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  1. Hi BazzaS, Wow, thank you for bringing this to my attention, I am glad I mentioned it. To clarify, the cryptocurrency and PC equipment were acquired from liquidators and paid for using my personal account. Regarding your inquiry, yes, it is indeed the same cryptocurrency that I purchased personally, and I did not provide any personal guarantee. I have not signed any documents with my company or the liquidators indicating personal liability. I've attached the invoice from the liquidators, with sensitive details of my company and the liquidators redacted. I also realised that the date on the invoice is 2022, it should have been 2023, not sure if that makes any difference. I would appreciate your insights on this matter. Thanks Invoice for Sale of Assets.pdf
  2. Hello Ethel, The current status of the £13,000 investment... Presently, its value stands at £1,055. I would also like to mention a transaction from May 2023 involving the liquidators offering to sell me cryptocurrency and a PC equipment from the company for a total of £768. I used personal funds to complete this purchase. The PC was valued at £300, and the cryptocurrency, as indicated in the invoice, was priced at £340 plus VAT. At the time of acquisition, the cryptocurrency was valued at £340. I received a call from my liquidator today. However, following advice from Griffins Lawyers and CAG, I refrained from answering the call. Presumably, the liquidator wanted insight into my course of action to relay it to Griffins Lawyers. Looking ahead, it seems likely that the matter will proceed to court action. The outcome, including the potential of bankruptcy, will be determined by the court? Understanding the ramifications, I'm curious about the repercussions and penalties associated with bankruptcy. Enduring six years of restricted credit and financial activity seems daunting. Contemplating alternatives, I ponder whether borrowing £5,000 to settle the matter is wise move? Although feasible to repay within four years, it's disheartening to consider providing undeserved funds to be divided amongst them. Navigating this situation feels overwhelming, especially considering my extremely poor record-keeping practices. Gathering evidence will pose a challenge, aside from the bank statements documenting the transfer of funds from the business account to my personal account and subsequently to cryptocurrency exchanges. Thanks
  3. Hi Ethel, Regarding the dividends, although they were tied to the investment, no documentation was requested at the time. However, I can furnish evidence indicating the transfer of funds from the business account to my personal account, followed by conversion to USDT on Binance, and subsequently the purchase of the cryptocurrency on KuCoin. Currently, the cryptocurrency remains in my KuCoin account without any transactions since the initial purchase. Hi Bazzas, Concerning your inquiry about purchasing cryptocurrency from the company account, I encountered difficulties due to bank restrictions, prompting me to transfer the funds to my personal account for direct purchase. Notably, these transactions occurred during a period when the company was financially solvent, evidenced by ongoing sales on platforms like Amazon. The unforeseen overnight collapse of the company was unexpected. Regarding tax filing, it seems opting for "The loan is ‘written off’ or ‘released’ (not repaid) including if the company goes into liquidation" would be appropriate? This would entail me completing form P11D and submitting a self-assessment I assume? Despite being unaccustomed to such filings, given my history of being primarily employed, I'm considering seeking advice from an accountant. Assuming not fulfilling these obligations could result in further worse consequences I'm unsure of when liquidation comes to light in court? Thank you
  4. Hi BazzaS, Thank you for getting back to me. When I first started selling on Amazon, I set up the company online myself and opted for a virtual registered address. At that time, I was quite inexperienced in running a business and lacked a comprehensive understanding of its operations, which unfortunately led to its eventual failure. I never received any guidance or ebook on managing a business, which I now realize would have been invaluable. I acknowledge that there will likely be repercussions for my actions, and I am prepared to accept responsibility for my mistakes and negligence. It seems inevitable that I will have to face the consequences. One of my major errors was heeding the advice of friends who suggested transferring funds into my personal account and investing in cryptocurrency without seeking advice from an accountant. Looking back, I understand how misguided this decision was, but at the time, I lacked the necessary insight and guidance. I fully recognize my mistake and am willing to rectify it. Regarding declarations, I also failed to declare these transactions, as my accountant had initially categorized the funds as investments. I don't know if it's wise for me to do that now? Thanks
  5. I found my storage was fully, I have deleted some documents to free up space. Here's the letter now. Thanks Parking Eye response 15-09-2020.pdf
  6. Hi, FYI I have received a letter from Parking Eye after sending the funny letter to them. For some reason I do not get an option to upload any files anymore. Can someone please help?
