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Found 24 results

  1. Just over a month back, Harlands came after me with £50 in admin fees for an unpaid £39.99 DD to a gym which I left without formally cancelling. This is my fault and I accepted full responsibility. Here's a timeline of events (this is an email I sent to CRS when the debt was "passed on" (even though they're the same scummy company in essence)): Today, I got this reply-- To which I replied How should I proceed? Can anybody with any experience with such matters weigh in here? How likely are they to pursue me and take civil action? And, if so, how likely am I to succeed given my attempts to pay as outlined in the above email. Thank you!
  2. Hi Received a claim form from Restons Solicitors last week regarding a personal loan debt of £10k bought by Arrow Global. This was the first notification we had since letters were going to an old address. Stepchange have advised to fill in the income and expenditure on the admission form and pay £1 per month until our circumstances change and we are able to repay in full. We have no experience with this sort of thing and are unsure of what is the best course of action. Many Thanks
  3. Hey CAG, Hopefully someone can help me out with this issue. I just got a court letter issued 27th of June from MMF via Moriarty Law looking for payment from a payday loan taken out in 2011 from wageday advance for just over £400 (The claim was filled with the Northampton County Court). I went online and responded to the claim with an acknowledgement of service, however I can see that I am over the 14 days I had to respond to the initial claim and now I am a little worried that they may have already filled the CCJ. I want to defend the claim as I am 80% sure they took the money out of my account (even though I had no overdraft facility) from LloydsTSB which left me with a debt with the bank. However it's been over 6 years from the initial default with wageday, I've moved a number times since then, and Lloyds and TSB are now two separate entities so it's doubtful I have the proof of this. I am hoping someone on here could help me with what type of response I should issue to the court, or to any of the claimants specifically? I really don't want a CCJ (who does) and I've recently got on top of some really bad debts so this would be a major blow to my credit. If someone could help me out, I'd be eternally grateful. Thanks!
  4. Afternoon all! My girlfriend doesn't watch live TV, at all. That said she does have a Virgin set top box due to signing up for the tv/phone/internet package when she subscribed. She also has no TV license, but hasn't ever told the TV license people that she doesn't watch TV. I'm telling her to cancel the TV package and just fill in the form on the TV license website to say she doesn't watch TV and that will be the end of it. She's worried that they will investigate and see she has been a Virgin TV customer for ages and ages and demand back payment for a TV license. I'd really like to get this sorted as it's a big worry for her and she really doesn't need it at the moment. How should we play it and what do you think she should expect to happen?
  5. Hello I had received a claimform from MKDP re a hxbc credit card for £600 in Jan of this year I haven't made any payments on it and i am unsure of how to proceed. I'm pretty sure this would have been statutes barred so that's why they have proceeded with this route.
  6. Okay, heres the deal, can anyone advise , left power over a year and half , was on prepayment, no debt, on and off over the last year , Npower have sent several threatograms, saying I owed them over £2900 !!, after several calls to them , they advised problem their side, no apology, then silence, then the letters start again, i did complain via their website this time, and they sent a letter out saying to disregard the last threatogram,however in the meantime they have also passed the debt to those good old threat boys moor croft, who are constantly calling, sending threatograms, offering payment plans , now i really want to make an example of this...because I think it needs it , any ideas on moving forward, do i SAR moorcroft first ? i do not want ignore, i want an example made of, for all the hassle, threatograms etc, oh and npower's incompetence
  7. Hi I’m new to this forum so ‘hello’ & I’d be very grateful for any thoughts that people have. In summary I’m in dispute with a local Estate Agency. I allege that, in July 2014, employees of the agency caused £300 of damage to the bodywork of my car. Initially the agency did not respond to my complaints & requests for compensation. Eventually they contacted me by ‘phone to deny liability and refuse to put their position in writing. I referred the matter to The Property Ombudsman Service (TPOS) who was able to conclude that the agency had failed to respond properly to my complaints, but they were unable to conclude that the agency had caused the damage to my car based on the documentation I provided. At that stage the agency made me an offer (via TPOS) of £150 to settle all aspects of my complaints. To date I’ve not taken-up the offer because it doesn’t cover my losses. So I’m currently deciding what to do next. A few weeks ago I sent a carefully worded ‘Letter Before Action’. The Estate Agency replied (i.e. their first written response to me) to once again deny all liability for the damage caused to my car. They failed to refer to any of the specific points in my letter and simply defended themselves by way of a statement to say their staff are fully security-checked