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  1. The flat I live in has had a problem with the roof, which has been "kicked down the road" for the last 8 or so years, and got progressively worse, to the point where there was a partial ceiling collapse in a communal stairway, and as a result, the managing agents (HML Anderton) have finally "sprung" into action. As the roof has got progressively worse, so has the bill, and there is a shortfall of just over £5k per flat, which we have received a section 20 demand to be paid immediately, money which I cannot afford. I have paid £1k, can shove £3k on a credit card (which I am reluctant to do, as my credit card has a high APR, due to my poor credit rating) but that still leaves me £1k short. Mortgage provider not interested for the reasons above. The question of what happens if we cannot afford it was raised in a residents meeting when this first came up, and the response was that they would contact the mortgage provider directly to seek the funds, but this was subsequently denied when I asked about this option. The agents have been continually chasing me, and advised that I was the "last to pay", although a neighbour told me last weekend that he had only just paid, so I know this not to be true ( at least when they said it). I think my question is, are they being unreasonable in demanding this money in such a short period of time. I really don't know what to do next. Any advise greatly received.
  2. parkingbill2018, where are you with this case? I've got the same problem on the same location, but mine is on early stage, have only passed to the ZZPS LTD Could you please update when you get a resolution Thanks,
  3. i have just had a letter back saying my credit card around 2001-4 is outside of banks retention period so they cannot provide the data i asked for for my sar. so i assume the ppi complaint i sent will also be declined.... shocking.... they are of course lying through their back teeth any suggestions of how i should respond???
  4. I parked in a no through road which leads to the entrance to a supermarket car park and a derelict building site, which after many years of standing empty is finally being redeveloped. The road is accessed from a main road, where there are normal road markings and no signs stating that you are entering a private road and there is No Parking or any charge if you do park in it. Shoppers often park in this road for a short time whilst they go the supermarket, even when there are spaces available on the store car park. One day I parked in the road because the supermarket car park was full. I parked for less than 10 minutes behind a car that was already there and didn’t think anymore of this until I received a PCN in the post from a private parking management company. I was shocked that this stated I had parked in an un-adopted road which was no parking allowed and had a £100 parking charge. The council confirmed the road is un-adopted whilst the site is being developed. The company had taken photos of the car I was driving, which was parked alongside a derelict building in the road. The signs stated Attention Private Land – The site is managed & operated for No Parking at anytime and that there is a parking charge of £100. These signs are not in the line of sight of a car driver and when you leave the car to go to the entrance of the supermarket they are behind you and there are no signs in your line of travel. You might see the signs on your way back to your car, but that is obviously too late. The signs are on the perimeter of the building site, which the derelict building is part of, and they refer to “Land” and “Site”, so you would assume they refer to the building site being developed, and not the road. If the road is included then there should be a sign at the entrance stating this is a Private Road and the terms and conditions that apply, as was in the Supreme Court case Parking Eye Vs Beavis. To make matters worse the signs on the derelict building are not illuminated and are less visible at dusk when I parked and when it is completely dark they cannot be seen at all! I disputed the charge with the management company because there were no signs at the entrance of the road and the ones on the building alongside which I parked had not been visible and referred to the building land/site. This was rejected because the IPS had approved the signs and location of them. I tried to appeal to the Site Owner/Director of the company who are developing the site, but he ignored my letters. His company finally did respond after my Father wrote to them. They confirmed that they had appointed a parking management company to control misuse of their land. I and other shoppers, unaware of that this is a private road with no parking, are hardly misusing the land by parking here for a few minutes! Even Police have been seen parking here and I am aware that at least one unmarked Police car was issued with a PCN. The management company have had many requests from the Supermarket store management and people like me to improve the signage and/or paint double yellow lines, to remove any ambiguity, but they have repeatedly refused. One store manager even complained that an employee of the Management company was parking by the derelict building, adding further to the misleading situation. In fact I am sure it was one of their employees whom was parked in front of me when I was issued with my PCN. It certainly was the same type and colour of car that I have seen driving around checking for parked cars. My Father did a study and saw 13 cars park there in one hour one lunch time, including an armed Police woman! I foolishly tried the IAS appeal process, knowing that I only had a 20% chance of being successful, because it is well known that this is not independent at all. True to form my appeal was rejected, even though I had pointed out and given proof that the evidence given by the management company was incomplete and the site plans and photos showing the signs were over two years old and not what were in place when my alleged parking offence took place. The Arbitrator dismissed these facts and still rejected my appeal and asked me to pay the charge within 14 days. I informed the Parking Management Company that I did not accept the decision of the IAS and the reasons why. I stated that I would not be paying the charge and requested that they followed the correct legal process and take me to court and not waste time and money passing this onto a debt recovery company. My letters, including to the MD were ignored and the charge was increased to £160, to cover admin charges. I heard nothing for four months then out of the blue I received a letter from a Debt Recovery company asking for the £160 to be paid. I have denied the debt, and asked them to ask their client to take me to court, so that this can be decided fairly. Their response states if the account remains unpaid it will progress to the legal stage and be passed to the solicitors. I would welcome further advice to what I have already received. This situation has been very upsetting and stressful for my family and I, especially when I am an honest, law abiding citizen, who has not committed any parking offences before. In the meantime, roll on the passing of the Private Parking Bill!
