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Found 11 results

  1. I check the mail for a friend who as been out of the country for some months, as is his motorcycle. He has recently been issued with a Charge Notice by Highview Parking at a Tesco. It states his vehicle is a white BMW with an 08 registration. These details and the Model stated are correct for his motorcycle. The Charge Notice gives photos of a car, an estate car, a dark blue Volvo, with an 06 registration - all other digits are the same. Clearly a "Robo" Charge for which no one at Highview has even bothered to look at their 'evidence' in their eagerness to gather cash and alienate Tesco from their potential customers, having obtained DVLA data without justification or proper reason. How best to deal with this for maximum discomfort for Highview/Tesco - and DVLA?
  2. My vodafone account number is ........ Having returned the new iPhone 6 within 3 days of taking out the contract to cancel, over 5 months later I have yet to receive a refund for the £201 I am owed have today received a final demand letter threatening to involve a debt collection company. I have visited the store on 7 occasions, and spent countless hours on the phone and on online chat attempting to get this resolved. On 17 occasions; yes I have counted, a member of staff from either the store/phone/online have promised they will call me back. On literally NO occasions this has happened. I am at my wits end. I will be turning up at head office during my day off next week if this is not resolved soonest!! I have used the web form with the cat reference code so hoping 'lee' or whoever will finally take an interest in this. My vodafone reference number for the web form is #11420834
  3. So I've been claiming wtc when I shouldn't and I am terrified and feel like a rabbit stuck in the headlights. I was claiming it legitimately, living with my parents, then I moved in with my partner for a year. After a year the relationship ended and I moved back home but have struggled to find work since due to various health issues, yet I've still claimed and it's just snowballed. To make matters worse I used to work for hmrc benefits about 5 years ago & had a breakdown due to the work which led to other health issues finally resulting in me losing my job about 5 years ago it's not like I didn't know what I was doing. In my head I thought I'd be claiming other benefits anyway so why switch? Pretty effin stupid right? God knows what I was thinking. I'm petrified about phoning them due to my experience with them but I know I have to. *Deep Breath* I should have stopped claiming about June/July 2013 and I estimate I owe roughly £11.5k. I'm scared that this admission will be traced but I have no one to talk to about it. I'm a terrible person, I am so ashamed and feel so guilty. I'm terrified that I'll get sent to prison, be made an example of because I worked there. My parents will disown me and I'll be the shame of the family. I'm the quiet reliable one who hates to disappoint anyone. My parents will be devastated. I live with them and hid it all this time. They think I'm on esa or jsa. My ex-partner had no idea either. I'm trying to better myself by going back to college to retrain because I can't do the job I'm already trained to do due to health, but as I was filling in my form I realised they liaise with DWP etc. so I'm bound to get found out. Please help & tell me what to do
  4. Any help would be appreciated. I am trying to establish whether my solicitor has acted negligent by not following the pre-action protocol in respect of a Disrepair claim which has now been settled, after 6 years of my local council denying liability under the OLA 1957. I had an accident during the period where liability was being disputed but my solicitor is claiming that he did not have the funds to pursue a PI claim but never advised me on this, and on checking the pre action protocol under Disrepair claim there is reference that would suggest that in any event, a claim for PI arising from a Disrepair claim could and probably should have been made by a qualified legal representative as the Disrepair procedure makes reference to a PI claim if an injury has occurred because of the disrepair, in this case a out-house flooded everytime it rained.
  5. Network Rails has said it will review it’s plans during development of the Thameslink programme at London Bridge after a short closure last night caused “Life Threatening Chaos” for rush hour commuters. Lines were shut down for 45 minutes from 4.20pm because of a person on the tracks at Streatham, the operator said. The knock-on delays saw huge numbers of people stranded on platforms and some forced to jump closed barriers to avoid the crush, while onlookers posted dramatic images online. The London Mayor, Boris Johnson said: “This chaos must end now. The scenes at London Bridge last night were completely unacceptable.“ It is a disgrace that Network Rail and the train operating companies have failed once again to get a grip of the situation at London Bridge. Mick Cash, leader of the Rail, Maritime and Transport union said last night’s scenes were ‘horrific’, adding: “RMT is sick and tired of the excuses about the continuing chaos at London Bridge which led to horrific scenes at the station last night. I wonder if those that jumped the barrier are being prosecuted.
