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  1. Hi all, I travelled to London on 12/02, returning on the 13/02. I have TWO parking charge notices on my windscreen, one for each day - for not parking within a bay. When I arrived at the carpark, there were no spaces available and several vehicles were parked in places that were not marked as bays, but in areas that did not cause any obstruction to the carpark in the slightest. If it was one fine I would probably suck it up and pay it, but the attendant could clearly see I paid for two days parking (obviously not returning to the car in the meantime) and has ticketed me on both days. now my blood is boiling. The tickets are £85 each (£50 if paid in 14 days) and quite frankly, I can't afford to pay them. Any advice you can give me would be fantastic, thanks in advance for your help. 1 The date of infringement? 12/02 and 13/02 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? No have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) Not yet as only received fines this week what date is on it Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? On the online appeals section, there is photo evidence (note I haven't appealed or put any info in, just checked to see if there were any photos) 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) N/A 5 Who is the parking company? NCP 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Newport Train Station, Long Stay - South Wales
  2. Today I received a parking charge notice for the date and location detailed below. I remember paying for my parking ticket and having to type my registration into the machine before paying by card. I have checked my bank statement and the £6.50 charge has come out of my account. I don't have any receipt as my car was cleaned out a couple of days after the event. What is my best course of appeal? Do I send a copy of my bank statement? Any advice appreciated. 1 Date of the infringement - 29th October 2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 7th November 2018 3 Date received - 9th November 2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] - No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - Entry photo 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] - No Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up 7 Who is the parking company? NCP 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Hillingdon London Underground Station (ANPR)
  3. I managed to avoid getting a ticket {I think} at the above address but many haven't been so fortunate. There have been a few CAGers caught a while ago but no recent ones. Station Approach is a private road leading to Hayes and Harlington station. The owners of the road have appointed those well known crooks PCM to manage the area. Here is the start of the road-
  4. Hello all. Long time lurker here but first time poster. Please see completed form below: 1 The date of infringement? 06/07/2018 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? N have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) [must be received by you between 29-56 days] No what date is on it N/A Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? N/A 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) [Y/N?] 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? 5 Who is the parking company? Indigo Park Solutions UK Ltd 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Tring Station Car Park, Tring. Hertfordshire The penalty notice was issued by Indigo Park Solutions UK Ltd on behalf of West Midland Trains for Breach Code 1 - Failing to display a valid ticket or voucher. At the top of the Penalty Notice, it notes that the car park is regulated by the terms and conditions of parking displayed at the car park in accordance with Rail Byelaw 14, and so on........ Please could someone advise the steps I need to take in order to not pay this please? From reading around this wonderful forum I can see that this appears to be unenforceable in a magistrates court (which I gather they would never do anyway due to not receiving any money from it) after 6 months, I would appreciate a few bullet points outlining what the steps are to get to 6 months and what type of correspondence I can expect please. I'm keen to take this on based on what I have read, however my wife isn't and is looking for some reassurance from the more knowledgeable folk on here. Thanks in advance!
  5. Yesterday I parked at Redhill Station, there are two disable spots but one was being used by a large van to load and unload so had to find another spot. I parked in a spot placed my disabled badge and went to work, upon returning there was a "Penalty Notice" and definitely penalty issued by Indigo parking services. Is this a Penalty? should I appeal? Thanks
  6. I would greatly appreciate some advice on a private parking charge I received in the post today from Euro Car Parks whilst using an Esso service station @Esso_GB . I parked in a car park to the rear of Esso Meads Purfleet, and put a timer of 40 mins on my phone (the parking limit was 45mins). I met with a friend in the station and we collectively bought fuel, costa coffee, food to eat and sat in the seated dinning area. When my phone alarm went off to leave, we had not finished eating. A member of staff advised me to just move my car to the front of the forecourt and park there instead of the rear car park. I did this and continued to finish my food and bought more coffee. I now have a £100 parking ticket reduced to £60 if I pay straight away. I am really angry with Essso, as I was in the process of leaving until their staff told to re-park at the front of the building. Also i am annoyed that i was buying food, drinks and fuel and sitting at the tables for customers to eat at, so after spending my money with them, they are charging me. My friend who parked at the front of the building for the enter duration of our stay, did not get a ticket.