  5. Good evening all, I took out a unsecured personal loan around 2 years ago with Tesco bank. My financial situation has changed quite a bit in the past 6 months, lost a family member, dealing with depression and anxiety and due to this my self employment businesses sales have plummeted. I got a part time job to help cover my living expenses so i'm trying my best to keep up with all of my payments. My outstanding balance is just over £16k. Monthly payments just under £400. The past 4 months I've been paying late. At the end of every month I end up giving every single penny I have toward this loan payment. Tomorrow I am planning on sending this letter off I found in the forums. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?387346-Ask-Creditor-to-Accept-Pro-Rata-Payments-**Correct-as-at-October-2013** I was just wondering where I can find a I/E sheet? and do I include this loan payment in that sheet? Also what is considered a reasonable offer that they would be inclined to accept? Is this the best way forward? Thank you in advance
  6. Hi I ordered a Hisense 50" 4K TV from Argos on Monday and it arrived yesterday. After playing with it for a few hours, setting it up to my standards and getting to grips with all the functions, I discovered that the satellite EPG is all but missing. All it shows is 'No programme' until I click onto a channel, at which point it fills in the current programme and sometimes the following one too. This is absolutely useless. The whole point of an EPG is that you can easily see what's on without having to tune to each and every channel first. It also makes the PVR function useless as you can't schedule a recording when it's not showing in the EPG. I did some research (which I should have done before I bought it) and it seems the lack of an EPG is a known issue and is down to Hisense refusing to pay for a license. They also have no plans to do so in the future. This means the satellite tuner is effectively useless. The only reason I bought this TV was so that I could ditch my Sky box and use the tuner in the TV to pick up the free satellite channels and the PVR function to record shows. Without an EPG I'm stuck using my old Sky box. I suppose I could buy a proper Freesat box (or even get Freesat from Sky) but I was really hoping to reduce the number of remotes I have to deal with too. This TV was going to have everything in one nice little package; TV, PVR, Amazon Prime Video, Netflix. Bah humbug. I contacted Argos and was told that I can't return it because it's used and technically isn't faulty. Here's an extract of the transcript from my conversation with them: Dylan (17:19:03 GMT) : I can see that this is a smart TV. I'm afraid that with devices such as this, we cannot accept a return due to our security policies. However, if the item is faulty then you could take it into our store to have it repaired. Visitor (17:21:25 GMT) : It's not something that can be repaired. Hisense have admitted that the EPG is down to their reluctance to pay for it and they have no intention of ever doing so. It's not a mechanical fault that can be repaired, it's just not fit for purpose. Dylan (17:23:01 GMT) : Then this is not something we can assist with as the item does need to be faulty. The lack of an EPG by manufacturer's choice would not be considered a fault. I've had another look through the description of the TV on the Argos site and it actually doesn't mention the satellite tuner; it's not something they boast about for obvious reasons, so it's not really a selling point as such. One thing it does mention though is 'Freeview Play digital tuner'. I did a little digging and it seems Freeview Play is a blend of Freeview and Catchup services in one convenient EPG. This is also missing (yes, it has the latest firmware). Even if it was there, I can't use it as my signal isn't strong enough. I have a communal aerial which only picks up about 12 channels and none of them in HD which is why I purposely got a TV with a satellite tuner. Can anyone tell me what my options are? Thanks in advance. Toby
  7. Hi all, After transferring a private number plate off my old car and buying a new one, I waited till my V5C came for my new car. Goes online to try to transfer the private reg but comes up with error message "cannot transfer this number online". So use the online chat to speak to DVLA giving all the details and they say "vehicle does not meet the criteria for transferring number plate" and that this has been passed to the relevant department to see whether or not its possible.... Bizarre, so now having to wait a few weeks to learn the outcome...anybody had this before ?
