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  1. Hi All, I have recently (in the last two days) been subject to a second hearing for possession of my home by Swift Advances. We've had two hearings. First hearing the CC judge ordered that we investigate the excessive interest on our account and get clear explanation from Swift as to why they have charged an account management fee every month since the year 2007 to date--totalling £5267.00. We investigated to the best of our affordability to no avail. However, Swift advances made a statement over the phone to me (i quote) "We at Swift will never charge you a fee as long as you make a payment on the account" this obviously is not the case. The judge at this first hearing was utterly confused how a £31000 loan can now be worth £52000 even after paying monthly for the best part of the last 10 years. She challenged Swift's Solicitor asking him how they can justify a loan that can never be paid back within the remaining terms...he had no comment. Hence her adjourning the case for 30 days to allow us to investigate. Second hearing the judge still not satisfied with our investigation into the charges and the lack of knowledge of the charges from Swifts solicitor...has DENIED their possession order against us. Stating it was unfair on their part. We have now contacted the FOS with the case and are seeking further legal advice to hopefully get all the charges rescinded. You never know they may even force the close of the loan due to swift advances treating us unfairly in accordance with COBS. Watch this space!!!!!!!!!
  2. Hi All, Could really do with some help , I am trying to get unjustified charges back from swift took out an unregulated secured loan back in Oct 2007 for 36k repaid over 100k and now paid them 47k in settlement as now sold my house....................please can anyone help they have offered me £600 !!!!!!!!
  3. Took out a secured £12k loan in October 2007 over a 10 year period. Please note I didn't want to take out the loan but had no choice if I wanted a quiet life as at the time I was in a controlled marriage ..mostly mental with some physical abuse resulting depression, anxiety and panic attacks . The 10 year loan gives 120 months worth of payments out of these 120 months I made 107 payments on time and 13 missed payments these were down to my so called husband taking the money out of my wages in the bank to pay loan and saying would put back to pay but never did ... with my depression and my husband controlling my money I worked but had to ask him if I needed money all debts he ran up were in my name and l developed a serious problem with opening letters as they were always for his debt and I didn't have the money to pay them as all my wages had to stay in bank... I have unopened letters hidden around my home going back at least 15 years ... Getting back to the lovely swift advances due to not opening letters I found out that swift had taken me to court for the missed payments and because I had no idea they had been given the repossession order . . My daughter for whatever reason as she never ever had before opened a letter last Tuesday 3rd April from a company called R & K and it said they would be coming to our home on the 11th April which was yesterday to remove us and change locks ... I immediately contacted this company and they told me I needed to contact swift as they were only ones who could tell them not to come out on the 11th ... on contacting swift they said my loan had came to it's 10 year end on October last year but I had the 13 missed payments as arrears which when I add them up come to £2,600, when swift add them up it comes to £18k and they wanted that as a one off payment to stop taking my home ... in the past few days I asked them to consider me paying £300 A month to clear the ridiculous amount and I also asked if they would reduce the amount to a more reasonable amount and I would see if I could get the funds from family and friends and make a one off payment they said they would have to ask management/directors the following morning and get back to me later that day which was Monday this week ... I spoke to them after work on Monday and they advised I had been turned down on both of my requests and only option was paying the full £18k .. .they also informed me that they had postponed the date to take the house from 11th April to the 14th May to give me time to try and sort out the payment ... I also found out that they had actually turned up at my house in February to take house but my dog was in house barking so they cancelled it and charged me over a £100 for that ... my daughter was home that day she also has mental health problems worse than mine having had a mental breakdown at age 13 due to her father's behaviour ... the day they came out bearing in mind I didn't know anything about this happening due to unopened letters my daughter rang me frantic at work saying a van was outside house and men in garden outside our home... I asked her for name on van and googled it but it didn't give me any idea what it was about ... I am now taking on the fight of my life to save our home as my daughter sees this as her safe place since her breakdown and she is now starting to show signs of shutting down again and I can't let that happen to her... any advice woukd be most appreciated .. . Thank you in advance
