have replied to them saying as i had not left the car and was attempting to find out the charges this did not constitute parking, as soon as i found out their extortinate charges i left their car park ,they have asked that i provide proof that i was staying at the Adelphi before they make their final decision ,i cant see why they dont just phone the hotel and ask them????? i have sent what i can find (a groupon coupon,parking receipts from the other car park) I did have to laugh at a sign saying the carpark was covered by cctv:-D .. .i remarked to my mate " the only cctv here is to check when you arrive and leave and they were attempting to make out the car park was covered by cctv to keep ya car safe ... .across the road from the carpark was a gang of homeless drinkers who had made themselves comfy under a shelter and i really didnt feel my car would be safe there anyway....... .the Hotel refunded my mates missus after i put the car elsewhere......... just wondering if anyone else had the misfortune to enter the hallowed turf of the Adelphi car park who i assume pay the hotel to run the car park and rip people off?? by accepting that refunded payment ,does the hotel then become the company running the carpark??? .... .. the letter came from Parkin Eye.... ...... any info greatfully recieved
  20. Hi, I was issued a Final Notice from bwlegal 18th July for an alleged contravention on 28/03/2016 I sent a hand written letter in April which I have annoyingly misplaced the copy of along with the original PCN letter from VCS. I have had another letter from VCS stating it was too late to appeal and then a letter to notify it had been passed to their legal team, bwlegal. This was with the first letter from bwlegal that they have been instructed by their client of a balance due etc. Then the Final Notice letter. I have read a few threads on the forum from people who were issued a similar PCN by the same company and the template letter used. I have used that template and was going to send the below response to bwlegal but was just after some additional opinions or advice if this seems an OK way to proceed. 28th July 2016 Dear Sirs Your xxxxx I refer to your “Final Notice” letter dated 18th July 2016. Firstly, I have no intention of paying the money demanded by your client and any court proceedings will be vigorously defended. Second, I wrote a letter in April to your client clearly explaining the mitigating circumstances why I had pulled over which was to tend to my 2 year old daughter who was being sick. I was stationary for less than 10 minutes and did not switch off the engine! Third, should it be your clients intention to start court proceedings, they must provide a Letter Before Claim which complies with the requirements of Annex A Paragraph 2 of the Practice Direction on Pre-action conduct. Please note that a failure and/or refusal to comply with the Practice Direction will result in a complaint being made to the court and an application for a stay of action and costs pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 4 of the Practice Direction on non-compliance and sanctions. In the meantime, you should note that this charge is disputed and you must now refer this matter back to your client and cease and desist all contact with me. Failure to do so will result in a complaint to the Credit Services Association. I trust I have made myself clear. Yours faithfully ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, B
  21. Had a lovely holiday in Spain for my 40th! Booked the holiday through a travel agent including airport parking. Been home a month,and received a parking fine from UKCPS for £100. My car had been parked for the week on Skypark Liverpool and the reason for issue was WITHOUT A VALID PERMIT OR AUTHORITY. Apparently a notice was affixed to the windscreen of my vehicle, nothing on the car windscreen or was told about this by our meet and greet rep for Skypark. I have contacted Skypark Liverpool and their head office in Blackpool. No response from Liverpool but had a response from Head Office who can't find any of my details including car reg. I am now awaiting the travel agent to email the booking ref over. In the meantime I would need to appeal the charge to UKCPS. I want an explaination as to how I have received a parking charge when I have paid for a weeks parking? ! This was our first time abroad with my family. Has anyone else suffered at the hands of these charlatans?