  8. Hi Guys, I picked up a Sony Vaio for next to nothing and it's in pretty good nick. I am however having internet connection problems. I have connected it to my router via ethernet and wirelessly, but Internet Explorer still can't display the web page. The internet icon says connected with 100mbs speed, but still can't work out what's wrong. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi and thanks for any help in advance. I kind and generous person hit my car whilst it was parked outside of my house yesterday, they left no details sadly. I then phoned my insurance to register the claim and they did the DVLA conference. At this point the DVLA decided they could not continue and would not give a reason why as there was a third party on the line. I then phoned the DVLA to obtain the code to view the licence details and I was told that I have two licences why is news to me and they would not release any information until this resolved. They will not give me a time scale and needless to say that the Insurance people will not get my car repaired until they have this code. I am stuck between the DVLA and the insurance and I wondered if there is anything I can do to speed the reapirs up. Any help is appreciated although I fear that I am stuck until the DVLA finish whatever it is that they are doing.
  10. I swapped the tags in TKMaxx yesterday (30/11). it's the first time I did something like this so don't know what happens next and would be grateful for help. . Got banned for a year from all TKMaxx stores in UK and due to a crime prevention system they operate also from all the shops in the Birmingham city centre. I was told it's the city centre only, but the leaflet seems to say otherwise, I'd appreciate if someone had the same experience and could advise, please. When asked if it means I'll have a criminal record now, the guard assured me it had nothing to do with the police and the only reason my name and address were passed to the officer already present (there were some police officers already, detaining two men) was to confirm my address as I had no such confirmation on me. Was told the store's solicitors will be in touch asking for a fine, which might be between £50 and £100 and if that's not affordable, I will need to let them know. I checked the leaflet after finding this forum, it is RLP . I wanted to pay, but not sure I should anymore? I wouldn't be able to pay it all or all in one go, so I would have to speak/write to RLP . I am very scared of another debt collector and also of possible court prosecution, don't know what I should do? I've been looking for a job for a while, RLP says they're allowed to share my record with potential employers. Does it mean I can only apply for positions open to people with criminal record? Or abroad (or maybe this doesn't make a difference as they'd check even from overseas)? I'm also scared it may count as another fraud, so would like for this mistake to be rectified. Thank you.
  11. In May 2015 I purchased a Snooper DVR-3HD dashcam from Amazon sold by Amazon in October this year it developed power related faults including turning on, battery holding no charge etc I returned it to Snooper via their technical support who recently emailed back saying that although it was out of the 12 month warranty (I'd owned it 1 year 5 months) it was not a model that they stock anymore and that they do not have spares for the device and therefore cannot repair it. They have therefore offered me a newer model the DVR-4HD at a discounted price of £99.99 instead of the regular RRP of £149.99. However I do feel that although this is an upgraded model I feel it is only giving me the option of paying £99.99 for a replacement direct from Snooper and if I don't, then I am stuck with a faulty dashcam which I have paid £139.99 for and lasted only 17 months. Obviously there is the issue under the Sale of Goods act of arguing that goods must be fit for purpose for up to 6 years and I would consider a dashcam of that price to be more towards the higher end of the dashcam market compared to many other cheaper models and therefore expect it to last longer than 17 months before being faulty and then unable to be repaired. The SOGA also says that the claim should be against the retailer (Amazon in this case) but it is Snooper who have dealt with the repair via their technical support and have not exactly told me what the fault was yet. Should I be directing my claim towards Amazon instead and should I be requesting either a replacement or at least a partial refund from them seeing as it can't be repaired? Or is it fair to consider that a £139.99 dashcam can be classed as "dead" after just 17 months (i.e. only expected to last that long), or that £99.99 is a reasonable price to pay for a replacement model which now retails at near enough the same price as the old one when effectively the only main difference between the two is that the new one would be at the start of a new 12 month warranty?
