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  1. My house was flooded last week as the ball cock broke off in the tank in the loft. Loss adjustors have been appointed and drying company and electricians have been out and set up a separate power supply to start the drying process. I am in a hotel staying that the insurers have arranged. Loss adjustor came on friday and had a good look around took photos and asked me some questions. One of the questions was did I have any criminal convictions or CCJ'S. I said not to convictions and that I had a CCJ about 9 years. I think it was paid but really cant remember as I was in a very bad period in my life at that point. A lot of my paperwork from then has been thrown away ( in error ). I believe that CCJ information disappears after 6 years so I dont think I can check. I have looked through my paperwork for the insurance policy that covers the damage and the question about CCJ'S does not appear only questions about convictions and being bankrupt. Both of these I answered no to as that was the case. I just wondered why the loss adjustor asked and would he be referring to CCJ's from the last 6 years ( of which I have none ). I looked at my sisters insurance papers at hers today and her insurers NFU ask about CCJ'S aswell as IVA's and Bankruptcy. But they then say they are only interested in CCJ' whether unsatisfied or satisfied from the last 5 years. I dont want this to be a reason why they dont pay out and I did correctly answer the questions when I took out the insurance. Am I worrying for nothing?
  2. https://www.thesun.co.uk/money/3143151/france-emissions-sticker-117-fine/ Hopefully the UK are going to reciprocate this in the UK for French vehicles ?
  3. Hello I was put at risk of redundancy , the letter said they would consider volunteers but no guarantee, was intending to leave later in the year i volunteered . had a one to one with the director and said i was interested , have worked there for over 10 years so the payout was considerable and would help with my new venture . The request was refused. There are 2 positions and 4 people , have un offically been told one of the roles is mine even though i said dont want it, was un offically told they want me to take the job as if i dont they will be forced to give it to one of the people they want to get rid of . have a very good relationship with the director who said if i stay until all the dust settles he will try let me leave before the 3 months notice is up maybe 2-3 weeks early but this wont help me much . The whole thing stinks tbh why offer someone a job who has told you they're intending to leave , also i will have to put in my notice during the 45 day redundancy consultancy period and not sure how that would work . i have not spoken to HR yet as this will cause issues but im seriously considering going to Hr . Need some advice please asap . Thanks
  4. Hi all could do with some advise please, I am being harassed by Bristow & Sutor, they have 3 liability orders for outstanding council tax ranging from £29 to current year £910. I have ignored all contact from Bristow & Sutor, but I did make an arrangement with the council last month. they passed the details of this arrangement to Bristow & Sutor, who emailed me acknowledging this arrangement. I have kept to the arrangement and make payments due as arranged, but I paid directly onto councils online payments. now I am getting emails and letters from Bristow & sutor, telling me that if I do not pay them direct, they will continue their enforcement action. any advise please? Mick
  5. First of all... hi and thx for the forum! I am wishing to claim PPI on a loan and credit cards I had but I no longer have any of the account numbers etc. I only know who they where from - barclaycard, sonycard & egg. Can someone please inform me of how I can go about getting the information needed? I also had an old bank account with barlays which I would like to see about claiming the excesive charges - £25 & £30 etc, if I can but as with above I only know the bank, no account numbers etc. Will it be the same way as above to find this information out as well. Also how far back can you go for the claims - I believe my ones are between 5 and 7 years. Many thanks
  6. http://tracking.findmypast.co.uk/track?t=v&enid=ZWFzPTEmbXNpZD0xJmF1aWQ9Jm1pZD05ODQxNDQmbXNnaWQ9Mjg3NzYwJmRpZD0xMTI2MzMmZWRpZD0xMTI2MzMmc249MTY4MTI4MTgmZWlkPWc3Ym5mQGJ0aW50ZXJuZXQuY29tJmVlaWQ9ZzdibmZAYnRpbnRlcm5ldC5jb20mdWlkPUZNUFVLSW50NDAxMjQxNDkwJnRhcmdldGlkPSZtbj0mcmlkPTExMSZlcmlkPTExMSZmbD0mbXZpZD0mdGdpZD0mZXh0cmE9&&&2000&eu=1500&&&
  7. Well, it's been a while when I was very heavily involved on this site for a number of years and especially with Cabot - not sure how many people remember the CFC (Cabot Fan Club)....anyway, I digress Some five years ago I got into some bother with Nat West (Credit Card) as they just kept upping my credit limit without agreeing amount first, doing any checking if I could afford it or anything like that. I had a complaint running with them re irresponsible lending.. They promised to look into it, to sort it and to resolve my complaint ...they never did so I have just left it - cue Cabot and their first letter a couple of months ago. I find it hard to believe that this pile of dung still operate in the same unlawful / illegal way they did ten years ago. From sending me a Nat West letter in the same envelope as their own letter, to ringing me at home (even though they were 'banned' from doing so).. .oh + a load of other nonsense that I won't go into - suffice to say they still spout as much now as they always did. That said- I just need to reconnect re where I stand with this. It's five years since I made any sort of payment. I'm still to request signed copy of agreements and all that other stuff I may have to do but, shall I just simply tell Cabot that, as far as I'm concerned, the matter is still with Nat West as they have failed to resolve my initial complaint and that the alleged debt is subject to iressposible lending? In the meantime, I shall go and read some other posts re Cabot and see what they are up to after all this time... Thanks for any help
