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  1. was due to marry my long term partner on 15th of July 2017. went to a H Samuel shop to purchase a commitment ring for the wedding on 18th of June 2017. wanted to pick something that is not very expensive, pay for it and take it away the same day if possible. then the lady that attended to us told us we could get some personalised set with our initials and the date of the wedding engraved in it. agreed on a set that costs £1,399.00. I specifically asked the customer service lady about the date of delivery as I wanted to be sure the ring will arrive before the wedding. She checked on the system and told me not to worry, that it would arrive and that they are aware of the date since it would even be engraved in the ring. I was required to make a 10% down payment so I paid £140.00 with my debit card. The expected delivery date on the receipt was 11th of July 2017 (4 days before our wedding). I work with agencies and work normally from 8 am to 6 pm (paid hourly) Monday to Friday and by my finish time and travelled to the H Samuel outlet where I made the purchase, they would have closed for the day (they finish at 6 pm). on Thursday 13th of July, I left work early to pick up the rings. On getting to the shop, I was asked by the attendant (a different person from the one I made the order with) if I had received any text for the collection. replied that I hadn't. She checked their system, spoke another customer service person in the shop and then came back to tell me that the rings are yet to arrive and that they were going to give me a call to update me. Since I had already left work for the day and it would not be feasible to go back to work and return to pick the ring on the same day before the shop shuts, I decided to hang around hoping they would call me soon enough. But then I received no call that Thursday. On Friday 14th of July (the day before my wedding), just before midday, I got a call from H Samuel telling me that my ring would not arrive until the next Friday (21st of July). I requested for my refund so that I could try and use the money to purchase something else elsewhere was told that my refund cannot be processed until they receive the ring at the outlet the next Friday. I called my then partner to inform her and she took it so badly, she was in tears. I had to finish work early again, so that we can go about to look for a ring, any ring, to use the next day. Eventually we found a ring for my partner at a Warren James outlet could not get any one anywhere that fits me (my ring size is Z-5). We search everywhere till night but could not get anything. My partner was shattered. I continued the search on the morning of my wedding day. Eventually a friend that was searching in his own local area was able to get a fashion ring that would just about sit on the knuckle of my ring finger. We had to get married like that, after which I had to give the ring back leaving me with no wedding ring. I called H Samuel's customer services and complaint department and spoke with a lady called Joslyn on 18th of July 2017 to make a complaint. She promised to get back to me, which she did on 20th of July. She offered my a refund along with a £50 voucher which I flatly refused. She called back less than 30 mins after and offered £100 in cheque for the grief they caused me. I told her my lost wages alone for the 2 days I had to finish early amounts to £260. That I cannot accept the offer. I called the citizens advise bureau and was advised I can make a claim against them but it would be expensive for me getting a lawyer. Up till now my refund is yet to be processed. Can anyone advise on what to do or how to go about it please.
  2. World War 2 Royal Warwickshire 2nd Lieutenant's grave identified after almost 77 years READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/world-war-2-royal-warwickshire-2nd-lieutenants-grave-identified-after-almost-77-years--2
  3. Grave of brave Sussex born WW1 sailor finally rededicated almost a century later READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/grave-of-brave-sussex-born-ww1-sailor-finally-rededicated-almost-a-century-later
  4. A friend sold his car in late November for £500 after advertising it on a local for sale site. The friend had explained to the buyer that the MOT had almost run out and that the car needed quite a bit of work. Last week he received a MCOL claim for the full £500 and the buyer stated that my friend sold him a car with a 'false MOT' and that my friend 'withheld the true state of the vehicle's condition'. The MOT was provided by the keeper previous to my friend and after having looked on the Gov website, it appears to be fine. Surely this can not be a 'false MOT'? My personal suspicion is that the buyer realised that there was more work needed on it than he first thought and decided, over 4 weeks after the sale, to issue a MCOL. Any advice would be greatly appreciated....
  5. My vodafone account number is ........ Having returned the new iPhone 6 within 3 days of taking out the contract to cancel, over 5 months later I have yet to receive a refund for the £201 I am owed have today received a final demand letter threatening to involve a debt collection company. I have visited the store on 7 occasions, and spent countless hours on the phone and on online chat attempting to get this resolved. On 17 occasions; yes I have counted, a member of staff from either the store/phone/online have promised they will call me back. On literally NO occasions this has happened. I am at my wits end. I will be turning up at head office during my day off next week if this is not resolved soonest!! I have used the web form with the cat reference code so hoping 'lee' or whoever will finally take an interest in this. My vodafone reference number for the web form is #11420834
  6. Hi, Hoping I can get some advice here about a conundrum I have. I have an old debt for a personal loan which will become SB at the end of february. Having heard nothing for years I suddenly received a notice of assignment from a DCA about three weeks ago. Then yesterday a request for me to contact them about payment. I feel sure that I can probably stall them until it is SB with some careful letter writing followed by a CCA request, but im a bit confused about the wording of the 1980 limitations act and various comments ive read on forums and advice sites. Will it stop the clock or restart the SB period if i communicate in writing with them eventhough I will not be admitting the debt? Ive scanned all the relevent threads on here and just dont seem to be able to find a definitive answer. I feel that I do need to take some action because if I ignore them they could easily have time to put in a claim before it becomes SB! If any one could give me some advice here I would greatly appreciate your time and advice on the best way forward!
