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Found 12 results

  1. Hi. Bought an LG 55LA965W TV in May 2014, £1,499, advertised and sold as 4k UHD ready. 4k didn't arrive until Sky introduced it in August 2016. I changed to Sky. Their engineer said my TV didn't have the connection needed for the Sky Q box, and wasn't capable of playing 4k. Rang Currys and told.. Nothing to do with us, ring LG. Rang LG and told... We never sold that TV to Currys as 4k. It isn't. That's despite LG's material/website/manual saying differently. I got nowhere and left it. Now, I've changed to Virgin and their top package which includes 4k progs. Have a guess... the TV won't play 4k. Rang Virgin and their engineer talked me through all the settings just to make sure. Nope, the TV doesn't play their 4k. I rang CAB. They told me how to word a letter to Currys. I got the reply the other day. '... your TV is working to the specifications given at the time of purchase and can produce a 4k picture'. Not with Sky or Virgin! 'The issue you have is the advancement in technology and the way the picture is delivered. Whilst you are protected by certain legislation, this does not extend to the external factors affecting the way the item works therefore we are unable to accept your claim under the SOGA.' CAB told me my next step is Court action, but I don't want to gamble my money against Currys. I can rant and rave about the injustice of forking out a lot of money for a 4k UHD ready TV that isn't, but anyone know of any cases where Currys have been challenged and beaten on this kind of thing? Thanks Paul
  2. Getting ready for the Customs Declaration Service READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/getting-ready-for-the-customs-declaration-service
  3. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/service-to-civvy--2
  4. The Highways Agency is encouraging road users to spend a few minutes making sure they, and their vehicle, are fully prepared for severe weather. You might think that most of their advice is blindingly obvious, but a survey showed that: Many motorists (45%) don’t do any winter checks at all on their vehicle Nearly two-thirds of drivers (63%) do not check their anti-freeze, oil or water before setting off on a winter journey Less than half (41%) said they checked their lights were working before setting out. Just over half (53%) of drivers don’t have warm clothes in their car in case of emergency. Fewer than half (42%) of drivers carry de-icer in their vehicle. Almost two-thirds (64%) don’t carry drinking water. Only a third (33%) carry a warm drink, around the same number (32%) take food, and (37%) said they packed a blanket. A few minutes of preparation could be a life saver. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/survey-shows-many-drivers-wont-be-ready-when-winter-bites
  5. So, it is ok for this to happen when the NHS want to save money, but someone who is already suffering from a dreadful disease who wants to end their life.. Cannot do so ??
  6. This is going to sound odd... I had a court decree granted against me: 22/01/2010 for almost £3000. It was in relation to a motorcycle that I purchased on Hire Purchase in March 2007 on a 4 year payment arrangement. I believe the last payment I made to the finance company was around August 2008 (I was made paid off - Contractor). I would have paid just over £2000 on a £3000 bike which had interest on top meaning I was due to pay around £5000 odds... Obviously the court claim in 2010 was for the remaining balance of the credit arrangement including interest! So, would there be 8% interest per annum chargeable on this amount considering that the claim included interest to complete the agreement rather than the remaining actual outstanding balance? Now for the odd bit... I still have the bike! When I was paid off I thought I'd quickly get another job so I took advantage of the time off and stripped the bike bare and sent the frame and other parts off to be powder coated. My money dried up pretty quick and I didn't have enough to put the bike back together plus I'd sold the fairings on ebay to raise cash to get the frame back from the painters... I've slowly built it up over the years and am now almost finished. It has not been on the road or out of my garage since 2008. The thing is, I don't own it! I now have the money to pay the finance company. Well, I have £3000. What is my position? The decree is for just over £2800. Would I simply phone them up and agree to pay that then make the payment or are they going to be looking for the 8% per annum interest on top meaning it'd be over £4000 which would be nonsensical on a bike that might be worth £2000. Also, it's over 5 years now. Do I wait and see if they act before the 6 years is up and THEN attempt to pay assuming that they would be in a weaker position with the time limit expiring (does it?). I want to own the bike. I have £3000. I am severely confused as to what to do and seeking a little help. The bike, as it sits, is worth £3000 to me (the exhaust alone retailed at £1200 back in the day - Titanium race thingy) and I want to get out and about on it once again and have some enjoyment after the horrendous few years I have had. £3000 can easily buy me a cracking second hand bike that'll be mine straight up and I can worry about the other one after the six years are up, IF the 6 years matter (ie: would put me in a stronger position for bargaining). I'm not willing to pay £4000 as I don't have it and if keeping quiet and not making any contact with them (and hoping for the same in return) until January 2016 means I can crack a deal and pay the £3k for clear title then that is what I'd prefer to do. I CAN pay the £3000.
