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  1. I invest money for trading in this company after they will call me 5 times after they never receive my call and not reply on whatsapp. I've worst experience during this session. Still, they not refund my money. Kindly Help me for this issue.
  2. I will try and be as brief as possible with this. My partner hired a taxi from a local cab hire firm back in July 2017. He paid a deposit on taking the car. The original car had a lot of problems and kept getting taken into the garage for repairs. As it was licensed to another county, they could not provide another vehicle when repairs were being made and therefore could not work. Another time with this particular car, was told it was repaired, filled the tank £50 and then it broke down again (no recovery or breakdown service offered either, despite paying £200 per week!). They said they would get a replacement car, told it would be an Octavia - then given a Dacia Logan (may be fine for nipping around town) totally not cut out for taxi work! Still paying the same rent. As he got licenced locally, he asked for a locally licensed car (to avoid past issues). They dragged their heels with this and finally got given another Dacia in Jan 18 despite saying he didn't want another Dacia as it is majorly uncomfortable to work in. Finally managed to get our own car plated so returned the car to taxi hire firm. I emailed and checked account balance was zero and have email to confirm it was. Contract states a period of 6 weeks for return of initial deposit. Waited the six weeks, didn't get it, I called and was told no it was 8 weeks and would be paid on a certain date. Waited another two weeks, still nothing. Called again and told the woman who deals with it is on holiday. Chased again the following week to then get an email stating that as he did not keep the last car for 6 weeks that he would not be getting back his original deposit and also that he owed them about £150. This figure is not correct and is due to their errors when car was taken in for repair etc half way through the week when rent was paid in advance. I called CAB and they have told me to write letter to them with the argument that it was a continuation of the original contract as he had a car from them permanently from July 17 to Feb 18. I just wondered if anyone can help me out with some wording for the letter to them. I have heard that many other people have had trouble getting deposits back. The company are highly unprofessional imo. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  3. Hello hope someone can offer some advice. I brought a bike using a e voucher with halfords. I brought it for my son, but he doesn't like the one I have brought, It is brand new and boxed, as I thought he would enjoy putting together himself too. I took it back to halfords and asked for a credit note/voucher so he can come in when he was ready to choose for himself, I should just add he is autistic and does not like to be rushed and likes to take he's own time on things. But It is under a week old too. They said I couldn't, as there is nothing wrong with it, I understand, but it is still in the box unbuilt and it was a surprise gift. Any help.
  4. Recently Online using a CC I bought a Tyre Pressure Management System from Fit2Go. At the time I was unable to access their T&Cs etc. the unit was delivered however it was no longer needed so I returned it the next day which was the 24th Aug. I also emailed them to ask about the returns policy but got no answer until today. They state; "Unfortunately we only take returns back if the item is within warranty and is faulty. Can I ask why you don’t think it will be suitable?" I was under the impression that most stuff anything bought Online could be returned within 14 days after delivery with no questions asked. The item was returned in the original packaging. Please advise. Thanks.
  5. Hi everyone, I have an issue I am a little confused with, as in what to do about it and who to tackle. I purchased an item from Amazon, a router, sold by Ebuyer, via Amazon, this was on the 24th June. The router as it was not really working as advertised, such as, WiFi dropping, wired clients dropping, phones and tablets not being able to connect to the WiFi unless rebooted, and generally it was a poor experience, I updated the firmware as recommended by Netgear and gave it another week but not much seemed to change, so I made a request with Amazon for a return on the 30th July. Amazon informed me that it was a 'seller return' and I would have to wait for Ebuyer to basically OK the return, which they did on the 31st July, and provided me with an RMA number. I called Ebuyer on the 1st Aug as they had requested that I provide a day/date I was available for the collection, and to confirm the collection address, and the collection was scheduled for the 2nd Aug. On the 2nd, sometime around 1:30 ish, I heard a knock at the door, I was in the back room, and my house is small, so it took me no more than 15-20 seconds to put down what I was doing and get to the front door, which by the way, was wide open due to the heat of the day, upon where I see a guy walking up my short drive, back to his van. So I called out to him and he came back to the door, I handed him the parcel, he put a sticker on the box and walked off, I asked about a receipt and he mumbled I did not need one and he just carried on and got in his van and left. I was a bit worried about not having proof of collection and on the 6th decided to email Ebuyer via the Amazon messae centre and also called them, and the lady on the phone said, OK I will arrange another collection for you, as this was has failed. At which point I said, it has already been collected as I have already told you and she said, ooohhh... and then said, OK