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Found 20 results

  1. Britain’s banks face the threat of a huge new PPI bill that could add billions of pounds to the £30bn already paid out in compensation, following a court ruling lauded by claims management companies as “hugely significant”. The case opens the door to a renewed claims bonanza as it suggests that even if the PPI policy was not mis-sold, the buyer may still be able to reclaim because the scale of the commissions paid were excessively high. While the ruling does not mean any more cash for people who have already received compensation, it may allow cases that have been rejected to be reconsidered. The ruling is likely to be appealed against but if it stands it presents a fresh PPI nightmare for Britain’s banks, after one claims expert said new payments could run into the tens of billions. Lloyds Bank has so far paid out £18.8bn for mis-sellingicon claims, while Barclays has paid more than £9bn and RBS nearly £5bn. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2018/jul/02/uk-banks-could-face-new-multibillion-pound-claims-after-ppi-ruling
  2. 100 Day Countdown to UK Armed Forces Day 2018 READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/100-day-countdown-to-uk-armed-forces-day-2018
  3. Grave of a Seaforth Highlander rededicated 100 years after he was killed in World War 1 READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/grave-of-a-seaforth-highlander-rededicated-100-years-after-he-was-killed-in-world-war-1
  4. Service marks 100 years of women’s contribution to UK Armed Forces READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/service-marks-100-years-of-womens-contribution-to-uk-armed-forces
  5. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/100-years-of-the-tank-the-battle-of-flers-courcelette-remembered To all those Tankies past and present FEAR NAUGHT
  6. 100 years on, Defence Secretary and members of the Armed Forces attend Passchendaele commemorations READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/100-years-on-defence-secretary-and-members-of-the-armed-forces-attend-passchendaele-commemorations
  7. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/children-starting-school-now-could-work-to-100-and-have-40-jobs-a6683266.html Some are predicting that people currently in school may have to work to 100. Not sure what they will be doing ! I can see the state pension age being increased gradually, as the numbers of people drawing money makes it too expensive. What i am doubting is the health of future generations as they are not as physically active, as past generations. Yes healthcare will improve, but there is an increase in dementia and things like diabetes. Also healthcare costs will increase and i am not convinced NHS will remain free at the point of access. From my experience some people do live currently into their 80's or 90's, but they often suffer from many different medical conditions and can end up in care homes, where they start to see quality of life decline. I could not imagine any of them, being fit to work, even part time.
  8. I hope someone can help with the below. This is all new to me and it's making me very stressed! I was involved in an accident a month ago. This is my version of events. I drove down a slip road then joined a dual carriageway. Shortly after this I overtook the car in front. I checked mirrors and it was safe to change lanes. As I was moving into the lane I felt a collision take place. Looked in my rear view mirror and saw a car behind me. They have damage to their front passenger side wing (small car). I had a scuff on my rear driver side alloy (I have a 4x4) but no actual damage to my car so will not be claiming. In my opinion they were not in the lane when I started the manoeuvre. I have said I assume they were in the same lane as me but then we both moved to overtake at the same time. The driver of the other car was very young with a brand new car. For him to come out of knowhere I think speed was a part of it but insurance said they are not interested in that. Initially I was told any claim would be a split claim. Now I have been told the other party have said it was all my fault, I drove into their lane etc. My insurance company are saying that it will go as 100% my fault as its up to me to make sure it's safe to pull out (I did the lane was clear!) and the other person was more established in the lane based on their version of events. There are no witnesses or cameras. I have said I do not accept 100% that it was my fault. I've been driving for 18 years and I guess I'm lucky this was my first accident and lucky my kids were not in the car. Also a lesson learned is to to have my dashcam turned on as I had unplugged it! I just want to know what happens now? Do I have to accept this? How does it affect my renewal (due soon!) if a claim is 100% my fault or say 50% my fault? Thanks for any advice in advance.
  9. Oh yes please, bring it on! I have a wealth of knowledge & experience waiting to be unleashed to the traitors & bullies in society. They know who they are & I can't wait to exposed them. But do remember, all I offer is nothing but truth & it could get rough!