  4. HI I'm new to this site after stumbling across it after searching for advice on how to make a claim against Swift Advances. I have read Nicky74 story and mine is not much different in that i took a homeowner loan out with for swift for £8000 in 2003 i think. I paid them sporadically for about 3 years which comprised of missed/late payments and finally settled the loan after splitting with my then partner and selling the house. Swift Advances took £28,000 of the equity in the house to settle the debt which i could do absolutely nothing about. I have absolutely no paperwork for the loan and don't know exactly when we took the loan out but know that it got settled in early 2007. i'm just looking for some advice on where i start e.g see a solicitor or contact Swift advances directly. Any help would be greatly appreciated or if i am wasting my time i'd rather know now. any questions feel free to ask although the info i have aort from my memory is zero. Thank you in advance and i will keep a close eye on this thread for any replies. Ian
  5. A few years ago my husband applied for PPI refund from a loan with swift advance, although he was definitely mis-sold it his complaint was rejected eventually via the Ombudsman as nobody wanted to take responsibilty and the correct file(s) couldn't be found with the appropriate details,he feels the ombudsman let him down big time but heyho, who is he? He recently received a letter (I couldn't upload it for some reason)stating "In line with the Financial Conduct Authority policy statement PS17/3 issued in March 2017, you can now make a further complaint against Swift Advances PLC (swift) under s.140A of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, in relation to its failure to disclose commissions associated with the PPI policy which was sold to you" We are not entirely sure how to pursue this, any advice, links, info would be hugely appreciated. Thankyou. Dawn
  6. In 2006 I took out a secured loan on my property with swift advances, the loan was £44,000. The loan term was 10 years, with monthly repayments of approx £450. 3 years ago I missed a few payments and fell into arrears with them of £4000 and in 2014 they took me to court in regards to the arrears. I managed to clear the arrears by making an agreement of paying £200 more on top of the original monthly payments. The arrears were cleared but now the term of the loan has ended (in 2016) and I am left with £44,000 still left to pay (somehow??). Swift are now planning to repossess my property next week unless I can pay them the full amount. I have put in the N244 in court today and have my hearing on Monday. I have been in contact with swift for these past few weeks trying to sort out something with them but they aren't listening. I also have 2 acres of land in another country which I have told swift I am willing to sell to pay the amount I owe but it will take a few months for it to get sorted. I have even showed them the documents and letters from the lawyers in that country. But they are still not budging. Can anybody please help with some advice?
  7. Hi, i'm new to this forum and need help with what steps to take when dealing with Swift advances! I took out a loan in 2004 for £47,500 in which i had to prove my income by self certification as i was self employed. i started to struggle with the debt so Swift allowed me to take out further advances based on my original proof of income! between april 2004 to november 2006 they allowed me to take out 7 further advances without question, bringing the grand total of the loan to £97,743.00. I then started to fall behind with payments so swift asked me to increase monthly payments. i agreed to pay an extra £50 a month and swift said this would be fine and get me back on track. however a letter arrived to say if i did not pay a further £67 then the approximate outstanding balance would be £49,613 at the end of the loan term! i received this letter in feb 2017 when only agreeing the extra payment at the end of 2016.
