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  1. Ignoring the teenagers nationality, the differing perspective of the presented headlines will undoubtedly mirror the differing views on how this person and issue should be addressed. The guardian reports “I just want to get away from here,” she was quoted as saying. “I want to get away from the war, from the many weapons, from the noise.” She added: “I just want to go home to my family.” The media outlets said the teenager had told them she regretted joining Isis, wanted to be extradited to Germany and would cooperate with authorities. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/24/home-linda-wenzel-german-teenager-joined-isis-speaks-of-regrets Whereas is Australia " schoolgirl turned IS bride Linda Wenzel could face trial ... after reportedly admitting to killing Iraqi soldiers after she was tracked down hiding in a tunnel "She took her mum’s credit card and flew from Berlin to Turkey before making her way to the so-called caliphate." 'An anonymous officer in Iraq’s elite counter terrorism unit told The Telegraph said she was a sniper for ISIS. He said: “We found her with a gun in her hand next to her Chechen husband, who was killed by Iraqi forces in a firefight. She said she had killed a number of our men in the battle. http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/captured-german-schoolgirl-turned-is-bride-linda-wenzel-turned-bride-could-face-trial/news-story/ec6f02d34e262d08eca341ae31831abc My opinion is on the harsh side, but in my opinion befits the crimes I'll bet she just wants to go home. Now I'm on the side that says she should be tried in Iraq and face punishment there. ANYONE who left their countries to become part of ISIS should be tried in the country they went to. Anyone who went 'to help civilians' should be able to prove they were part of MSF, the red cross, crescent cross or some other international recognised aid organisation Before anyone says ah but she's now a mother, the child is innocent: I agree, but the Mother clearly has charges to answer and if found guilty then given the circumstances the child could be in danger in her care. Whether the child is then returned to the mother, the mothers family, the fathers family, or taken into care and where, is for professionals to decide.
  2. Help....worried sick mum here....and a newbie to this site, please tell me if I've forgotten anything on this post..... My daughter (age 16) was really stupid in July and tried to shoplift from Boots, she was stopped (thankfully - believe me lesson learnt - why does it always have to be the hard way?), the police were called who in turn called us. They had a 'discussion' with my very distraught daughter in front of me but said they wouldn't charge her and that this would be the end of the matter (before I got there they had already tried to calm her down telling here there would be no further action as she was falling to pieces).... As soon as the police left the security guard said that RLP would be making a claim (he didn't mention this once when the police were saying that there would be no further action taken and waited for them to leave), he pulled out a piece of paperwork and worked out what the amount would be (the goods taken were under 19.99, undamaged and recovered), so it was about £130.00. That evening I looked on your site and discovered the delights of RLP's reputation and waited for the letter. It has now arrived.... The amount they claim she attempted to take is way more than reality therefore the compensation cost has gone up (I believe they are set in brackets of value?). They have written a letter in a very 'you need to take responsibility for what you did' naughty girl way (believe me the police and we have utterly made sure she has taken responsibility) The letter is very much worded aimed at a juvenile, my guess is they got rapped on the knuckles for sending out scary letters to minors??? Otherwise the rest of it is pretty much what others have said in the past that they got from RLP, the problem though is that I can't find any recent threads. . is the advice still the same as in, write to them and say 'any liability to you or any company that you represent is denied' or have things changed? She would pay it off (slowly - she earns a pittance), I n fact she says that's what she deserves for being so stupid and disrespectful but I am worried that if she does it could show on a DBS check which she needs for work as well as me really being disgusted with the underhand way in which they dealt with this.. .(make no mistake I am totally disgusted at what my daughter did in the first place - just felt I needed to clarify that)
  3. The coroner was so alarmed that.. His report was sent to the FCA 12 months ago, but its existence was only uncovered by Disability News Service this week.
