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  1. Had 250ltr of our hot water tank leak through the ceiling recently. There was a little damage there before (shower leaked a few years ago) but it was too much hassle to fix. Now the damage is much much worse. The insurance are paying for the flooring but are refusing to pay for the ceiling saying I've not experienced any financial loss because it was damaged already? Is this normal? Surely its like saying you can't have a new carpet if its wrecked because there was a fag burn on one corner?
  2. Hello there. First time poster, found you when googling for help. I went to SCS 3 weeks ago and ordered a sofa, albeit halfheartedly as the salesman was like my shadow. I have since that day found out I will not be financially able to pay for this with their credit company, due to genuine unforeseen circumstances. I spoke to Ikano their credit people, who was very nice and cancelled when Id explained, and gave me a reference number to take to the store to cancel. I did and was told to call their head office, who then told me to go back to the store which I did. He said Oh no I have to have it as they (scs ) have already paid...err no I was having credit. As its only 3 weeks I thought Id get in quick before it's delivered, so my question is is can I refuse the delivery when and if it does come? many thanks for any advice given.
  3. Hello all. I submitted a claim using MCOL a few weeks ago for a Deposit I gave to a Landlord (LL) when I lodged with them for 6 months, a total of £600. I am claiming that amount, including interest and court fees totalling just over £700. I took all reasonable steps to get the deposit back but the LL started blanking me and made promises to pay but never did. I started the MCOL process and they submitted an acknowledgment of service, stating they are going to defend the entire claim. Fair enough, thats their right. However herein the problem lies. I had been using the LLs current address to send all my formal letters and put it into MCOL with served the particulars of claim to them at that address (thus enabling them to submit an acknowledgement of service). However in their acknowledgement of service they put changed their address to their old address where they no longer live and havent done so for a year. This now means further documentation from the court will go to their old address - and my best guess is that when it comes to it they will try and get the claim set aside because they haven't received further court correspondence (because they've intentionally put an old/false address). Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this? Thank you!
  4. My mother of 82 took out a Policy with yourrepair in July this year She had swapped from a previous cover as it was getting a bit to expensive for her. She saw yourrepair online and read the reviews and all seemed good so She chose top cover as it was still cheaper than previous care cover. Now she has happily been paying for a good few month with no problems. The boiler has now incurred a problem. It keeps cutting out leaving her without heating and hot water intermittently. She made a claim online as there doesn’t seem to be a telephone number. She was told an engineer would respond within 3 days or less. After 5 days no body had contacted her and the boiler was still cutting out. Now being 82 and having a problem with your boiler can cause unnecessary stress. In her head something serious is wrong if it’s cutting out. i took over and made a complaint she finally gets an engineer out After 13 days. He diagnosed the problem as the sensors and said they need changing. He said he would speak to yourrepair and get back. Next day heText messaged my self saying that the repair had been refused by Yourrepair. i made another complaint about the refusal of the repair and get a phone call almost straight away from a lady saying that the problem is sludge in the system and it’s not covered in their policy. But I can have a 2nd opinion and if he says there’s sludge there will be a £90 call out charge. I have had issues with the boiler previously and the company has been straight out and fixed the problem or had to order parts in and then fixed it. There has never been any mention of sludge. I told them im not prepared to pay £90 so i had the boiler looked at by an independentBoiler repair man and he didn’t find sludge. I have complained again to Yourepair and have since been offered another visit which would be chargeable if they found sludge I have refused for obvious reasons as they have already lied about sludge. I told them i want the policy canceling but they are refusing to cancel my policy and expect my mother to pay the rest of the 12 months even though that cannot offer the service which she is paying for. In the mean time i thought it was strange that all the reviews on their site were positive i checked with Trust Pilot they have a warning about Your Repair and their reviews saying they believe that their reviews are being manipulated Overall this company seem very iffy to say the least I just want rid of them but theres no way we are going to pay them the rest of the policy, mom has called the bank and they said its a 12 month contract DD and cant be cancelled Not sure which way to go with this so any help would be appreciated
  5. I bought a car from stoneacre in 2014, i have 3 year warranty with vauxhall until september this year. My engine has failed on the motorway with no warning at all. We have had the car serviced and the book is stamped. However we lost our invoice, the garage cannot provide an invoice due to not having it on their computer system. genuine parts and oil was used. Now vauxhall are telling me that the engine wont be repaired under warranty due to not having an invoice however the book is stamped. can anybody advise me on what to do? thanks!!
