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Found 2 results

  1. Hi Guys, with all the latest goings on with Wonga I hoped I might be in line for some compensation as I received letters from 'Chainey, D’Amato & Shannon’ so I filled in the contact section on the website as per the email back in September. I hadn't heard anything by the end of November so I decided to give them a call to see if they would acknowledge that I had been affected by this, they said I was and that I would be receiving a letter in due course. While on the phone I asked if they could send me a statement on my account so I could see what I actually paid back on my £750 Loan, Here is the statement: Initial Loan Advance 30 September 2008 £750.00 Total Principal Amount: £750.00 Payment 03 November 2008 £256.18 Payment 04 November 2008 £100.00 Payment 12 March 2009 £100.00 Payment 17 April 2009 £100.00 Payment 21 September 2009 £50.00 Payment 21 September 2009 £50.00 Payment 25 September 2009 £50.00 Payment 17 October 2009 £50.00 Payment 05 December 2009 £50.00 Payment 08 January 2010 £50.00 Payment 05 February 2010 £50.00 Payment 05 March 2010 £50.00 Payment 01 April 2010 £50.00 Payment 06 April 2010 £50.00 Payment 07 May 2010 £50.00 Payment 05 July 2010 £50.00 Payment 06 August 2010 £100.00 Payment 03 September 2010 £50.00 Payment 08 October 2010 £50.00 Payment 05 November 2010 £50.00 Payment 01 February 2011 £110.47 Payment 07 March 2011 £110.47 Payment 17 March 2011 £220.94 Payment 23 March 2011 £770.65 Payment 05 March 2013 £24.00 Payment 25 March 2013 £4.74 Payment 24 June 2014 £12.39 Payment 05 March 2013 £24.00 Payment 05 March 2013 £24.00 Payment 05 March 2013 £24.00 Total Sum Paid £2,731.84 Total Principal Amount less Total Sum Paid -£1,981.84 Transfer Fee 30 September 2008 £3.00 Extension Fee 04 November 2008 £10.00 Default Fee 30 October 2008 £10.00 Default Fee 28 November 2008 £10.00 Default Fee 07 December 2008 £45.00 Interest 29 October 2008 £222.81 Interest 27 November 2008 £197.50 Interest 13 January 2009 £50.00 Interest 01 February 2009 £534.73 Interest 29 March 2009 £585.67 Interest 21 September 2009 £50.00 Refund 05 March 2013 £174.00 Interest adjustment 05 March 2013 £24.00 Interest adjustment 05 March 2013 £24.00 Interest adjustment 05 March 2013 £24.00 Interest adjustment 25 March 2013 £4.74 Total Outstanding -£12.39 As you can see it took a long time to pay this back and got a default on my Experian Credit file which wont come off until February 2015! I got an email in March 13 saying my account had been wrongly calculated and I had over paid £174.00 and this was refunded. Just really wanted opinion from you guys if I have a case for reclaiming some of this inflated interest and if I do, who do I go to? Thanks D
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