  6. Hi, I completely lost the plot this evening. I went to my local Tesco Express (it's attached to a petrol station) and suddenly got a craving for cream cakes. There were some which were reduced but they weren't the one's I like. In a moment of madness I swapped the price labels to not 1 but 2 packets of cream cakes. I took just 1 packet to the cashier along with some other legitimately reduced items. The cashier realised the what I had done I pretended I had no idea what was going on. In fact I went back and grabbed a packet of legitimately reduced cream cakes, paid for my total shopping using a Tesco Credit Card (I was obviously having a total meltdown) and left. Total value of the swap 43p or 86p if you include the 2nd packet of cakes I left behind in the chiller cabinet. So my questions are: 1) The store staff didn't take me anywhere to question me, didn't make me fill in any forms, no Police were called I guess they couldn't really apprehend me as they don't have a security guard. However they do have my credit card details s o could they review the CCTV footage and then tell the Police? Would the Police be interested in a 43p matter? 2) Can Tesco pass the matter onto RPL anyway just on the basis of the cashier's suspicion and possibly some CCTV footage? 3) Could Tesco subsequently ban me from all their stores? 4) How quickly do RPL / Tesco work in such matters. If I don't hear in a month from anyone should I assume I've got off? I'm hoping that as nothing was done at the time, that Tesco aren't going to involve the Police over 43p. However whether they can get RLP and a ban in place after the event is another matter. Has anyone had a letter from RLP and /or a ban from Tesco after the event, or are you always told at the time the offence was suspected/caught? Of course this would all be moot if I hadn't been stupid enough to use my Tesco Credit Card to pay for it all! PS Yes I know I am a total moron. I have never done anything like this before and never will again!
  7. My mother has a small work's pension that she has been getting for 6 years, it was actually my deceased father's and now she gets 50% of it for him, she's currently 61. The pension used to be £87 a month and the government were taking £20 but it's now £51 and they're still taking the amount from it, but that's not the point of the post. For weeks now her benefits have been being reduced/ cut off temporarily, and putting her into rent arrears with the council. The DWP have asked for information on the pension, and she has given it to them time and time again. The pension switched from one company to another at one point, around the time the trouble started, and she has handed them letters. She gave them a letter from the original company saying that the pension was being transferred to the new one. She gave them a letter from the new one saying they were taking over the pension. She's given them P60's and an assortment of information. This has been an on-going thing for a month or more now. They're now asking for a pension statement, which she has never had even once for the pension and have cut off all of her benefits, including housing. She's been to citizens' advice, she's explained the situation to the housing department and managed to settle one set of rent arrears(more incoming, now) and she just can't seem to get through to the DWP the exact details of the pension that is causing so much problems. She has no more information she could possibly hand them, and they still inquire about it. She feels as though they suspect she has more money coming in than she does, and can't seem to make them understand that all she is getting is £51 a month from it. All the income she has had is ESA, Housing benefit and that pension. She's been told she isn't entitled to income support or any other additional support. Does anyone have any suggestions for what she could do next?
  8. Hi all.....approx 10 months ago I got myself a new 3 mobile contract with a blackberry 9810 torch. Initially all was well. The battery stopped lasting and they replaced it. Ok then. Now and on my fifth battery it will barely last one day. So I visit the store...they will send it away but cannot loan me a phone. Apparently theydont have any. They tell meto call customer service....he says the same. They will send it away. In the meantime i will be left withouta phone and paying a monthly bill which i cannot use. Ok then in the circumstances upgrade my phone....i will even pay. NO. You will have to buyanew phone. This is ****ing priceless. RIP OFF BRITAIN AGAIN.
  9. My husband has been disabled with mental health difficulties most of his life. 20+ years ago he had an industrial accident and was unable to work. he had been receiving Incapacity Benefit, he was then moved to income based income support. He receives DLA at higher rate mobility and middle rate of care. He continued to receive these allowances until he was moved on to contribution based ESA and was told he needed to start sending in sick notes from his doctor, which he did. He was called to an ATOS medical and told he was fit for work, one breakdown later and we appealed. His money was initially stopped but then re-instated with a drop of £160 a month! In total we received carers allowance for me: industrial injuries benefit for him: DLA for me (I have fibromyalgia) and DLA for him, as well as his new amount of ESA, providing he sent in sick notes. On the 21st Dec 2012 we went to appeal and won! From nil points he was awarded 36 points and we were told by the judge "You have won, they shoould leave you alone now for two years" We were so relieved. His money was stopped again after the appeal though with no explanation. I have to add that during this whole process we have not recieved one letter from the DWP. Yesterday he was told that his money would be back dated and he would be getting £82 a week. This morning he received a letter syaing his contribution based ESA had run out and he would get £0.00! now we're frantic, we have nothing accept carers allowance, DLA and IIB and don't know where to turn. Our housing benefit has also been stopped, what do we do?
  10. I just thought the forum regulars could use a little cheering up
  11. I bought A Blackberry Playbook at the end of January this year. It was the top 64gb model. I bought it online from PC World website. When I received it, it would not boot it just hung on blackberry logo. I contacted blackberry as was going to return it to PC World. But after blackberry told me to connect it to computer and do a update it finally started working. And has been working fine until a week ago when started having problems charging it. Now the Blackberry Playbook won't charge at all, it is completely dead. When you plug charger in to it no lights come on and it won't switch on. I have tried another charger to make sure its not the charger and it makes no difference. I have contacted rim blackberry but so far they have not been very helpful. I have my receipt from purchasing it online. Can I return it to a PC world store. Its still in warranty I have had it under 5 months. Or will PC world just tell me to contact black berry. Or as bought online can I not return it, will I have to send it back to PC world. I paid £250 for this tablet and its useless. Whats the best thing to do and what are my rights. I have read alot online in different forums about people having real problems returning BlackBerry Playbooks to PC World. And PC world not wanting to do any thing or telling them to contact manufacture. Any advice would be much appreciated Thanks in Advance
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