  12. BILLED DEFERRED FINANCE CHARGES What the heck is this? I have been checking my credit card to make sure everything is as it should be and found two of these entries. One is for £0.38 and the other is £1.76. it says merchant and gives a code, but the code means nothing to me, as I cannot identify the merchant. I buy from overseas at times and there is a transaction fee for this, so am at a loss to cross reference this. I am loathed to phone them tomorrow on the 0300 number supplied on the statement.
  13. I have been suspended from my job been 4 weeks now and in such a state cannot eat or sleep 15yrs service, no previous issues of anything not even timekeeping. I am not doing good with all this.
  14. Mortgage taken out in joint names 25 years ago with endowment. Partner did a runner within weeks of exchanging contracts and due to financial problems the matter was never resolved and all bills got paid by the remaining partner. Role on 25 years and the mortgage is due in a few weeks but I have been informed both parties need to sign the endowment release papers. I have tried online tracing services and no records of the missing partner exist within the last few years, the last known address was 2 years ago on electoral role. Where do I stand as I obviously need the endowment funds to pay the mortgage?
  15. Hello I am back again! I thought my troubles were over with Vodafone but apparently this was wishful thinking! I have been unable to send texts or receive calls since January 8. I have made numerous complaints, have spoken to customer service reps via 191 who have plenty of platitudes about wanting to help me with my problem (this never happens) and have had one call back from an agent who claimed the issue would be resolved in 48 hours which was over 2 weeks ago. I was told that Vodafone had disconnected my number for reasons no one at Vodafone seems to know despite me paying my bill every month on time by DD. I have not ported my number over recently (I previously had issues with this the beginning of last year when I first joined) so I am more than confused why Vodafone has decided on this course of action out of the blue. I would appreciate my number being restored since ridiculously enough, I can still make calls but no one can call me as my number is supposedly invalid or callers are given the "you have dialled an incorrect number" message. I hope that this problem can be resolved and quickly as I am awaiting some rather important phone calls and do not want to miss them because of an error on the part of Vodafone. Any assistance would be much appreciated. I have submitted the Vodafone form as per instructions. The reference number is: WRT135 [#12499592]
  16. I want to make clear I am NOT offering legal advice here - I wish to draw people's attention to an area of law that the general public are often not aware of - but the DVLA exploits this lack of knowledge to often bully people into submission for the vast majority of their fines. I have seen countless examples on here, and I myself have also been on the receiving end of it, and the routine typically goes - 1. DVLA threatens to prosecute driver for alleged offence (late licensing penalty, keeping an unregistered vehicle on the public road, various offences under VERA, etc.) 2. Initially they scare the person by claiming that they could be subject to all sorts of criminal penalties and maximum fines if found guilty 3. Then they offer some reduced out of court settlement offer that if you pay on time will let them agree to close the matter 4. Some people scared pay up immediately, others who begin by making their case only continue to be threatened and ultimately pay in order to avoid the fear of going to court In the vast majority of cases the result is the same - the driver gets fleeced by the DVLA. What I want to bring to your attention is that all offences DVLA can/threatens to prosecute people for in relation to vehicle registration are SUMMARY OFFENCES. Please do not be confused with motoring offences prosecuted by the police such as driving under the influence, failing to name a driver, etc. as these can be either way offences. SUMMARY OFFENCES Under Section 1 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1980 proceedings for a summary offence must be commenced within 6 months of the alleged offence being committed. In my case they contacted me last November threatening to prosecute me for an alleged VERA offence that took place in January (11 months prior). I told them that despite the fact that I protested my innocence they would not be able to prosecute me as they had not commenced proceedings within 6 months for this Summary offence, so I would not be entertaining their allegations. I continued to receive threats for a while but ultimately they shied away and said the case had been closed giving no reason - the reason was because they knew all along they were unable to prosecute me at that time and their threats were nothing more than hot air trying it on to try and extract some money from me. In a great number of cases I have seen people post on here the offence being alleged occurred much longer than 6 months ago and they are still playing ball with DVLA who are simply trying to get them to fork up for something they no longer have any authority to prosecute. LIMITATION PERIOD - 6 MONTH RULE I have to make it clear that if DVLA are contacting you within 6 months of the offence they are alleging then please do not misunderstand what I'm saying - DVLA can and do prosecute people where they are able to AND THE TIME LIMITS APPLY! If however you are like me and many others on the back end of DVLA's inefficient backlog, and they are contacting you about an allegation that occurred more than 6 months ago then keep in mind they are now statute barred from bringing any prosecution against you so their threats are effectively lies to get you to pay them as there is very little action they now have the ability to take against you. In this case, I would always simply tell them that I'm innocent however as the limitation period has now expired for them to commence proceedings against me I will take any further threats of prosecution in these circumstances to be false statements and I will not be entertaining this matter further.