  10. Britons travelling to the United States have been warned to check they have an e-passport, or risk being turned away. New rules requiring US visitors to have passports with a biometric trip came into force on 1 April. Tour operators have urged customers to check their passports. Biometric passports are identifiable on British passports by the camera logo at the bottom of the front cover, and have an embedded electronic chip holding the carrier's facial details, in a bid to combat fraud and forgery. Passports issued in the UK after October 2006 should have one of these logos on them and it means there's an embedded chip in it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36228034
  11. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/british-battle-of-jutland-sailor-killed-100-years-ago-is-finally-honoured-after-his-grave-site-is-identified
  12. Hi, Firstly thanks for all the help and advice in the past, I have donated previously to help keep this fantastic resource continue it's good work. As the title says I was caught on speed camera on the M25 a few months back, I immediatly pleaded guilty as I knew on that day I was over the speed limit ( I am shocked by the amount though). You will read from my letter below why I was speeding, as I say in the letter it is no defence and completely agree it was wrong, it was the first time in years I had forgot my son's vital medicine, two large mistake's in a day - which is why I held my hands up straight away, as mentioned in the letter the road was completely empty, it was near midnight and the weather was good and clear - again I realise it's not up to me to judge what speed is safe in those conditions. My concern is we are away for two weeks starting on the court day, in the requisition pack I received a yellow form saying there's no need to attend court when pleading guilty, I tried to plead online the day we received the pack, unfortunately the gov online system is not working for new cases as it's a new system, I called the number, the receptionist took my details, name, case number and told me to return the forms by post, I have filled in all paperwork and the income questionnaire and supplied proof that we are away and that my son does indeed have this disability, also proof that we had attended the London event and based on the camera time it showed that we did indeed have to leave early. I have a full clean license for nearly 30 years only ever having a past SP30 some ten years ago for 35mph in a 30 zone. I dont want to court to think I'm showing any disrespect by not attending. is there anything else you think I should do? I have included the letter text below (will get the wife to check grammar and spelling before sending) which I was going to include with my plea: I am writing with regards to the charge of driving at a speed exceeding 70 miles an hour, I wanted to ensure the court was aware that I immediately completed the first form which was addressed to my wife, I notified Kent police that I was in fact the driver and pleaded guilty to the offence, upon receiving the written charge (26th July) I tried to make a guilty plea online on the same day – having received errors online and speaking to the plead helpline – I was informed there where problems with the computer system and that my case number was one of the one’s that wouldn’t work, I left my details and have made my plea direct as enclosed. We received a court date of 8th August, My family and myself are away for two weeks starting from this date, Our relatives and helped us take this break, This has been booked for over 6 months, I have enclosed proof, I wanted to make it clear to the court that my non appearance should not be seen as any lack of respect for the court or a sign that I do not take this offence very seriously. I am a family man and have never been in trouble with the police before, I have a full clean driving license and this serious offence has brought great shame on myself which indeed reflects on my family – for this I am truly sorry. I am fully aware that this serious matter could lead to a driving ban, I am prepared to accept the courts decision and agree with what ever punishment is imposed, I have included my drivers license and even though away will not drive until I receive the courts verdict. I am shocked at the speed recorded, I know it wont help my case but I wanted to let the court know that I was aware that I was over the speed limit, I honestly didn’t realise it was by that amount, I mentioned my children, My son George received tickets to a wrestling match at the 02 arena, it is the second time just father and son have been out without the rest of the family, he has a growth disability (endocrine system non functioning purity gland, he is just one of 50 children in the UK to have this problem) every day for 16 years he has had deep tissue injections and has to take hydrocortisone tablets twice a day, the last time he missed tablets was 6 years ago and within an hour of felling unwell he was taken to East Surrey hospital where he was taken directly into intensive care, We never miss this daily tablet, George realised later during the show that he had not taken his tablet and that we didn’t have any after leaving early from the performance we also didn’t have them in the car, again this like the above offence is totally irresponsible on my part, we immediately headed home after George started to panic, my wife drove towards us and we met at junction 5 the junction after the offence took place, this is not meant to be a defence, I understand what I did was wrong, as you can see from the pictures provided, the road was completely empty and the weather was fine, dry and clear. Finally, I feel I let my family down twice on this evening when it was supposed to be a celebration, I can assure the court that this will not happen again, and I apologise to all concerned. I am willing to attend the court directly after our return should I need to to accept a ban, I will also pay the court courts and fines as soon as we return on 23rd August. Mr xxx Offence: on 18/04/2016 drove motor vehicle on a motorway at a speed in excess of 70 mph - speed recorded by means of HADECS 3 was 100mph. I am not looking for any get out's - I just want to ensure I provide the details the court requires. Thanks.