  6. My employer has changed their payroll system and as a result they have declared all my income correctly up to the end of December and then re-submitteded it all again to HMRC in January so now it appears to HMRC that I earned £2x,xxx inthe first nine months of the financial year and then was paid the the whole total sum again in one payment in January and that no PAYE was collected on this bumper payment the supposedly made to me. It is obvious that the employer has made an error and entered the year to date figures rather than the pay period figures but the implication of this is that HMRC are now looking to recover the PAYE on this generous lump sum my employer has declared I have earned in January. My employer will not acknowledge he has made a mistake and HMRC say they can do nothing as the employer has declared that the figures are correct and he paid me £2x,xxx in January. So we have a deadlock. Has anyone any suggestions? (I have suggested that the employer pay me the money he declared he had paid me in January and I would sort out the PAYE but needless to say that wont happen!) Many Thanks
  7. I need some help. I was very foolish back in November buying an item off Ebay. The item was a supposedly haunted piece of jewellery from a magickal seller. The item cost me £160. Needless to say I am not happy with the purchase and want to return the item, but because its gone over 90 days I cannot open a dispute with Ebay. The seller is refusing to respond to my messages I have sent. Can anyone please advise what I can do to reclaim my money back over an item which is clearly not as described.
  8. Hi there, I had a judgement in default made and have been trying to pay. It was originally through Capquest and Arrowe Global, but I tried ringing Capquest and they say they can't handle it because it's 'in litigation', tried calling Restons automated payment line - that didn't work either. Then, tried Restons website it says "We are currently unable to accept web payments against this matter, please contact Restons directly to make a payment." I actually have never received one letter from Restons only from Capquest. The second matter is that I actually wanted to defend but was in hospital when the claim form went through. I kind of want to try and overturn the CCJ, but it is important to me to be able to rent a property in the future. Also, why won't they let me pay? any ideas? Lastly my judgement was for 585, but I believe last time I looked the payment they want is 650. Thanks
  9. Hello, please can anyone help? I had three identical items for sale on ebay. Sold one and posted it off. Got a message saying it had been damaged on the way. I sent a replacement straight away and said once that arrives and is all fine I would arrange for the original damaged item to be collected. I thought that was better than asking for the damaged one to be sent back first. I got a message to say the second item has arrived and is fine. Ever since then I have been messaging asking when would be convenient to collect the damaged item, but no reply. I have written by Signed For post and still no reply. This is now just over two months with sixteen messages and the Signed For letter, all polite just asking if I can arrange collection, and no response. Can anyone suggest how I should pursue this. I have read the buyer cannot keep the original, but am not sure of the best way to pursue this. Thanks very much.
