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  1. Hello, I will keep it short. I bought a TV from JL in May 2018 I noticed a possible fault and have video evidence with dates etc so confirm it was within the 30 days and six months, I made a silly error of trying to put up with it as wasnt sure if it was a fault or that it was a characteristic of LCD TV's (I had a plasma) only down the line nearly six months later I am to find it was a faulty panel and a new panel for my TV was needed. I understand under the Consumer rights after 30 days but before six months I have to give the retailer a chance to repair if they think that is the best way forward (I asked for a refund/replacement first, they said no) an engineer confirmed it was faulty and a new panel was supplied by Panasonic and the repair at my home was to happen today. After an hour of stripping the TV down and the new panel fitted it was put back together and powered up but only to find that the new panel was smashed so you can imagine how annoyed myself and the engineer was. The TV has been taken away to be repaired in the workshop. I contacted JL and rejected the goods as unfit and the fact they have had one chance of repair which was unsuccessful. They replied that the TV will go ahead and will be repaired and returned to me and I would get a small compensation. I said no I am rejecting it but they insist that because it wasnt actually fully put back together (back panel was still off) and tested that it isnt classed as a unsuccessful repair. So what do you think, am I right or are they right? they are now waiting for a Martin Dawes report. I have sent a letter of rejection. I paid using paypal and £100 JL voucher. My mistake and I know I am kicking myself was not to do this within the first 30 days but I have my reasons. thanks ​ Fuming even more now. The engineer JL used, Martin Dawes have just rang to tell me they have put the old panel back in and say its within spec. it certainly isnt, this is the same engineers who stated it had a faulty panel in the first place and agreed with my complaints about banding, pixelation etc. I did notice when the engineer was moving the new panel on the trestle they use he bent it downwards but though nothing of it, maybe he had broken it and or Panasonic wont replace it so looking for an easy way out or JL have had a word.
  2. ANY ADVICE PLEASE received parking ticket sept 2012 from vcs liverpool didn't admit liability ignored all letters from bwlegal , looks like they have now passed it to dcbl firm from can't pay take it away 6 years later any advice pls I've requested all evidence and proof of contract of landowner, anyone else received a letter
  3. Good evening, I couldn't see that there was an existing thread for this topic - forgive me if there is as this my first ever forum foray I have received a Letter of Claim from BW Legal regarding a PCN from 7th July 2017. This Letter of Claim is dated 1st March 2018 and I have not responded within the 30 days specified. I have ignored all previous correspondence as per any advice I have read however now this looks more serious, I would really welcome advice on what I should do. My issue with the PCN in the first place is that I paid for long stay car parking at Liverpool John Lennon Airport yet when I arrived, there were no parking spaces and after driving around the car park several times, I ended up parking on a kerb (like a lot of other people) and have been fined for doing so. I was left with little choice seeing as I was at the airport to catch a flight and I had paid for a space that could not be provided. BW Legal are seeking a payment of £160 (£100 for the original fine and £60 for initial legal costs) Any advice on how I should proceed would be much appreciated Thanks!
