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Found 16 results

  1. Nearly 180 employers named and shamed for underpaying thousands of minimum wage workers READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/nearly-180-employers-named-and-shamed-for-underpaying-thousands-of-minimum-wage-workers
  2. Hello, (Please excuse me if this has been posted in the wrong section). I recently found out I have a CCJ against my name and credit record etc. However the debt isn't mine, it is my Dad's, but we have the same name. I took a mobile phone contract out with Orange a few years ago (2010 my first contract), after a while I set up another mobile phone contract under my account for my Dad. After his two year contract passed EE (was Orange) contacted him for an upgrade, which he accepted but requested that the number and contract be severed from my account and a new one set up under his own name and details, which at the time EE said they could do so. Six months later my Dad's contract was cancelled and the debt defaulted. I only found this out a further three months later (November 15') when I tried switching from Orange (My contract was still under Orange) to O2 but they withheld my number transfer because of this unpaid debt. This is when we found out EE hadn't set up a new separate account for my Dad and kept the two mobile contracts under my account. When I tried to resolve this with EE they already sold the debt on to a collection agency. I left this with my Dad to rectify and repay. Fast forward to July 16' and the original debt collection agency had passed the debt onto another collection agency, and these guys sent notification of an application for a CCJ. During this time my Dad was recovering from severe health problems and ignored all these letters, thinking they were for him when in actual fact they had been for me. I only found this out when I applied for a small ( The judgement was made in my absence in August 16' as no defence was submitted. I contacted the County Court earlier this month stating this isn't my debt it is my Dad's, they referred us back to the debt collection agencies who then referred us back to EE who then referred us back to the debt collection agencies who referred us back to the County Court and the cycle continues. This CCJ should be for my Dad not me, we have no problem paying off the debt sum (around £580) but if I agree a payment and a certificate of satisfaction, the CCJ will still be on my credit record when it shouldn't be there it should be on my Dad's and I need the Court to change this. Now I know I've missed the deadline to submit a defence and ask for a set aside, but I am aware I can still apply for a set aside (sooner rather than later) so I can submit my defence on this CCJ (pretty much what I've wrote above) but my concern is paying for this application (an N244 form?) and it being rejected and having this CCJ on my record when it doesn't belong to me and affectively pausing my future for the next six years. I've been in regular contact with the debt collection agency and I would like to see if they'd agree to a set aside too as they're aware of the situation, the debt should be assigned to my Dad not me, but they may not agree to it which makes it a bit trickier with the County Court if they reject it too. I'm just looking for advice from anyone who has been in a similar situation, whether or not a CCJ can be changed to a different person (even if that person admits it is their debt)? Is the outlook of my next six years bleak? How do I pay the N244(?) form when I send it to the County Court? I appreciate your time reading the above and any feedback is most welcome, Thank you.
  3. A new trade analysis reveals the scale of Britain’s role in the international ivory trade Britain was the world’s largest exporter of legal ivory between 2010 and 2015, a breakdown of records held by the Convention on international trade in endangered species (Cites) has revealed. Not only did the UK export more ivory than anyone else to Hong Kong and China – which are considered smuggling hubs for “blood ivory” - it also sold on 370% more ivory than the next highest exporter, the USA. The new trade analysis, which is being released ahead of World Elephant Day on Saturday, will embarrass the government https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/aug/10/uk-named-as-worlds-largest-legal-ivory-exporter Tories quietly ditch manifesto promise to ban bloodthirsty ivory trade that kills thousands of elephants a year Prince William has backed calls for a ban on ivory sales, saying he is “not prepared to be part of a generation that lets these iconic species disappear from the wild”. https://davidshepherd.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Letter-to-the-Telegraph.pdf committed to ‘press for a total ban on ivory sales’. But while we wait for them to act on it, since 2010 up to 200,000 elephants have lost their lives to the brutal ivory trade across Africa alone . The UK is trailing behind China, the USA and even war-torn South Sudan in taking domestic action to follow through on the manifesto pledges. China is honouring its pledge to end their domestic ivory trade in 2017. https://davidshepherd.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Letter-to-the-Telegraph.pdf Elevents - World Elephant Day Elephants have a special place in our hearts at Myakka and feature on a wide range of our designs, ... Date: World Elephant Day, Saturday, August 12, 2017 http://worldelephantday.org/events
  4. Royal Bank of Scotland has been ranked bottom out of more than 30 rivals for customer satisfaction, despite pledges by the bailed out bank to improve its battered reputation. The survey, carried out by consumer group Which? between September 2015 and January 2016, asked more than 20,000 people how satisfied they were with their current account, savings account, credit card and mortgage provider. As well as placing RBS last, the results put NatWest (which is owned by RBS) in the bottom 10 alongside Barclays, Bank of Scotland (part of Lloyds Banking Group) and Clydesdale, which was recently listed on the stock market. Lloyds is tenth from the bottom. Which? said the gap between RBS at the bottom and First Direct, owned by HSBC, at the top was 21 percentage points, illustrating the battle faced by the 73%-taxpayer owned bank. The consumer group published the survey as part of its campaign to encourage the Competition and Markets Authority to rethink its ongoing investigation into the banking sector. Which? is concerned the competition watchdog is too focused on encouraging customers to move between providers rather than on dealing with the way banks treat their customers and charge for overdrafts. More