  7. Hi everyone, love the website, long time lurker.. I received a lovely yellow penalty notice stuck to my window today. I have attached the 'ticket' in this post. From what I understand I should not do anything until i'm sent a notice to keeper, is that correct? And then from there I'm a bit unsure, so any guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks a lot PCN.pdf
  8. Hi there I'm being pursued by these people for some very unfair tickets. I know there is a lot on here about different approaches etc but I was interested in the 6 month rule, can someone please explain the law around that? Also, the tickets definitely say Penalty Notice not Parking Charge, does this mean it's official? Thanks in advance for all your help
  9. Hi, I am currently dealing with a PCN issued as a result of parking at Hillingdon Station. London. I parked there in the afternoon of 13th Oct, paid cash into a ticketless machine and headed into London for a night out. I received a PCN a week or so later with an ANPR image showing me leaving the car park a few seconds after midnight. I originally assumed that it was because the ticket ran out at midnight, but when I appealed it seems not. NCP asked for evidence of payment which can not give due to it being ticketless. A further appeal was delayed to a lost email when I found this I appealed again confirming that i had paid cash and the reply was that there was no record of my Reg No on their system. I have appealed again, but no reply as yet. I have since received a letter from ZZPS with a request for £160. I emailed them reporting that my appeal was continuing to which they offered me a 7 day postponement, but I have since received a further letter from ZZPS. Any advice would be gratefully received. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Date of the infringement 14 Oct 17 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 20 Oct 2017 3 Date received No record, but definitely within 14 days. 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? ANPR of car leaving the car park 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] Yes. Online only so no record. 7. Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up Yes. Email below 08 November 2017 Dear Mr XXXXXX, Re: xxxxxx issued at Hillingdon LU Stn (ANPR) on 14 October 2017 Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding the above notice number. In order to consider your appeal, we require further evidence. Please provide us with proof of payment for the date in question so that we can search for the payment on our audit system. To prevent this case from progressing further please provide the above requested evidence within 14 days from the date of this letter. Please send the requested evidence to: National Car Parks Limited, Notice Processing, PO Box 839, Northampton, NN4 4AL. If you do not provide the requested evidence, the case will continue to progress. Yours sincerely, Notice Processing Team National Car Parks --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 January 2018 Dear Mr XXXXX, Re: xxxxxxxxx issued at Hillingdon LU Stn (ANPR) on 20 October 2017 to vehicle with registration mark ..... Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding the above notice number. Having checked the payment system, there are no payments that match to the above contraventions parking session. Please be aware, parking sessions at this location expire at 04:30, not midnight. Please be advised that your case has now been passed over to our Debt Collection agent, ZZPS. We are unable to assess any appeal at this stage, and we will be unable to enter in to further correspondence with you. For further information and payments please phone ZZPS on the following number, 01932 918 916. Yours sincerely, Notice Processing Team National Car Parks 7 Who is the parking company? NCP 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Hillingdon Underground Station Car Park, London For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. No, just a reference to POPLA. If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here Received a debt letter from ZZPS 29 Dec 2017. Emailed them and stated that I was appealing to NCP. Second ZZPS letter recived 15 JAn 2018. Have further appealded to NCP but no response.
  10. Hi Everyone, As the title says, my car (I wasn't the driver - really!) got an £80 Penalty Notice from CP Plus while parked at Hampton Court Railway station car park. The reason for the penalty was given as code '03' - which is "not displaying a valid pay and display ticket " even though a ticket was purchased and on display! Thanks in advance for any help/advice on this one?