you better leave it until Wednesday, just in case it turns up, which is today of course. Now Ebuyer is saying that Yodel is claiming that they never collected the parcel due no one being available at the premises and that the GPS shows this as probable too, I have no idea how they can tell this from GPS though. So my question(s), what should I do? I have checked on Amazon and I believe I can now request Amazon investigate this but am kind of worried that I am going to get stuck at the, 'well the item has not yet been returned for a refund' and I am still over £100 out of pocket. I have told Ebuyer I am more than happy to report this to the police as theft and make a formal statement/complaint to Yodel about the matter, partly because I am happy to do this and plan to if the package does not appear, and partly in the hope it may help to suddenly and mysteriously 'find' the package. Of course, I had no direct contact with Yodel other than handing the package over to the driver, and it was Ebuyer who arranged the collection and chose the company, so figure they are at fault and they should be making efforts to get this fixed, but kind of get the feeling they are going to sit on it and let it look like the item was never collected. I am now concerned that I am going to be left without the package and no refund and ultimatetly be over £100 down with no way to address it. Any thoughts? Ideas? Who to tackle? What to say? Any input is most welcome and most appreciated. Regards
  6. Hi guys, I bought a used car last week that was described as a 'superb example' with absolutely no mechanical issues. The same day, on the way home from the garage, the engine was misfiring. It was diagnosed by a mechanic two days later and a report written. I agreed to return the car for repair having initially been refused a refund - a 100 mile journey. 20 miles into the journey the car was misfiring constantly - vibrating/shuddering. It did not feel safe to drive. I called the dealer and stated that I would like to return the car for a full refund, as we have suffered enough additional expense and stress. He refused and told me that he would not accept the car and that I was not to bring it to his garage. The car is on my drive and has not been used since being diagnosed with the fault 2 days after purchase. A letter in advance of action was sent two days ago with no reply. My question is this, do I have to physically return the car within the 30 day period? Or is it enough to have put it in writing that I am rejecting the car? Thanks in advance, J.
  7. Hi, has anyone ever upgraded their phone on the Vodafone website and then a week or so later they would like to change it? Iv got the iPhone 8 but would like the iPhone X, I’m just wondering if anyone has done this by contacting the returns team and they offer some sort of exchange as in can they give me the new phone with a similar deal to what I’m paying just now and then return this phone once it’s set up and get the upfront cost refunded also? many thanks
  8. Hi all Hope everyone is well. Had this back recently - after months on inactivity on all accounts. For a Lloyd’s credit card This is the one and only sheet sent back from Idem. Looks like an application form to me ? Any help much appreciated. Thanks for looking and Bon weekend ! Here is correct picture Lloyd’s scan 2.pdf
  9. hello there I received the following from idem Sorry for not naming my attachment , I am new to this technology. Are these documents enforceable? Any thoughts and opinions would be appreciated. convert-jpg-to-pdf.net_2018-03-05_13-25-40.pdf
  10. I bought an item on Ebay, which the seller claimed had only been used 1 time and was in excellent condition, the only reason why i bought the item. The item arrived damaged, i requested a return as item not as decribed and arrived damaged. Seller refused to accept a return, instead she blamed me for the damage, saying i had caused the damaged and had swapped item and the pictures I had shown of the damage were fake. Seller claimed she has a witness who saw her send the item in mint condition, but i told her it arrived damaged with a dent/chipped, with scratches etc and obviously not used the 1 time as seller claimed. Anway the seller then made a threat take me to smalls court (when she had my money and sent me a damaged item) and is still refusing to take the item back and still blaming me and now claims she can get a witness statement to say she sent the item in mint condition - if thats the case as seller claims, why it did arrived damaged!! In the email exchange with the seller, she is trying to make herself look the victim in all of this. The item is of over £250 Raised return request on Ebay, but seller is blaming me for the damage, how crazy is that, she sent an item not as described, anway time to escalate to Ebay and get Ebay involved because the seller is not admitting the item i received is damaged, even after showing pictures and still blaming me, what do I tell Ebay when I escalate item not as decribed, arrived damaged, seller not accepting responsibility, blaming me for the damage? As for the sellers witness statement to say she sent the item in mint condition, that doesn't count because my pictures show the damage, please please help
  11. I have recently had a CCA response from Robinson Way, regarding an old Burton card account. The CCA they have sent however relates to another older and closed account in my name, as the account numbers are different. Just wondering what the best approach is now. They have resumed collection activities but at present just threatening to send e-mails, letters & phone calls. Is it worth responding at the moment to point out the error or should I just let it run it's course for a while and see where it goes? Any advice would be appricated. Many thanks.