  4. Here's the back story so far: 1. I order a washing machine from John Lewis online. 2. It arrives & is installed by John Lewis. 3. It starts leaking an hour or so after arrival. I call JL straight away & they tell me they can't refund or replace and suggest I call the manufacturer of the machine. 4. I call the manufacturer & they don't answer the phone for hours & it keeps getting cut off. I call back JL, they call the manufacturer for me. JL still insists upon a manufacturer's engineer visit, the next one is 8 days away. 5. A week later, engineer arrives at a unexpected time. He can't find anything wrong with the machine & doesn't understand why it's leaking. He can't wait 2 hours to watch it start leaking when turned on so I show him photos of the leak. He asks me if I use tablets in the drawer, I explain I don't. In fact I only use liquid capsules in the drum, he says that's fine. I explained it leaks even without detergent, so it's nothing to do with that anyway. He says he doesn't understand it. He leaves. 6. JL contact me to say the engineer thinks I used tablets in the drawer & that I should stop doing that then it will stop leaking. I explained I do not & it leaks even without detergent used. 7. JL tell me I have to arrange another engineer visit but might have to pay £90 if again no fault is found. I decline. I explain a second engineer visit won't make a difference & it isn't just about money, it's the time & hassle involved. I explain it looks like a design flaw- the water leaks under the drawer during filling up & drops down over the front of the machine after a couple of hours. JL refuse to do anything more about it. 8. I can't survive without a washing machine so I purchase a new washing machine from the same manufacturer from elsewhere, which works fine & doesn't leak. JL still refuse to do anything more. End result: I've had to pay for 2 machines, one leaks & I'll have to sell describing the problem with it, on ebay, making a loss. What are the consumer rights regarding this situation? Thanks
  5. Hello all, Just under 2 years ago I bought a 15" Macbook Pro. I have had an iPhone die on me before so to negate what I consider slightly fragile products I bought the laptop through John Lewis as it came with a 3 year warranty (as well as having a positive public image towards repairs/replacements). About 6 months ago the screen cracked, this was extremely annoying as I was sure that it wasn't my fault, the laptop had flashed up warnings of overheating I put it in a cool place, let it recharge when I came back the screen was cracked. I expected it to be covered under the warranty after having the laptop sent off I got sent a bill for £803 to have it mended. This i thought was excessive and I refused to pay to have it repaired (it was sent back with the damaged screen) after 2 months struggling without a laptop I decided to count it as a life lesson and take the hit. It was sent off and repaired at a cost of £797.84. I was annoyed I hadn't taken out insurance on the laptop at the start (when I first called John Lewis I thought it was included with the warranty) and considering how easily the screen had broken I was keen to have it insured from the start. After checking it was fine I left it in the blow up package it was sent to me in, and went to look on my home computer for an insurance company that would insure a device over 6 months old. The next day coming back to check that laptop was working I was dismayed to find a crack on the opposite side of the screen. This was unacceptable, the first time it was damaged I was treating the laptop properly but couldn't rule out damage happening that I didn't notice (ie something falling on it, someone knocking it over), this time I was meticulous in making sure no damage whatsoever could effect the laptop yet once again the hairline crack reappeared. I called up John Lewis technical support, explained what had happened and was keen to get it sorted again as soon as possible. Unfortunately I was going on holiday very soon and so it wasn't picked up for a good 2 weeks. The laptop was recovered and John Lewis went dark. A generic email I received when I organised the second repair mentioned it taking up to 28 days to repair I waited 27 and sent an email asking what was happening, I got a call the next day (a Sunday) saying the repair was on hold but the company doing the repair wasn't open till Monday so they couldn't ask why it was on hold. They were very polite and said someone would call me on Monday and relay their findings. No call came till Wednesday (an answerphone message asking to call back and quote a reference number), I didn't notice this voicemail till Friday, I was too late to call back the next day I called up and they explained that it was on hold as "it was accidental damage" and so once again I was to pay. I was furious and even more angry when it transpired this time the bill was £1380 as for some reason includes a new top case and battery (I believe the top case is glued to the screen so not surprising but the battery is a completely different issue and I am not sure either how it is damaged-it was working fine- or why I would be charged if it was faulty-surely it would be covered under the warranty). The laptop was £1600 to start with so these repairs will cost more than a new model. I am gutted this is all happening, I really like John Lewis and its ethos and have always heard they are very good with customer service and don't squabble about fine print etc. Like I said before I do treat my devices well, and especially in the second case I know this isn't my fault. Being left in the dark and constantly shuffled between departments is annoying but not my main concern, I am anxious that this second repair is not charged to me. I am considering making a small claims court case as a few similar stories (including one about a cracked screen) seem to have worked in the past against John Lewis but am unfamiliar with either the process, any documentation I will need or the chances of success. Thank you everyone for reading this, any help would be very much appreciated cheers, Alex