  11. Hi guys, you were amazingly helpful in the past, so thought I would try you all again. Been doing lots of reading on the forum, but to be honest, just confusing myself. I parked at Newport train station, rushed for my train and forgot about paying for parking (usually do it via their app). remembered about 2-3pm so though "bugger, probably too late now" so paid it. Came back from London at 7pm with a parking ticket. The irony is that the ticket was timed for about 10 minutes before I paid for it online. I wrote a letter (probably against all your advice now lol) to them explaining all this and how I have paid the other 8 times I have used the parking, and how I did pay, but 10 minutes too late. received their "thanks but no thanks letter" What should I do now? pay the speculative invoice or appeal or ignore??? Please find attached the letter if anyone wants to read and help me out !! One of the funniest bits is, I am a guy !! Idiots thanks in advance guys
  12. Hi. Parked at a Southern railway rail station today and used the phone number to pay the daily charge . I had used it before but with a different car and the system recognised my phone number did a fast track to payment confirmation . I didn't spot that the registration number quoted by their system was not that of the car I was using today (lot of background noise in the car park). There was a penalty notice issued by Indigo when I returned. What are the chances of success if I appeal? I can prove that I own both cars and that the one for whom they issued the ticket was not there today (it's in a garage for repair). Any tips on how to phrase the appeal in such a case? Thanks
  13. Hi All, In short I have been caught using a Freedom Pass ticket of my father. I have a auto top up Oyster card which I kept in the same place as my dad's Freedom pass. The holders of the two cards were the same on the outside and at a certain point in time i must have picked up the freedom pass without realising and went on normally using that in my everyday life. (I never actually open the holder to check cards as mine is auto top up). My dad travels abroad as he has a house in Europe and doesn't regularly use the card therefore was not aware. This was completely my fault and I have admitted to this when the officers carried an interview on me at the station when they stopped me. Since then I received the letter stating that I might be prosecuted where I followed the forums advise and apologised asking to pay all costs + admin explaining the events. 2 months later (today) I receive another letter inviting me to another interview under caution for historical offences being investigated on the oyster card. I assume these where the trips carried out by me when I was thinking I was using my normal card. I am very confused by this letter and I was worried about the consequences. The questions I have for which I would appreciate any help are: 1) Is it safer to take a solicitor? From the point of view that I want to limit any damage. 2) Since the history they probably have on file of my travelling on various occasions is valid and I am willing to pay the fine, if they decide to prosecute what is the worst that can happen in court given that I have a clean record and I raise my hand up that I did a mistake? 3) How one would respond to the letter received? Do I ask about the historical offences they are referring to? Should I again try and negotiate an out of court settlement? 4) They say I have 7 days to respond. Is this upon receipt of the letter? 5) What would be your recommended next steps? Apologise if this topic was discussed but I haven't found a thread discussing the same situation. Many thanks in advance.
  14. Network Rails has said it will review it’s plans during development of the Thameslink programme at London Bridge after a short closure last night caused “Life Threatening Chaos” for rush hour commuters. Lines were shut down for 45 minutes from 4.20pm because of a person on the tracks at Streatham, the operator said. The knock-on delays saw huge numbers of people stranded on platforms and some forced to jump closed barriers to avoid the crush, while onlookers posted dramatic images online. The London Mayor, Boris Johnson said: “This chaos must end now. The scenes at London Bridge last night were completely unacceptable.“ It is a disgrace that Network Rail and the train operating companies have failed once again to get a grip of the situation at London Bridge. Mick Cash, leader of the Rail, Maritime and Transport union said last night’s scenes were ‘horrific’, adding: “RMT is sick and tired of the excuses about the continuing chaos at London Bridge which led to horrific scenes at the station last night. I wonder if those that jumped the barrier are being prosecuted.
  15. Hello, I was apprehended by security in primark yesterday after I left the shop. I went back into the detention room and he searched my bag. He brought out the items I hadn't paid for and called the police on me. I really do not have an excuse for this and I am greatly ashamed. I panicked and started crying and apologizing, even agreed to pay the £95, now I don't know how that value came by because I did some exchange and paid some money via my card, I was too distraught to challenge it but that is not even the problem. The security man collected my provisional driver's license, wrote down my details and passed it on to the police men when they arrived. One of the cops went with the security man while the other sat with me. I wouldn't exactly call it an interview, he questioned me gently and went through the things I had which were all baby clothes (I have a 2, month old) I told him I needed to call to make sure my baby was alright but he said I could only do that at the station. I broke down into tears again and he offered to call my mum who was watching my kids and tell her I was with the police but well and fine. I declined this offer cos I didn't want my mum to know anything about what was going on. She would have been very disappointed. The process seemed to be dragging and I told the cop I needed to be home to breastfeeding my baby, he said I would have to go in with them and it was going to take a few hours. I started crying again, he asked if I had ever had a run in with the police and I said no. He said the only help he could offer if my trace came back clean was to call his sergeant and get clearance for him not to take me into the station so I could get home soon. Now, so many little processes were followed by primarily staff, such as refunding my money, giving back my exchange... But they were all a blur as I was in a state by then. The police took my children's date of birth and said they were going to pass it on to ss to make sure they were all right and I could get a visit or not. I refused to do this at first cos they are innocent in all this. Secondly, I was taken into the van and heard him call his sergeant and said something about caution or process on the street, I'm not sure of the exact words. He read me my rights and basically said I won't be taken to court if I pleaded guilty. Which I did. What is this street processing or caution? Will it go on my records for life? 3rd, primark gave me a printout saying I should expect civil recovery. Again what and how will this be handled. Lastly, I was taken home by the police, they wanted to make sure my kids were ok, I requested that they wait in the hallway cos of my mum. He agreed to wait outside the door but held the door open with his feet. I brought them to him and they left. I have been unable to sleep and I've berated myself for this foolish act. What a great price to pay for something so silly. Sorry this is a long post, I wanted to include as much details as I can.