professionals who would never behave in ‘that way’. They also stated that the offer of £150 was purely in relation to their mishandling of my complaint. They also stated that my claim seemed opportunistic. They also stated that they’d be referring the matter to their solicitors. I was intending to make a claim against them which would hopefully proceed through the small claims process. I’ve discussed this course of action with TPOS and with legal advice/advisors via my Trades Union both of whom were broadly supportive based on the evidence I could provide. I’ve already drafted the claim form and was going to submit it last week but then I got cold feet and decided to check whether I’d done enough and got enough evidence to make my case as strong as possible in court. I’ve now used the permitted amount of legal advice I’m entitled to via my Trades Union so am now a bit stuck for further advice. Hence I’m making this post. So, my questions can be condensed thus... 1) Are there any other avenues that I should pursue before proceeding to make a formal claim/court action? I’ve tried to follow pre-action protocol by attempting to settle the matter directly with the defendants and attempted mediation via TPOS. The defendants have had plenty of time to respond fully. I’ve considered arbitration which it seems would be too expensive given the amount I’m claiming for (i.e. £300). The ADR specialists I’ve spoken to have suggested further mediation (at £100 +VAT for 2hrs) but the matter has already been mediated by TPOS without successful resolution and as far as I know I may be offered free mediation by the courts later in the small claims process (which I would happily participate in). I suspect we’re at an impasse that can only be broken by a judgement by someone with authority. 2) Is my case strong enough to present convincingly at a court hearing? I have photographs of the damage to my car. I have a reliable witness (who’s given a witness statement) who saw my car being manhandled roughly by 2 of the Estate Agency workers. The snag is that no one actually saw the damage being done – they’re simply able to say that they witnessed the car being treated in a way that could have definitely caused the damage. Also the Estate Agency have not admitted in writing that they touched my car (although they have done so verbally) – my fear is that in a court hearing they could simply deny ever having touched the car and then it’s the word of my witness against theirs. A bit more info. to put all this in context... I live in a house that’s been divided into flats. One of the flats is let to the aforementioned Estate Agent and they use it to house social tenants temporarily. Back in July 2014 the tenant in this flat was a hoarder who failed to pay his rent and was evicted by the Estate Agent. During the eviction all of the tenant’s hoarded possessions were placed on the driveway of the house alongside my car (which was untaxed, uninsured and SORN at the time). The Estate Agency hired a skip to clear–up the hoarded rubbish. I returned from work one evening to find that my locked car had been dragged from its position on the driveway and left on the side of the road. The skip had been left in its place. There had been no communication with me about this beforehand (although 2 days later one of the agency staff told me that they’d moved my car – I pointed-out the damage which he denied doing – accusing me of lying that it wasn’t there beforehand – I do have some blurry photos taken beforehand which show no signs of damage). So my car had been left untaxed & uninsured on the public road with £300 worth of new dents in the bodywork. I was fuming! I’ve received a fair amount of legal advice about the matter and essentially it seems that all my evidence is circumstantial and any ruling would be on the basis of probabilities. My witness is one of several neighbours in the street who saw my car being manually bounced, pushed & dragged across the road by 2 men working for the Estate Agent’s property management team (at one stage they asked him whether they could borrow a jack from him). I’ve been advised that the photos and the witness statement should be convincing enough for a magistrate. .. but recently I’ve been afraid that the Estate Agent is going to deny that their workers ever touched the car and I’ve actually got no written proof that they did. They’ve tried to blame it on the skip company but there’s no evidence to support this and surely if the skip company were working under the direction of the agency and the agency workers were present when the skip was put into position then the agency are still liable as it was their ‘project’? thanks for reading if you’ve got this far – any informed thoughts or constructive comments would be warmly welcomed! JulianS
  8. Sorry if I'm repeating old info, I have had a read of other posts but these all seem to be at CCJ defence stage and I'm not there yet! Details are as follows: Hillesden have been chasing me for a payment of £848 for as long as I can remember. The debt was passed to DLC and most recently to Cabot. Mortimer Clarke are now chasing me on behalf of Cabot and claim that they will take me to court if I don't respond with a suitable payment arrangement. The van was returned in 2007 and my last payment on the debt was Sept 2008 (according to them). I do not know when it defaulted exactly but I do know it's no longer on my credit file. I wrote a SB letter to them but they have now responded stating that the contract was not terminated until August 2010! They say that means they can now take me to court. How do I proceed?