  17. It says I don't have permissions
  18. A disabled friend of mine and his carer attended the Wales v England rugby match in Cardiff this month. Sleeperz Hotel in the City have adapted rooms for disabled persons. He saw that they were advertising the Wales/Italy rugby match on 18th March 2016 and at the time decided to book 2 rooms - cost £390 in total which was paid in full. He now wishes to cancel the booking but the hotel has refused citing their booking reservation Details. I have checked this for him and it does say that there is no refund as it is an "advanced purchase rate" . I have also checked the hotels web site and spoken to the General Manager who was adamant that there is no refund but that the booking could be changed to another name. Surely there must be a cooling off period especially when the rooms have been booked and paid for for over a years time. Can anyone help on this please ? Many thanks
  19. Dear all, I'm in need of a little advice regarding a rolling contract for a 3G mobile internet dongle the company I work for entered into, but no longer require. I have also forwarded the details of this thread to web relations team of Vodafone via the email address. What follows is a brief outline of the situation: In January 2012 a colleague purchased a 3G mobile internet dongle and associated rolling monthly contract with Vodafone. The contract is in the company name, payment is taken from the company account, however the associated individual for the account is my colleague. Fast forward to October 2014, the dongle hasn't been used for over a year and it decided we should cancel the contract, however my colleague whose name is associated with the account no longer works for us. On contacting Vodafone I'm told I cannot speak to anyone regarding the account, despite having the account number, payment details and proof that I work for the company associated with the account on hand, because I don't pass data protection. Upon explaining that the associated individual no longer works for the company I'm told there is nothing that can be done on the phone, however they will make contact with the associated individual and request permission to cancel. Forward to November 2014 I call back, this time speaking to Mike in Vodafone's Dearne Valley call centre. I explain the situation, explain that he should be able to see the account is not in use and that we have no intention of paying for a service we don't use. Mike gives me permission to instruct our accounts team to cancel the Direct Debit at 12:26pm on 24th November. Forward to the current date - we are receiving letters, via our accountants, from the Vodafone Credit and Collections team, demanding payment for outstanding monthly fees. My question is this: 1. How can we cancel an account when the only person who passes data protection is no longer here and cannot be contacted?