  4. Xercise4less opened a gym in our neighbourhood at the end of winter / early spring this year. Before the gym was opened, a group of people was selling membership in the shopping centre the gym is located in. My 14 yo daughter (who has a junior bank account) signed in. After the gym was opened, she tried to use it, but they refused her to enter, as she was underage. My daughter went to Xercise4less gym with mother and they filled canceling form. Recently my daughter found that she saved less pocket money than she was expecting to. The culprit is Harlands, that I now found is doing admin stuff for Xercise4less. They charge her account £14.99 each month. I believe they should not only cancel her membership but also return sign-up fee and monthly payments they gathered so far, at least. Reading other posts we have not disabled DD yet. What is the best course of action? Unfortunately, I have no dates, my daughter did not receive any paperwork nor proof of canceling form submission, but it seems this is typical for a cunny marketing practices of Xercise4less and Harland. £14.99 monthly is a lot of money for some teenagers (and is for my daughter). Xercise4less & Harlands practices are simply disgusting.
  5. Oh dear. Only days after Apple released OS X 10.10.5, fixing a host of security flaws, a further serious (and as yet unpatched) vulnerability has been made public, by an Italian teenager who says he researches security holes in his spare time. Luca Todesco has released details of a zero-day vulnerability in OS X 10.9.5 and OS X 10.10.5, the latest shipping version of Apple's desktop and laptop operating system. According to MacIssues, the problem identified by Todesco lies in how OS X handles NULL pointers in programs, opening an opportunity for malicious code to bypass the operating system's defences. Fortunately, the attack does depend upon unsuspecting users downloading and agreeing to execute malicious code on their computer — although, as we all know, malicious hackers are experts at using social engineering and compelling lures to trick the unwary into making unwise decisions. Some have already criticised 18-year-old Todesco for making available proof-of-concept code that exploits the unpatched OS X vulnerability, but on Twitter he appears to be unrepentant: Follow Luca Todesco @qwertyoruiop "considering filing a lawsuit against Todesco for his gross negligence in releasing the how-to for this exploit" - guns don't kill people 12:12 AM - 17 Aug 2015 10 10 Retweets 16 16 favorites Once again, I'm inclined to believe that Apple might get more assistance from independent vulnerability researchers if it were to offer a financial reward for the responsible disclosure of bugs, rather than take its current — somewhat aloof — approach. It remains to be seen whether Apple will release a patch for this latest vulnerabilities, or attempt to wait until OS X 10.11 El Capitan ships (the beta version reportedly already thwarts this particular attack). Personally, my hope is that they will do the right thing and protect users of their current official shipping version rather than leave them in the lurch until they are ready to upgrade. Meanwhile, the Thunderstrike 2 vulnerability continues to remain unpatched by Apple. One hopes that the fix for that — like Todesco's zero-day vulnerability — will be coming sooner rather than later. Apple, please get the bugs fixed. Then sort out your relationship with the vulnerability researchers. Link
  6. Hello. I'm looking for some advice please. I can see that there are several posts regarding RLP but I didn't see any with minors and a search brings up hundreds of posts:!:. My 17 year old daughter and her friend were caught shoplifting in a large well known store. The friend ran off but my daughter went to court last month. She has since received a letter from RLP saying that "their client" wants a three figure amount as a contribution towards losses. The letter spans two pages plus another two with questions and answers. It states that the money requested covers a "substantial period" where the staff were disrupted by "vigilantly observing all actions and apprehending, detaining and interviewing everyone in relation to the incident" Which i thought was the security guards job... Also the contribution () is "to follow all recording, reporting and back office procedures in relation to and the other individuals actions and the goods involved" Not sure I understand that at all... And finally "time taken in advising police and crime partnerships in relation to the incident for the detection and prevention of crime. The incident also gives rise to administration costs and maintaining systems to deal with this incident." When I first read the letter I thought they couldn't do anything as it had already been to court and had been dealt with but I rang the solicitors that my daughter had used this morning to double check. They were concerned and asked me to go in as soon as I could. They arranged an appointment for this afternoon and told me to also look at the CAB website or phone them. I rang them and they told me that they couldn't advise me and I needed to go to a solicitor. The solicitor read through the letter and told me that we need to respond to it asap. She said we needed to explain that we had sought legal advice but that we needed more time as Christmas is approaching. She said she could then look into how to defend it. I queried the cost at this point and she didn't reply but said as it's a civil matter we couldn't get legal aid. She said if I wanted to cut the cost I could call RLP myself and she also said to tell them that my daughter has no income and would not be able to pay any amount and this would leave us, her parents, having to pay (which the way the letter reads, they wouldn't care about either way as long as they got the money.) She said as I left that she would contact me with further information but stated I should not ignore the letter or I will have bailiffs visit who she said aren't nice people. So, can anyone advise where we stand? From the posts I've read on here, I shouldn't respond but the solicitor is telling me I should respond quickly before the 21 day deadline. I forgot to add that the solicitor also said that if we don't pay any amount we were likely to incur fines and charges and also that my daughter would go to court again and receive a CCJ which would affect her credit rating.