  22. Hi All, I am looking for a bit of guidance. In September last year my partner received a letter from a recovery agency stating they where working for Liverpool City Council and recovering debt in the region of £550 for unpaid council tax. My girlfriend did recall a previous council tax debt from around 5 years ago that she believed was settled, so that week she visited the council office to enquire. They explained it was a debt from a previous address several years prior, in an attempt to just close it off she offered full payment there and then. The council rep refused to accept payment and said that she must deal with the recovery agency. Up until last week we had (foolishly) done nothing on this, until a agent working for Marston's turned up at the house claiming to have a liability order. I sent him packing without letting him in. The next day my girlfriend again visited the council and offered payment, this time the council rep accepted and even said she isnt sure why the offer was rejected last time. My girlfriend also explained she met the criteria of a vulnerable person due to ongoing severe depression and believed that the council should not have passed this onto enforcement without prior contact. The payment was made there and then and a receipt obtained. The receipt is simply proof of payment no mention of the debt or the LO being settled etc. My girlfriend was then told she needed to contact the recovery agency directly (was actually told it was Drakes not Marstons) to settle any of their fees. I have today written a letter to the council asking for a breakdown of the LO with dates, fees etc and asked them to confirm that is is now settled and any enforcement action has been withdrawn. Ive also asked why the offer was turned down the first time. I have written a separate subject access request to the council to check there are no other outstanding debts with them. My questions is what should I do next? Should I contact Marstons or leave that to the council? If they turn up what should I say? I appreciate how precious all your time is, any guidance is welcomed. I will obviously not let them in however it worries me that her car is often outside and it is not uncommon for the front door to be left open when the kids are playing out. Regards MJM
  23. Hello Hope someone can help me with a problem re a car purchased from Lookers and a warranty provided by Network Q. I purchased a Chevrolet Lacetti on 12/11/2013, the car came with a one year Network Q warranty which covered 100,000 miles and was up to the value of the car. The car was serviced and MOTed before purchase was complete and I agreed to also buy a service contract provided by Emac Ltd. I had the car serviced at 6 months and everything was fine according to Lookers, though I later found out they had performed a full service when it should have been an intermediate, which left insufficient funds in my service account for the next service. I also needed to replace all 4 tyres 2 months later and there had been no mention of tyre wear in the service report. Up to present now and I book in car for service and MOT for Thursday 30th October. Car was dropped off at 8am and I was told it would be ready mid afternoon. About 2pm, I got a call to say car had failed MOT due to faulty number plate bulb and there were several other problems. Lookers went on to explain car needed new front brake pads and discs at a cost of £330, which I would be responsible for paying. They then explained there were several other serious problems which would be covered by the warranty, these included leakage from the steering rack and leakage from front and rear shock absorbers, both steering rack and all shock absorbers would need to be replaced and they would contact the warranty company to organise this. I initially agreed to the brake work then thought twice about the price and phoned around for a couple of quotes. Despite Lookers telling me I was getting 20% discount due to service contract, other quotes were coming in much lower. I called back and they offered to reduce price to £200 I agreed and they said they would contact me re warranty work but work would not be completed until Saturday as they needed to get parts in. Friday they phoned again to say that Network Q warranty wanted to send their own engineer out to check the car and this would not be until Monday. I stated that I required the car for work on Monday they offered a courtesy car from Friday evening. Lookers reassured me that the engineer visit was routine for high cost work and it was nothing to worry about and car would hopefully be ready Monday or Tuesday at the latest. I phoned again on Monday and was told the engineer had not attended and they had contacted him to find out when he was coming. Tuesday I called back and engineer had attended and inspected car but had declined to share his findings with Lookers staff and they would hear directly from Network Q hopefully Wednesday (today). Today I phoned Lookers at lunchtime and they have heard nothing from Network Q. I call back at 5.15pm and am told person dealing with car is with a customer and he will phone me back ASAP, he does and says Network Q have declined all work is covered by warranty as it is due to "wear and tear". He tells me Lookers disagree with this but they can do nothing and it is now my responsibility to deal with Network Q if I want to dispute this. I point out that the car was purchased there less than one year ago and that it was serviced 6 months ago with no findings, if Network Q are correct, surely Lookers are deficient in not finding any problems at time of sale, at MOT and original service and then at 6 month service. Again I am told they think the work should be covered by the warranty but they can't do anything. The warranty states complaints must be made in writing but I am going to try and call Network Q tomorrow, then follow this up in writing. I intend to also try and call Lookers again and get the same information regarding them thinking the work should be covered by the warranty and record this call. I feel like I have a good case but am not sure if it's against Network Q or Lookers or both. Can anyone advise me or tell me if I am wasting my time please. I am incredibly angry about this but need to get it resolved or buy another car quickly and I work long hours and have a painful commute, so while I want recompense for this mess, I don't have a lot of time to spend on a fruitless effort. Thanks so much for any help.
  24. Hi everyone, new to all this so hoping to get some advice, hopefully I'm not just repeating old threads... Long story short I got a PCN from VCS for dropping off on a red zone at Liverpool Airport. I appealed using the standard template and no surprises was rejected by VCS. I was expecting to be given a POPLA code but was instead told to appeal to IAS. I'm assuming VCS has recently moved from POPLA to IAS as all the information I've read up on this, people have always been told to appeal to POPLA. From what I can gather, appealing to IAS is nowhere near as successful as appealing to POPLA. What should I do? I stand to be corrected but I'm under the impression that the roads around Liverpool Airport are governed by byelaws and as such VCS should not have been allowed to obtain my details through DVLA (I intend to submit a complaint to DVLA regarding this) Is it worth submitting this legislation as part of my appeal to IAS? I've not admitted to being the driver. Should I just ignore any future correspondence etc? Very confused as to what my next step is so any help would be greatly appreciated thanks!
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