  12. Hi everyone, My Daughter has got herself in a pickle - she is going to uni and against our advice re-signed her tenancy agreement that doesn't start till June 2018 my wife was the guarantor but she has not signed and my daughter has not paid any deposit yet. she has now fallen out with the others that she is sharing with currently and does not want to continue staying there next year after the current agreement expires in June 2018. She has been in touch with the letting agents who have told her that there is no way out since she signed unless she finds someone herself to take her place. she only did this due to the amount of emails they kept sending and they were using scare tactics to tell her that if they don't sign some one else will take the property. This and the Uni workload was stressing her so she signed it and now regrets that. is there any way out of it now as Guarantor hasn't signed and no deposit paid ? thanks for your help in advance alix2
  13. Last year I booked a transatlantic return flight from Madrid with Iberia, on behalf of a friend of mine who moved to Madrid years ago. It was an expensive flight to start with and the email from Iberia stated that date changes would incur a penalty of between US $195 and $325. She changed the return date and was told over the phone that she had to pay over $500 to change the date. She argued about it but was given some stock answer by the local Iberia office so she had to pay the amount using her card. This is clearly not in accordance with what was stated on their booking confirmation email that stated: "Change Allowed with a penalty between 190-325 USD for departures from America, 150-250 € for departures from Europe" I believe BA and Iberia have merged https://www.britishairways.com/en-gb/information/about-ba/iag Is there anything that can be done?
  14. Any legal guys here need help In January I needed to be fitted with a pacemaker. My surgeon told me that I must inform the DVLA but to also tell them that I had fully recovered due to the procedure and me bionic heart. Soon after I told them by phone and they said I would get a questionnaire to fill in. The facts ----- Due to the questionnaire not being returned in time my driving license has been revoked. Following a telephone call today I was informed that My license will not be reinstated even though they have the said questionnaire in their possession. I have informed them that it will cause severe hardship and distress to me as a registered disabled person who needs a vehicle at all times. Even asking them what I should do they said to go to the post office and apply for a driving license. I told them that I couldn't because I am on my own and can't get there because of my disability. Not their problem basically! They did not get the questionnaire in time but can't tell me what law/guidelines they have in place and what grounds there are to have the license reinstated even temporarily until the whole thing is investigated. It is actually a paper exercise for their records because when I rang them the medical condition did not exist. You can legally drive with a pacemaker all you have to do is inform the DVLA. I also asked them how they can impose a punishment as harsh as revoking a license of a disabled person who is deemed fit to drive and why they can't come to a compromise now that they have the questionnaire. They told me that the time limit is 14 days from the date they send me the letter and I told them that I got the letter today dated 16/03/2018 informing me that it had been revoked?? I asked them how they could impose a time limit on something that they cannot prove I got never mind got late like the letter i got today? Does anyone know how I can fight this? Can they impose what is deemed a punishment on a time limit that is instigated on a letter that they cannot prove was received by me on time? Common sense would dictate that it be reinstated on a temporary basis now that the information has been received and is, in fact, a paper exercise. I cannot find anything in writing on the net stating when the time limit is imposed? Should it not be sent recorded if there is a punishment attached? Like they have the form but won't do anything because it was late and the letter i got today informing that my license was revoked was dated 16th March hence why I rang them??? PLZ Help
  15. My son has a Mk 4 VW R32 ,( Fast Golf ) and as well as being a long term project in keeping it standard and in tip top condition ,it is also a money pit , but he loves the car . His latest project came about because of a leak from the sun roof ,. The leak caused staining and other damage to the head lining ,so having replaced seals to the sunroof , using the cars VIN number he ordered a new headlining , which was special order from the factory The replacement head lining material is not a match to the rest of the interior trim ,” A” posts “B” posts and sunroof inner panel etc , VWs answer is that there may have been a specification change to the head lining , and could not guarantee that if he ordered the rest of the interior trim it would match the finish of the headlining . Here is the crunch ,due special order , VW will not accept return , even though there is a mismatch with existing interior trim . There was NO indication on the official VW parts list the dealer used to order the headlining to indicate that there was a change in specification or material type ,so at present my son has shelled almost £400 for a useless part . Not fit for purpose ? or any other reason we can persuade VW to accept return. It is a awkward situation as my son has ( up to now ) a good relationship with the dealership , having bought many parts to keep his pride and joy looking its best .