  16. Good Morning All, I was up in London from 9/2/15-13/2/15 on a training course. I bought a car parking ticket at Salisbury station for the duration and put it up in the top corner of my windscreen. On the Wednesday I got back in the evening to Penalty Notice attached to my windscreen about 6 inches below the ticket. I wrote to CP Plus Ltd using the address given on their Notice (which helpful states that appeals can be sent in writing to that address). I attached copies of both my actual parking ticket and also the receipt from Salisbury clearing showing the validity purchased and the date it was bought. I heard nothing more until 61 days later when I had a Penalty Notice Reminder through the post telling me that I now owed them £120. They had completely ignored my earlier appeal. This notice also came from an office in Ashton Under Lyne. I phoned them up to seek some explanation for this letter. Apparently they had not been sent my appeal letter but advised me to email their enquiries and resubmit through them. This I did that very day. I got a response from the enquiries "people" yesterday which basically said we are always in the right, pay up. I believe that by not responding in a timely fashion to my original written appeal they have forfeited any right to claim their money. I also believe that by using two completely different postal addresses they are indulging in a deliberate attempt to misdirect the public for their own pecuniary advantage. Lastly, having provided incontrovertible proof that I had a legal parking ticket, I believe they should withdraw their Notice. I would be interested in hearing others' views. Attached are the original parking notice, my original letter to the company and copies of my ticket for parking at Grateley and the receipt for same.
  17. Yesterday, I came from Bournemouth to Plymouth. I had to go to Southampton and then to Bath. No problems with the journey to Southampton and the journey to Bath was delayed by 7 minutes. (not an issue) I then got to Bath and the train was delayed by one hour. We were never updated with what was going on. The train was absolutely packed and there were no reservations on seats. Having spent Sunday running some 13 miles, I really didn't appreciate being forced to stand on a train. Thankfully, I only had to stand from Bath to Bristol. I did write something on the FGW Facebook page and their response was: "Sorry we were unable to reply yesterday, we were extremely busy. We were putting out many updates on our Twitter page, on our website and at stations, but I am sorry if you were unable to access this information. Severe signalling problems meant that many services were disrupted yesterday, with many being cancelled. Because of this, we were unable to put out seat reservations and the trains that were running were very crowded. Sorry for this." I've looked at whether I can get compensation for this, (I had to get a taxi home @ £5 because no-one could pick me up due to the trains running late) and there's a bit that confuses me: It asks how much you paid for your ticket. I paid roughly £43. But the first 2 train were south west (?) and the third and final train was FGW, which was delayed by an hour. So, what do I write on the form for how much I paid? The full amount and then sent all tickets off?
  18. Does a vehicle have to be insured to drive it to a MOT station on a pre-arranged appointment? I have comprehensive cover on my own vehicle and third party cover if driving another vehicle.
  19. Hi, I have received a PCN from PPS for parking in Didcot station car park, and I am hoping I can get some help from the forum. I have previously used the advice here to avoid penalty fees, but things seem to have changed with the introduction of POPLA and I'm now not sure of the best approach. Here's the situation: I parked, as I often have done, in Didcot station car park on 3rd July and paid using the RingGo app as usual. Or at least, it appeared to have successfully my booking. However, apparently it didn't work on this occasion and I received a PCN on my car. When I saw this, I immediately made a payment (again) using RingGo, so that the car park operator was not out of pocket and wrote to them within four days to explain the situation. I heard nothing back until two weeks ago, when I received an invoice for the increased amount (£100). I wrote back to challenge this on four points: 1. The fault was with the RingGo app, and I thought I had paid the fee on time in good faith, as I had done many times previously. 2. I immediately re-made the payment, meaning that the parking operator was not out of pocket. 3. They waited too long (two months) to follow up on this matter. 4. I wrote to them within 14 days and so, according to PPS, the penalty would be £50, not £100. (Although, as I mention above, no penalty is due, nor allowed in contract law). Yesterday, they emailed back with a pdf copy of a letter dated 23rd July rejecting my initial letter and offering the POPLA mediation service. However, this letter did not arrive at my house - I don't know whether they sent it at all, or whether there was a problem in delivery. Otherwise, I would have responded to it. Now it seems that I am too late to use POPLA, as it has been more than 28 days. My questions to the forum are now: 1. Should I use the POPLA process to progress my arguments on the points above? Or should I simply write back to repeat my rejection of their claim and call an end to the matter? 2. Is it even possible to use POPLA, as the 28 days has expired since their non-arriving letter? Does it make a difference that I didn't receive their letter? 3. Is there some other approach I should take? And do I have a good chance of winning this? Many thanks in advance for any help, Richard
  20. Hi, I received a PCN from Meteor for parking at a station without a ticket. I was in a rush to get to work and did not realise that a ticket was required to park in the station (the station is quite small, and there is no formal car park just car parking spaces scattered around). Reading these forums as I understand it, they cannot force anyone to pay. I have previously had a similar PCN in the North of England, that I successfully ignored with no problems. Any advice? The fine is £90. Thanks
  21. Has anyone experienced blatant overcharging or been subjected to a [problem] at a UK petrol station? I used the Shell garage at Westerhailes in Edinburgh as the needle on my fuel indicator was touching zero. On fuelling, there was no noise coming from the pump and there was no sensation of fuel running through the hose and into my car as there usually is. I stopped refuelling the car, concerned that the cost was increasing but I was receiving no fuel. This was also evidenced by the fact that the indicator needle had not moved at all when I turned the ignition on. The staff advised I still had to pay and they provided me with an e-mail address to contact Shell customer services with. I did this and after carrying out "checks" I was told the pump was fine and I would not receive a refund. So I have had to pay for petrol I didn't actually receive. Interested to hear of other similar experiences and action taken.
