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Found 15 results

  1. Hi all, New member here; can't believe it's taken me this long to deal with this! back in 2003 my wife and I took out a secured loan through Freedom Finance; the loan (and ASU cover) were provided by Endeavour Personal Finance and all payments were directly made to them. We settled the loan in full in January 2008 - despite having paid five years' worth of repayments, thanks to the PPI being added and crippling interest applied, the settlement amount was still more than the original loan value! It was only fairly recently that we discovered that ASU cover and PPI were one and the same thing, so we decided to make a claim. After extensive enquiries we uncovered that EPF had been purchased by Sterling Credit Limited, and we obtained a full statement of our account from the latter to help with our claim. Unfortunately, Sterling Credit now seems to have gone into liquidation. Can anyone advise how we are best to proceed with a claim now? Some forums seem to have EPF / Sterling Credit as part of HFC Bank, but I don't know how accurate this is. Many thanks.
  2. any ideas as FOS cant do anything....... can they? they sent me a summary of my account and thats the only contact ive had off them.
  3. hi all, i took a loan out with swift sterling £1580 over 5 payments 1st payment of £230 paid, recently, but im not going to be able to make the next payments 4x £630. so my question is i'm going to offer £150 a month im assuming to the value of the borrowed money . now should i make this offer now or after ive defaulted, im moving bank accounts so they cant get at my wages at the end of the month. ...will they then try and take the money out of my bank now if i let them know before hand of my impending doom? ive used advice before from this forum, it really does help. has any one any idea of how this mob pursue you and are they likey to accept my offer?
  4. if you happen to have a claim, they will use Davies Group Loss adjusters to rubbish your claim, appoint your own FREE LOSS ASSESSORS to assist you, WHEN we had water damage recently, they trawled through 5 years of Insurers cover, if we had made a claim or not been covered they would have rejected the claim - THEY DONT TELL YOU THIS WHEN YOU TAKE THE POLICY - WHAT A RIP OFF TO REJECT A CLAIM - ours is Valid as we had full cover and never claimed in 5 years - DAVIES GROUP BY BAD INSURERS AS LOSS ADJUSTERS TO RUBBISH VALID CLAIMS. CHECK YOUR POLICY AN DECLARE EVERYTHING, AS IF YOU HAVE A CLAIM THEY WILL DO EVERYTHING TO REJECT IT!!!!!!
  5. HI, I am having an odd problem with swift sterling. i managed to shake them off and owe them £0. I Never defaulted once always paid on time. so i guess they see me as alow risk good customer. i have now decided to ban my self to keep clear of them. i have requested twice for them to close down my acount and delete all details they have on me(once they confirm my account is closed). they have not replied and my account remains open. all they have doen is increased my credit limit with them. what elese can i do thanks
  6. Hi, as someone who's used this forum again and again,and gained such useful advice and confidence from it's content, may I just offer some quick advice to anyone struggling to repay Swift Sterling, who according to some have a reputation for being less than sympathetic. I have a loan I am struggling to repay and recently defaulted on the full repayment. I had no reply to a week of emails to their customer services proposing a repayment plan, just regular sms and emails informing me of the arrears and possible charges of £59.00. I then emailed them via the complaints link on their website, which seems to fast-track through to Customer Support, with the same proposal for payment and within a few hours had confirmation of their acceptance of my proposed plan, all their banking details for repayment and happily confirmation too that there would be no phone contact. Their reply was fair and straightforward which was pleasantly surprising. A result as they say. Hope this help somebody out somewhere.
  7. Friend found a credit agreement from these people has a Beneficial logo in the corner . She remembers paying it off a bout 3 years ago when her husband died as advised by a financial advisor but it now transpires on looking at this that there was a sickness and redundanciy cover. Who does she need to claim against tried HSBC and sent copy of the agreement and they keep asking for sort code and account number. We done an SAR on her bank to see when the last payment was made. She went into the bank and they were just useless so and SAR was the best option. Who do we need to send to for SAR on Sterling CRedit ????
  8. Seem to have disappeared. I am due to repay them £840 pounds at the end of the month. I was then planning to take another £500 from them to tide me over. I am working overtime this month to get me partly out of the mire. Without that £500 i am going to be in a bad way financially. Their website is no more. Im sure they will have morphed into some other loan shark but i am not willing to risk them not lending to me again. I bank with RBS and have written out my CPA cancellation letter which i will hand in tomorrow. Is cancelling a CPA a simple process for the bank (ie) can they do it there and then because i am not planning to leave until they have confirmed that the CPA has been cancelled.