  16. Hello all. I submitted a claim using MCOL a few weeks ago for a Deposit I gave to a Landlord (LL) when I lodged with them for 6 months, a total of £600. I am claiming that amount, including interest and court fees totalling just over £700. I took all reasonable steps to get the deposit back but the LL started blanking me and made promises to pay but never did. I started the MCOL process and they submitted an acknowledgment of service, stating they are going to defend the entire claim. Fair enough, thats their right. However herein the problem lies. I had been using the LLs current address to send all my formal letters and put it into MCOL with served the particulars of claim to them at that address (thus enabling them to submit an acknowledgement of service). However in their acknowledgement of service they put changed their address to their old address where they no longer live and havent done so for a year. This now means further documentation from the court will go to their old address - and my best guess is that when it comes to it they will try and get the claim set aside because they haven't received further court correspondence (because they've intentionally put an old/false address). Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this? Thank you!
  17. Good morning,I am looking for advice on where I stand legally when landlord is trying to claim all of my deposit on a property I have now left. I lived at the property for seven years but was given one months notice to quit on October 4th(rent due on 5th of month) as the landlord informed me that she was selling the property after failing to remortgage it. I told her that I believed I required two months notice but she said that I was wrong,however I cooperated with many viewings on the property and was informed that the property had been sold and vacant possession was required. The sale fell through and she then said that she was in no rush for me to move. I found a property for which she gave me a good reference and I left the property on Nov 4th. I applied for my deposit through the DPS scheme,claiming back the full amount of £856.49 but she has declined the full amount for the following reasons: 1.Rent arrears of £550.00 which I assume would be for the month Nov/Dec as my rent was always paid in full to the date I left and had never been in arrears. 2.Missing items £250.00 - The check out inventory was not done by the landlord so I am unsure what she is referring to.The only items that I am aware of are a washing machine and a dishwasher.These items are no longer there as during the tenancy the items broke and the landlord was informed at the time and I was asked to dispose of them.I have text messages to confirm this. 3.Gardening £50.00 - The garden was left clean and tidy,the only exception being fence panels that had fallen during storms,I also have photographic evidence of this. I am not sure how relevant the next point is but when the estate agent selling the property spoke to me he asked for a current gas safety certificate but the last one I had was dated 2014.He informed me that this check has to be done by law every year. When I left the property I left new flooring and carpets that were purchased in August this year,everything was left clean and tidy,the only damage being structural i.e.severe.damp on a number of walls and ceilings,guttering broken, leaking pipes and upstairs electrics not working..The landlord had been informed of these issues but had taken no remedial action. I need to know if: 1/ I am liable for the rent arrears as she has claimed or can I leave during the notice period. 2/ Is she in breach of contract for not doing repairs or failing to carry out the yearly gas check. I realy cannot afford a solicitor and need to know my best course of action. Thank you.
  18. Hi I have posted previously re a debt my son has in Dubai He was self employed while out there for 5 months. We have now come to do his tax return and I would like to know if we can show this debt as a loss on the return. ? Thanks in advance. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?480103-dubai-debt-and-CWD
  19. :|My wife is a Carer who uses her car to visit clients homes. She's employed by an agency, but, doesn't receive a fuel allowance. She went on the HMRC website and filed what she thought was the appropriate form for claiming fuel allowance. She was told she would have to fill in a tax return form that would also include an expenses form. Being PAYE she had never had to do this before. So, she fills in the form, sent it off, and the next thing is she gets a letter telling her because she put her form in late,she had incurred a £100 fine and had (I think) 14 days in which to pay or it would increase on a daily basis! The fine was paid within the 14 days. We're still not sure how to make the fuel allowance claim as the HMRC sent everything back to her. Also, should she have been fined as an PAYE claimant. The mind boggles!
