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Found 11 results

  1. F-35 jet cleared for Carrier take-off, Defence Minister tells Select Committee READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/f-35-jet-and-new-batch-of-uk-pilots-cleared-for-carrier-take-off-defence-minister-tells-select-committee
  2. Hi All, Hoping for some advice. I have today received a county court letter issued on behalf of a claimant called ME III Limited in regards to a very old loan with Blackhorse Finance from 2006. If memory is correct this loan was paid off back in 2010/2011 (it had previously fallen into arrears). this was paid via an ex partners bank who now lives in Australia so I have no way of verifying this with her. I have had no contact with any company relating to this debt since this period, and if in the event it hadn't been cleared as advised, I believe this would be Statute Barred due to the time period. I have checked Noddle and Clear score and neither have any record of this debt. How am I best to respond to this without proof of payment? Should I respond to the claim online stating it had been cleared or at least should be statute barred or should I contact the claimant solicitors with this information and a statute barred letter template for good measure? Would be grateful for any advice.
  3. I have a few debts with Robbers Way and I want them cleared off. Really fed up to back teeth of dealing with them. A friend of mine will kindly borrow me the money and I would sooner pay her than these vultures. Debts I have is an overdraft which Santander closed back in 2010. I have been on a repayment plan offering them £5 ever since. Paid each month and on time. Current balance around £1,200 A credit card which is about £300.00 again similar arrangement. Now what do I offer them? I am on benefits.....I did offer £100.00 and told me NO before. Is there any formula i could use to determine what I pay and ask for help off my friend for. I do want to keep it low as possible but I want these now off my back. Any advice on what to offer...and if they reject it what to do>?
  4. The coroner was so alarmed that.. His report was sent to the FCA 12 months ago, but its existence was only uncovered by Disability News Service this week.
  5. I have a letter from CSS.. They want money for DWP, not sure what it could be, I had a DRO that went through and i think it could be related to that? I know that it's best not to call them or speak on phone, what do I do now? Could they be potentially messing my credit score up (what's left of it)?? Thanks.
  6. I have been helping a friend over the past few months. They were struggling financially and asked for my help. They had been aware that I often post in various forums on CAG. But did not ask for my help until it was almost too late. The debt was a credit card from 02/02. Defaulted in 2007. Since I started to help them in early January '14 and I have written just 9 letters and 11 calls (recorded). Today I got an email from my friend stating that the account is now closed and will be marked as satisfied on their credit file, plus a nice amount of cash left in credit that was refunded by cheque... The debt was over £2.5k and had seen many DCA's trying their luck. Without success. The result can be seen in my attachment which has been redacted. The reason for this post is to let new posters know the advice given on CAG can and does work, if you follow this advice you too could sort out your debts. You may not get the same result as I did but if you don't lay down and be trampled over by the banks and DCA's then you can get in control of your debts. Letters sent were CCA SAR formal complaint official complaint a few others a LBA and finally a thank you letter lol
  7. Coronation Street actor William Roache has been cleared of rape and indecent assault charges by a jury. Mr Roache, 81, of Wilmslow, Cheshire, was found not guilty of two rapes and four indecent assaults after a trial at Preston Crown Court. Five women had claimed he assaulted them when they were aged 16 or under between 1965 and 1971. Outside court, he said: "In these situations there are no winners... we should be much kinder to ourselves." He added: "If you'll excuse me, I need to get back to work." BBC News ... I never thought he was guilty. I think mainly it was the cry of rape twice, if someone raped you, why would you go back again. As the article says, no credible evidence.
  8. My son got himself in debt with wonga and had agreed a repayment programme with them of £40 per month. He thought the arrangement was set for the end of every month and had been paying since November, This month they tried to take the money on the 25th and the money was not in there, pay day is the last friday of every month so the cash went in today. They took £227 everything in the bank leaving him with nothing to live on, he rang them and they were very unhelpful saying they e mailed him on the 25th saying the payments were 4 weekly so they would not give the money back . Is there anything we can do to get the money back? He phoned the bank and they said he has to leave it 14 days before they can step in to try and get the money, what is the likely hood they will succeed?
  9. I had a loan from CFO for £510 in 2012 and due to financial problems I have used a search engine to look for a small payday loan last month. This referred me to CFO Lending so I cancelled the application. My monthly wages went into the bank today and CFO Lending have taken 14 payments as follows; 1 x £510 1 x £249.90 7 x £42.84 5 x £46.41 Total = £1291.83 I never gave CFO Lending the bank details for this account but after a number of calls to Lloyds Bank (my bank) and being advised to call them was told they took the bank card details from this new application (which I did not make to them and did tick do not pass on my details). 1. CFO Lending have refused to refund any part of the monies taken without authorisation. 2. The bank are saying they cannot do anything until the funds have cleared next week (they are currently lodged for and pending) This means I have lost a day off work trying to sort this, we cannot pay any bills and have no food money this month. Anyone come across this and is there anything else I can do. Called bank, trading standards and FCA (got cut off from FCA though)
  10. Hello, firstly, I've messed up big time, though circumstances and ilness I'm in a predicament. I had some bank charges from HSBC. About £2000. I didn't deal with it and it went to court and they got judement against me. They then put a charge against my house and now I have had a letter from the court saying that unless I pay the now £3250 they will send the bailiffs. Which will add more to the debt. I'm not in a position to pay the whole lot, but I can pay a few hundred, maybe more. Please can someone suggest the route to take and help me write letters. Thank you, Desperate Sue
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