  6. Hi, I am hoping someone here can give me some advice as I am really worried about this I changed my home insurers to John Lewis (from NatWest) in January this year. No specific reason as I was always happy with NatWest but my premium had increased so I shopped around. To my knowledge I gave JL details of all previous claims (i.e. I am not aware that I failed to mention any) and I did not take out no claims protection or did I benefit from a no claims reduction in my new policy. In June last year I claimed with Natwest for a damaged speaker under the accidental section of my policy. Last Thursday my daughter dropped one of my wireless speakers and it was not repairable so, given the cost of it (£499), I contacted JL to make a claim. They offered me a cash settlement which I was happy with but then called to say that "due to the number of undisclosed claims" they would be referring not only my claim for the speaker but also my entire policy to their underwriters. Today I get a call from the Cotswold Group wanting to interview me over the telephone about my claim. I didn't answer because I was in a meeting. I googled them and they are private investigators and insurance fraud specialists I then received an email asking me to make an appointment to discuss my claim and policy naturally I am very confused and scared as to why JL have instructed them to contact me? I decided that given the simplicity of the claim I would call JL to advise them I no longer wanted to proceed as it all seemed rather odd. The chap I spoke to said "I will pass this on to our specialist team" which again caused some alarm. He was very abrupt and then literally minutes later I get another email from The Cotswold Group saying this: "I have received a call from John Lewis to advise of your call mentioned below. They have confirmed they are unable to accept the withdrawal of the claim as we have been appointed to carry out further enquiries in relation to your claim and policy before any decision can be agreed." They are INSISTING I speak to them and I am thinking Why am I being investigated for what JL obviously think is insurance fraud by a team of private investigators specialising in "deep web mining"? Even if i did omit to mention the NatWest Claim last year it was definitely not on purpose! I am quite literally terrified now. Can someone please help or explain why they are doing this and how I should respond to the email from The Cotswold Group. Why are JL refusing to allow me to drop my claim??
  7. Can someone please help me. i have received a letter off BW legal. I pulled up for a few seconds to let me friend in and like you received a fine. I ignored the letters and now am upto BW legal stage. And saying about court proceedings if I don't pay can someone please tell me what to do? Do I pay up? I shouldn't ignore it but don't know what to do.
  8. pulled up outside john lennon airport stopped for less than a minute recieved a parking charge notice is this legal ?? help please
  9. Back in February we bought a fridge freezer from our local John Lewis store. We noticed around June that there was an excessive build up of ice on the back of the fridge. We called out the engineer and he said it was normal. He also showed me where the ice goes when it melted. We then noticed in July that the ice was melting and the water was landing/dripping onto food on the shelves beneath it. I sent another email to JL and they arranged for the engineer to return - his response was that because of all the fridge magnets on the front of the fridge door had caused the door to become misaligned, due to the weight of all the magnets, preventing the door from sealing properly! I did have to laugh ! What a pathetic excuse. Ironically, it was the same engineer who came before and hadnt said anything about the magnets then ! Hmmm ! I have now told the store that I am now exercising my rights under the sales of Goods act 1979 to either repair or replace the defective fridge freezer. However, should this fail would I have any redress from the bank as I used my debit card to pay ? How long do you have before you are no longer entitled to claim ? thanks Dean
  10. Mohammed Emwazi has been hunted by security forces every since he began appearing is sick terror videos Live updates on link and i suppose TV everywhere. 99% Certain he is dead. Reports saying they have been tracking him for a while. Security services Monitoring chat to see what is being said. Everything will become clearer as the day goes on. David Cameron to speak later. It is claimed there were 14 airstrikes. A Twitter account linked with local anti-ISIS campaigners have shared insight into the airstrike. #Raqqa Drone Strike on 11:51 PM Targeted a car near Clock tower #ISIS Close all the area not allowed any one to approach #Syria The Prime Minister will be making a public statement on the strike later on today Downing Street working 'hand in glove' with US on ISIS Live updates. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/jihadi-john-live-updates-isis-6823006 Back in September-2015 EXCLUSIVE: 'There's drones in the air!' How paranoid Jihadi John lives in fear of death from above - as revealed by two men who had a terrifying car ride with ISIS knifeman Jihadi John acted as a driver for distinguished visitors to the Islamic State They described the British ISIS executioner as 'aggressive' and 'threatening' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3227891/There-s-drones-air-ISIS-executioner-Jihadi-John-s-fear-death-revealed-men-hid-civilians-Iraqi-football-pitch-avoid-missile-strike.html Dead body of "important British Jihadi" lying in Raqqa hospital The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has released a full statement on claims that a British Jihadi was killed in Raqqa following an airstrike. Rami Abdulrahman, director of the UK-based organisation, did not name Jihadi John however. A car carrying four foreign Islamic State leaders, including one British Jihadi was hit by US air strikes right after the governorate building in Raqqa city. All the sources there are saying that the body of an important British Jihadi is lying in the hospital of Raqqa. All the sources are saying it is of Jihadi John but I cannot confirm it personally. How will spies confirm if Jihadi John is dead? Intercepted communications, human intelligence, photographs and even DNA could confirm that Jihadi John is dead. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/11993401/How-will-spies-confirm-if-Jihadi-John-is-dead.html Jihadi John 'dead': US officials believe Raqqa drone strike killed Mohammed Emwazi Officials have said they are '99 per cent' sure the Isis militant was killed in a drone strike in Raqqa http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/jihadi-john-killed-us-officials-confirm-mohammed-emwazi-is-dead-after-raqqa-drone-strike-a6732741.html Another official speaking to ABC News described the air strike that as a “flawless” and “clean hit” that “evaporated” Emwazi without killing civilians. By the sounds of things there may be only possibilities of DNA that will identify this man. I had better leave things at that for now. The fog of war takes time to clear so you know the facts.
  11. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/man-writes-letter-john-lewis-152212297.html Well done John Lewis
  12. Hi all, Bought a hotpoint tumble dryer from John Lewis back in December 2012. So far I have had no problems. In december 2015 I received a letter (attached ) stating that the model I have TCFG87C6P, is faulty, a fire hazard and needs modification to make it safe to use. Now I have used the machine many times and gone out leaving it on, only now to find out that it could potentially have burnt the house down. Luckily this has not happened. I am aware the product is out of warranty but am I within my rights to request a new tumble dryer from John Lewis, considering that the one they sold me in the first place was never fit for use of more to the point safe to use. Any help much appreciated. Kind Regards BB John lewis tumble dryer indesit_Redacted.pdf
  13. I find this story quite amusing. The Mother has said she was made to feel like a rubbish mum - but instead of a quiet word of complaint to the Manager/Head office - she rushes off to the Newspaper ? Was the store right to ask the Mother and child to leave ?
  14. Hello there and thanks in advance for any help you can give. I have recently bought a Samsung 7000 series TV from JL and have persistently had lip synch issues. I have contacted Samsung and followed all their advice to no avail. I've now been back to JL to ask for a replacement TV and been told that there are non in stock, but 160 expected soon. However, they also say that they won't reserve one for me until they're in stock, and, the expected delivery may already all be sold. My question is, shouldn't existing, defective equipment, be replaced before any new orders are fulfilled? Surely, using their existing policy, I could potentially never get a replacement TV if JL always supply new orders before existing, defective units are addressed. Any helpful advice is gratefully received.
  15. The masked Islamic State militant known as "Jihadi John", who has been pictured in the videos of the beheadings of Western hostages, has been named. He is Mohammed Emwazi, a Kuwaiti-born British man in his mid-20s from west London, who was previously known to British security services. They chose not to disclose his name earlier for operational reasons. Emwazi first appeared in a video last August, when he apparently killed the American journalist James Foley. He was later thought to have been pictured in the videos of the beheadings of US journalist Steven Sotloff, British aid worker David Haines, British taxi driver Alan Henning, and American aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, also known as Peter. Now we need to see the scumbags face
  16. Im wondering if anyone can give any advice regarding Direct Collections Limited. We run a company in Ireland with directors from the UK - Both Directors live in Ireland. The above debt collections company sent us a letter about a supposed debt, but sent this to the parents house of one of the directors in the UK. We publish our company trading addresses on our website, so not sure why they would send letters elsewhere. We sent them an email saying we do not acknowledge this debt and would like to have the debt proven i.e any communications from us, contracts, invoices etc. and any County Court Judgement documents, if any. Today one of the debt collectors "Keith Roriston" from Direct Collections Limited showed up at one of the directors parents houses demanding the debt be paid, he was told repeatedly by the directors mother that the person they were looking for didnt live there and lived in ireland but he wouldnt give up. We called Direct Collections Limited today and tried to speak to one of the "Case Managers" but she was extremely rude and wouldn't acknowledge anything we were saying, and when we asked for an email to us to prove the debt she got irritated and put the phone down on us. We phoned back again and got put back through to her, and again she was rude so we asked for her manager - she tried to refuse saying it wasn't relevant, but then we threatened to call the police and put in a claim of harrassment and she finally put us through to her manager "John Buckley", he said "how am i supposed to know who you say you are" and i said "well obviously im not acknowledging any debt but can confirm the address you currently visited and reference on the letter etc." but again he said he wouldn't divulge any information or discuss the case. If Direct Collections Limited aren't going to engage with us except for harrass parents of one of the directors, how are we supposed to deal with the problem? I just want to clarify, that we are happy to pay any debts we have, we run a purchase order system too to try and track any orders etc.. we have checked emails in relation to the company trying to chase this debt through the debt collection company but cant find anything. Any advice would be appreciated.
