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  1. Hi folks, For the last few months Cabot has been sending me letters demanding that I contact them. As the failed to provide me with the CCA in 2016, I ignored them. Today I received a letter stating that they are instructing Moorcroft to arrange a visit to my home. I sent them the template CCA letter on 28th July 2016, and received a reply on 3rd August 2016 stating that they were unable to get the relevant documents, and acknowledging the 12 day limit. (I still have all the letters). Up until recently I have not had any communication with Cabot for the past 2 years. My question is there a template letter I can send and where do I stand?
  2. Hi Peeps can anyone confirm if they actually buy the debts or just attempt collecting ? For credit cards on following :- Lloyd’s HBOS I should’ve asked before sending CCA’s yesterday - schoolboy error ( still learning ) Thanks
  3. Hi all, first time poster here, apologies if I get anything wrong! I bought the car two years ago, immediately set up a direct debit and - foolishly now it seems - thought that was that. You all know where this is going... So, last month my car got clamped outside the house, that was the first I knew that my car was untaxed. It turns out I’ve been driving for a year with no tax, I was (and still am) a broken man . I regularly check my MOT and insurance online, but tax - it just never crossed my mind, the direct debit was set up immediately, it renews, so all good? Surely there’s a major flaw in the system here? The seller didn’t send off the logbook SO the DVLA had no idea I was the registered keeper. And yes, lo and behold, I now find out about the rule that the direct debits will NOT renew unless they have the keepers details... Then when I finally get the logbook it states that ‘this does NOT prove ownership of the vehicle’ - so what the hell does??? The person who taxes and insured it??? Who then has their direct debits not renewed by the DVLA??? Adding to this is the fact that the missus is not on her logbook (I am) yet they renewed her direct debits??? Also I have two vehicles also registered with the DVLA. The police also found me within two weeks a few months back for speeding (33 in a 30...) It just seems so wrong? Is there ANYTHING I can do about this? I’m guessing not etc etc but if I start getting the fines coming through as they’ve spotted me on camera 6 times over the past year I won’t be able to afford that... All this because they didn’t renew the DD? And doesn’t the fact that they did with the missus ruin their argument? Apologies but I’m completely out of my depth here and don’t know which way to turn. Would a magistrate see common sense and see the flaw in the system here? Is it worth heading to court to argue my case? Thanks Mike
  4. Hello, Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I placed an order with Amazon 23/03/18 for canon 6d camera, "delivered" and signed for 26/03/18 On opening the parcel I find a desk lamp, yes a £13 desk lamp which Amazon sell instead of a £1700 camera! call is made to Amazon who state, will email an affidavit. This is filled, signed and emailed back to uk-deliveryinvestigation at amazon Cs reply back and state they will be in contact within 72hrs. It has now been over 72hrs. So an email is sent out stating: I have been very patient in waiting for your investigation. If you can shed some light on the matter before I look into speaking with my bank and starting a Section 75 and bringing in Trading Standards. They get back with , 'We have fully investigated this matter with the carrier. And if you want us to take another look provide a police report'. I feel this has nothing to do with the carrier, their carrier Amazon Logistics. I email again this time for the serial number of camera, they state this would be on the box. They are really funny I have asked Virgin credit card to step in. In the meantime has anybody experience this from Amazon? And has anybody any advise? Kind regards and thank you for reading this post, very much appreciated. Dan. p.s. I order a lot of camera related material from Amazon and have placed 370 orders since 2016. And below is just a bit of Columbo. The box size the lamp came in was an E6. Amazon normally send cameras in a E3 box size with 'corrosive materials' sticker. If I would have noticed the box didn't have the 'corrosives sticker' I wouldn't have signed for the order.
  5. Having so many Pay day loans (different thread already) and gambling I took stupidly on the same time unsecured Loan – contract with TM ADVANCES LTD. The interest its huge but when you are gambling you don’t think about now I need a help. They didn’t ask for Bank statement and I can see searches on my Credit file so was very clear how much debt I had already but I am not expecting that this one will be easy
  6. I couldn't believe I was reading this ? Surely there is a mismanaged budget if things have got to this point. The Head Mistress has also asked for stationery supplies to be sent in. Toward the end of the article it mentions that the school had recently been raising funds for 3rd world schools. Whilst this is admirable, should charity not begin at home ? As for this statement Staff should provide their own tea and coffee, shouldn't they ?