  10. Hi all, My brother has bought a used fold away wheelchair made by Careco, from a lady who bought it in Feb this year for her mother but she has since been put in a nursing home and could not use the chair anyway as she could not control it. My brother has emailed the company to enquire about transfer of the 12 month warranty and has been told that this is not transferable so he is not covered unless he bought it new from them. There was an additional insurance purchased by the buyer for 2 years at the cost of £209. He has enquired about transfer of this but been told to contact the insurance company direct. I didnt think they were allowed to do this as its a statutory warranty ? The email is below ..... From: K Date: 30 October 2016 at 10:26:16 GMT To: T Subject: RE: CareCoContact Enquiry Dear Sirs, Thank you for your email, Unfortunately the warranty is with the person it is sold too on the item itself. When it is sold on or someone else receives the goods it voids the warranty. We are not able to transfer this from person to person. If you have any further questions in the near future, please do not hesitate to contact us We look forward to hearing from you Kind regards K Mobility Advisor From: T Sent: 30 October 2016 09:52 To: K Subject: Re: CareCoContact Enquiry Hi K I can understand the insurance side of it but as for the warranty surly it's on the item that was sold and not the person it was sold to ? Kind regards T Sent from my iPhone On 30 Oct 2016, at 09:27, K Dear Sirs, Thank you for your email, Unfortunately the warranty is not transferable from person to person. We are unable to do this on the foldawheel Powerchair. In regards to the insurance details you would need to contact the insurance company ***** ****** direct to see if you can swap the insurance over to your details. If you have any further questions in the near future, please do not hesitate to contact us We look forward to hearing from you Kind regards K Mobility Advisor From: Sent: 29 October 2016 21:34 To: [email protected] Subject: CareCoContact Enquiry Title: Mr Name: t Email: Telephone Number: foldawheel warranty transfer Message: hi i have just purchased a foldable electric chair from a ************* customer number is ****** please could you change the remainder of the free 12 month warranty over to myself mr t ***** ******* ******* there was also a 2 year extended insurance taken out policy number p******* i would be very grateful if this could be transfered over to myself any problems please let me know i can be contacted on *********or by email kind regards mr t
  11. Hi apologies if this is the wrong part of forum im posting in. i bought 45000 indian rupees in 500 and 1000 rupee denominations on ) Oct 13th last month. for my holiday in feb 2017 From TravelFX by Bank transfer (wish i'd paid by credit card now but they only accepted Bank transfers) then beginning of this month indian prime minister declares all 500 and 1000 in effect null and void. its nearly £550.00 worth and TravelFX wont buy them back. even though though they have a buy back policy. and now wont communicate with me any further even though i have been polite at all stages in communications with them. i stated to them that i should get a refund as a consumer under the sale of goods act, but they replied bureau de change transactions are not covered by the act. is this true im shocked if it is. ive explored all avenues in the uk with indian banks etc but nobody will take them so i believe my hope is to get the currency exchange to take them back and refund me. surely my purchase must be covered under some sort of consumer law. Any Help would be much appreciated and as with all help i've received in the past i will be making a donation to the forum
  12. I wonder if any one can help me I recently purchased a nearly new Giant road bike off ebay. It was advertised as in very good condition. They did not mention any thing about any problems with bike. I paid by paypal using money already in in my PayPal account. Bike was shipped to me already built sent by specialit courier. When recieved bike it was not as described. Brakes dont work gears don't change properly, parts of gear system are bent and back wheel is bent. I contacted seller to complain and there reply was these problems where not present when tested bike before sending. They refused point blank to take bike back or refund my money. I contacted ebay and paypal and opened a duspute but despite providing proof they saw in sellers favor. Ebay wont tell me why and are refusing to look in to it any more. Is there any way to get my money back. I have copies of payment I made to seller, I have photos of problems with bike and have taken to my local bike shop and have a report from them. Report lists all problems. Brake Cables need replacing, wheel needs fixing or replacing and gear system needs fixing. I have been quoted £150-£200 to repair. This is including labour. Could I take seller to small claims court to claim costs of getting bike repaired or to get a refund for bike. And If I did would I have enough evidence to back up my claim. Would I have a good case Any advice would be much appreciated, Thanks in advance