  8. hi looking for some advice - my daughter joined gymetc where she enjoyed attending until some unwelcome attention from a personal trainer has made her feel very intimidated. he messaged her and told her things he'd imagined with her when she made it clear she was not interested. He told her that ither people in the gym had mentioned how the two of them were getting along. She is a very naïve and sensitive 18year old girl and now does not want to go to the gym. I asked her to let me contact them but she doesn't want to get the PT into trouble (silly I know but she is a worrier) Her friends redcommended she canx the DD and just ignore till they go away Now we have a letter from Harlands stating she has now incurred a further £25 charge and as such is in £89.98 arrears under your memebership agreement you have promised to pay this debt. if you continue to refuse to honour that commitment we will have no option to take further steps ignoring our letters is only resulting in further charges being added if you do not contact us by 15th august your balance of 229.91 will be passed to a debt recovery company who will add fess to their account. So - do I contact the gym or Harlands? she'll pay for what she owes although I'm not sure how much that is, perhaps £25 but she isn't paying the rest and we need to formally cancel. I'm happy to detail exactly why the inappropriate actions of their employees has led to this thanks in advance
  9. Hi Everyone, A few weeks ago (23rd December actually) we received 2 letters from PastDue Credit Solutions. The letters had my name and address on them and some account numbers and references I know nothing about. Their client was also printed on there as ScottishPower Energy Retail Ltd who we have never used.. Here is the detail of the letters for reference, I have typed it all as I think its important to see how these agencies behave. IMPORTANT MATTER THAT MAY AFFECT YOUR CREDIT RATING Dear Mr/Ms BubbleGuppie.... Supply Address (Our previous rented address was printed here..) We have been appointed by ScottishPower Energy Retail Ltd to recover the above outstanding amount. To avoid any possibility of further action, we strongly urge you to repay the amount outstanding by 2nd January 2015. You can repay using any of the methods listed on the reverse of this letter. (You can guess whats printed there ) If you are having difficulty making payment or you wish to discuss this matter, please call a Customer Service Consultant today on. .... We will be able to offer you an affordable repayment plan that reflects your current financial circumstance. This may impact your credit rating Non-payment of the full outstanding balance may result in Scottish Power registering a default with Credit Reference Agencies. If Scottish Power decides to register or have already registered a default it will have an impact on your credit rating. In order to ensure Scottish Power do not adversely affect your credit rating (if they have not already) you have the following options; 1) Pay the balance of £411 in full immediately 2) Pay £100 and setup an instalment plan to pay the remaining £300 For and behalf of, PastDue Credit Solutions the letters stated that I owed 2 amounts of rather large sums of money.. Letter1 Amount - £400 Letter2 Amount - £250 Wow, that's £650 we apparently owe to some agency chasing a debt from an energy supplier we were never with. (We have been with NPower for years, EDF before that!) I called Scottish Power who asked me some questions, realised that the debt was actually for whoever lived there back in 2011 (not us) and appologised. They assured me that they would correct this in their 'back office' d that I would receive a letter from them (not PastDue). they advised I tell PastDue this also to stave off their rapid advances of assumption to which I called them up. I explained the situation to some dude on the phone, he asked for some details, I explained that the debt was not mine and that Scottish Power will 'sort it out' he just said he will put the account on hold for 1 week to see Scottish Power cancel with them. This never happened and we then received another 2 letters on 08th January 2015.. Here is the content of the letters.. (sigh...) :mad2: PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE THIS LETTER Dear Mr/Ms BubbleGuppie.. You have still not paid off the above debt. Unfortunately this means that we may recommend to our client that they should issue a claim against you in court. What this means should the claim be successful? You may owe more as the amount may then include legal costs and/or interest You may have difficulty obtaining credit, a loan or a mortgage in the future. To avoid any possibility of further action, we strongly urge you to repay the amount outstanding by 18 January 2015. You can pay using any of the methods listed on the reverse of this letter. (usual