  8. Just a brief outline regarding my experience dealing with Swift Advances regarding a excessive charges complaint of which involved Fos. 2005 I took out a regulated loan for £10000 to be paid over 5 years.. Regular monthly payments were made inline with the agreed amount, sometimes a day or so late. This triggers charges on the account of which also incur the same interest rate as the loan. as you can see the charges are relentless. Late 2008 i was in severe financial difficulty as i was elf employed my business was struggling. Realising the depth of debt especially with Swift following a redemption figure request i conceded that there was noway i was going to be able to repay this debt with the spiralling charges being added to the account. 2009 i lost my family home to Swift as i foolishly at the time gave up and did not fight my case in court and just assumed that no matter what i did they would take it anyway. 2012 Following media report about ppi scandal i started to look into the Swift charges and noticed i had ppi added, as i was self employed the ppi was invalid and i successfully reclaimed ppi from FSCS as the original broker had gone bust. Then i started looking more closer to the charges added to my account following a SAR request to Swift. Firstly i filed a complaint regarding excessive charges added to the account with Swift of which they dismissed with a Final response so i took my complaint to FOS. After a lengthy battle it was deemed that Swift acted appropriately in managing the account "I have not seen evidence to show that swift was not transparent about the charges or that you have been treated unfairly" is whats stated from FOS in their summing up letter. However as Swift had changed the amount they charge for some of the admin costs they agreed to refund the difference so i received a cheque for approx £900 in 2013. So it seems that despite all the complaining we do not even FOS agree that how Swift conduct their business is unlawful or done in a manner where the consumer is set to fail from the outset. For anyone wishing to know what the letter codes mean then here is an attached document. Im not sure the pdf file loaded properly in previous post. merged.pdf
  9. 2007 stepdaughter and her husband took a secured loan (against house) for £10k. They subsequently separated and daughter was left high and dry to pay mortgage, loan and bills etc. Inevitably she fell into arrears but managed in 2014 to pay off all the arrears and has continued to pay monthly. The loan term ends in April 2017 and she has now been told she must pay £32k in further interest and legal charges. If she doesn't pay they will repossess. This would bring the total cost of the loan to over £50k as she has already paid them in excess of £23k. Ombudsman has investigated but says her claim against them is out of time according the paperwork she has seen from Swift. I was thinking of writing to the company and asking them to extend the term and freeze the charges and perhaps to offer to pay a lump sum to reduce the cost - but we can only afford a couple of thousand. Would they be obliged to accept an offer to continue payment? We fear the only alternative would be for her to sell the house but she has three children of 17, 13 & 12. Would paying a debt solicitor for legal advice/intervention be likely to help in any way? Finally although permanently separated she and her husband are still legally married but has not even contributed child maintenance. Would it be reasonable to give Swift his contact details and ask them to serve proceedings on him also? As you can tell - we are in turmoil and need advice urgently on what steps we can take to prevent my stepdaughter and her children being made homeless.
  10. Hi folks, long time no posts. Been very ill with long term major depressive disorder amongst other things. The story. Was long term sick from civil service, put onto half pay which was paid by SSP from November 2015 to may 2016. During same period was 'single' as ex wife upped and left because of my sickness in 2015 (nice of her to support me) Applied for single person CT relief and was granted, although there was part of a joint bill still outstanding that i owed. Nobody to advise whether i could claim full relief/benefit due to being on SSP for that 6 month period. Didn't make any claim, couldn't cope with life. My head was well and truly gone. My mental health took a turn for the worse and i was off work for a further six month period where i had zero pay, no SSP but managed to keep myself housed and fed by borrowing from family and friends to pay rent and ate basic food; all whilst i was dealing with a legal issue regarding my early ill retirement issue with legal assistance from union. During the zero pay period i had claimed ESA although only received payment for about a moth before it stopped. I didn't know why it stopped; the guy at the hub said i was getting it. My mental health was bad and i just went along in my own crazy little world, out of it on my meds for chronic pain and depression. Didn't care, was suicidal and in self destruct mode in many ways. Eventually i got pensioned off in November 2016. Lump sum paid into bank and approx 1k monthly ill health pension is being paid every month. I had 20 years service with civil service dept before retirement. So, still away with the fairies, still very sick and still on the happy pills i had cash in the bank and some income coming in to eat and pay rent whilst i find a cheap house in the auction to live in without a mortgage by using my lump sum to buy a small house outright. I was financially able to pay back friends and family so paid them asap as the relationships were starting to get strained. I didnt want to lose the only friends i have, being chronically depressed you need some support and life is lonely enough as it is. Out of the blue last week get a