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Found 3 results

  1. The coroner was so alarmed that.. His report was sent to the FCA 12 months ago, but its existence was only uncovered by Disability News Service this week.
  2. This looks horrendous. http://www.croydonadvertiser.co.uk/Bailiff-inadvertantly-recorded-attacking-woman/story-26657418-detail/story.html
  3. Help needed CAggers! I've got a situation on my hand that I need some advice with - I'm a tenant and have been for a few years under a periodic tenancy or month to month. I receive housing allowance and have paid that to the landlord in excess for the years that I've been in residency. The landlord is saying that I owe arrears however, based on the lease we signed when I moved in, the rent I pay the landlord is far in excess to the lease. The landlord wants to serve me notice to say that I am arrears (a section 8) but he claims he wants my employers to pay the arrears as my housing allowance is given to me by them. I find this proposed action a bit of a threat, considering my lease is not signed by my employers but by me! I have already written a LBA but he just keeps harping onthat my housing allowance increase is a rent increase! What do I do now? Serve a claim for my money? All attempts at negotiating has failed.
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