  13. Hi all, newbie here needing advice before possible court action. I was in dispute with Aqua over charges applied after they closed the account and my account was being managed by their dispute team. However, Aqua sold the debt refusing to accept my dispute. I had been getting hassling calls from DCA and kept asking them to return the account to Aqua. Eventually after about 5 calls in 2 months i sent them a Cease and Desist email (I know it should be by mail but they confirmed receipt of the email and later in writing.) They have since just sent me copies of statements showing the balance being claimed matched the last statement. Conveniently they had no record of the dispute with Aqua. I dont dispute all the debt and offered them same as I offered Aqua (750 of a 1000 balance - the extra being i believe unenforceable charges --In brief they've closed the account because they withdrew the product from all customers apparently. I have a letter showing this and sent it to DCA. At that time Aqua should have closed the account (to confuse matters Aqua never actually closed the account when they said in writing they would) but had they done it, i no longer had a line of credit and my argument is you cant charge overlimit fees once the limit is removed by closing the account. I refused to pay them anything all the time they continued to charge me these fees, hoping common sense would prevail I suggested to DCA they have 3 options - return to Aqua, accept my offer which is still probably double what they paid for it or take me to court.. NB Till now, they have not yet sent me a copy of the original CCA so i suspect they are unlikely to go to court without it. Just to add all the comms between me and Aqua were via their secure email as part of my account and i attempted to get a copy of those mails and Aqua claim they are no longer available so evidence of the exchanges cant be found. Hence i am looking for general guidance about : 1) Can a CC sell an account in dispute? 2) Can a DCA refuse to return an account in dispute with the original CC 3) As part of the C&D letter I told them I would start charging for my time if they contact me further unless its to accept one of the three options - i wont physically invoice them but presumably can keep a record and if it goes to court and i win ,deduct it from my settlement? 4) Any thoughts on my statement that once a CC account is closed by pure reason of them no longer offering the service, can they charge overlimit fees still (and interest on that overlimit fees) when i no longer have a limit. Surely it now just a debt which needs to be repaid? Thanks for your attention...
  14. Hi all, Here's the situation: Opened a student account in 2007 with full overdraft and extended this a couple of times as per the normal rules and up to the max available limit of £2000 Ever since graduating have had financial difficulties with other credit cards and payday loans which are now (thankfully!) resolved. This is my last debt and i want to get rid, i want to pay it off but Natwest don't seem to want to help. I have already opened another account with first direct and have switched over my wages and other regular s/o and d/d so my ongoing financial commitments are covered. Currently, the account balance is around £2050 - incidentally, it was fees and interest that took me over the agreed limit - something that happens almost every month - (last month was charged over £100 in fees alone. I want to pay what i owe them back - but so far their only communication has been a request to settle outstanding funds within 7 days - and whilst i'm in better financial position than i was, i haven't got the ability to rustle up that kind of money. Similarly, a telephone conversation this afternoon basically stated that i should just keep paying off in dribs and drabs until the overdraft is cleared. Nevertheless, all i want is an agreement in writing saying x amount to be paid monthly until the outstanding is cleared. Will be keeping all communication in writing in the future. How do i proceed? Any help would be hugely appreciated!
  15. any ideas as FOS cant do anything....... can they? they sent me a summary of my account and thats the only contact ive had off them.
  16. Hi, I am posting in regards to my girlfriends Vodafone account as I don't know what to do now. 2 and a half years ago she got a 2 year contract with Vodafone for an iPhone 4s (£37 pcm), the contract ran out in august 2015, we didn't realise the contract continued so were billed for another month. When we saw this charge on her bank statement we contacted Vodafone immediately and agreed to pay for the last month and then the contract would be cancelled. We felt happy the contract was over and didn't think about it again. 3 months later, in December, we received a letter in the post from Vodafone stating we owed them £120 for the contract that we rang up and cancelled. I immediately rang them and after an hour long conversation on the phone, they agreed it was their fault and said they would drop all charges and close the account (as it was still open for some reason) So now its 1 month later (January) and we receive a letter in the post from Fredrickson debt collectors saying we owe Vodafone £160 for this contract. I phoned Vodafone straight away and they said although 2 cancellation attempts were made, the account remains open, and apparently this is a "common problem"!!!!! They claim that the sim in question was used to make 55 minutes of phone calls during the month of October. and say they will only cancel the debt of £160 if we pay £41.17, which I think is ridiculous, as 1. We didn't use the contract in October, my partner now has a sim only monthly Vodafone contract, and has been using this since the 22nd of September. 2. If, somehow, the contract was used, then how is it our fault that we used it if it was meant to be cancelled? I only see it as fair that Vodafone wipe the debt completely, as the error is completely their fault. They have even admitted this on the phone to me, but refuse to budge that we owe them money. I am happy to take them to the small claims court over this as I am certain I am not in the wrong. I will be going into a Vodafone store this sunday to speak to a manager about this, but from all my experiences with Vodafone Im sure they wont help at all. So what I really need is advice on where to go from here? Am I in the wrong, or do Vodafone owe me an apology and they should drop the charges? Thanks for reading, I really hope someone can help as Im at the end of my tether with this now. Thank you. Ewan.