letter from ESA that i was to be put on contribution based ESA from November last year which was to be back dated and they also paid a back dated sum for all the payments they didn't give me that were due from June last year until last week. This has been now been swallowed up in other debt payments. No explanation as to why i wasn't paid Now i have some pension money in the bank for a house, a letter that says i am and was entitled to ESA from May 2016. During this time i did not pay council tax, couldn't pay it as i had no money coming in. I had previously wrote to the council and told them of my woes although i cant recall ever making a claim for benefit using an official form. I had told a council guy on the phone once that i was getting ESA because of zero income. Then i had a note from Swift so i sent them the report from my consultant, a vulnerability notice that i had got from another bailiff over unpaid speeding fines (another long story) together with an updated report from my doctor, which cost me money. Now Swift have been chasing me for council tax from 2016-2017, after i sent them the forms and consultants report i heard nothing until they turned up yesterday. Arrogant young kid, i had taken my meds so he was lucky i didn't take his head off and shove his recording device camera up his jacksy!! I have these turns where i lose control when under any kind of pressure from perceived authority figures. At 140kg and 35 years in martial arts and a champion boxer in my youth the community psychiatric team have their concerns although i manage well with my meds. Anyway......................... I paid the outstanding bill from when my ex wife and i were together. I kept the Swift kid outside event though he asked to come in. No warrant no entry. He added on a fee to what i had owed in council tax and i took that one on the chin. I told him that i disputed the other outstanding amount because: A. I was entitled to single person discount during the chargeable period that they say i owe. B. I was claiming SSP and then ESA for the whole of that chargeable period and should have had some reduction C. I am vulnerable and have little in the way of support. He says he will come back in 2 weeks after i contact the council. I have written to them via email and they have not yet replied. This Swift goon was talking about £1800+ no way i owe that!!! I can and will pay what i truly owe in CT out of my pension lump sum, however i don't agree with paying any charges, paying any more than i was supposed to pay bearing in mind that i was on SSP and ESA at the relevant time. In any case i don't want these people at my door, it sets me off, the hairs go up on the back of my neck and i don't want to hurt anyone, don't want to get locked up so that's why i keep away from conflict as much as possible. I have sent them my vulnerability and psychologists reports previously. I never called their office because i was so wound up, in any case experience tells me that i will get nowhere with the call centre staff as they are mostly buffoons and scoundrels that try and hoodwink people into paying as they are also on 'commission'. I would have ended up getting even more angry and that doesn't help. My head went after he had gone and i had another mini breakdown. Got the knives out of the cupboards etc. Was supposed to go to my brothers wedding today but cant face the world so cancelled at last minute Will i get anywhere with this battle? I have read numerous threads here that state that once its gone from the council to the Bailiffs then it is out of the councils hands. I don't agree with this as the bailiffs are collecting on behalf of the council and are therefore 'agents' of the council under contract. Regardless of my point of view on the matter, how can they (Bailiffs) try and extort an alleged debt (CT) that i don't actually owe (based on the fact that during the relevant chargeable period i was sick, claiming SSP and ESA with zero income) Long story, bad situation for me. I don't want to evade my liability, however i also don't want to pay that which i don't actually owe! Especially to scoundrels like Swift, sending out these young athletic steoid type men trying to intimidate and hoodwink people. Any advice welcome. Thanks
  11. Hi all I have applied for all my information from Swift Advances, but I think the broker does not trade anymore, so will have to go to FCSC for PPI reclaim I think?. I am not sure how to go about the spreadsheet that is talked about. ...is there a step by step guide, and a copy of the spread sheet? I want to try to reclaim extortionate charges from Swift.
  12. In 2007 me and my then husband took out an additional secured loan on our property with swift in joint names for the amount of £10k the money was to do up the house. In February 2007 the loan was granted to be paid back by Feb 2017 in the same year me and my husband split up which resulted in a divorce soon after. I was left with a loan, mortgage and 3 very young children to bring up on my own. I informed the company with the changes in my circumstances but was ignored instead advised that I was liable for the full amount as I was the resident in the property in question. As time went by I paid what I could afford, on many occasions falling into arrears. With the help of family and friends I still managed to pay the out standing amount but could never catch up to the interest and charges put on the arrears. It has now come to the point the contract is due to expire in February 2017 I have already paid the company a sum around £16/17k but the company is demanding a further £24k and has placed a charge on the property. No chance I have that kind of money to pay Swift. I believe the company has been unjust and unfair. They have made no attempts to chase my ex husband for the out standing amount. I need to know if anyone thinks I may have a case?