  17. John Lewis is to become the first UK electrical retailer to launch a minimum two-year guarantee on all its electrical products at no additional cost. The department store already offers five-year guarantees on TVs, and two-year guarantees on computing, tablets and domestic appliances, but is extending the offer to cover everything electrical from 10 October. Guardian Money has long called for all electrical items to come with a two-year guarantee, as is offered in Europe, but John Lewis is the first retailer to implement this here. The store says that until now more than a third of its electrical items came with the standard one-year guarantee common at most of its rivals. Many washing machines and dishwashers offered by some of the better European manufacturers, such as Bosch, automatically come with a two-year manufacturer's warranty here, irrespective of where you buy them. At most high street electrical retailers, such as Currys, the products on sale all come with a one-year warranty, except where the manufacturer offers two or more. Stores will often try to sell customers lucrative three and five-year extended warranty plans, which can cost £100 a year. John Lewis's Ed Connolly says: "There is a lack of transparency across electricals guarantees. The vast majority of consumers don't understand guarantees and are frustrated by the complexity that surrounds them. Our mission is to bring the John Lewis level of excellence and trust to electricals guarantees, which is why we're introducing a minimum two-year guarantee on all our products at no extra cost." http://www.theguardian.com/money/2013/oct/05/john-lewis-two-year-electricals-guarantee
  18. In December 2011, I bought online a £600 washer dryer with a year warranty from John Lewis. In October 2011 the machine broke down and as the engineer sent by John Lewis could repair it, we were advise to exchange it with a similar product from their online website. In November 2012, we decided to pick a new washer dryer that was £60 more expensive than the original one. When ordering the machine, the outstanding payment was taken over the phone and we were advised that the payment went through and nothing else was required. The machine was then replaced and we were overall very happy with the exchange procedure. In February 2013, we received an email from John Lewis requesting us to contact them back in relation to a declined payment from our bank to refund an outstanding payment £660. In their response to my enquiry email, I was then advised that, in mid January a full refund of the original washer dryer had been processed back into my payment card. Then they tried to bill me the £660 for the new machine but were unable to obtain an authorisation from the bank. So, now I had to contact them back in order to settle the outstanding payment. Checking my bank statement and then noticed that £660 had been transferred from John Lewis which it arrived pretty much on the same time as my salary. Unfortunately, I genuinely spent it during that period as I was on holiday for a month in Thailand and didn’t check my bank statements. On my last email, I explained that I didn’t understand the reason why they had refunded the money back as everything had been sorted back in November when the washer dryer was exchanged. I also advised them that I had since spent all the money and requested them to advise me on fair solution for both parties. I offered to may the payment in instalments but I never heard anything back. No emails no calls. Today, I received a new email requesting me to settle the outstanding payment. They advised me that if I don’t settle the full amount, they are going to send the debt to a Bailiff company. I realise its their money, but I find the sequence of events unusual. So in summary, washer dryer was exchanged in November 2012. They called me and I settled the outstanding amount on the phone. 2 - 3 months later they refunded the full amount for the washer dryer. They then tried to get authorisation to get the same amount back from my account, which my bank refused. They then emailed me a month after that requesting the full amount. I spent the money and couldnt settle. I offered to pay in instalments, however I never heard anything back. I've offered to pay in monthly instalments again, but they are saying I need to settle in full or they will send my debt to the bailiffs.. What do I do?