  17. Hi Bought a used car form large dealer Oldham cars fine but had a private plate on car we p/exd, salesman said he'd sort the transfer no problem as part of deal (we have evidence of this) BUT they sold our old car with reg still on now we cant get it off as DVLA say only registered keeper can transfer it and they wont, dealer basically ignoring our calls etc. as I've asked them to cover the cost of the plate but wont. Any one any idea on what if anything I can do? Thanks for looking.
  18. Hello Every one I am Not sure what to do and i am looking for your advice on what i should do here is the story In July 2014 I borrowed a neighbour a tool set for the day and i asked him many times to return it but he said he hasn't finished with it that was a few months after he borrowed it. Then he stopped speaking to me now the other day my partner asked him to return it and he said he did not have it or not sure where it is, or some one he let in house stole it ( I do not think heis telling the truth and think he wants to keep my tools ) I was going to leave it at that and not bother with him. but the tools hold sentimental value as my late farther bought them for me and i borrowed them to him in good faith. I know this person has stolen tools from work colleagues before as he told me he did when he worked in a garage. i was thinking on just going to the shop where tools were bought and sending him a bill for a new set and if he did not pay after bill take him to small claims court. but i do not know if this would be good option. I think its theft but not sure what do you people think Thanks for any advice
  19. Hello, We have just had our storage and removal insurance claim denied I don't know what to do next. If I get anything wrong I'm sorry as this is my first post. Back in October we paid for a large national removal firm to come to our house, pack and export wrap all of our things and then take them to be stored in their warehouse for six months as we were moving to Eastern Europe to start a business. We took out their own removal and storage insurance covering us up to the value of £23,000 as we listed all of the items about £500 separately as per their instructions. When the time came for us to have our things delivered, we employed a second removal company to collect our things from the warehouse and deliver them to us in Eastern Europe. We also took them up on their insurance, for the same amounts as above. When our things arrived, everything looked fine at first, but as we started to unpack we saw that almost all of the boxes had been opened, then resealed and new box numbers put on with the old ones taken off. Some boxes even had two completely different numbers on, and the contents of the boxes was completely different to what was written on the packing inventory. Most of the boxes were almost empty too, but in was done in such a way that you wouldn't be able to tell until the box was open. For example, one of the boxes said that it contained my evening dresses and formal wear, it was a big box, but all it contained was our old and very worn picnic rug Our little fire safe had also been broken into, you can see where the lock has been forced and the contents are gone. We went through everything and the missing items come to just under £15,000. We informed both removal companies within four days of receiving our things. The first company who had stored the things said to fill out the insurance forms and get the information to them as soon as we could. The second company said that it was not their responsibility as everything had looked in good order when they collected it, but their broker sent us the claim forms and said to submit the claim anway. We put the claim in for the first removal company as the second removal company would not have been able to open and reseal the boxes as they did not have the branded labels with the first companys logo and details. The first removal firm said that they had sent our claim off to their brokers underwriters and that we would hear directly from them. After five weeks of not hearing anything, and of the removal company ignoring my emails and not putting me through to anyone when I called, I called the broker instead who said that they had never received our claim details. They asked me to send them directly to them, which I did. They have sent me an email saying that they are denying the claim as it is the other removal companys responsibility as the goods were in good condition when the collected them. I'm not sure what to do, it is soul destroying, these were hugely sentimental items, we are devastated. Any help or advice would be very greatly appreciated thank you. Sorry I should have added that we have now moved back to the UK as my mother became very ill and we didn't want to be far away.