  13. Hi, I have kept an eye on this forum for a while and, like so many others that have got mixed up with this bunch of lowlifes, I have been trying to stop them getting possession of our home. I haven't posted about this before because this situation is so embarrassing and, also, because I didn't know if Swift spy on these forums. Long story short, Swift have an Eviction Warrant but we managed to get it postponed for a couple of weeks before which, hopefully, we will be able to pay the arrears off. I've read up a lot on here over the past few weeks and followed other peoples threads and I am really hoping for some advice about excessive charges? I have used the Spreadsheets on here and believe Swift have added about £20,000 of charges (without the Interest) over the time we've had the loan and, also, the loan had £3000 of PPI added which I now believe we can claim back as we were led to believe we had to take it and it was not suitable for us. I think i've done the charges spreadsheet correctly but i'm not sure how I do the spreadsheet for the PPI. I think the PPI was supposed to be paid for the first 36 months and then the monthly payments went down. So, can someone tell me how I complete the spreadsheet for this please? This situation is so stressful and we don't know what to do anymore. My husband is so depressed over this and has practically given up but I don't intend to let these ******** take our home without fighting them all the way because they've done nothing the Courts have ordered them to do over the various hearings and, basically, just lie about everything. I would be so grateful if someone could help with with the PPI part of the charges and, possibly, just check over the Spreadsheets I've done for the other charges? I believe, if the excessive charges and PPI were refunded, then our arrears would be nowhere near what Swift say. I'm praying that, if I can work out how to do the spreadsheets, we may have a chance to get the Judge to grant us a hearing. Thank you in advance for any assistance you might be able to give us. x
  14. Reference Swift Advances Being new to this site, yesterday I posted the following message on the back of continued subject of Swift Advances. I have since been advised to create a new thread on the subject. I have a Secured Loan with Swift Advances, the execution date of which was 31.07.06 The amount of credit for the Loan was £100k On the Statement there is an amount of Credit for PPP in the Sum of £10,696.00 A broker fee of £6000.00 Can anyone advise what the PPP is for - presumably not the same as PPI - I have since been advised that this stands for Payment Protection Policy, which is one in the same as PPI. On the basis that PPP is one in the same, can I attempt to recover in a similar way to PPI Given all I read on this site about Swift Advances, has anyone managed to successful claim against Swift Advances
  15. Hello and thanks for reading, im new to the forum so please bare with me. My mum died in 2008 when i was only 15. She had a mortgage through hallifax and had a loan secured on her house through swift. The loan was taken out on 20.10.2006 for £19,133 (I believe this was the amount with interest added on, i think she only received about £15,000. At the time she died her estate was handed to my aunty to deal with as i was too young. The market wasn't great for selling so my aunt thought it would be in my interest to keep the house on and have a tenant living there in the mean time until there would be a profit from the house sale so this is what she's done. While the tenant was there (the last 8 years) she's been paying the mortgage and the loan with swift. However we have now decided to sell the house. I had a look at some paperwork and my aunts been paying £280 a month, but they've added monthly interest of £300 so the debt is getting £20 worse a month, which I don't understand. We thought it would be straight forward as when the house sells we can pay off the remainder of the mortgage and the loan and bobs your uncle. However after doing some research on here of swift it doesn't look like that's the case. Is it true they will add a huge sum on the original loan amount for a settlement figure? how best to proceed from now? i really do thank you for your time reading this and hope someone can help because im at a loss
  16. Got a secured loan with them in March 2006, no problem with repayments. But in 2009 had a huge change in personal life, I wont bore you with details, but had to become full time carer for my disabled son, this involved having to quit work. Arrears started to build with Swift, did the "Bury head in sand and hope it went away", as we all know it doesn't. During this time I had suffered serious health issues.. Anyway, had to address the problem with arrears, and have kept up a repayment plan right to this day, never missed a single payment since 2012. The loan term was 10 years, had letter off them, they want to know my proposals for settling outstanding sum, as loan term will be reached in March 2016. I only borrowed 12000, now they require 18,000 including 2000 of arrears. So the fees must be in excess of 16000, I nearly passed out on the spot. Any advice will be gratefully received, as I'm sure you hear so much on here, i am at my wits end, and so very fearful of whats next, and where to turn too.