  7. Sorry if this thread post is too long! I believe it is worth it though as people have said that it is of use to them to fully understand the case! Also, I do not condone what has been stated below. Hi, I am new to this forum but looking forward to being a more active member as I believe there is a lot of wrong in society nowadays! This thread post relates to myself and I am asking for no-one to judge me for my actions. In the end, everyone makes mistakes in life. Also, this is my very first offence and something that I consider minor too. So, the story is below: Just over a week ago, me and my family decided to pop into TK Maxx to have a look around. We all split our usual ways to just browse around. Now, me and my brothers were just playing around (out of boredom) some games that we usually play in a place like TK Maxx (such as finding the highest priced item in a type of item) as we do as kids/teenagers. Me and one of my brothers came across an item. It was a chain that came attached to a wallet. I didn't notice this but my brother did at first. He decided to take the chain from the wallet. (I'm solely not putting the blame on him.) I promptly did the same. (I am not blaming my younger brother here and accept what I did was wrong!) We then just walked around the store with the chains in our pockets. My brothers then decided to get some elastic bands and leave the store to play another game with them. Now, shortly afterwards, an in-store detective came out and told us to go back in, to the back room. We acted accordingly and they did their job of asking us to present the items we had in possession, got our parent in to the room, get us to admit. (All of this was done properly after researching what these people are allowed to do etc. thanks to this forum.) They did not search us and did not use threatening/aggressive behaviour and so wasn't acting unlawfully. In fact, they were quite authoritative but understood our case. (As closest as I can explain it.) No police were involved as the people gave us the option to admit or get the police involved. (This was considerate of them!) In the end, both of us got a ban, signed a ban notice and we got informed that Civil Recovery would be used. (For other people investigating, as far as I'm concerned, I didn't see any Civil Recovery posters around the store but there was one in the back room that we were shown.) I didn't pay attention to reading it though. Now today, as you may now guess, I have now received an expected letter from the famous company RLP(!) As far as I'm concerned, the letter uses the standardised template that others have received as victims. The letter contains the usual text with the costs split up into the usual four categories totalling a "fixed" pricing charge of £137.50 that I believe that many others have received. However, I have the option to pay £110.00 within the first 21 days before the usual further action takes place. As with my deep research, I understand that juveniles cannot be taken to court unless they have a litigation friend appointed. I am also aware that RLP still has a pending Consumer Credit License requested etc. My parents have decided for me to try to negotiate with RLP (which I know isn't going to work with other people's stories) or to take them to court. Also, my brother who also got caught hasn't received one yet (hope he doesn't) as he is only 13. If he does, he will be the youngest to get a RLP letter in the country. (The CAB report states age 14 was the youngest since the report in late 2009.) Other notes are that I'm currently a student at college and not in any form of employment. I am of previous good character with no criminal convictions etc. I had no intention of entering the store to just steal something! I'm also aware of the Data Protection Act but can anyone please advise me further on this, I'd be happy. Plus, I'm currently studying Law as one of my A-Levels and so have a rough view of things. (I now understand that I could have jeopardised the chance of a Law career if I decided to continue Law! I might do though now, thanks to RLP and their greediness!) I have also learnt many things including that taking an item off of a product that is meant to be part of it is considered shoplifting, especially when the security guards/staff can only prove this after waiting for people to leave the store. Now, deciding to take this up on my own (for now), I want your advice! I deeply resent what I have done and will never do it again! I have also decided to be as detailed as possible to make things clear to you guys. The first thing I'm considering is to go to my local Citizens Advice Bureau as soon as possible. What do you guys think? (I also have the banning notice and RLP letter at hand, just in case you guy want to have a look at it upon request.) I hope that my case will guide others in the future, put RLP to shame with their ridiculous, out-of-proportion damages costs and thanks in advance to all. I don't believe that even juveniles like myself who have committed something like this should be pressurised into paying a huge amount of money for something that was so small in terms of costs. I will be fully co-operative.
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