  9. Not sure if I have posted this in the right place? Apologies if not! I'm currently working through my credit file and found a default from 2012 for £200 from when I was a representative briefly. I have contacted AVON and said: In April 2012 I was briefly signed up as an Avon representative at my previous address XXXX. I placed a couple of orders but then my personal circumstance changed and I was not able to continue, and I moved house shortly afterwards. I had some outstanding products to return from a couple of customers who didn’t pay for their orders and these were outstanding when I resigned as a representative. I received a bill from yourselves for £200 for outstanding stock, and contacted customer services to arrange a collection. This was arranged and the products were left in the secure cupboard where previous deliveries had been left by your delivery driver. The products were subsequently collected and I then moved house. Four years later, I am applying for a mortgage I have just been going through my credit record, only to find there is an outstanding amount showing to Avon for £200 (which I can only assume is for the products mentioned above), which is showing as a defaulted mail order account. This is adversely affecting my credit record and I urgently need to get it resolved. As above, I have never owed any money to Avon it is extremely disappointing that something I took up to help out with a little extra money has been having such a detrimental effect on my credit rating. I have also never signed up as a mail order customer directly as implied by what is showing on my credit report. I think this would be a good warning to others on how becoming an Avon rep can be incredibly negative. Please could you look into this as a matter of urgency and remove the incorrect record from my credit reference report. They have responded to say: Please send a copy of the signed proof of return from our carrier for the goods you have returned to Avon. Upon receipt of the balance, we will instruct the Credit Reference Agencies to update their files to show your account as satisfied. I don't have those receipts any more, it was four years ago and I have moved twice since then. I have received nothing from AVON or any DCA so assuming it is still sitting with AVON. Is there anything I can ask them to do, surely they have to keep the records? Also I don't want to pay the balance as I don't owe them anything, and I don't want it shown as satisfied, I want it removed from my file as it shouldn't be there! Any advice on how to proceed?
  10. Hi everyone , i am looking for advice on how to proceed with this nightmare. I bought a car with 6 months warranty included , it had service history & the last service had been carried out on 3/12/2015 I bought the car on the 21/01/2016. On Monday 14 it just stopped with no power in the vehicle [ had to push it home] . I called out a mechanic who said it needed a new starter motor as he could get the one i the car to turn & he advised i needed a electrical diagnostics service due to my description of how it lost power & stopped, new starter fitted under warranty & the diagnostics but has today informed me the the engine has seized , we checked the oil & it was dry as a bone , bearing in mind the last service on the 3/12/2016 is stamped " oil & filter change" . At no time did an oil light come on to alert me but the diagnostics guy said this does happen when oil can sometimes cover the sensor but he thinks whoever did the supposed service that they forgot to top the oil back up after draining it & he said he has come across this a few times from garages. My question is i have had the starter motor fitted under warranty , paid for the diagnostics my self but can claim the cost back. How do i proceed in regards to getting my money back & returning the car , what proof do i need from the mechanic & diagnostics guys . The engine is totally seized & that is the fault of the garage IMHO . Any advise will be very appreciated , thanks .
  11. Hi, First post on here so apologies if this has been done to death. I did a quick Google search for the comments in my Title and it directed it to me to a thread on here. But like every case mine I'm guessing is slightly different and was just hoping someone could offer me some guidance as I'm getting more and more confused.] My chain of events are roughly: April 2015 - Overstay in Morrisons Car Park - Total Duration 2hrs. 59 mins Series of letters, first to my old address (my fault, had not updated) then to my current address. Aug/Sept 2015 - Threat of County Court in Northampton with a certain timeframe to respond Sep 2015 - Responded with my defence April 4 2016 (today) received a letter dated **February 2nd 2016** stating "Notice to Proceed" But that's pretty much it, there is legal argument and it touches on what I said in my defence 7 months ago. There is no timescale to respond and even if there was, the letter is dated over 2 months ago and I've not had anything since or heard from them or the Court again? Also, I'm pretty sure it said when I responded to the initial County Court Claim that they had to reply within a certain timescale and if they didn't there'd be no case to answer? Seeing as I'd not heard from them in all this time I thought that timescale had long elapsed and I'd hear no more? I'd be very grateful to hear some opinion on this if possible and thanks in advance.