  7. Hello. Im not sure if im posting this in the right section: My wife was 3/4 way through her 12 month car insurance policy (second year with company). We wanted to add me to her insurance when she phoned she was told by the lady that as I am diabetic she wasnt sure if I could be added. She was told we would have to ring again next week to find out if I could be added. We thought this was absurd as I have already been driving for over a year no claims etc. We also needed me to be able to drive by the next week took out insurance with another company who insured us both no problems. Go skippy contacted my wife several times for the remaining £35 of the policy, which with one thing and another has not been paid yet. Today she recieved a letter from "ICB - insurance collections bureau ltd" saying "our client has appointed us to recover the amount of £148.20 to prevent further action being taken" My wife has said she will phone go skippy and offer to pay the £35 to them. i told her never to pay a DCA but shes worried etc any advice please ? Thanks.
  8. Quick summary: - I owed about £200 in tax, which was passed to Rossendales - Tax was paid directly via HMRC website - Rossendales requested proof, which I sent - Rossendales then tell me HMRC say this relates to another debt (even though the payment reference shows the correct debt) and for me to send a payment proposal. - I send an SAR to Rossendales requesting among other things, a transcript of the conversation with HMRC about this being the "wrong debt". - Rossendales write back saying: "Sorry, we are not the Data Controller, send your SAR to HMRC" Question - is Rossendales obliged to deal with my SAR or can they pass the buck to HMRC?
  9. Hi I have been reading the following thread forum thread 353395 - Letter-to-send-if-you-are-being-charged-bank-fees-whilst-on-benefits (Will not allow link) and have been trying to locate the initial letter sent to the bank, before action However there is a link at the first comment at the top of the page yet it simply goes to the forums titles and no letter I wonder if anyone can help at all as i wanted to send to my bank to see if i could stop monthly overdraft fees occurring which because i seem to be in overdraft most of the time, i always receive at least £33 in fees every month from their £1 per day overdraft fee and is quite a chunk from my ESA payments i receive Any general advice will also be greatly appreciated Many thanks for your time Regards
  10. Hi all, I have been on a DMP for a few years, and I have requested a CCA (using the official format and the 1£ fee which was duly sent). The Debt is for an old credit card which I had with Natwest. Moving forward I have been on a DMP for 7 years, currently the debt is managed by Wescot. According to the Debtor I owe about 1.3K on it, however I thought it was lower. Anyhow, I have requested for a CCA and received the following reply: "following your recent request for a copy of the signed agreement, our client has requested you write to the following address and state in your covering letter that this is a section 77/78 request and enclose a postal order or cheque payable to our client CCA requests Card customer services xxxx xxxx There is currently a monthly payment arrangement set on this account ************************************************ Now I am confused! I thought whoever managed my account is lawfully required to send the CCA and so on? I am planning to stop the DMP and I was wondering what the consequences of it would be? Can they put a "mark" on my credit score? ((the account was opened in 2003)...should I send the follow up letter reminding them of their duties and so on? Advice welcome. (PS the reason I asked for the CCA was to ask for a full and final offer etc, but that reply got me slightly annoyed!)
  11. Hello, I started a small claim in court against my landlord a few moths ago... Today I received the "Notice of Trial Date" (Form N172), that says I have to pay a hearing fee. Something I already expected. The problem is that I don't know exactly how to do that and there are no instructions in that letter. Do I have to send a cheque to my local county court (where the case was transferred)? Do I have to write a small letter saying that the attached cheque is for the claim number XXXX? I don't find related court fees to this step. BTW, I remember in the process, weeks ago, I received I letter that said that "This claim has been transferred to your county court at XXX. All correspondence should be directed to the transferred court" I search on the net but don't not exactly what to do. Thanks.