credit card, address details etc..) If you are having difficulty making payment or you wish to discuss this matter, please call a Customer Service Consultant today on 0141 951 2345. We will be able to offer you an affordable repayment plan that reflects your your current financial circumstance. If you are experiencing serious financial difficulty it may be in your best interests to contact an organisation that offers free debt advice. Companies such as National Debtline (.......), Step Change (......) or your local Citizen Advice Bureau will not charge you for their services. Please let us know as soon as possible should this be the best course of action for you. For and on behalf of Pastdue Credit Solutions So as you can see and imagine, we had enough of this now. We were being what seemed bullied by this agency for a debt we never owed. I had a look on a few forums and I sent them a reply using recorded delivery. Here it is.. Dear Sir/Madam Account No’s: ............. ............. You have contacted me regarding the account with the above reference number, which you claim is owed by myself. I would point out that I have no knowledge of any such debt being owed to Scottish Power I am familiar with the Consumer Credit sourcebook of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) which states the following rules. "A firm must not ignore or disregard a customer's claim that a debt has been settled or is disputed and must not continue to make demands for payment without providing clear justification and/or evidence as to why the customer's claim is not valid." 7.5.3 "A firm must suspend any steps it takes or its agent takes in the recovery of a debt from a customer where the customer disputes the debt on valid grounds or what may be valid grounds." 7.14.1 "Where a customer disputes a debt on valid grounds or what may be valid grounds, the firm must investigate the dispute and provide details of the debt to the customer in a timely manner." 7.14.3 In not ceasing collection activity whilst investigating a reasonably queried or disputed debt you are using deceptive/and or unfair methods. Furthermore, ignoring and/or disregarding claims that debts have been settled or are disputed and continuing to make unjustified demands for payment amounts to physical/psychological harassment. I would ask that no further contact be made concerning the above accounts unless you can provide evidence as to my liability for the debt in question. I await your written confirmation that this matter is now closed. Otherwise I will have no option but to make a complaint to the trading standards department and consider informing the FCA of your actions. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully Mr/Ms BubbleGuppie A week or so passes by and we then get this letter from them on 19/01/2015 Dear Sir I write in response to your recent correspondence. I understand that you are in dispute over the aforementioned account. Before we can make contact with our client, we require more details on your dispute. Our operating ours are .... Yours Sincerely ............. Admin Assistant for and on behalf of PastDue Credit Solutions So now we are not sure what we should do now? Should we call them? Ignore them? What? Can someone please advise on this? Sorry for the large post, but I needed you to see whats been going on. Its been quite a ride as you can see and to be honest it makes me sad that Britain has become like this with sharks trying whatever they can to get money out of people who don't owe it. Advice please!
  10. Good evening CAG, I am new to this site but I must say that I have heard how fantastic you are at helping, so, I am hoping you could point me in the right direction. I have received a claim form from Northampton which has been issued by Cabot Financial. Now they say that I owe money to Moneyway (a loan) and give an account number but, it has been issued to me in my maiden name which I have not used since 2007. Now, I dont ever remember taking a loan with a company called Moneyway so I am pretty amazed at this, let alone using a name I havent been known by for a number of years. they say that the debt was assigned to them, so I am guessing they brought this supposed debt cheap, but I think they must have picked me off an old voters list or something as I have never done business with a Company called Moneyway. Now I dont really know much about rights as a consumer or anything but I thought that debts became statute barred after a certain time. I need to do something but I dont know what and I dont know how much time I have to do it before a judgement is registered against me for something I have not had. Could someone please point me in the right direction. I would be so grateful. Thank you LTB
  11. I was on the bus when ticket inspectors got on clicked my oyster card and asked for my ID card as I a discount card due to being unemployed. I did not have my card he asked for my address and name which I gave him he checked with his operator and asked if I had any other ID which I did not I normally carry all my cards but on this occasion had left them indoors. He issues me with a penalty of 80 reduced to 40 if paid before 21 days. My card is rgistered and they had my name and address but still issued the fine is this fair? Mashmallow
  12. Two policemen radio into their station "Hello Sarge?" "Yes?" "We are at a house where a woman has shot her husband forstepping on the floor she had just mopped clean." "Have you arrested the woman?" "No sir. The floor is still wet."
