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  1. Over the last few weeks, months I keep reading articles here and there about this. Glances really not looked at things in depth. Fish dying,mutated things like that. Radioactivity has spread to the coast of America things like that. Some say this is or should be massive news.Maybe it is but I have missed it. Anyone want to say anything, have articles a view, looked at this problem much more than I have. An article. Fukushima: Japanese Government Guilty Of Destroying Pacific Ocean. When you read things but do not know that much about something like this, it plays on your mind.You worry, wonder what the hell is happening. And if such a massive problem is out there how are they going to solve it. A few sentences out of the article. Link. http://countercurrentnews.com/2017/05/fukushima-japanese-government-guilty-of-destroying-pacific-ocean/
  2. What next I wonder. Do you think the Ocean should be left alone? At first I checked the date of these articles thinking it was just an April Fools article.This spread across the world. World’s first seabed gold, copper, silver mine to begin production in 2019 http://www.mining.com/worlds-first-seabed-mine-to-begin-production-in-2019/ The terrifying robots set to mine the seabed: Machines to search for gold and other precious metals on the ocean floor The deep-sea robots will mine mineral deposits in Papua New Guinea in 2019 Land-based mineral stores are becoming depleted so the ocean will be mined The ocean floor contains minerals used to make useful devices and electronics Some of the minerals are used to make renewable energy tech like solar cells Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4269206/The-terrifying-robots-set-seabed.html#ixzz4dALc8hnJ Countries poised to roll out deep sea mining in new 'gold rush' https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/countries-poised-to-roll-out-deep-sea-mining-in-new-gold-rush/2500509.article
  3. Hi, I am currently trying to sort out the details of a PPI Claim involving Endeavour/Ocean/Ocwen for my nanna and grandad. They took out a loan with Endeavour Personal Finance Ltd. on 01/09/1997 for £6000 plus £720 PPI, total £6720, for 60 months, monthly payment £159.45. Ocean Finance were the brokers and they were told that in order for them to get the loan they would need to take out PPI. As they were in desperate need of the loan they had no choice but to take it out with the PPI. In January 1999 they took out a second loan with Ocwen Limited, Ocean Finance were the brokers again. Again same story, they had to take out the PPI in order to get the loan. So the loan was £10000, plus an extra £1000 PPI, total £11000 over 60 months, at £253.11 monthly repayments. They used part of the second loan to pay off the first loan. So the loan of £11000 from Ocwen Limited was disbursed as follows: Derbyshire Building Society = £163 - buildings insurance Ocwen Financial Services Ltd. = £1000 - assume this is the PPI company/underwriters? Endeavour Personal Finance Ltd. = £5808.68 - first loan settlement balance My nanna and grandad got the rest = £4028.32 I have the original letter from Endeavour with the settlement figure calculation Balance of loan principal outstanding £5472.56 Notional interest to end of agreement £1651.54 Total repayable before deducting rebate £7124.10 LESS rebate £5808.68 I have all the paperwork including credit agreements, both loans had the PPI box ticked already single premium for both. They were both regulated by the consumer credit act 1974. I have most of the statements as well I wrote to Endeavour and Ocwen quite a few months ago to ask for the original application form to try to establish if ocean finance added the PPI on or if it was added onto the credit agreement from endeavour and ocwen. And also I wanted to know the name of the underwriter of the insurance. I never got a reply from endeavour, that is possibly because I sent it to the wrong address I'm not sure. But GE Money (new name for Ocwen) replied and they had this to say. Unfortunately as the account was redeemed more than six years ago, we no longer hold the files. However, there was a payment protection policy taken out on this account for £1000. We do not hold any other details. My questions are: 1) Who do I contact re PPI refund, as Ocean Finance are no longer trading. 2) What information do I send to them with the claim, do I send the original paperwork copies? I know that the FOS have no jurisdiction as it was from such a long time ago and I believe they were not regulated by them at the time. Is there any point in filling out the FOS questionnaire if they cannot do anything about it? Any help is appreciated, I have seen other peoples responses from these companies and it doesn't look good, so any advice on how to approach this would be great. Thanks, Abbi
  4. Hi all, I am hoping someone could answer a few questions. My husband & I took out a secured loan with igroup in April 2004 with Ocean Finance acting as the broker. The loan had PPI on it to the tune of £1800. My questions are: (1). The PPI only covered the first five years of a 14 year loan, which presumably means after this we had no cover but were still paying for PPI. Is that a case of mis-selling? (2). I read in the papers about unfair relationships & secret commissions . On the original paperwork which we have kept, it states that Ocean Finance did not receive any commission from igroup , in fact the PPI part of the loan was paid to igroup Financial Services ltd . I am assuming Ocean Finance did not do all that work for nothing. (3). who do we complain to igroup or Ocean Finance? Thank you, Sallyann
  5. Hello again, I had a loan taken on 2008 (paid full in 3 years) with OCEAN MONEY LIMITED, who was the lender BUT website doesn't exist any more and the address from the contract Pacific House, Relay Point, Wilnecote, Staffordshire, United Kingdom, B77 5PA checking ROYAL MAIL belongs TO ALDI SHOP. On company house putting Company registration number - account is still open and states address above but its ALDI SHOP THERE On my agreement i have that OCEAN MONEY is a member of the Ocean Finance & Mortgages Limited Group (IS OR WAS ON 2008) - now I don't have idea where to send, which address and to whose attention ? Any idea?