  5. This feels a little awful as my mother is alive and kicking albeit in her 90s but I have never dealt with a will - everything was in joint names when my father died so there was no "estate". There will be little when my mother does "go home" as she delightfully describes it but I would rather sort it out liaising with my brother to ensure there are no debts! (He is abroad) I have just read an article which says you do not need to use the solicitor named as the executor but feel I know so little about this and wonder where I would start. I wonder if someone could help just so I know the first steps and am not anxious when (she says she will live to 103) we get to this point.
  6. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/minimum-wage-list-employers-failed-to-pay-staff-businesses-a7185356.html About time. These all appear to be small businesses though.
  7. Just need some advice. Insured on Audi A3 as a named driver on policy with Co-operative insurance from 2010-2013. Cooperative state that you can use the named driver no-claims to your own policy and would turn into full no-claims bonus after a year, so 3 years named driver no claims + 1 year no claims on own police = 4 years Real No claims bonus. Bought my own car in 2013, got a quote with the 3 years named driver no-claims, came to £3200. Got a quote from admiral, with 0 years no claims, £843 on my own policy. Obviously a no brainer and took admiral insurance, and have been with them for almost two years now. I now Have 2 years real no-claims bonus, is there anyway to get CIS to convert that previous 3-years named driver no claims as they were essentially holding it hostage unless I paid over the odds for insurance(£3200).
  8. Hi all, My son is disabled and gets higher rate care and mobility DLA. It is in my husband's name - i.e. all correspondence goes to him. He was claiming carers allowance but we have recently separated. Carers allowance has been stopped. Can I claim carer's allowance for my son even though the DLA is claimed by my husband? The DLA money goes into my account to use as I see fit for our son.
  9. The masked Islamic State militant known as "Jihadi John", who has been pictured in the videos of the beheadings of Western hostages, has been named. He is Mohammed Emwazi, a Kuwaiti-born British man in his mid-20s from west London, who was previously known to British security services. They chose not to disclose his name earlier for operational reasons. Emwazi first appeared in a video last August, when he apparently killed the American journalist James Foley. He was later thought to have been pictured in the videos of the beheadings of US journalist Steven Sotloff, British aid worker David Haines, British taxi driver Alan Henning, and American aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, also known as Peter. Now we need to see the scumbags face
  10. Good evening all. I would greatly appreciate any guidance on this as its stressing me out beyond words. My health is not fantastic at the moment and i am having to take numerous medications. In Sept 2005 i had some windows from Crystal windows. The man who came to do the financial forms etc asked if any one was on the mortgage with me, and i told him my Mother was, he took her details and address, saying it was his companies policy to do so. I made it quite clear to him that my Mother had nothing to do with the loan. She does not live with me, but somewhere else. The loan agreement went through and the windows were done. i received letters from Black Horse and they had my Mothers name on, i contacted them to be told the loan was in my Mother's name! I asked them how that was possible when i had signed and filled in the forms. they would not have it. i took all the paperwork i had to their local office, and they said they would sort it out. They never did and the office closed down. This was 8 years ago and the problem is still going on. I have been paying the loan from my bank, since then. Even though it is in my Mother's name. Recently i was hospitalised with a suspected Brain Tumour and was off work for 6 weeks and unable to pay this loan, they have sent a letter saying they will put a default on my Mothers credit report. She is elderly and very upset by all this. I have repeatedly contacted Black Horse, and both my Mother and i have sent in copies of our signatures and my paperwork. They sent me back paperwork for the loan that is quite different from my copies. they still insist my Mother took out the loan! I contacted Crystal Windows to see if they could help. I was told that the loan did go through in my name but was refused, then put through in my Mothers name! How can they do that! My Mother did not sign anything! It would seem the man who did the papers, afraid he would lose his commission, put the papers through in my Mother's name, and changed the initial in front of my signature to match her name. We share the same surname. I asked for contact details for the man that came but was told they had none for him as it was over 6 years ago. Black Horse want me to report it to the police but i have no name or details for this man. Also it is clear this man forged the forms, as Black Horse have copies of 2 direct debit mandates, one in my name, signed and filled in by me, and another with my Mother's name and filled in by someone else, not by my Mother, with my bank details. It is quite plain to see the writing is nothing like mine. This is becoming a nightmare, as the loan is mine, with my signature, but with my mother's name and my address. Can i go to court and have this cancelled as non executable as the details are all wrong? And would i have to do it as i signed for the loan, or my Mother as her name is on it? Many thanks.