  20. Hello everyone, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this...hope so. I wonder if I share a story, if anyone can offer advice please. 9 years ago, due to illness and family tragedy, my husband got into financial difficulty. Via the CCCS, token repayments to creditors were agreed an interest suspended. Since then, payments have increased in line with affordability. We have reapid a considerable amount, but still have a fair way to go. I know some will say, 'why didn't you try to go the non-cca, unenforceable route' but, all apart from one were helpful (I did get SD set aside re Arrow Global as they wouldn't play ball) so did not want to pursue the fight with the others. Fast forward to now and our circumstances have taken a turn for the worse and, due to a reduction in income (husband self-employed and work slowed, loss of income due to ongoing health issues and hospital visits), we can no longer afford the current repayment levels, so we have written to the remaining creditors to explain the situation (and included an up-to-date I&E). The one I would like to ask advice on is Idem. ORIGINAL DEBT TO MBNA APPROX £7800 APPROX MBNA PAID £4400 APPROX PAID TO IDEM SO FAR £2000 Original Creditor MBNA agreed a repayment programme that, provided we kept to until they were repaid, they would leave us alone (which they did). We continued the payments, then in September 2012, we were advised that they had sold the remaining debt to Idem Capital Securities Ltd, but that the agreement would continue (which it did). We began paying the same payments to Idem but, we cannot afford these now. Idem has written (see letter C) saying that they need express consent to process the information in our letter and I&E, either in writing or by a phone call. As we won't deal with any of this at the telephone, the signed confirmation is the only option. DO WE HAVE TO SIGN AND RETURN THIS? WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS IF WE DO? WHAT IF WE DON'T? What we don't want is for them to 'get heavy' with us, because we can't pay what we can't currently afford. If the repayment programme with MBNA was in place and a default notice never issued as a result (don't have one in file anyway), when the debt was sold to Idem, did that terminate the account and could Idem take us to Court if we can't agree on continued repayments? Any suggestions on how to proceed? Thanks Sorry, forgot how to attach copy letter, it's been so long since I posted on here!! Think this should work. Didn't-too small, sorry. Hoping this works. Can someone let me know if you can see this copy ok. If not, I'll try the other suggested method. Stigman, Thanks for the response. Yes we do have our own house (with equity, I'm afraid). You said send a CCA request (to Idem I presume). Is that n preference to a SAR (to MBNA)? Also, do you know anything about the request to sign the 'express consent' letter and whether we have to do this in order for them to look at our chnge of circumstances/I&E? I've got all the MBNA statements so I can look at them with regard to charges and a possible reclaim. How far can I go back?
  21. My son is 24 earns good money and has very good credit but has never had a credit card or a loan. He applied for a £6000 loan to buy a new car with Barclays bank which he has been bank who he has been banking with since he was 17 years of age. Barclays have been sending him letters about getting loans and credit card which has previously declined and now he has applied for one he has been refused. My son lives with me and I do not have good credit and I am sure that credit applies to the individual and not the household, is this correct????
  22. Hi i am new to the forum and any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated, Several weeks ago I sent a SAR request to Santander to see if I had PPI on a loan I had taken out, when i received a reply back today I thought I would have nothing more to do than open the envelope and look through the files, unfortunately this has been impossible, due to the quality of the loan agreement they have sent out to me. I have uploaded copies of the agreement they sent to me. .( this is the quality of agreement they sent to me).. Now i am not sure what to do next, and if i have grounds to ask them to send out another copy but of a better quality that is readable. kind regards
  23. I am a student from the University of Kent. Recently I signed a contract with a student lettings company (however the landlord has not signed the client copy of the contract must I mention. But this probably doesn't make a difference anyway since there are two signed agreements from all parties with the landlord himself and with the agency.) The rent is from September 2014 to July 2015. There is no break clause from the contract either. Unfortunately I did not pass one of my exams and I also have a startup company that was just accepted into an accelerator program in the San Francisco in August, so I will be travelling there for a month in August. This is when my resits take place and therefore I won't be able to resit that particular exam, therefore unable to continue with my second year and thus won't be able to pay for my rent in the second year that I am liable for. I haven't managed to find a replacement tenant either. I am now in a position where I cannot pay the fees for the house as I am not going to University for a year and I do need some urgent advice on this. There is no way I can afford that rent without going to University, my University won't let me continue unless I resit and the next resit dates are August 2015 - forcing me to take a gap year. If you guys can help me out here that'll be great! Cheers!
  24. I received a letter from Hamptons - is this standard threat-o-gram stuff or something more serious? The text of the letter is: I have been ignoring all letters from Lowells about this debt for nearly 3 years. Should I ignore this, too? Thanks, Sue
  25. Hi I cannot open a bank account anywhere, I have tried every high street bank I can think of. Barclays briefly opened a basic account for me which was closed some 48 hours later with no reasoning or explanation. I have checked my credit file and whilst it is appalling in it's nature, lots of defaults and a couple of CCJs I was advised by Yorkshire Bank that I may have a fraud marker against my name - I cannot see this. There are no CIFAS warnings and I have registered with all 3 credit reference agencies. I have tried to open accounts with; Natwest Lloyds Coop Santander Barclays Yorkshire Bank Halifax Nationwide They've all said no. I just don't know what to do, I cannot cope without a bank account and I have debt problems yes, but what risk am I to a bank with an account that cannot go overdrawn? Hoping somebody can help. Regards
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