  6. Had a long running PPI issue with a loan taken out with IGroup in 2004, eventually found out that GE Money was now responsible for Igroup stuff (thanks to this site) and sent them a request for refund. They are now saying that Ocean sold us the loan and they are responsible, but as Ocean Finance dissolved in 2004 they would not be able to pay out. Does this sound right ?
  7. Hi I'm new to this so bear with me! We took a secured loan out in 2006 with Nemo Finance for £18,000 PPI was added to the tune of £4,000. I have contacted Nemo and they say its nothing to do with them because the PPI was arranged by the broker! The broker has gone out of business, we are still paying the PPI (and the loan) Nemo say I cant cancel the extra monthly payments for the PPI. We are both self employed so don't think we were even suitable for PPI anyway? Also, the first we knew about it was when we noticed it on the yearly statement. Any advice would be gratefully received!
  8. Looking for advice on how too take this forward please. Booked (4) rooms for 4 nights over Xmas 2013 at the Ocean View, Booked through Harry Shaw, (although we made our own way down in own cars) We were 4 carers looking after 4 adults with learning difficulties. For the whole 4 days and nights, 3 of the rooms had no heating, and all 4 rooms no hot water, so no shower or bath, guests were having too virtually hand wash with water from kettles. Constant complaints too hotel were met with, nothing going too get done until 27th Dec (day of leaving) Every meal was completely ruined by having too eat in a room with no heating, was cold and uncomfortable. More complaints too hotel, not interested, told too take it up with Harry Shaw. Have done so some 2 weeks ago now and having the run around from them, waiting too hear from Hotel etc... Customers services off sick, etc.. We paid £350 per person for 4 nights. 23rd thru 26th. Am looking for advice on what too do now, and what should we be asking for as regards redress... Thanks for taking time too read. scouse.
  9. Hi All I have recently had my claim for mis sold PPI referred back to Ocean Finance by the FOS (just some background, it is a secured loan over 180 months with front loaded PPI included, although out of the 5 year window now). Ocean have responded today stating: "We remain satisfied that the sale of your policy was conducted in accordance with the rules which were in place at the time. However, as we have also assessed the sale in light of the paper which the FSA has recently issued it is largely based upon the content of this paper that we are upholding your complaint. As a result we are now obliged to make you an offer of redress" (which had better be the full amount loaded onto the loan plus interest plus 8%!) Q!. What paper? Q2. FSA? I thought they had disappeared? Q3. Calculate amount using the spread sheet here on CAG & send this to them as a response? They have also included a form of authority to sign & return to allow them to access information from the Lender & also the Insurer, is this usual? Would they need to contact the lender to ascertain monthly payments as the account is variable interest rate? Also contact the insurer to check if any claims were made (which would sort of rule out the fact that they mis sold in the first place!). Any thoughts?
  10. We have recently received a letter from Ocean Finance and Mortgages Ltd indicating that we chose to purchase payment protection insurance on a secured loan which was arranged by them. They say that we may have been mis-sold the policy and may be entitled to redress. They say that they have completed a review of sales that took place at a similar time to the sale of my policy and that the review highlighted several failings which affected sales that took place during that period. They helpfully list the common failings that they have identified as: The full cost of the policy was not explained to you verbally therefore you were not aware of the full cost when you made your decision to purchase a policy. The term of the policy was not confirmed to you verbally and you were not aware of the term of the policy when you made your decision to purchase a policy. We did not verbally inform you of the 30 day cooling off period, if you had been made aware of this you may have cancelled the policy within that time. We did not verbally inform you of the significant exclusions and limitations. If your sale took place prior to August 2006 you may not have been informed verbally that the premium would be added to the loan and interest was payable on it. You were unaware that you would not receive a pro-rata refund should you cancel the policy as this was not disclosed to you verbally, this is likely to be particularly relevant if you settled your loan early. We are then invited to put further comments and sign this document as our complaint. There is a further page entitled Form of Authority which gives Ocean Finance authority to request details of our loan and optional payment protection insurance from Ge Money Home Finance who they acted as broker for. This correspondence looks to me like Ocean Finance is picking the terms under which to have a discussion about mis-selling. We are sure that their “common failings” will have rehearsed reasons limiting or obviating redress. Our case is simple. We needed the loan and the only way to get the loan was with PPI. I have no recollection of any discussion were the PPI was optional. We would be grateful for direction.