  20. Hi, Happy holidays. I am looking for some guidance. Just returned home with nice letter from HMRC about VAT return of £571. This is for period of 27th July to 31st Oct. I have bought some items to flip on amazon back in June/July total 120 units, that cost me £1080 in total. I have sold them all for £2,395.93 - the amazon fees. This was sold during 6th July to 27th to be exact. Then I decided to open a VAT account and look for some distributor accounts, however never been able to find good products and decided I need to close VAT account as the only way to get in with distributors was to have VAT account. I have closed my VAT account, however never filled VAT return and did not think anything of it now. I would like to pay the VAT, but I don't believe 571 quid is the right amount. How can I work out how much I have to pay and file the return? It says I have 30 days from the date of letter to file or there may be penalties. Please see picture attached of the letter. Thanks Scannable_Document_on_28_Dec_2018_at_21_38_16.pdf
  21. Thought there was something fishy with my account balance on very.co.uk, I contacted customer service this morning. Turns out they've charged me again for a PS4 bundle that I returned last week, as an item was 'missing' (PlayStation Network 365 Day subscription card). Apparently it's in transit back to me and they say they're incapable of advising me until I get it back -- for whatever reason. Of course, no one from Very warned me that they'd charge me again, let alone that they'd be sending it back to me. Not a call, not even an email. Is 'Just figure it out yourself' Very's new motto? When I dealt with the return last week, I immediately sent it back upon picking it up at the Post Office. I didn't even leave the front desk, as all I had to do was affix the return label I'd already printed. I barely even opened the cardboard packaging, just a tiny slot to fit a folded up return slip in there, promptly sealed back with tape. Therefor, either the missing item was never included in the bundle to begin with (an issue people have had in the past with other Very bundles), or it was 'lost' when someone dealt with the return. CCTV at the Post Office would support this, as the package never left the front desk. Any advice on what to do next? I have already tweeted to them about it. Thanks everyone.
  22. Thought this was interesting https://qz.com/998260/egypt-s-nile-farmers-are-going-to-back-to-beat-climate-change/
  23. I bought some made to measure window blinds from an online retailer. They make it clear they cannot be returned if the purchaser gives the wrong measurements, so I followed their measuring guide to the letter. When they arrived the blinds themselves fit perfectly, but the fixings that hold the blind do not fit the recess I have. These fixings or their size were not mentioned in the measuring guide or anywhere else on the site. I have asked for a refund but they say they can't be returned as the blinds are made to measure. I said I wasn't to know the fixings would be bigger and not fit, and they said I should have expected they be bigger in order to hold the blind. They have offered a discount on an alternative blind which would fit better, but no refund on the initial purchase. They also pointed out I'd ordered a similar blind before and so should have known about the fixings, but I didn't fit that blind myself, and the window it was for wasn't so shallow, so such an issue never arose and I've never even given it a thought. Obviously I wouldn't have bought blinds I know couldn't fit - what would be the point? Where do I stand, in terms of returns? Thanks.
  24. I bought a sink from an online retailer who told me that it would be delivered direct from the manufacturer, not a problem. The sink was received on the 17th May was opened and checked on the 18th. On close inspection there were scratches on it that would have noticed so emailed the retailer on the 18th May to reject it as damaged. 19th may they asked whether I wanted a refund or replacement - in the middle of a kitchen fit so had to but a replacement locally - said I wanted a refund. 20th May - images of damage requested. These were sent and acknowledged on the 22nd May. 23rd May told by retailer that the manufacturer were going to collect and would contact me in next few days. 29th May - I contacted the retailer to inform that no one had contacted me. 31st May - retailer confirms that the manufacturer are chasing the courier re collection 2nd June - I contacted retailer with the following - This is getting ridiculous now. It is over a week since you told me that Rangemaster were going to arrange collection. This is something that should take a couple of days at most. As the retailer my contract is with you so, not Rangemaster (the fact it was delivered direct is irrelevant) so can you arrange collection forthwith. I will give you a further 3 working days (until 7th June) to do this or I will look to take this further. 5th June - email from retailer to say that they only seem to have this problem with the particular manufacturer and have chased it again. 5th June - email from retailer to confirm that they have spoken to the manufacturer and collection is confirmed for the 19th June. 5th June - I emailed - Thanks for the update however I must say that I cannot believe that they could not get it collected prior to the 19th June. That is nearly a month since I reported the damage to you. I could get this packaged and dispatched the next day so can't see why they are taking so long. This is large item taking up space which we are constantly having to move to get to other things. I will also need to know the time of the collection as I cannot wait in all day due to work commitments. 6th June - reply form retailer - Good morning, I know it’s ridiculous! We have spoken to rep about this to see if they can make this any better. 8th June - voice mail from manufacturer asking to contact them. 9th June - called manufacturer who confirmed that collection would be on the 19th June to which I asked why so long and pointed out I could get it collected today - they did not have an answer and told me to contact the retailer. I told them it is a major inconvenience as I am having a lot of work done at the moment and the box is constantly having to be moved as it in the way. I know my contract is with the retailer but I think it is a joke that it will be over a month since rejection to collection and I would guess another week or 2 for the refund to be processed - probably have to argue about the P&P fees as well!! What are my options or my next course of action.
  25. If a staff member bought a item from a store they work at and that it turned out to be faulty, can they still return it without a receipt? Or can the managers refuse because staff simply arnt allowed a refund or exchange without a reciept as we have access to stockroom?
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