  13. hi all I have a hire purchase with first response finance we brought in October 2014, had a few weeks and it developed a problem the trader took it back and (seemingly) fixed it, again a few weeks later again it developed the same fault so he agreed to fix it, in all it went back 4/5 times to be fixed all seemed fine until two weeks ago when the same thing happened this time I have said to first response I want it to either go to a garage with no connection to the trader (seeing as it has a recurring fault that he has supposed to of fixed) or my preferred action would be for me to hand the car back and given a full refund for the car. they asked for me to provide proof the car isn't fit for purpose with a diagnostics from an independent garage which I have done in three different ways but they say this isn't good enough every time I provider it they say its not good enough. the fault is with the turbo which isn't working and according to the garage I normally use hasn't worked since I brought the car, I don't know what to do next im paying over £50 per week for a car I cant use at the moment any advice please
  14. Were i live, the council still have the old coin machines, they do not allow any 2012 coins, i had enough change on me for 2 hours, but £1 of the change was in 2012 coins in .20pences. I asked the parking warden near me if they could assist me but refused she told me to pay for the 2 hours or move, i told her i was not able to as all the car parks in the area are owned by the council and are same, and i had my disabled child with me who had an appointment, i had stated this to the warden but she wouldn't have it, but it was a very important appointment. I paid for the hours parking and overstayed by 20 mins and i knew i had a ticket as she came back 2 mins before the end of my ticket and stood at my car till 3 mins over the time and then issued the ticket, (i know this as i have a camera on the car which is clearly stated on the car stating camera in car 24/7 recording) I'm paying the fine on friday as they except credit cards over the phone, I'm fuming with this i understand i over stayed and I'm at fault but i feel the council should now update their machines as i would have to go the bank to get old coins as most places now only uses the new coins.
  15. if you happen to have a claim, they will use Davies Group Loss adjusters to rubbish your claim, appoint your own FREE LOSS ASSESSORS to assist you, WHEN we had water damage recently, they trawled through 5 years of Insurers cover, if we had made a claim or not been covered they would have rejected the claim - THEY DONT TELL YOU THIS WHEN YOU TAKE THE POLICY - WHAT A RIP OFF TO REJECT A CLAIM - ours is Valid as we had full cover and never claimed in 5 years - DAVIES GROUP BY BAD INSURERS AS LOSS ADJUSTERS TO RUBBISH VALID CLAIMS. CHECK YOUR POLICY AN DECLARE EVERYTHING, AS IF YOU HAVE A CLAIM THEY WILL DO EVERYTHING TO REJECT IT!!!!!!
  16. Don't Know What to Make Of This https://www.facebook.com/groups/beatthebailiffsandthebanks/
  17. Hi, I have 2 loans with welcome. 1 was for a car where I was well ripped off, and the other for a cash loan. There is no HP. My cash loan was for 2000 and is a fixed sum loan agreement. and to date I have paid back £3839.63. Aktiv kapital want £450.85. The total amount payable on my credit agreement is £3950.64. I CCA them a few weeks ago and got my original document. Never knew I was paying that much. also got a copy of all payments made since stay of loan in Sept 2007. Interest was added monthly until 05/05/2010 when went to step change. Then frozen. Only 1 fee of £20 for direct debit cancellation in may 2008. I want rid of this debt, feel I've paid enough, or in my calculations only now owe £111.01 minus any extra charges. What can I do. My next post will be about my car. AKTIV KAPITAL have not supplied my payments made but my balance is still £6163.23 Been paying this since January 2008. Went to step change in may 2010. I've looked closely at my credit agreement and there is shortfall extra insurance that I didn't ask for, and a whole array of confusing figures. The amount of credit for the goods was 7950. I've been conned and want to sort this out as lost my job, (but am fighting in employment tribunal) and need to clear up my debts as got loads of them totaling 15k. Please help
  18. just like to thank all who post on this site ,dont post much myself but do read and learn and thanks to this have just had £4000 debt wiped out by lowells, had hfc debt sold on to lowells who chased me for two years bombarded me with phone calls and letters never produced any documents or paperwork i ask for today got a letter stating that they had wiped the debt off and would no longer be pursuing it, so to all those still figting dont give in and i found all my answers on this site big thang you to the many good people who post