  13. Hi I am trying to obtain some help for some close friends who naively accepted a 100% interest only mortgage about 8 years ago with no capitol repayment plan put in place. They bought the property in Scotland at peak price period. It is a sought after area outside Glasgow 5 min walk to a station with a 15 min commute into Glasgow City Centre. The area has been a low turnover in regards to property sales but downside has been an elderly population who have lived there all their lives. Over the last five years a significant number of properties have hit the market from deceased or elderly moving into homes. Some of these properties have required significant modernisation due to the older generation not updating the properties. This has led to average prices falling and bargain prices on those properties. Naturally most have been modernised now but this has impacted on local values in terms of a falling average sale price. Basically my friends need to rid themselves of the interest only mortgage but are concerned if they approach the lender who discovers there is no capitol repayment plan in place it will have a negative impact and could result in the mortgage being called in. The have had hefty loan and credit card debts putting children through education but now the children have left home and work, they have concentrated on paying off these debts. There is no question they can afford to make the repayments on a standard repayment mortgage given the amount of other debts they have cleared. The downside is the property is in negative equity and a general read through the internet does not off much hope on them being able to remortgage. Loan aprox £135k value of property £100-£120k depending on valuation. They are in need of replacement windows and a new kitchen and possible rewiring which may impact on any valuation. I guess I am seeking any opinion that may help me to guide them. Sorry for the long post but any advice would be helpful. I think the broker who sold the product didn't reinforce advice about capitol repayment.
  14. I wonder if anyone else here has had occasion to buy BMW navigation DVDs online from naviupdates.co.uk? His site advertises with '100% satisfaction or your money back'. However, reality is that if the product doesn't work, it is your fault and no refund is available. Since the sums are relatively small, £29.99 in my case, it slips under the cover offered by the Credit card issuer. I have to be fair: the vendor sent three different DVDs before I finally asked for a refund. I would be very interested in any suggestions of how I could get satisfaction?
  15. Hi guys, 14 months ago I was involved in an accident. Brief details are these - I was driving along a 30mph road at 30mph. Ahead of me was a car parked half-on, half-off the pavement, Directly in front of this car was the entrance to the other drivers driveway. As I passed the parked car, the other driver pulled out of his driveway. Actually he didnt just pull out but more flew out and hit the side of my vehicle with such force that it pushed me to the other side of the road and totally wrecked the front of his car ( bits all over the road). He came out so fast that once he had hit me it took him around 50yds to stop his car. Everyone stayed at the scene for approximately an hour. I phoned the police but as no-one was injured they wouldnt attend. The other driver and his partner (who was in the car with him) initially were quite apologetic and offered to go back into their home and get his insurance details. This offer lasted around 10 minutes until they had a change of heart and became hostile, accusing me of speeding, possible drink driving, and then pulling into the side of the road too quickly, this last accusation being a bit foolhardy as it was obvious I was in the middle of the road overtaking the parked car! A week or so later I received the claim pack from my insurers and sent them back with relevant statements, drawings etc. I should also add that I phoned them on the day of the accident, explained how the accident occured and was given a courtesy car the very next day. Ive since learned that the other driver was refused one. A year or so later, having heard nothing else from my insurer, I rang them to discover that they had considered the accident to be 100% no fault in my favour, BUT there was an outstanding personal injury claim from the other parties. Not bad seeing as they spent around 1 hour after the accident walking up and down the street between their car and home, making the above speculative accusations, and phoning their friends who then kept arriving and offering moral support to them! So can anyone tell me could my insurers pay this claim out seeing as they have already decided I was totally blameless? I ask because Ive read quite a few post on CAG about how innocent parties have discovered that claims have been paid out well after an event and that they didnt know about it and that this could affect their future premiums. I should also add that my car was repaired even though it was substantially side-damaged as it was a one year old DS3 and carried some value. The other car was a 51 plate Polo and was written off. Ive also since learned that the other driver considered this to be a "rare" and "classic" car. Apparently his insurers have told my insurers this! Stretching the imagination a bit!! Sorry for the long post guys, but best to give you everything I can. Thanks all.