  7. The Student Loans Company (SLC) is overcharging almost 80,000 graduates by ten per cent every year – leaving them £580 out-of-pocket each time. Automatic income contingent repayments (ICR) begin when a graduate begins to earn over a certain amount of money once they complete their studies. The repayments are collected through the UK tax system where borrowers remain in the UK. However, as the SLC only receives information from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) about what customers have repaid once a year – after employers have finalised their annual tax returns – there is a ‘time lag’ which means thousands of people nearing the end of their repayments overpay, unless they opt for payment by direct debit. http://www.independent.co.uk/student/news/student-loans-company-is-overcharging-almost-80000-graduates-by-580-every-year-baker-tilly-finds-10431230.html
  8. Hi Guys, with all the latest goings on with Wonga I hoped I might be in line for some compensation as I received letters from 'Chainey, D’Amato & Shannon’ so I filled in the contact section on the website as per the email back in September. I hadn't heard anything by the end of November so I decided to give them a call to see if they would acknowledge that I had been affected by this, they said I was and that I would be receiving a letter in due course. While on the phone I asked if they could send me a statement on my account so I could see what I actually paid back on my £750 Loan, Here is the statement: Initial Loan Advance 30 September 2008 £750.00 Total Principal Amount: £750.00 Payment 03 November 2008 £256.18 Payment 04 November 2008 £100.00 Payment 12 March 2009 £100.00 Payment 17 April 2009 £100.00 Payment 21 September 2009 £50.00 Payment 21 September 2009 £50.00 Payment 25 September 2009 £50.00 Payment 17 October 2009 £50.00 Payment 05 December 2009 £50.00 Payment 08 January 2010 £50.00 Payment 05 February 2010 £50.00 Payment 05 March 2010 £50.00 Payment 01 April 2010 £50.00 Payment 06 April 2010 £50.00 Payment 07 May 2010 £50.00 Payment 05 July 2010 £50.00 Payment 06 August 2010 £100.00 Payment 03 September 2010 £50.00 Payment 08 October 2010 £50.00 Payment 05 November 2010 £50.00 Payment 01 February 2011 £110.47 Payment 07 March 2011 £110.47 Payment 17 March 2011 £220.94 Payment 23 March 2011 £770.65 Payment 05 March 2013 £24.00 Payment 25 March 2013 £4.74 Payment 24 June 2014 £12.39 Payment 05 March 2013 £24.00 Payment 05 March 2013 £24.00 Payment 05 March 2013 £24.00 Total Sum Paid £2,731.84 Total Principal Amount less Total Sum Paid -£1,981.84 Transfer Fee 30 September 2008 £3.00 Extension Fee 04 November 2008 £10.00 Default Fee 30 October 2008 £10.00 Default Fee 28 November 2008 £10.00 Default Fee 07 December 2008 £45.00 Interest 29 October 2008 £222.81 Interest 27 November 2008 £197.50 Interest 13 January 2009 £50.00 Interest 01 February 2009 £534.73 Interest 29 March 2009 £585.67 Interest 21 September 2009 £50.00 Refund 05 March 2013 £174.00 Interest adjustment 05 March 2013 £24.00 Interest adjustment 05 March 2013 £24.00 Interest adjustment 05 March 2013 £24.00 Interest adjustment 25 March 2013 £4.74 Total Outstanding -£12.39 As you can see it took a long time to pay this back and got a default on my Experian Credit file which wont come off until February 2015! I got an email in March 13 saying my account had been wrongly calculated and I had over paid £174.00 and this was refunded. Just really wanted opinion from you guys if I have a case for reclaiming some of this inflated interest and if I do, who do I go to? Thanks D
  9. After getting a positive result last week in the court as to one of my past credit indiscretions, another pops up. At the time i used my brothers business mailing address as i was Sofa Surfing. I had put the account into dispute with the original creditor. This was in 2009 In april last year i received a letter from a well know DCA phishing at my home address, i ignored it. I have just received another letter by a another well known DCA saying that they were given my new contact home address as they could not contact me at the mailing address. They then ask if i am not the named person to contact them so they can update their records (Phishing exercise) It is obvious DCA 1 has asked DCA 2 to collect on their behalf This debt relates to a well known finance company who specialised in ripping off sub prime clients with APR and fees and is of a considerable some This account becomes statute barred in september, another 8 months Any advice will be welcomed as the last thing i am going to do is phone them
  10. I received a letter last week from Atos telling me that I will need a medical to discuss any entitlement I might be able to claim (fine). It has taken them almost 11 months to tell me that, but to add further delay they say it will be at least a further 26 weeks before I will be called for a medical.