  17. Issue 2 (Swift) Ctax Liability -They walked into my head office (I'm an executive who has to represent the company to a very high standard) basically announcing to our staff any clients and our sub-contracted trainers I have bailiffs looking for me. They also send a volume of reminder letters to my office when they have my home address. Am I able to get this debt handed back to the LA/or apply to the issuing court to suspend the order if I pay? How much weight will the above lend to an official complaint and/or request to the issuing courts? Best Regards, Dan.
  18. any ideas as FOS cant do anything....... can they? they sent me a summary of my account and thats the only contact ive had off them.
  19. Hi folks First time posting, so apologies if this seems a little amateurish. We had a loan back in 2004 that was spread over 20yrs, but it included PPI that was only going to be "live" in effect for the first 5yrs of the loan and would only pay a maximum of 12mths if I was out of work. We've settled it early but wonder if we can claim anything back ?? As a result of it being included as a front-loaded charge and being spread over the 20yrs, it cost almost £6k more than it would have if we had taken the loan over 20yrs and a separate PPI loan over the 5yrs. Anyone have any ideas if this can be used as a claim for a refund ?? Many thanks
  20. Good news. Swift have been ordered to pay back all charges plus interest in a county court judgment. The judge ruled that their standard terms between 2002 to 2009 were unfair. Regards
  21. Firstly apologies if this isn't posted in the correct place - new to the forum! So I have an issue with Harlands, seemingly like a lot of other people. I know a lot of this issue falls on only myself to blame but I do feel like I was not fully informed of what I was signing up to at the time and didn't realise how tied in to this contract I was. So I joined Swift Fitness in October/November of last year, when I signed up I didn't have anything really explained by any member of staff. He just set up the form to join on his little ipad device which was a pain in the ass to use and I can honestly say I was not aware I was signing up to a year contract that automatically renews and i would be unable to cancel - If I was aware I would not have chosen this gym. Once again my stupid fault for not checking and double checking. The 'ipad' that I used to sign up was difficult to use (in a way that it was difficult to read and just awful, I'm 22 and work in IT so it's not that I have an issue managing technology) I was also sat in the gym whilst filling in my details so it wasn't a good environment to fully read all the details that I was signing up to even if I could on this little screen. It wasn't until a week or so later a letter came in the post explaining that no matter what I am in this contract for a whole year that will renew unless I say I wish to cancel a month before the end date (November 2015) At that time I was okay financially and didn't see myself needing to cancel at any time, recently however I've hit bad times financially and personally and just could not see a way of being able to afford my membership this month or in the future. It was either not pay for the gym or not pay for prescriptions/bills which I deem more important in these circumstances. So unfortunately I had to cancel the DD and was going to write to the gym saying I wish to terminate my contract as there seems to be no chance I can manage the payments. I know this was wrong and I should have maybe dealt with this better but being put in the situation I am currently in a gym membership is the least of my worries. Harlands have sent me a letter saying that I need to pay fees and for this months membership (which I totally understand) but I don't know what to do as I know I won't be able to continue the future payments and want to leave the gym. Is there anything I can do?