  22. So i was rushing to the DLR and didn't have time to top up as the train was about to depart. I got to the station and realized that i didn't have enough money to leave so i asked the man standing in the barrier that i had lost my card so that he could let me through. He took me to another gentleman wearing casual clothing and he told me where i came from and how did i pay for the fare, i panicked and said i borrowed fathers travel card in which he told me that travel cards were non transferable. He said he would let me go but wanted to take down my details just to put on the record as a sort of caution. I didn't trust his word so i gave him a wrong name, wrong door number and wrong year in my date of birth. He didn't verify the details and he read me my rights to silence which made me slightly suspicious but he said it was just for protocol and let me out of the barrier after warning me not to use anyone elses travel card. I'm a bit paranoid that they may be able to track me down through cctv or something. Was he telling the truth or was he trying to deceive me into giving my details and is it serious enough for them to pursue me?
  23. Hi, I have recently been sent a Final Notice to owner/keeper/hirer under Railway Byelaw 14. The car park in question has a new feature, that you can book and pay for your ticket online, I had been doing a combination of this for the past few weeks, I had to run for the train to make it, and was trying to regulate my breathing, and stop sweating before I bought my ticket, I purchased a book of 10 tickets which I still have 4 unused, the email I received with them stated that they were not valid on that date, so I attempted to purchase an additional ticket, however, I was unable to do this due to a very patchy internet connection as we went in and out of tunnels, I then arrived at the office, and again forgot to buy a ticket, it wasn't until I was on my way home that I remembered. I attempted to purchase the ticket online (there is a new fangled system where you don't have to display the ticket; you just need one registered to the car registration, and the cameras register as you enter and exit the car park). This is similar to the ANPR systems a lot of company's employ. However within 15 minutes of my arrival I had already been given a ticket. I was trying to pay, and could show that I had attempted to purchase, I decided I would ignore the ticket as most people appear to suggest, and that as this was a contract issue, I felt it was unlikely to go to court, and that if it did, I could bring in the following arguments, and at the very least agree to the £6.50 in lost revenue; detailing that I had been allowed previously to purchase the ticket after arriving, to complain that a railway company can charge me 400% more than the original £6.50 daily charge. I would refuse to pay the fine as they already receive over £600 per month from me. When their trains are late, I get £3.50 back. unfortunately now it does appear they are arguing it is civil, and that they are planning on taking me to the magistrates court. The original ticket was produced via their parking managment company, but this final notice comes from the train company itself, acting as PCN Debt Recovery and Prosecution Service. Do I take this on the chin or fight it? (I refuse to park in the station car parks again) It makes me warm inside knowing that for the sake of £165, they lose £1000 per year. Please advise.[ATTACH=CONFIG]45603[/ATTACH]
  24. Hi.. To make a long story short. Card was PIN blocked. I was away from home for a few weeks. Signed form at station. Didn't make deadline and now I have a civil recovery letter. From past experience I am aware that these bullies are best ignored. Should I ignore them on this too?
  25. My daughter has been issued with a parking notice from parking direct at Ealing Broadway station. Having spoken to Popla is appears that any idea of appealing is pointless as they seen to be in favour of this company. To save all the hassle I will be paying the £60 fine but want to know if legally Parking direct have to accept 30 x £2 cheques as full and final payment.
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