  12. Hiya all, Personally I think that the fine I've received is absolutely unjustifiable on the grounds that it was completely unclear, even clear in the opposite way, that this spot was restricted- and every colleague/friend/family member I've consulted has agreed. However I'd like to sense check that before I waste any more time dealing with the glacial process of formally appealing it now that the informal one has failed. I was parked at the end of a cul de sac, which had no signage about parking. There were double yellow lines alone the sides of the street, but they appear to me to visibly not cover the end of the street (indeed everyone else has come to this idea, as the end of this street is regularly full of cars parked at the end). As the PCN and the rejection of my informal appeal only mentioned double yellow lines, It can't be anything else. Hopefully everyone can see my attachments; the first two less grainy photos are some of the ones I took to demonstrate the situation, which I sent along with my informal appeal. Long dead end street, no obvious double yellow lines at the end, no signage banning parking The third grainy photo is to me the most damning photo they sent as evidence. Interestingly the white paint splodge of no clear meaning right next to my car that you can see in my photos looks as if it could be a double yellow line due to the angle of his photo. I'm sure that this was absolutely a coincidence and I have absolute faith in the traffic wardens honesty and integrity. Only a cynical person would suggest that he's deliberately misrepresented the situation. So what do people think? I'm currently waiting until the notice to owner arrives and plan to make a formal appeal, but if people think I was actually in the wrong then I'd rather not waste everyones time. additionaly I'd be grateful if anyone could answer the following: Can I make a formal appeal directly even though I'm not the registered owner of the vehicle? The "Notice to owner" apparently has to go to the owner, is there a limit on what representation I can make by myself?
  13. I was sold an un-roadworthy vehicle by a trader masquerading as a private seller. I've sought to contact the trader by email, phone and mail but he has failed to respond to any communication. The car trader is based in Scotland, while I reside in England. As the sale took place in Scotland, does anyone know if am I obliged to proceed through the Scottish sheriff court system? The England and Wales system is available online, while in Scotland one physically has to file papers in the sheriff court as I understand. Thanks in advance for any thoughts
  14. Hi, First post here, but lurking for a few weeks! Brief outline: I have issued a claim for compensation against a car dealer. The notice has been served. After about ten days, they filed an acknowledgement of service (I know this doesn't mean anything specific will happen), but they have also notified the court of a change of address. Is it likely that they have changed the 'contact' address so that if it came down to it, they would not have the bailiff in their showroom, and / or, the address is that of say their accountants, so that a bailiff cannot either remove any property as it doesn't belong to the defendant, or there's nothing of value in the registered office? Thanks
  15. The following customers have posted about their Npower problems on the My Npower Nightmare Facebook Group -https://www.facebook.com/groups/517771428350844 - but apparently aren't sure how to proceed. [ATTACH=CONFIG]58708[/ATTACH] https://www.facebook.com/david.hillstaylor?fref=ufi https://www.facebook.com/kreedman1?fref=ufi https://www.facebook.com/nicky.vaughan?fref=ufi https://www.facebook.com/michelle.piper?fref=ufi Unfortunately the administrator of My Npower Nightmare has blocked us because we criticised his approach and said that he was acting like some kind of shill for Npower after he recommended paying money for legal help and then recommended a claims company. If there is anyone who has not been blocked from the My Npower Nightmare Facebook group, maybe they might post a message telling them that they can get help about the way forward on this forum - for free. If people have time, they can even consider sending messages directly to those Npower customers.