  11. Hi, I had a loan though Ocean , financed by Endeavour in/around 2002. I paid this off early in 2003. I don't have any paperwork and I don't have the account number. I have completed the form to send to Endeavour but I am wandering from reading all these threads if this is going to get me anywhere. Not sure how I can go about locating my account number or whether indeed Endeavour will reply and I should write to HFC or HSBC instead. Any advice before I start please would be much appreciated. Thanks JJ Hi, I had a loan though Ocean Finance, financed by Endeavour in/around 2002. I paid this off early in 2003. I don't have any paperwork and I don't have the account number. I have completed the form to send to Endeavour but I am wandering from reading all these threads if this is going to get me anywhere. Not sure how I can go about locating my account number or whether indeed Endeavour will reply and I should write to HFC or HSBC instead. Any advice before I start please would be much appreciated. Thanks
  12. My ex husband and I took out a loan in 2003 with Ocean Finance/ Endeavor Personal Finance, we paid a Single premuim PPI on this loan of £775. We recently wrote to EPF asking for the PPI back and received the following letter: We write further to your letter dated 20 August 2012, informing us of your complaint. We are aware your complaint is regarding the Payment Protection Insurance policy (PPJ) purchased at the time of completing your loan through EPF. You will recall that you approached a credit broker, Paul Newey trading under Ocean Finance & Mortgage Ltd, who acted as your agent and sold your PPJ policy. At no time was Paul Newey an agent of EPF Limited and nor was Paul Newey an Appointed Representative ofEPF Limited. EPF Limited has therefore no liability in respect of anything alleged to have been done or not done by Paul Newey. Accordingly we must reject your clai:"-n--l-- that EPF Limited has any liability for the actions allegedly taken or not taken by Paul Newey. Should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Services Department on 0845 602 8230. Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm, who will be pleased to help. Yours sincerely Bernie James Department Manager Secured lending Centre Endeavour I have successfully claimed back PPI before but am at a bit of a loss on what to do next. I still have the original credit agreement but have no idea who to ask for the ppi back?? Any help would be gratefully received!! Thanks you Emma
  13. Hi all, can anyone advise on what to do next Some 4-5 years ago whilst in full-time employ, I applied for a loan approx 43k to start up a new business for my wife. On my first application with a bank I can’t now remember, I was approved until I sent back the application form and had declined PPI. I then went to Ocean Finance and got a loan from them, I think I may have known something about the PPI on the policy but did not know that it would be added to the loan in one lump sum, approx 12k and that it was only valid for 5 years. I was made redundant about 4 months after taking the loan out, and instead of starting the business had to use the money to live on and pay mortgage etc… I sold my house after a couple of years and paid the loan off in full never having claimed a penny whilst unemployed I then tried to reclaim the monies through a company called xxxxxx (apologies but I was busy at the time setting up the company that the monies were intended for) who sent my file to the ombudsman, it went before an adjudicator, who then left and was passed to his replacement who found in Ocean Finance favour. It didnt however go before the ombudsman as the adjudicator found in Ocean Finance favour and xxxxxx dropped the case. What I now need to know is can I still recover this money from Ocean who remarkebly have my application recorded on CD Any help you can give is greatly appreciated
  14. Hi all wonder if anyone can help. I took out a secured loan several years back for £15k and have no paperwork other than an agreement number that is on an old bank statement. We paid off the loan when we remortgaged and moved house, is there a time limit as it is over ten years ago that I took the loan out... and if not presumably I will have to write to them for a copy of our loan agreement? Any help would be great x
  15. My question might be a straight forward one but I need some advice. I took a loan from Ocean Finance in Jan 2002 for £20k which was for debt consolidation. I paid this off in May 2004 when I remortgaged my house but I can recall the settlement figure I got from them being massively over what I had calculted. Anyway I paid it off and got on with my life. Then 5 years later, I found the CAG forums and found out about PPI mis-selling so I wrote to Ocean with a SAR and I gets a bunch of stuff back which is all blacked out and hard to read but I apparently voluntarly bought some PPI with my £20k loan for the sum of £3986!!!!! I am now sending them a PPI letter and wondered, is the following letter suitable or should I add / delete anything? Any help would be very much appreciated. ========================================== I purchased a loan of £20,000 from you on 22nd January 2002 and now believe that I was mis-sold a payment protection policy with the loan for the following reasons: This is due to the fact that I was not given the correct information when the policy was sold to me, as :- • your salesperson stated/implied that taking out the policy would assist my credit application which was for debt consolodation. I was left under the impression that the loan application would be more likely unsuccessful if I were not taking the insurance protection. • your salesperson did not tell me that the policy was optional and I have since realised that I could have had alternative insurance cover. • your salesperson did not give me full information on what the policy would and would not cover. Nor did I receive from you any literature to explain the terms of the policy. • I am concerned the sales person that sold me the policy had no financial background and that the policy was not sold in my best interests. I settled this loan in May 2004 and was told when I queried the settlement figure that the Payment Protection policy was the reason the settlement figure was much higher than I had calculated. I was not advised what percentage or proportion of the policy was being repaid. Unless you can satisfactorily justify to me that the policy was fair and reasonable I am requesting a full refund of all premiums, and subsequent interest on these payments, that I have paid to date. As I believe I have been deprived of this money I also expect 8% statutory interest, the amount a court would award, to be added to each payment made. I look forward to a full and prompt response to this letter and for the matter to be concluded within eight weeks or I shall be contacting the Financial Ombudsman to investigate my complaint. Yours faithfully, ==========================================
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