  11. Hi Needing advice here for a good mate. He has been subject to a breach of confidentiality by persons at his work and details of his medical condition and treatment have been leaked causing rumours and malicious talk. He is devastated but working on as there appears no option. He received a letter of apology and admission of the breach from the firm. In it, one of the employees named denied wrongdoing and named members of the public/relations of my friend as being the source. They have been named in several reports as having been the source of part of the breach, but were never contacted or informed to supply any facts. In order to keep his job, this employee pinned the blame on members of the public thinking they would never find out. The persons involved were shown the report by my friend and are furious as they have done nothing wrong but named as being the cause. This employee has caused so much damage and ill feeling and the firm appears to believe him and the lies. Where does my friend and his relative/friend stand here? He isnt interested in compensation, he just wants to ensure the truth is outed. The members of the public can trace the breach back to the employee. Is there anything that can be done to clear their names and get the truth out there? Cheers on behalf of my mate.
  12. My wife was very good friends with an elderly neighbour for many years. In the last few she got ill and my wife looked after her when she could, sadly she had to go into a home where she was happy until she passed away. While having a conversation with my wife she showed her that she had altered her will to show that some of her estate will go to my wife as well as other relatives. My wife was shocked, but the neighbour said it was something she wanted to do. Anyhow now she has died (early Dec last year) we are not sure if the will has been read or what the situation is. She had sold her house and as far as we know did not have any debts. My wife does not want to seem like a money-grabber and does not want to get involved but i think if it is something that she wanted to give to my wife then she should be happy to accept it. How long should it be before my wife hears anything?,. I have read it can take a long or short time and is it worth getting in touch with the solicitor to see if the will has been settled. Is there any way we can find out ?
  13. Help needed CAggers! I've got a situation on my hand that I need some advice with - I'm a tenant and have been for a few years under a periodic tenancy or month to month. I receive housing allowance and have paid that to the landlord in excess for the years that I've been in residency. The landlord is saying that I owe arrears however, based on the lease we signed when I moved in, the rent I pay the landlord is far in excess to the lease. The landlord wants to serve me notice to say that I am arrears (a section 8) but he claims he wants my employers to pay the arrears as my housing allowance is given to me by them. I find this proposed action a bit of a threat, considering my lease is not signed by my employers but by me! I have already written a LBA but he just keeps harping onthat my housing allowance increase is a rent increase! What do I do now? Serve a claim for my money? All attempts at negotiating has failed.
  14. Hi Folks, Just a general query. I work for an agency on behalf of several customers siting products in several chain stores. For one of these companies we are apparently supposed to site extra wherever we can even without store permission. At the same time as doing this we are also accredited for working within these stores and abiding by their work practises, i.e. sticking to their plan. We have now been informed that those of us who do not gain extra products are to be "Named and Shamed", placed on a "Wall of Shame" and classed as Worst Offenders. If we do not improve then we will then be spoken too. Just wondering if the use of these terms on official emails is allowed.
  15. Hi Caggers, I need some advice on statement of educational needs. Can I change the named school in my child's statement or will I need to ask for him to be re-assessed? It has been 9 months since his last review and 4 years since I actually named a school in his statement.
  16. Commissioner names firms over 'nuisance' marketing calls http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20348373 G
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