  7. Hello All I am due to go to court on the 23rd September on behalf of my wife. Here is the history. There are two claims which have been merged, the lead claim is for around £400 and the second around £1200. I have sent a prove it letter 10th March 14: I sent a s77 request 14th MArch 14: And finally I sent a CPR31.14 letter: [/size]All of the above remain unanswered for the small debt (which is not on any credit file) except the standard CPR31.14 response saying we should have the contract. The larger debt they have sent a reconstituted agreement with no actual signature and a set of statements which are in a general format (IE not in a credit card style or headed paper) I put our defence onto MCOL in the proper time frame and it is as below: I have the proofs of posting etc for all and went online to see when they were signed for. I have had the AQ filled it in and sent it back. I put down for mediation but have as yet not contacted for an appointment (TBH I forgot about it) Okay so a lot to read I know but I am now putting stuff together for the hearing and would appreciate any advice at all please!!
  8. Hi everyone. After 6 weeks of attempting contact with our former landlord and one bounced cheque to show for our efforts we are now ready to move on to court action. Some background... We moved into the house last May and at the time everything seemed fine, we rented it through an estate agent who were there to basically set it up and then the landlord would be left to manage it himself, he seemed a nice guy and told us how he was spending more time at his girlfriends not far away than living here so after spending 6 months attempting to sell the place he wanted to rent it out to cover the mortgage. Things were fine until the turn of the year when we received a letter address to the tenant from a solicitor saying that they were working on behalf of his mortgage company and that they would apply to repossess the house if payments were not met in the next 7 days, he assured us it was a mix up and that he had changed mortgages but with us having a new born baby it was a worry we didn't need and that was when things went down hill. About a month or so afterwards he called us to say that he had decided to sell again, this was followed the next day by a call saying he had found someone privately and within a week they had viewed it and apparently agreed to buy it so we were handed our 2 months notice. On the day we left he came around to look at the place and pointed out some damage to the carpet upstairs due to our cat which I didn't have a problem with, he said to us that he would go away and speak to the person he bought the carpet off and see if he could get a small piece to replace it which was fine. 2 weeks went by without hearing from him which is when we attempted to make phone contact however from that point until now all phone calls have been ignored, we then checked and found out it wasn't in a DPS so we started the process of sending a letter taken from the Shelter website asking for our deposit back and a week later dated 2 weeks prior claiming a few deduction that we didn't agree with and a cheque for just over half the deposit, our plan was to cash the cheque and write a letter disputing the difference however the cheque bounced and the landlord is refusing to sign for any more recorded delivery letters. I've even gone into the local pub where I know he drinks and have given the owner my name and number asking him to call me but despite him passing it on he still refuses to contact us, we are now about to send the final letter before action so I've got a few questions about what I do from now. 1) Should we send copies of all documents we plan to send to the court to him with the LBA? 2) How do we proceed if he is refusing to sign for our letters? 3) The owner of the pub has told me he's renting the property to someone different rather than selling it, which makes me think he might have audacity to move us on just to keep our deposit, so how long does it take for land registry to process on their website and would it be worth sending the letter to that address too? Sorry if I've waffled on a bit but as you can imagine it's a situation that's aggravated me greatly. Many thanks for any help.
  9. Hi, I have just rec'd my bank statements from Aug 2001. On them I see that I had a Gold Service account, for which I was charged £8 a month. No idea why I had this, I cannot see what advantages this Gold service account gave me. I understand that I reclaim this back. Also I had an overdraft and regulary had O/draft interest (which I know I cannot claim back obviously) and O/draft usage fees and later charges called O/draft excess fees - varying from £25 to £85 a month. Now and then they would charge me £35 or so for unpaid cheque and Direct Debit. Does anyone know what the diference is between the usage fee and the excess fee? I would have assumed the excess fee was going over the agreed overdraft, is this correct? Is there anything I need to do before I send my letter off with the calculation? I am going to add interest. Also saw a few rejected standing orders which Lloyds charged £120 for! Thanks, mel
  10. Hi All I have recently had my claim for mis sold PPI referred back to Ocean Finance by the FOS (just some background, it is a secured loan over 180 months with front loaded PPI included, although out of the 5 year window now). Ocean have responded today stating: "We remain satisfied that the sale of your policy was conducted in accordance with the rules which were in place at the time. However, as we have also assessed the sale in light of the paper which the FSA has recently issued it is largely based upon the content of this paper that we are upholding your complaint. As a result we are now obliged to make you an offer of redress" (which had better be the full amount loaded onto the loan plus interest plus 8%!) Q!. What paper? Q2. FSA? I thought they had disappeared? Q3. Calculate amount using the spread sheet here on CAG & send this to them as a response? They have also included a form of authority to sign & return to allow them to access information from the Lender & also the Insurer, is this usual? Would they need to contact the lender to ascertain monthly payments as the account is variable interest rate? Also contact the insurer to check if any claims were made (which would sort of rule out the fact that they mis sold in the first place!). Any thoughts?
  11. I have had my hours at work cut severely so cannot afford to pay my credit cards on a monthly basis. I owe money on my vanquis card (£2800) I would like to take the bull by the horns and set up a payment plan, but am unsure how to do this with vanquis. I realise I am not obliged o send them my income details, but just inform them how much I am willing to pay. With vanquis, I would like to post all communication to them, as I heard they can be quite disgusting on the phone. What address would I post this to, and what Any direction that you can point me in will be deeply appreciated as I have not done this in awhile so feel really stuck.
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