  20. My partner worked for any agency for one day in a role which was meant to be Forklift Driver, however this was not the role when he arrived there and when this was brought to the attention of the agency contact, he admitted that he did not know what the role entailed apart from it was some physical work and forklift but it was the other way round. The work was very physical and strenuous and he emailed the agency contact to inform them of this. He was asked if he would return and he said he would if a the role was Forklift Driver however could not return the next day as he was in pain when he returned home. The agency contact was emailed saying he could did not attend but he was very angry that he did not go to the job that day and said that it made them look incompentent. All this time the company had his documentation but has never asked for his pay details. When this was brought up through an email, the contact has not responded. My partner is entitled to his days pay regardless of how angry the agency is. What can he do?
  21. Hi this is my first post and I'm in some need of advice please. I owe Anglian Water around £1700 and they have passed the debt onto Marstons, who ill be honest, we have ignored! As you can imagine they have added their fees and now the bill is for £2753! They have obtained a high court writ against us that is dated 8/1/2015. They have called at our property several times but fortunately we haven't been at home. The last letter we received from them said that as the judgement remains unsatisfied, further enforcement will no doubt be taken against us, and this may take the form of a garnishee order against our accounts, a charging order against any equity in any property , an attachment of earnings order if you are employed or in certain circumstances, bankruptcy. The thing is I can get hold of enough money to pay Anglian water the original £1700 but I can't afford to pay the £2700 that Marstons want! I rang Anglian water and offered to pay what I owe, but after the girl spoke to the debt recovery team, I was advised that any payments should be made to Marstons, as they are handling the account. I told them that my partner is pregnant and that we can't afford to pay what Marstons want and that we would just like to clear our account with yourselves today to get it over and done with as the stress is really starting to affect my partner who is 6 months pregnant. And again they said we had to deal with Marstons Could somebody please advise me on what to do next? If I could have paid it sooner I would have done, but I already have attachments on my earnings and really can't afford anymore. I was unemployed for quite a while and got into lots of trouble financially. I have managed to sort all of them except this one. Thanks in advance
  22. Need a lot of help on this one please for a very good friend... Basically she had a mortgage with her Ex, but they split up and finally divorced in 2012. She just wanted to get away and basically waved all rights to the house, in the divorce papers it actually states that any property is to be treated as if death has occured unless there is a Will. She been asking her Ex for many years to be taken off of the mortgage, but it was one excuse after another, so today we decided to phone the mortgage company up and had on loudspeaker so I can listen. Basically the mortgage company have said unless the Ex phones up and says he wants her taken off the mortgage then there is nothing they can do. So she is literally stuck on it, an in reality at risk her self.. They say he has to satisfy criteria that he can take over the mortgage on his own.... But in reality she doesnt care what happens to the house, as no matter what she wont get anything.. What is the best way to move forward because in reality he knows he wont satisfy the criteria on his own despite paying it for the last few years, so he can just sit with her name on the mortgage for as long as he wants untill it suits him Please if anyone can advise the best way to proceed...
  23. Hi All, I have a mortgage on my property, and a second charge on it. I want to put a third charge on it for a secured loan which has been agreed, and the first mortgage company have agreed to allow the new charge, however the second charge company are refusing point blank to allow any other charge against the property. The new loan isn't large enough to give me the amount I require and to pay off the second charge, and it needs to be secured, so how can I get this new loan done - preferably quickly? What options do I have to persuade them to allow it or to get it registered in any other way please? Thanks for your help
  24. last June we booked out holiday for this year in May and we told partners supervisor/boss at time and he said it was to early and to tell him in January this year. we just told him and he said no, I and another lad have booked ours to go away together, we told him this had been booked since last june and that he knew about it, and that we cant alter holiday as it the half term, and he knew this and he has no children an knows we cant re book or cancel it without losing money. Im so upset by this, we have all been very excited over this holiday for a long time. we have 4 children and 2 are disabled this holiday is a break for them as much as us. His boss/superviosr has refused it and if my partner now takes the time off he sacked I'm crying typing this I've got proof we booked it back and June 2014
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