  12. I have been trying without success to challenge a Lloyd's bank default from 2010. After 2 years of letters Lloyds have finally replied and told me they didn't actually send me a default notice but its all ok as they sent a solicitors letter instead . This seems off to me and i smell a large rat They also sent me a cheque for £50 as a gesture of goodwill !! Any advice on the next steps ? The debt is fully repaid and just trying to clear my CRA file thanks
  13. Hi guys, just a quick question - had a mortgage running over 20 years. Originally with First National, then GE Money, and now recently, Kensington have bought the mortgage. Im about to hit them with a PPI claim but does it go to GE Money or Kensington? Thanks all
  14. Hello I am back again! I thought my troubles were over with Vodafone but apparently this was wishful thinking! I have been unable to send texts or receive calls since January 8. I have made numerous complaints, have spoken to customer service reps via 191 who have plenty of platitudes about wanting to help me with my problem (this never happens) and have had one call back from an agent who claimed the issue would be resolved in 48 hours which was over 2 weeks ago. I was told that Vodafone had disconnected my number for reasons no one at Vodafone seems to know despite me paying my bill every month on time by DD. I have not ported my number over recently (I previously had issues with this the beginning of last year when I first joined) so I am more than confused why Vodafone has decided on this course of action out of the blue. I would appreciate my number being restored since ridiculously enough, I can still make calls but no one can call me as my number is supposedly invalid or callers are given the "you have dialled an incorrect number" message. I hope that this problem can be resolved and quickly as I am awaiting some rather important phone calls and do not want to miss them because of an error on the part of Vodafone. Any assistance would be much appreciated. I have submitted the Vodafone form as per instructions. The reference number is: WRT135 [#12499592]
  15. Myself and wife have a number of long standing liability orders outstanding with our local authority in relation to council tax. These mainly come about due to our sons illness and our own subsequent illness from a car accident 6 years ago. We have never refused to pay, but cannot in anyway afford to pay the ridiculous amounts our authority is asking. To further complicate this my wife has made two attempts on her life in the last 9 months, I believe if this goes to Bailiffs I am fearful she will finally carry out what she has attempted over the last 9 months. Her GPS and Psychologist are aware of her mental fragility. We have been trying without success to get our local authority to deduct these liability orders from our benefits, however they refuse to even when considering my wife's vulnerability. My question is there any way of getting these liability orders back to a judge so he can make the decision to attach to our benefits. We need these attaching to our benefits so I can assist my wife getting the mental treatment she requires without the stress of her wanting to end her life when Bailiffs turn up. Trust me when I say we have tried everything over the past two years, even the Local Government Ombudsman ruled in our favour two years ago. So what did the council do absolutely nothing for 20 months only to start their abusive process again in the last 2 weeks. I think the court is the only body able to bring this matter to a close.
  16. Hi I have 2 debts that were started in approx 2006 one barclaycard PRA group sold to these in 2015 one abbey loan now with Cabot. both been in a dmp since 2010 and I've been paying monthly to a company. I've stopped that now and I pay direct. But what I was wondering is do I send a CCA to the company which have aquired these debts. One is PRA group sold to these in 2015 and the loan is now with Cabot. Cabot is off credit file and PRA group shows are arrangement to pay as Barclays didn't default me early on like abbey
  17. Hello again, I had a loan taken on 2008 (paid full in 3 years) with OCEAN MONEY LIMITED, who was the lender BUT website doesn't exist any more and the address from the contract Pacific House, Relay Point, Wilnecote, Staffordshire, United Kingdom, B77 5PA checking ROYAL MAIL belongs TO ALDI SHOP. On company house putting Company registration number - account is still open and states address above but its ALDI SHOP THERE On my agreement i have that OCEAN MONEY is a member of the Ocean Finance & Mortgages Limited Group (IS OR WAS ON 2008) - now I don't have idea where to send, which address and to whose attention ? Any idea?
  18. Hi, My landlord is wanting to send estate agents round to value the property because he wants to put it on the market. He has not yet served me with a Section 21 notice so I have no idea when he is expecting me to vacate but I would have thought a valuation would be more realistic once the house is empty and after he can do some redecorating, etc to get it ready for selling. At the moment, we have been too stressed over searching for a new home and we have been having a mad declutter and we have half packed boxes everywhere and the housework has become less of a priority, so all in all, the house no longer looks homely and I certainly wouldn't want any estate agents taking photos to use for selling purposes. Does my landlord have a right to getting a valuation, especially before he has issued a Section 21? I feel so uncomfortable about it and I really don't want anyone coming round while I still live here I have been looking through other tenants posts and came across this comment from one of CAGs members:- "Are you aware of this >> For example, a Section 21 notice cannot be served if there is no EPC or Landlord gas safety certificate in place for the property. Any non-compliance with this requirement will render the section 21 notice ineffective." Now my landlord has never done annual gas checks and the last one (for which I have a copy of the certificate) was about 2 years ago. Does the above CAG members comment mean that when I receive the Section 21 Notice it will not be legally enforceable? If so, what should I do and how do I respond to my landlord when I get the notice?