  19. work in security and just a standard security officer in a building monitor things etc. The other day a person from a learning centre thing, that work had signed us up too, I asked what is it, they told me Marshalling/stewarding, I said oh no I'm not into that not interested, then they learning place kick off on me saying wait till we tell your supervisor you have to do what ever they say. I contact supervisor and tell him look I'm not doing marshalling or stewarding at all! and he said it needs to be done for audit reasons, I tell him no as they will make us work for the stadiums they just got contracts for, which I'm not doing, I've been on the current site for 3 years and know the contract is still on for another 2 years and have been told my job is safe, but i still would not do the course. They have now told me that if i dont do the course they will take me of the site and lose my hours and I've to now fill in a college question book for maths and english for the course. Dont get me wrong if the course was a benefit e.g. cctv i would but this is not something i want to do or waste time doing. Yes i know it silly but it the fact I know they will move us to the stadium and i do not want this, and I've told them this but still get no we want, but i know they will. Am i within my rights to refuse the course
  20. Hi, May 2006, we received a document from Land Registry, stating that an ICO had been applied for, and that a COPY of the ICO had been sent to them by the applicant should we wish to see it . Neither myself nor my O/ H were familiar with the Company or the Solicitors involved. We then received a letter from the solicitors acting on behalf of the Company, a few weeks later dated June 2006, upon reading the contents of the letter, we were disgusted to find that the alleged debt had already been before the courts on 3 separate occasions, without our knowledge. A FCO had been obtained just 5 days before the letter was drafted. Once again we were completely oblivious to the alleged debts existence. A sealed copy of the FCO had been enclosed within the letter, both the ICO and FCO were obtained Many many miles away, it also stated that an ICO had been obtained in April 2006, again without our knowledge. It also stated that a Default Judgment had been obtained back in 2005, by way of a MCOL, We have never seen any documentation for the Default Judgment , or the ICO order, to say I was fuming was an understatement. I sent a letter in reply, to all the comments within the letter, I stated that as far as we were concerned the alleged debt was nothing at all to do with myself or my O/H, I stated that they were the lowest form of life on earth after deceitfully obtaining judgment on an alleged debt, without any chance to enter a defence. I stated that I required valid documents to prove the ownership of the alleged debt and until the valid documents were produced the Debt would remain in dispute Letter Ping Pong with the company whereby in 2008, after receiving another letter, it was stated that the alleged debt was ascertaining to a "Credit Card" in my O/H name and with a company called the Associates. The letter then went on to state that as no payments had been made to reduce the debt, they were going to instruct their solicitors "LCS" to take further action through the courts, the letter went on to offer a consolidation loan which would be arranged by LCS. Once again a letter was sent in reply stating that as far as We were concerned the alleged debt was still in dispute, as the requested documentation back in 2006, had never materialised, and until the requested documentation was produced the debt would remain indefinitely in dispute. cutting A LONG STORY short, in 2010 a stat demand appeared for the alleged debt, but the information entered on the demand was totally different to the information I had on the Original documents, EG; Incorrect Company stated as the owners of the debt, incorrect Case Nos: and reference Nos: Used,, I thought that they were just trying to coerce me into making pmt on the alleged debt with their antics. I was also unable to understand why again another Solicitors were involved now acting for this other company who were claiming that the debt belonged to them. Contacted the Court re the claim no's and owners of the debt, Only to find that the case had been transferred to" Reigate County Court" and that they had got "LCS" as the Solicitors. I then explained that I had solicitors [1] and company[03752940] registered by way of a restriction against O/H beneficial interest since 2006, and they had got Company[03752940] and LCS as solicitors, and now 2011 lo and behold company No;[04140507] and Solicitors" Welbeck LAW LLP" WERE STATING IN THEIR STATEMENT THAT THEY WERE THE SOLICITORS WHO HAD BEEN DEALING WITH THE ALLEGED DEBT, AND HAD made a statement of truth to that effect. I was told by the lady at court that each time a new solicitor was engaged then the courts and myself should have been informed this was a requirement of CPR rules and practice directions as set out in the cca 1974 legislations. In 2011 we received a Bankruptcy order for my O/H, upon visiting the O/R we explained that the debt had been in dispute since 2006, and that a diferent Company and different solicitors had otained the Bankruptcy order, whilst the courts had a company and LCS as the solicitors. I had Company[03752940] and a completely different solicitor, registered against our property, I told the O/R that we had requested valid documentation re the alleged debt, but none had ever been produced. I stated that the alleged debt did not belong to my O/H, the O/R completely ignored the fact that the debt was disputed