  16. Hello All, Im just writing for a bit of advice if possible.. I'm 19 years old almost 20, and i work as a locksmith in a technical department also doing ordering and stock control, lately ive been gambling quite a lot, for the past 3 months and got myself in a bit of a bad way really, 3 months ago i upgraded my bank to a classic one, which allows me to deposit for gambling websites online, and the first month, i bet all my money away within a matter of days, I get payed on the 28th of each month and the money (£860) was probably gone in the best part of 3 days, only had money left for lunch, then next month i got payed and did the same, only i got a £470 overdraft and went all the way into that, i had another month doing exactly the same, and obviously just passing a new month ive only recently been payed, which barely got me out my overdraft, i then suddenly got hit by unauthorised overdraft fees which suprises me as i never went into unauthorised overdraft, and all sorts of bills, including money i owed, but i wasnt to fussed as i won £520 on 888casino, and i said to myself thats it, it will put me back from the start and i will identify myself as a problem gambler on any form of gambling website im registered too. then i noticed i cant actually withdraw the money as all of a sudden they are asking me for ID, 'ok no problem' i thought.. But the proccess has dragged over the course of 5 days already, and they are now asking me for a copy of the back of my bank card as proof because the name i registered with doesn't match (which it don't as it was just a junk account untill i received a promotional e-mail and decided to play), i have now e-mailed them the back of the bank card, a nd i am yet to recieve a reply, but i cant help but worry after all the reports of bad service and 'refusal to payout' from Cassava Enterprises, it is litrally all i am reading about them. Not only that, you wouldnt think such a large company would be so hidden, they dont have a phone number in their signature in e-mails, they only have their phone numbers in a very select few places on a google search, and they dont even include their last names in e-mails. I just want the money in my account to be honest and the gambling to be over and done with, i did never in a million years think that a genuine casino company that owns atleast 100 (most of the popular) poker/casino/bingo websites could still be going while its doing this to customers, ive seen plenty of people posting of money being disallowed very very large sum's. I work 5 days a week, and this is really affecting me at work, im incredibly depressed as i havent even got money for lunch, its my mum and dad's wedding at the end of this month (23rd) and i dont have any idea how im going to pay for drinks, i've deactivated my facebook account and have had my phone turned off and havent been speaking to anyone at home, sure losing on gambling puts me on a low, but a gambling company doing this to its customers is just ridiculous, Its my fault for gambling in the first place but i have never felt so low in my life. If they refuse to pay out due to the name on the bank card being different to the one on my account, is there any legal action i can seek possibly, would i stand a chance and if so where could i start?
  17. Hi all I recently took Harrow Council and Newlyn (bailiffs) to the small claims court, pursuing a refund for the surprise clamping of my car (I received no letters despite the bailiffs claiming to have sent them, and producing evidence of them). I paid to release the clamp and then filed out of time (and in time) statutory declarations, which were validated. The orders were therefore revoked. At court, I was successful at getting Harrow to refund the driving fines (2 x £202) but the judge was unable to find in my favour for the return of bailiff fees. The bailiff fees were extortionate - approx £540 including £25 credit card fee. Does anyone have advice about how I can get these fees returned to me. Apparently the civil procedure rule 75.8 does not say that the fine is 'set aside' and therefore this means no money has to be refunded. Also, the council claims they do not need to return any money above the fine (ie £202) itself due to the Local Authorities and Transport for London Act 2003 schedule 1. Help me get my money back!!
  18. Hi, I'm looking for some advice as to where I stand on this issue. 3 Months ago I was at a Petrol Station filling my vehicle, I was parked in front of a gentleman already filling and paying. When he returned to his vehicle and I went to go to pay, he drove between my car and the adjacent pump; scratching my bumper beyond the paint, and shunting my car forward. I have gathered the CCTV footage from the forecourt, third party admits being present but denies 'crashing' into my vehicle - unfortunately the CCTV is facing forward (at the bonnet) and this collision occurred from behind, so although its blatantly obvious to any reasonable person what has happened, both my insurance and the third party are saying it is inconclusive. They have said I cannot use my witness as he was a passenger/friend in my vehicle, and there are no other independent witnesses as he drove so 'carefully/slowly' that no one took notice. The CCTV shows me returning to my vehicle, driving behind the petrol station and then exiting the vehicle again to inspect the damage at the rear. Does anyone what I can do now? I have 5 years NCB unprotected now tied up with this claim, and I'm left with a £500 repair bill. Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks
  19. Read more : http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14530/online-news/debt-buyers-office-closures-to-affect-100-jobs-
  20. I imagine those in England could also exploit this loophole ! http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/home-news/100000-scots-to-cash-in-on-bedroom-tax-loophole.20243112
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