  22. Hello I am new to this, I have been reading up on your blogs about swift advances they are a force to be reckoned with, if I could get them of my back it would be such a relief. I took out a consolidation loan with them in 2008 which is secured to my mortgage, at that time I was very unsure whether to take the loan or not but with my foolish self listened to the sales person on the other end who suggested I take the loan and maybe in 3 years time I could apply for a further loan at a reduced rate. I accepted., not knowing that I was never intended to pay off that first loan because of their ridiculous charges and interest rate I was desperate at that time and a bit naïve they have taken me to court and applied for repossession but I got a suspended order as long as I kept up my payments there would be no further action, I kept up payments for about six months then I lost my job, I have also got another creditor who has made me bankrupt I have my first mortgage, swift advance and this creditor wanting to sell my house to pay the creditors, I don't want to loose my house I have worked hard to pay for this house and is all the assets I have, its all I have left worth anything to hand down to my children and grandkids. I am supposed to be in court on 2nd of September 2015 for them to seek order for sale. I will fight this even if I have to do it myself. Swift are daylight robbers I owe them more now than when I first took out the loan will never be able to pay it of, I feel sorry for those who have lost their homes to swift, it has to be stopped people are working thinking they will have something to show for it when they retire but that's not what happens. people need their homes swift don't care they need your house to keep them in the money, which is more important don't let them get away with it fight. bankruptcy courts want £36.0000 to pay of my creditors and fees and the rest to go to my mortgage and swift advances. my house is worth £111.000 so I don't get anything after sale
  23. Hi I'new. Joined up for some advice really. Last night my home was visited by a Bailiff from this company. My husband and I were out at the time and my mother was watching our 2 young kids (both under 5) He said he was a court appointed Bailiff and was there to collect unpaid fine for TV licence (2 weeks out of date and they summonsed me) Initially he tried to barge through my mother to get into the house. Scared for the kids safety she went outside and locked the door. She told him to do one. He refused to show her ID and she said he will need to sort it out with us. He thrust an unenveloped hand written 'Notice of attendance to taking control of goods' at her with all our details and debt amount (which has jumped from £300 fine to now £750) Mortified, I called his mobile and the office but got no joy. This morning he called me back and was nothing short of vile on the phone. I explained that this was the first I'd heard of his company and wanted to call the office to arrange to pay. He was having none of it. He was coming back at 5pm to drill the locks and take what he wanted. I had to Cancel my daughters 4th Bday party from fear he would return. I spoke to some people today called Step change that said it would deal with this company on our behalf He called at 4pm asking 'do you have my money' I told him about the advice I had received and he told me I was 'full of it' and he was coming back to smash the door down and 'take that nice big TV you have'. He did not return but my question is can he actually force his way into our house and where do I stand in terms of repayment Thanks
  24. hi all I had a vist from a swift bailiff for a unpaid tv license fine 2 days ago who said he had a looksmith on the way. I did not let him into my home as I came home from work and he was sat in his van outside my house and he told me I had 1 hour to find the full payment of 650 pounds witch I just cannot afford I made him a offer of 100-150 pounds a month witch in no way was he going to accept and kept threating me with removal of goods from my home within the hour until I saw the letter he put through my door before I got home witch stated I had 24hrs to pay he was not happy when I pulled him up on this so he left saying he would return in 24hrs if I had not contacted him with the full payment then he left. I then phoned swift to try an sort something out with them but was told by the first person I spoke to too explain my circumstances and he should be able to help me. so I rang him back and tried again but he just kept saying I would not be getting a payment plan and I had to pay in full amount by the time my 24hrs were up. so I rang swift back and ask to speak to a higher person in charge. when she came to the phone her first words were hello I can only give u the same advice my colleuges gave you to witch I replied so u will listen to me but not help me to witch she replied correct so I hung up the phone. so I rang him back up the next morning to inform him that they was no way I could pay fine and explain I have 4 children and a disabled partner and that id spoke to varous people regarding this matter such as citizens advice the courts and his own company with all more or less saying he could help me out if he wanted to it is in his hands. he replied by saying I thought u was a genuine person and thought I was going to pay and that I just said I was going to try to sort out to get him from my home and then ring him and say I was not going to pay. this made my slightly angry as ive tried my best to come to a solution even saying why would I ring u to say I cant pay if I was not trying to sort out to wich he replied listen I don't care what citizens advice the courts or any body has to say you will pay the full amount or ill be back next week to remove goods. so I told him u are supposed to come back today when then 24hrs are up not anytime he feels like it I just want this sorted. he said no ill come when I want to. ive been told by varous debt advisors not to let him in and get it reffered back to court but I no he can just get a locksmith and just enter my property witch ive been told nine times out of ten they wont do because they have to pay a locksmith there and then out of there pocket. i just dont no where i go from here im making offers but just wont aceppet any of them
  25. hi all, i took a loan out with swift sterling £1580 over 5 payments 1st payment of £230 paid, recently, but im not going to be able to make the next payments 4x £630. so my question is i'm going to offer £150 a month im assuming to the value of the borrowed money . now should i make this offer now or after ive defaulted, im moving bank accounts so they cant get at my wages at the end of the month. ...will they then try and take the money out of my bank now if i let them know before hand of my impending doom? ive used advice before from this forum, it really does help. has any one any idea of how this mob pursue you and are they likey to accept my offer?
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