and that no valid documents had ever been produced, and when I asked him about the different companies involved and the different solicitors being used I was told that the companies were one and the same. upon quizzing him re the different claim no's being used I was told that it must just be an admin error, I stated that the charge was still against the property although a secured creditor should not be able to make you bankrupt, without giving up the security on the property. after phoning Companies House myself I was told that if each company had their own unique reg no then they were classed as separate entities, I told the O/R this and also told the Insolvency practitioners, but once again it fell on deaf ears. I got in touch with the FOS in October 2012, as I was fed up requesting valid documents, and the Insolvency Practitioners were being incooperative after I had an argument with them over data protection issues which were explained as small admin errrors, in which some of the documents in my husbands name have never been located, they stated in their next letter that all office staff had been told NOT to discuss annulment anymore as they were going ahead with the bankruptcy, this was purely a vexatious move on their part . The FOS contacted them and I am going to let you see their final response letter, which abuses most of the legislations within the CCA 1974 act, and completely goes against all the sanctions imposed upon them by the OFT in 2009, and have ignored and abused the CPR rules and directions that are in place to protect the consumer. The default judgment was obtained by deception by way of MCOL which states that the agreement is still needed at the court, hence we were not told of the alleged debt, as if a defence had been entered they would have had to produce the AGREEMENT. ALSO AFTER STUDYING THE CCA 1974 ACT FOR QUITE AWHILE I CAME ACROSS THE After requesting for valid documentation for an alleged debt in 2006,
  21. the clever part here is the MAY's & the OR and to read the letter in reverse. debt collector [may] visit your home or the next contact will be a process server alternatively you may get a court letter of proceedings if you don't pay us, we'll take further action not which action! nor that 'further action means any of those listed! classic play on words dx
  22. post in the DEBT COLLECTION INDUSTRY forum dx
  23. long story short i changed a number on a BT account i have and have ended up with a long catalog of errors from BT i get told on the phone last week that i am in credit for £1014.80 then they write to me twice telling me i will be getting a cheque in the post within 7 to 14 day. then i get a letter today to say "sorry we made a mistake" called BT to be told it was a system error....do they owe me this money? fuming is not the word!
  24. I just wanted to know if its true what they say and isnt there a way around it so i can just pay the £60 a month until the balance is gone ? Hello! Thank you for choosing QuickQuid, where if approved, get cash sent to your bank account within 10 minutes after approval, 24/7. A representative will respond to you shortly. You are now chatting with Antoinette. Antoinette: Thank you for contacting QuickQuid. I'd be happy to assist you with any questions you have. Before we start, can you please verify your full forename, surname and full date of birth? Me: Hi there i contacted your company by email a couple of days ago but i have had no reply. I have had a drastic change is working hours and im income has dropped significantly so i can no longer afford to pay the partial or full amount, i have worked out my income and i can afford to pay £60 per month only. if my situation changes i would be happy to pay more but until then this is all i can offer. my phone is also gone so i can only be contacted by email or live chat Me: My Name 17th XXX XXXX Antoinette: Thank you for providing that information. To fully access your account, can you please confirm your post code and one of the following on file: your email address, phone or customer ID number? Me: ABC DEF Me: XXXXXX Me: im not sure how to find my customer number Antoinette: Thank you XXXX and I am sorry to hear of your change in income Antoinette: I do apologize however we do not offer payment plans on flex credit loans which is why you are given the 10 month option at the time of application Me: Oh im sorry to hear that, well unfortunately i cannot come up with the £277.29 its asking for so im not sure what to do Antoinette: How much are you able to pay towards the loan today? Me: nothing unfortunately, my card has been flagged for fraud and i have just phoned them but they have to send me a new debit card and pin out Me: he says 5-7 days
  25. Dear Members, I hope someone can help me. I have just received my employment record for the last five years from HMRC and I cant see mention of my job for a specific company in 2010. I worked for a local company for 6 months but there is nothing in employment record. I am unable to contact my previous employer becasue the company has gone into administration. Could someone advise me what to do. I have a doubt that my employer did not show me as his employee and did not pay any tax on my behalf.
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