  11. So after a routine check of my credit file this morning I found 2 new entries from motor mile finance, extremely surprised as I have been regularly checking my credit file for the last 6 years. They are supposedly 2 defaults from 2008, I have no idea who this company is or have I ever received any correspondence from them. I cleared all my debt in 2009 and worked on rebuilding my credit, I got a mortgage in 2012 and now have a good credit score. I contacted Experian to query this and await a response. Both entries are listed on the same day in 2008 but I have absolutely no idea what they are for or have ever heard of this company. What do I do? Experian say the defaults will be removed next month but where does this leave me?
  12. Guys This is an addition to my "Become Debt Free" Process... Ive had a wonderful discussion via email with the Customer Relations Department who took 10 weeks to resolve the complaint but its worth it... I also would like to add the complaint has mostly been dealt with via Email but did a few calls to chase them up. To me... that is a total sorting of £3600!! Im down to 5K! Im getting there... About these 2 extra accounts... Im going to challenge them with Lowell... I really am channeled to get this done and when im debt free a large donation is going to be made!
  13. Hi all I've just received a letter from the dwp saying I owe £700 and I must pay within the next two weeks. Its half twelve at night and I'm so stressed I can't sleep. Well actually I'm watching a really good film. Does anyone have a template letter I can send these people? First template letter, I want to know if this money is really owed by me which I doubt. Secondly a letter stating they can have £ per week from my benefit and stop sending me scary letters don't you have IT system to sort out. Thanks caggers
  14. Hi Guys, Any advice would be welcome as I've had enough of battling with horrid council staff. My brother was made homeless by his Ex partner July last year, Due to that he lost his job and she took everything he had it was quite a controlling relationship even now she has his bank card. My brother tried to take his life went it all became too much for him thankfully the police managed to get there in time to cut him free, Due to the suicide attempt he was taken to hospital then placed under the crisis team who would visit him at my nans. He was given a support worker along with various care plans, They thought that due to his mental health and learning difficulties he would get help quick with the council. The council have gone out their way to make it hard for him with wrong bands, lost his medical info along with care plans apparently it was left somewhere and then refused to admit he was homeless because he kipped on my nans sofa. He has been sofa surfing for the past year with him staying more frequent at my nans on the floor, Then the council contacted my nan around 2 months ago and threatened her with eviction for allowing him to stay. I attended a 'meeting' at my nans with a housing officer who said she was meeting us to help my brother, When she arrived she reduced my brother to tears saying he will just have to live on the streets as he's not vulnerable and then upset my nan with yet more threats of eviction. My brother is now on the streets with the occasional night on friends sofas, the council wont help and they are keeping check at my nans to make sure he's not there. The council medical Dr dismissed the mental health issues said he's on a common anti-depressant with a slight mood disorder and a incident of minor self harm (tried hang himself). He said learning difficulties didn't make him vulnerable, My brother went to a Special needs school he's 26 and still cannot tell the time properly, manage money, understand the date and needs a lot of support. I'm unsure where to go from here and the pressure of all this is really taking it's toll on everyone.
  15. Hi guys i just recently started my job as a residential installation tech for virgin media and i am on quiet decent pay 15,816 per annum starting. My partner works as a veterinary nurse on £1100 a month after tax so roughly we both come out with £2200 a month after tax between us. Today my partner phoned them to ask them about the situation with Nursery fee's what help would we get now we both work. They told us that our WTC will be stopped completly and CTC has gone down to £56 a week When we asked about nursery fees we was told we are not entitled to it when my partner asked about why no WTC and CTC has dropped drastically they claimed its now because i work. I always thought they was a year behind when my partner asked this as i was on JSA for a full year and she was on maternity leave at the start of the new 2012 tax year they said oh we have taken your predicted earnings this year into account therefore you are not entitled to WTC and £56 a week on CTC i think this is ridiculous and i should be able to appeal against this End of the day i know 2200 a month is alot of money between us but it doesnt go far when you have to fork out nearly £600 a month on nursery fees and you have all your other bills aswell as your rent on top. fuming at HMRC
  16. 1st crud are buying 100s of Debts about to or if not already Statute Barred, Notice of Assignments are all dated 31st July 2012 and their Legal threat O gram,s are all dated 22 days after assignment. 1st Crud can be very Litigious so beware!!