  9. Can anybody help i am due to repay swift sterling on fri i have rang and sent emails but have been told to wait untill fri untilli default then get charged 59 late fee so since then i have just emailed to be told i need to ring up which i dont want to to do i do want to repay the debt which is 697 j can pay 40 a month but i need there details can anyone help just worried ?
  10. Hi can anyone help me find the historical 3 mnth Sterling LIBOR rates going back to 2007. I have a Kensington Morgage based on these figures. Many thanks Stuart
  11. Hi All I have a payday loan with swift sterling and I was due to pay last month, I sent an email explaining I was not able to afford this as my tax credits have been stopped. I only receive 880 a month and they are expecting 920 on 31st December. I have 2 children and a mortgage to pay, I am in no position to pay this. I have emailed them requesting to make a payment of 50 a month and explained my circumstances, I was informed they do not take benefits in consideration. When I applied I included my benefits. Can someone please advise? Can I also be pointed in the right direction to send them an email regarding telephones calls at work, I have asked them to rig my mobile and they never do. Thanks in advance
  12. Hi Guys, Hi Rene and PDL Victim Just been popping in now and again, but i have a friend who needs some advice, so reaching out to all of you. She has a loan with swift sterling, which is due to be repaid on the 10th of this month, but like many of us, has been doing the loan and repayment pattern for way to long, and she just doesn't have the means to repay the loan this month. Its not for a huge amount, but my advice to her was to cancel her agreement within the fourteen days, and tell them she was suffering financial hardship, and that she'd like to set up a weekly payment plan to clear her loan and close her account. Silly me, i keep forgetting that they don't play ball! Although from what i've read, they do set up repayment plan when it suits. When she cancelled her agreement, they emailed and said someone would be intouch shortly, 3 days later an email stating that the original loan would have to be repaid by the 27th of July, by this time it was the 28th! They then stated if funds could not be taken on the 10/8, there would be a default charge of £59.00 added, then it would be passed to an account manager and if the funds are not repaid - no specified timescale, it would be passed on to a DCA. I personally think their tactics are shocking, but its kinda left her in limbo! On my advice, she's started paying a weekly amount to them, 2 payments now made diirect to their bank account, and an email to swift stating that payments have been made and for some kind of acknowledgement. Nothing. She was at my house this morning, and has tried to log into her swift sterling account online and its blocking her! Any advice guys? I really don't know what her next move should be. She's in a bit of a state. Cheers in advance, Grumpy x
  13. I'm hoping to set up a repayment plan with Swift Sterling when I default on their payment this Friday. I've read terrible things on this forum about them..has anyone had any luck setting up a repayment plan with them? What is the best way to approach it? Thanks!
  14. Just a quick note to say that when my last wages payment went into the bank, the PDL I had with Swift Sterling had already left the account... I thought all PDLs took collections after 5am but I guess I was wrong. Please let that be a warning to anyone who does not move bank accounts and / or cancel CPAs that you do run the risk of getting cleaned out even if you plan to stay up and intercept your wages
  15. Hi, I have two payday loans with swift sterling, 400 pound with the charge for the credit at £119 per month & 100 pound with the charge for the credit at £30 per month. Total they are request this month is the full repayment of £649.00 My bank card was stolen at the weekend, and I've cancelled it and requested a new one, so I'm currently a few days late on my repayment. To be honest I've realise I'm never going to get to a point where I'm going to be able to pay this back, without having to reloan each month. I've done that at least 4 times now with Swift. They are obviously being reasonable with me at the moment because they believe once I get my card that I will pay the full amount. I'm concerned though, that if I do reloan they might not accept me, and they might just take the money and refuse any reloans, which would leave me totally skint with a month until payday. My question is, if I refuse to pay and offer to enter into a repayment plan, I'm under the impression that they will refuse, then transfer the debt to a DCA and then hopefully I can come to an arrangement with the DCA and pay back the loan over 4 months or so? I want to minimise the harrassment levels in this case. Does anyone have any advice, would people advise me to do this rather than risk paying it all back and trying to reloan? I don't want to risk agencies coming to my door to collect money. I have a secure job and would be able to clear it in a few months, I just need to end the cycle. For the record I also have outstanding loans and debts that I am managing to pay off in a similar manner. I've actually found it easier to deal with DCAs than I have with the lenders direct. Apologies for the long post.
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