  19. Hello, Its my first time when i am trying to claim my PPI - can someone help me where to send complains I had a few store cards, all now closed and all information are from my Equifax account DEBENHAMS 2009 - 2013 - NewDay MONSOON 2007 - 2012 - NewDay TOP SHOP - account closed 2009 - GE Money River Island - NewDay NEXT - (2006 - 2012) I had as well Personal loan from Ocean money and again I dont have idea which address to use? Any help will be appreciated
  20. Hi all, I haven't been on here for a long time, as I thought my debt problems had gone away. . Until today that is, I have been sent a county court claim form from Northampton. County court the claimant is lowells, they are claiming for an old capital one credit card debt, this was an original debt of about £150 lowells are claiming for £389.90. This debt was way back in May 2006, so I'm guessing that they shouldn't be able to get a county court judgement against me? The forms look real enough but I was going to phone the court on Monday to see if it is actually a real claim. There is no court stamp on the claim form it just has a picture of a crown in a circle with the wording 'the county court'. The court phone number is given as 0300 123 1056. I don't want to call this number and start discussing the case if this is a "fake" form and I actually end up talking to lowells themselves. Any help or ideas on this matter gents and ladies? Many thanks in advance for all and any help. Regards Moonlandings
  21. From my favourite Consumer site in the whole world... Look carefully.... [ATTACH=CONFIG]58202[/ATTACH]
  22. I have some questions about the correct procedures for County Court summonses. I'd be really grateful if anyone could advise me on any of these queries. I have read the guidance notes for both online and paper forms but still have some uncertainties. Background: I am about to issue a County Court summons for unpaid compensation for use of part of my property by a builder. The basis of the compensation is set out in an agreement and related emails. My questions: 1) When sending in a paper N1 form, is it correct to send supporting paperwork with it? E.g. Copies of agreements, contracts, print outs of related emails. 2) Exactly how many copies of the N1 form, defendant's notes, and supporting documents (if these should be sent with the N1) do I need to send? I assume from the guidance that it should be a total of three copies of everything: One copy (i.e. the original form) for the court, one copy for the defendant, and one copy for me (to be sent back to me). 3) I was originally planning to issue the summons online but the Particulars of Claim box on the MCOL website is absurdly small. How does anyone explain the key points of their case with so few characters and lines to work with? Any help on these queries will be really helpful. Edit: I have found the answer for question 4. Questions 1, 2 and 3 still confuse me. Answered question below: 4) I am aware that one can send additional PoC by post if using the online form but, as I understand it, these later PoC are only to be sent to the defendant. The Court and the Judge will not see them unless and until the case comes to a hearing. Is this correct, or should one send additional PoC to the court as well as to the defendant? Answer: I see that form N215 'Certificate of service' requires that documents sent to the defendant must also be sent to the Court.
  23. I recently realised that Equifinance had failed to send me any statements for a loan I took out at the end of 2013. I have just written and made a complaint about the failure to produce them as CCA 77A 1(a)(b)and request that the interest charged during the failure is removed from the account as it shouldn't be charged as CCA 77A 6(b). Equifinance have acknowledged my complaint and are investigating.
  24. Hi. Im a newbie here. Im hoping someone can help, Ive got into a bit of a mess over a van hire. I hired a van through Northgate van hire about 6 weeks ago, I scraped a post that left 2 marks on the van, I pointed this out when it was returned, they advised that my deposit would not be returned for the moment. Ive been chasing them for ages about a receipt for the deposit, Ive had responses but they all basically say its in hand. Ive finally received a email from them saying they are keeping my deposit of £250.00 and they want another £750.00 of me. I didn't take out CDW damage on the van. I'm on a debt management plan, where do I stand with this. I'm hoping someone can help as I'm down about this. Thanks
  25. Asked if I could pay an old vets bill in three stages only to be emailed by DCA who had added another £70 but offered to take off £30 for an unposted letter. They addes £40 for the first letter. I did not think they could do this. Am I wrong?
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