  19. I am currently in dispute with john lewis i bought a miele wahsine machine from them a year ago if flooded my kitchen a month ago i asked for it to be taken back they agreed but have refused to pay for damage. i have provided photos of damage new carpet need new laminate flooring and frnch polisher for the doors. i have pre actioned smaill claims against them.this runs out on te 2st of december which i will have to take them to court. they have now asked for a engineers report for them to come to my house or when it is taken back immediately.Because of the damage to the kitchen by the machine the cost of this means we cant afford a new machine until john lewis pay us for the damage.There cooker has failed so it has now been agreed they will take back dishwasher washing machine and cooker. total nightmare
  20. I spent a long time online and then instore researching what tumble dryer to buy. I personally like buying from John Lewis as their after care is so good customer service wise. I went in to John Lewis yesterday and asked for advice about tumble dryers and a nice man explained how condensor dryers worked, how they are emptied, and the filter care etc. and in the end I chose one I'd like most online too, it was priced £3 less than my budget so was pushing my limit but I liked the model. It was out of stock however as it is their most popular model according to the man so he printed me out the info on it so I could keep an eye out online and order it from home when it came back in stock which he said would not be long. This morning I wake up and check online and low and behold they have tons in stock (well more than 10 is what it always says!) but the price has leapt up another £53 in one go taking it way over my budget. I google the model and find hundreds of stores selling it cheaper, in fact John Lewis is now by far the dearest place selling it. I print out the Currys website page as they are selling it at the price quoted in John Lewis yesterday and phone John Lewis assuming they will price match as I thought that's what they did. Of course another bonus about John Lewis is for all large appliances they offer a free second year guarantee, and for all TV's they offer five years guarantee. Another reason to buy there. I'm then told they only price match if everything being offered is exactly the same, so they would only offer a price match on this tumble dryer if it came with two years guarantee as it does at John Lewis. As far as I am aware, John Lewis is the only retailer to offer a free second year guarantee on all large appliances, so it's not going to be possible to find exactly the same deal for any large appliance, so does this extra second year guarantee render the price promise worthless really as they have given themselves a free pass to charge what they like for their appliances?
  21. I don't know whether I am in the right forum, apologies if not. I bought a Garmin Nuvi Satav from John Lewis and purchased their extended warranty for the 3 years. For some months before this ran out it was taking 10 minutes to turn on which was annoying but we coped as it still worked once it did turn on. I have mental health issues and find communication difficult due to extreme social anxiety and am registered disabled under mental health. Eventually though before the warranty expired I contacted the JL extended warranty company and they collected the SatNav to repair it. It came back but though it would turn on straight away so the original fault seemed fixed, it turned itself off every couple of minutes which rendered it useless if someone else wasn't in the car to reset it as obviously the driver can't do it. It went back again, and again came back with the same fault. It went back a 3rd time and they considered replacing it but decided to repair it. Unfortunately when it was returned I was extremely unwell and didn't leave the house and so it was over a month before I was able to try it out and it still has the same fault repeatedly turning off every few minutes rendering it useless. So from the moment I sent it off with a fault, it has never worked and in fact is in a worse state than when I sent it off originally as at least once the 10 minutes start up time was over it worked ok. I have contacted the extended warranty company and they say too much time has elapsed and they won't now repair it. The extended warranty then appears to have been useless and it has not worked since I sent it off originally the first time. Do I have any rights, or because I left it so long before checking the 3rd repair was successful, have I lost all those rights? I can't afford a new one so this is my only hope. What a waste of money that £39 extended warranty was!
  22. I signed a franchise aggreement (unfortunately) and I would like to know if the : personal guarantee`s that was included is legal, if it was not witnessed, at the time of signing, and their is no provision for a witnesses signature, is there a set format for this, and could it be deemed invalid and/or, not binding? when is a deed not a deed? Your advice would be welcome. Thanks!
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