  16. Hi all, Over 12 months ago now, I was wrongly accused of Benefit fraud by the DWP who stopped all my income with the exception of Child Benefit. My local council then followed suit and stopped my Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support saying they were acting under the instruction of the DWP. To cut a long story short, I went to Tribunal and the Judge ruled in my favour. However, the tribunal was appealing the DWP's decision and not the Council's (I thought the appeal covered both as they acted together but this wasn't the case) I then with the help of the CAB appealed the councils' decision and recently (in the last 2 weeks) they overturned their original decision. I have now received a Court Summons 7 days after receiving an adjustment notice where the alleged "Overpayment" was taken off and the council tax support that I should have been in receipt of has been added. I am not in disagreement that I am in Council Tax arrears, as since all my benefits' stopped I was plunged in to terrible debt. I have been recently making contributions of £10 or £20 as and when I could afford it but there is no way I am able to clear the whole amount. I have requested an income and expenditure form from the Council on 3 separate occasions so that I could make an offer of repayment but I have never received the forms. The summons also has my Partner's name on them, but it is trying to recover council tax off him from periods when he wasn't even living at my address, I'm not sure if this has any bearing? The council have so far made no attempt to repay the Housing Benefit that I was entitled to whilst I was being wrongfully accused of benefit fraud or indeed to refund the money they took from a subsequent claim. If they were to give me back what I was originally entitled too, it would be more than enough to clear the council tax arrears! I really could do with some advice on how is best to proceed with this, obviously I preferably don't want to have to pay the £107 summons fees if it can be avoided. Thank you in advance, CAM
  17. Good evening CAG, I am new to this site but I must say that I have heard how fantastic you are at helping, so, I am hoping you could point me in the right direction. I have received a claim form from Northampton which has been issued by Cabot Financial. Now they say that I owe money to Moneyway (a loan) and give an account number but, it has been issued to me in my maiden name which I have not used since 2007. Now, I dont ever remember taking a loan with a company called Moneyway so I am pretty amazed at this, let alone using a name I havent been known by for a number of years. they say that the debt was assigned to them, so I am guessing they brought this supposed debt cheap, but I think they must have picked me off an old voters list or something as I have never done business with a Company called Moneyway. Now I dont really know much about rights as a consumer or anything but I thought that debts became statute barred after a certain time. I need to do something but I dont know what and I dont know how much time I have to do it before a judgement is registered against me for something I have not had. Could someone please point me in the right direction. I would be so grateful. Thank you LTB
  18. Acting on behalf of my mother, she like many others on here seem to have been caught with the Stemologica/Beutemer [problem]s going around. Just need some advice on how to best proceed. My mum in mid Nov saw a internet advert for free tesco vouchers £100 if she took up the free trial of this product. She insists that at no time was she made aware that she binding herself into any contract with them or that the she would if she didnt cancel and return the free products within 14 days. She has had two debits come out of her account before xmas. This has almost ruined xmas for her to the point that she hid it from the entire family and juggled money to get by over the xmas period without telling my father. I have found out as she confessed it to me in the past week. So now you now the back story, I am making it my personal mission that I get this money back for my mother. She is in her early 60's and the little savings she has I dont want to see being stolen from her. What is the best way for her and myself to proceed. She has cancelled the payments to the company (Card Payments, i assume) but is now 2 x £97 down. Is there a realistic chance of her getting this money back. Whilst my mum can be naive on the internet, she isnt when it comes to money and agreeing to contracts etc so i know she wouldnt have signed up to this willingly. I would be grateful for any help or any pointers in the right directions.
  19. Hello, I was apprehended by security in primark yesterday after I left the shop. I went back into the detention room and he searched my bag. He brought out the items I hadn't paid for and called the police on me. I really do not have an excuse for this and I am greatly ashamed. I panicked and started crying and apologizing, even agreed to pay the £95, now I don't know how that value came by because I did some exchange and paid some money via my card, I was too distraught to challenge it but that is not even the problem. The security man collected my provisional driver's license, wrote down my details and passed it on to the police men when they arrived. One of the cops went with the security man while the other sat with me. I wouldn't exactly call it an interview, he questioned me gently and went through the things I had which were all baby clothes (I have a 2, month old) I told him I needed to call to make sure my baby was alright but he said I could only do that at the station. I broke down into tears again and he offered to call my mum who was watching my kids and tell her I was with the police but well and fine. I declined this offer cos I didn't want my mum to know anything about what was going on. She would have been very disappointed. The process seemed to be dragging and I told the cop I needed to be home to breastfeeding my baby, he said I would have to go in with them and it was going to take a few hours. I started crying again, he asked if I had ever had a run in with the police and I said no. He said the only help he could offer if my trace came back clean was to call his sergeant and get clearance for him not to take me into the station so I could get home soon. Now, so many little processes were followed by primarily staff, such as refunding my money, giving back my exchange... But they were all a blur as I was in a state by then. The police took my children's date of birth and said they were going to pass it on to ss to make sure they were all right and I could get a visit or not. I refused to do this at first cos they are innocent in all this. Secondly, I was taken into the van and heard him call his sergeant and said something about caution or process on the street, I'm not sure of the exact words. He read me my rights and basically said I won't be taken to court if I pleaded guilty. Which I did. What is this street processing or caution? Will it go on my records for life? 3rd, primark gave me a printout saying I should expect civil recovery. Again what and how will this be handled. Lastly, I was taken home by the police, they wanted to make sure my kids were ok, I requested that they wait in the hallway cos of my mum. He agreed to wait outside the door but held the door open with his feet. I brought them to him and they left. I have been unable to sleep and I've berated myself for this foolish act. What a great price to pay for something so silly. Sorry this is a long post, I wanted to include as much details as I can.
