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Found 2 results

  1. F-35 jet cleared for Carrier take-off, Defence Minister tells Select Committee READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/f-35-jet-and-new-batch-of-uk-pilots-cleared-for-carrier-take-off-defence-minister-tells-select-committee
  2. I have written complaint to my local council that I haven't received few letters from them including one with PIN to 'Council Online' and other decision including some of my data and informations that if missed could bring further negative consequences. In response I have received letter through encrypted [?] means [egress]. It says that I should contact RoyalMail and chase why letters are not getting to me. Am I right that it is Council that is in the contract with RM and it's their job to find out what is going on and they trying to fob me off? What do you reckon I should do next? If I'm right that is. Thanks
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