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Found 3 results

  1. Grave of brave Sussex born WW1 sailor finally rededicated almost a century later READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/grave-of-brave-sussex-born-ww1-sailor-finally-rededicated-almost-a-century-later
  2. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/british-battle-of-jutland-sailor-killed-100-years-ago-is-finally-honoured-after-his-grave-site-is-identified
  3. Some of you may be pleased to learn that I will be leaving CAG at the end of the month (being tomorrow). This is mainly due to a "disagreement" with the admin of the site to my style of recent contribution to a thread in the public transport section. Basically I apparently broke forum rules and thus some of my posts were removed to which I took exception to and also to some comments made to me by certain site team members. Needless to say, I stand by my posts and the reasons I made them. Despite having behind the scenes discussions, the matter has not reached an amicable conclusion so I have decided that I am perhaps no longer suited to the site and that I should bow out. Some of you may of also noticed that I am not on here as often as I normally have been anyway. This is due to a new business venture which is taking more of my spare time than will allow me to contribute to the levels as I have done in the past. This is another reason that has lead me to make this decision because I don't see what benefit it is to me to give my free time to help people who perhaps don't deserve to be helped. Unfortunately, those people seem to be growing in numbers, particularly in the public transport section and in other sections which deal with traffic contraventions. While I applaud sites like CAG in offering free advice to genuine people who have "lost their way" and fallen foul of the law simply through making a genuine mistake, I find it hard to show similar compassion to those people who deliberately and wilfully abuse rules which I myself (and no doubt all my fellow CAGGERS) fully adhere to. So to conclude, it's been an interesting almost 5 years and I havn't always seen eye to eye with some of you, but I do sincerely wish those few (and you know who you are) CAGGERS all the best but after 30th April, Sailor Sam will be sailing off on to waters new.
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