  17. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2167529/Amelia-Earhart-Explorers-set-mission-aeroplane-75-years-vanished.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
  18. i have debts total around 3500 pounds from payday loan compaines i am on DWP jobseekers allowance and also have a casual part time job which i hardly get any work from but i can not payback my debts and and kept on takeing out new loans to payback the old loans and use the rest to gamble and try to win more but i lost all and i am worried because i will lose the house as it not mine but my step fathers and i will have to leave in one months time which will make me homeless. i lied to the loan compaines about the salary i was getting from my casual job to get a loan, but now without an address and no way to get DWP jobseeker anymore i fear i will be sent to jail or on the streets i have no family as my mother died not long ago and my father left when i was a baby.
  19. Hi, not been here for a while, and not had any calls or trouble for a long time. Today I got a letter from DLC with the heading "Notice of debt surveillance programme" They are asking me to either set up a direct debit for £5 a month or pay £660.14 as a one off payment with the rest of the debt to be written off. The outstanding balance is £2640.56. If I don't choose an option they are threatening 1. Instruction of a field agent, 2.Enquiries into your financial circumstances for up to 6 years 3. Regular checks to confirm your residential address The original debt was a credit card from HBOS. I haven't paid anything to them for almost 6 years. In February next year it will be 6 years. Are they chancing their arm, should I be worried and what should I do?
  20. Hi everyone, This is a great website with tons of info. Love it! This is my first time posting on here. I am trying to deal with a court summons, and could really do with some help with the N9B defence form. ************************************************************* This is the background to the case: I have had a Barclaycard since 2000. The balance at January 2010 was £8,900. Due to various financial problems, I stopped paying them. Also in January 2010, I sent them a CCA request, and they sent me a reconstituted copy of a credit card agreement. I have not paid them or contacted them since then, however now they have sent me a claim form from Northampton county court bulk centre for £9,900 (although MKDP are named as claimants). The particulars of the claim are: " the claimant claims the sum of £9,900 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a regulated agreement between the defendant and Barclaycard 4929************ and assigned to the claimant on 10-10-2011, notice of which has been provided to the defendant. The defendant has failed to make payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served pursuant to the consumer credit act 1974. The claimant claims the sum of £9,900 and costs. The claimant has complied, as far as is necessary, with the pre-action conduct practice direction. " ************************************************************* Can I first be clear that I am not trying to get out of this debt, but I do not have the means to pay. I do not know if MKDP collections are just trying it on at court, or whether they have something solid to back them up. So now I need help with these questions: 1. Barclaycard only sent a reconstituted agreement in response to my CCA request. Is the debt unenforceable in court because of this? 2. Barclaycard only sent a reconstituted agreement in response to my CCA request. Does this mean they don't have the original executed agreement with my signature, and because of this, is the debt unenforceable in court? - Or is this just wishful thinking on my part? 3. What are the prescribed terms and what should I be looking for in the details of the reconstituted agreement that they sent me? 4. Part of the defence form says "if you fail to deny any allegation it may be taken that you admit it". I do not want to admit to anything, in case it is used against me at a later stage. In light of that, how could I word my defence and/or what should I include or leave out? ANY help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks all.
  21. Last year, I was successful in having a default placed on my credit report from NatWest removed, as the default balance was made up of bank charges. All three CRA's show a great payment history for me now, except for an account I had with Barclaycard which I paid off in full and closed 2 years ago. The account history with Barclaycard doesn't make good reading, lots of missed payments, and at one point, four months payments missed in a row. Although there is missed payments, I didn't default, so there is no default notice. Part of the information is incorrect, firstly, Barclaycard claimed that they didn't receive my SO payment for £25 one month. I raised a missing payment request with my bank and they sent me a letter to confirm that they had made the payment to Barclaycard. I never brothered to send the letter to Barclaycard as I was already due to make my next months payment so just left it (silly, I know). I had an SO set up with Barclaycard at £25.00 a month, to be paid on the 15th each month. Because they alternated my billing dates by a few days each month, this meant sometimes I had two payments showing on a monthly statement, and other statements had no payments. This means that some of the reports to the CRAs of me not making a payment for a month are incorrect. I'm feeling confident after getting my NatWest default removed and I'm now wanting to go about getting the negative information from Barclaycard removed. I'm wanting to know the best way to go about this. I know I could definitely get the incorrect information removed, but I'm wanting to know if there is a way I can get all the negative Barclaycard information removed (even the correct negative info). Is there any clause or legislation that can help me, IE, some of the info is wrong so that have to remove it all. OR, requesting a copy of my credit agreement with them, and if they can't produce a copy they have to remove the info? Or am I just wishful thinking? Many thanks in advance.
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