  20. Hi I received notice of county court summons from Parking Eye after my husband ( in my car) overstayed at a Hotel car park we regularly visit- he didn't buy a ticket from one of their machines. I received demand for payment many times and foolishly thought it would just go away, as I read up on this and thought they where illegal?. Not so, next thing I received 2 county court summons. I read the advice given on this forum and put in a defence using some of the information I had read, e.g. the defendant denies entering into a contract with ParkingEye and that the charges we disproportionate. I also got in touch with the hotel and asked for their help, but unfortunately they said it wasn't anything to do with them! found that very strange as ParkingEye say that they are working for their "clients". Today I received a bucket load of paperwork from PE stating that they wish to proceed with these County Court Claims, there must be about 30 pages of lots of drivel and photographs of hotel, signage etc. What should I do know, I have no idea if the court will send for me and when? Can I choose my local court? Any help will be appreciated, and thank you in advance.
  21. Hi everyone, I received parking charge notices from Parking Eye earlier in the year, followed earlier advice on this site and ignored the letters. They have since submitted a moneyclaim online to which I submitted the standard defence on the sticky in this forum. My moneyclaim online status shows (today) that my defence has been submitted and no other update. However I received a couple of weeks ago a letter and supporting papers from Parking Eye addressed to me and saying "NOTICE TO PROCEED" . . . Parking Eye wishes to proceed with this county court claim . . .Please find attached the N180 form and the (the bit in bold crossed out and it continues) reply to defence in the case between ....... and Parking Eye. There is enclosed about 5 pages of legal argument about why they are acting as the operator for the land, there is a contract in place and lots of case law about these charges not being penalties etc. My questions are these, if anyone can advise: 1) Should there not be a notice from the bulk centre at Nottingham or is it just taking time to update the online claim? 2) Is a form N180 required in order to proceed to the next stage? 3) There is no indication of timescale for response?? 4) WTF do I do now???? PLEASE HELP! thanks
  22. The following happened before I found this site and learnt about my legal rights etc , so what I should or shouldn't have done is pretty much mute - as I now KNOW what I should have done - but feel free to chastise me! Lowells first wrote to me last August 23 at my current address regarding an outstanding overdraft/charges amount that they had bought from a bank. I knew it was mine as I had ignored them at previous addresses, but following my recovery from severe anxiety and depression, I wanted to start to rebuild my horrendous credit record. i contacted them towards the end of September, (couldn't fault them as far as how I was treated in respect of agreeing how much I was able to pay them per month). After a discussion with a friend about the bank charges, I put the account into dispute so that I could challenge the unfairness of the bank charges. Issued them a SAR and got everything I wanted. Before I could go through the charges etc, I was struck by another bout of depression, and so continued with the payments without any further challenge. (I know, I'm kicking myself too!) Fast forward to 2 weeks ago, and I'm fine, found this site, got my Credit Report, sent Moorcroft packing, put in a claim for £3000+ of PPI, and then started to fume about Lowells and my previous bank! The bank sold the debt to Lowells on 7th August 2012 Lowells first letter was dated 23rd August 2012(along with the bank's Letter of Introduction - which wasn't on true bank letterhead, but was obviously printed on an inkjet printer due to the bleeding and the fact that the QR code couldn't be read). I believe the debt should have become statute barred on the 25th August 2012 as the last date any money was paid into the account was 24th August 2006 - although the date of default on my Credit Report was 24th May 2007 (which is when the bank officially closed the account). Lo and behold, today, on checking my Credit Report, the bank's default has been removed, AND so has Lowells entry - this has put my score up to 969!!! Armed with what I now know, what are my options regarding Lowells?
  23. Anyone have any links to threads on reclaiming PPI from Santander/GE store card taken out in 199x please? I have a read a few posts where the responses from Santander have been negative, but cannot find any ongoing cases or helpful information. Thanks t
  24. Had a Cap one credit card which was taken over limit due by their interest (limit was £200 and never spent more than that and have never used the account for over 7 years but continued to make min payment until I was struggling). Bryan Carter are now involved and have issued court proceedings. Have rung them and they refused any offer unless i can pay the outstanding within 3 months which I can't as it has accrued so much. I also have PPI on the Cap one account. What is the best way to proceed please? I am fairly sure that the charges and PPI on the account will be far more than I owe or at least pay most of it off but who do I write to, what do I do about the fact that they wont accept an offer and insist on taking me to court? I haven't received the court papers yet but the letter they sent said I will receive within 48 hours. Thanks for any advice
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