  7. Hi, sorry for late response Ethel. No, just a copy through email.
  8. Thanks dx. I don't have a mortgage or any property, and if you call the assets that around my house i.e PC, clothes, iphone etc. Worse comes worse, I will take the CCJ.
  9. Thanks dx. I will block their number and await for anything to come through mail. I assume take no action now unless they/Barclays send a letter in?
  10. Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I'm reaching out because I've just had another unpleasant call from Griffin Lawyers, and I'm feeling quite lost about what to do next. The same individual from the firm has called me again, and the conversation quickly escalated into harassment. He questioned why I had contacted their client (my liquidator) and insinuated that it was inappropriate for me to do so. Furthermore, he resorted to threats of bankruptcy again if I couldn't immediately settle the debt. His tone was unsettling, almost coercing me into agreeing to some sort of payment plan. Feeling overwhelmed, I mentioned that I was seeking advice and considering my options. Despite my attempts to assert my position, he persisted in pressuring me to complete an assets spreadsheet and return it promptly, while also requesting extensions of the deadline via email. His persistence and aggressive demeanor have left me feeling intimidated and unsure of how to proceed. I'm turning to you for guidance. What should my next steps be in handling this situation? Should I block this number completely? Any advice or insights you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support.
  11. Dave - Can you please advise if I should send the snotty letters regarding this PCN to both parties as well? Thanks
  12. Hello, Lookinforinfo - Thank you for the detailed breakdown and advice. It's much appreciated. FTMDAVE - I wanted to inform you that I've sent the assertive letters to both PE & DCBL via first-class post and obtained a proof of postage receipt. Thanks
  13. Hey everyone, I hope you're doing well. I wanted to provide an update and seek further advice regarding the situation I outlined in my previous post. Following my initial message, I reached out to my liquidators last Wednesday (before making this post) to request a call back regarding the email I received from Griffins Law. Today, they returned my call and provided some additional information, and I'd like to confirm if what they're saying aligns with your understanding and experiences. According to my liquidator, Griffins Law is effectively acting on behalf of HMRC as their Client. They explained that the government is now pushing for aggressive action to recoup these loans. Given that Barclays was the lender and the loan was government-backed, HMRC would have reimbursed Barclays the loaned amount. The reason for targeting me specifically is because my investments were deemed risky and inappropriate for a scheme meant to aid struggling businesses. When I expressed concern about the aggressive tone of their communications, my liquidator assured me that he would intervene to temper their approach and buy me some time to process the situation. I've reiterated to him that I have no savings or significant assets aside from the cryptocurrency obtained through the liquidation process and PC equipment valued at approximately £1,000 or now less in total. Despite explaining my limited financial means, my liquidator warned me that my current monthly surplus of £50-£100 wouldn't suffice as monthly repayment, and they may impose additional interest on the repayment amount. He suggested borrowing from friends or family to come up with a lump sum, proposing £5,000 as a potential resolution to close the case off. I'm feeling incredibly overwhelmed and uncertain about my next steps. While I could potentially borrow around £2,000 or slightly more, I'm hesitant to further exacerbate my financial woes and accumulate more debt, particularly given my existing credit card obligations. However, it seems like I may not have many alternatives, and I may need to consider this option, even if it means taking a hit to resolve the matter. I'd greatly appreciate any insights, advice, or perspectives you could offer on this situation. I'm unsure whether to take my liquidator's advice or if I should continue to challenge the claims being made against me. Thank you for your support and guidance.
  14. Thanks Dave, you are correct it was you, and much appreciated for changes! HaHa, indeed it's almost Easter, I will change that and send it off tomorrow! :)))
  15. Thank you, dx100. I will ensure to send out the snotty letter today and obtain a proof of posting for my records. FTMDave, you're right, there are indeed two PCNs in total, as mentioned in the other thread. I've rescanned all documents, removing any sensitive information, and arranged everything in the correct order for clarity. Thanks! PE - Hallsville Quarter - 15-09-2020.pdf
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