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  1. Hi All From recent activity and instilled confidence boost - going through all my SAR's and have literally hundreds ££ of charges to be reclaimed. SO - Initially Thinking of reclaiming unfair charges for a Lloyds CURRENT a/c running through Sep 2001 till 2007. The current account is now closed and has been sold to DCA. Just wanted to confirm ( as not many recent threads on this subject ) is the best route to take ( as over six years old claim ) is : - 1 ) Court Action ( MCOL Claim ) ? including Pre-Action protocol. Just read from from an old post c.2013 from Slick132 - Getting charges back on a bank current a/c is not likely unless :- 1. There is Financial Difficulty (or hardship) involved, and there is lending (eg an overdraft) in which case you could use The Lending Code to reclaim charges from March 2011 onwards. Is this still the case ? Many Thanks
  2. I'm doing the cardinal sin and posting this on behalf of a friend who doesn't have access to the Internet from home. My friend has had £200 stolen from their account by debit card and are currently on ESA/PIP due to serious medical issues and mental health conditions. My understanding is the transactions were taken by debit card. The Fraudster attempted a payment of £500 and then £400 and then £200 the formers were declined and the latter was accepted. The card in question has now been cancelled and it was reported as soon as they became aware. Barclays are insisting that an investigation be done before any money is refunded taking at least up to 10 working days. We all know that isn't true per the FCA rules here: https://www.fca.org.uk/consumers/unauthorised-payments-account This is going to cause them serious problems as they need to attend medical appointments and put food on the table etc. They have offered a £35 GOGW payment in the first instance. The question becomes, how does one quote the legislation over the phone to effectively force the bank to behave themselves and issue those 'temporary refunds' until the case is investigated? Whilst I am sure they would be happy to make complaints to the FoS etc.. They need access to their funds and the bank are being deliberately obstructive. They want me to speak to them later today to see if quoting the FCA rules has any effect. But is there anything else you could advise in the second instance. Friend is classed as vulnerable adult with serious mental health issues too.
  3. My personal current account was recently suspended pending a 'compliance review' and then about 3 days later immediately closed with no warning. No reason was given so got absolutely no idea why it was closed. They are also saying that the balance (approx £3-4000) will be credited back to the most recent accounts that have paid in, but this won't be done for 6-10 weeks, "possibly longer". They blocked a payment out for my rent (made approx 4 days prior to them suspending the account initially) which they were informed about right away, and which caused the payment to be 10 or so days late - causing a lot of distress as I got grief from my landlord and had to find somewhere to borrow the money from to pay the rent. Can they just do this?
  4. Hi Peeps Slowly making my way through Payplan DMP..aiming to obliterate them all at last. Lloyds Current Account O/D £900.00dr sorry been paying them £1 month recently payplan. 10 year old debt - fallen of CRF. obviously being fleeced as debt not really gone down. What letter do I send to Akinika ? unsure of this one as current account. Thanks Peeps
  5. Hi everyone I have an Energy Company giving data shares to a Credit Agency but the shares are not showing the outstanding amount or reduction in what's been paid every month. I was under the impression that to avoid breaching GDPR certain parts of the data share should include this to show a true reflection of the account and so other potential lenders could see where the account was up to etc. Some months inbetween others they wouldn't give any information! When I queried this with the Energy Company they then started showing the shares as an 'i' which I believe stands for Arranged Payment. Ok, so does that mean they can just show a status of AP every month still with no current balance and outstanding balance? How are other lenders meant to see when this will end? They also shared information via the Credit Agency during the dispute I raised that said I was responsible for the supply at the address with incorrect dates. As that's been sent to the Credit Agency in response to my dispute, would that breach GDPR?
  6. Good afternoon Caggers I purchased a 2nd property by re-mortgaging my current home. The Spanish property market collapsed and my house was not built. I am claiming my deposit back, however my current mortgage company does not have any history of my borrowing extra funds during 2006, nor do they have any history of the mortgage. Where do I stand on this? They have openly admitted they have no paperwork. maybe I can hold them to account for that and say that I paid it off???? Your help is greatly appreciated!
  7. Hi, I have read through a number of posts but only managed to confuse myself more, so thought i'd better just post. I have an old HSBC Current Account that I think was sold on in around 2000/2001 (memory a little hazy) to a DCA (but I cannot remember which one) and I paid them £1 a month. Around 2013 Cabot bought the debt and I continued to pay £1 a month. This was a joint account which they refused to acknowledge, said it was only in my name and they had no record of my partner on the debt - great! So fast forward to today. I stopped paying them in July this year, completely forgot as was paying by postal order - my own fault, and have since received the following letters: 05/10/2017 "Welcome to Cabot Credit Management Group that own your HSBC Bank Current Account. We have recently confirmed you are living at the above address and need to make you aware that we are now responsible for helping you manage your account and receiving future payments" Then a bit about contacting them etc. 22/10/2017 "We have recently confirmed that you are living at the above address. We do this through a variety of checks, so we're confident we have the correct address for you. We need to talk to you to arrange a repayment plan on your account; we can help you find an affordable solution. 06/11/2017 A bit about understanding how it's difficult to clear debt, we want to help etc then "We own your account and are prepared to reduce the balance in order to help you become free of this debt sooner. If you would like to take up this offer call us" I have a couple of questions: I have looked at other forum messages advising sending a CCA but I don't think this would apply to me as its a current account - is that correct? What would be the route for me to follow if I can't go down the CCA road? I've seen some info on pre 2007 agreements - does this have any bearing on my case? Can Cabot put the debt back on my credit file as a default, as i've stopped paying, even though its over 6 years old? I'm sorry for the long post and thank you very much for reading
  8. What with advice changing from that given a year or so ago, I thought I would just ask a couple of questions regarding a recent private parking charge. a charge was sent to the registered keeper of a car parked on council owned land that had a private parking firm (Premier Park Ltd) enforcing access to a site by way of APNR system. The driver has to access said site to gain entry to the work place, and had been using the site for several months whilst the ANPR was active, without any charges at all. Driver was led to believe the car was registered on the system by his employer, but in fact wasn't. Although when employer was approached, the car was immediately registered. This was too late obviously to avoid the one off PCN, even though the car was parked prior to and after the PCN issued. Employer insisted to ignore all letters from the parking firm, and consequently the registered keeper (who wasn't the driver) is a few months down the chain with increasing charges applied against them. No appeal at all has been made (taking the employers advice quite literally) Advice also from other drivers on same site that have also received PCN's from the same private firm, have said they totally ignored all letters, and after several months, the letters stopped coming. In this case, the keeper has had a couple of debt collector letters demanding payment, and also suggesting if payment is not received or failure to acknowledge the letters, it will result in a solicitor stepping in and court action following. So the question are:... Can you ignore a letter implying court action is imminent ? , and what would be the consequences of ignoring this? Is court the only way to settle this now? Would the keeper (who wasn't the driver) have to go to court, or can the driver go instead? Is it now too late to appeal anyway? (The appeal I guess would go to the Parking firm, not the debt collector) Others have suggested a letter accompanied with a cheque to cover the original charge could be sent, explaining the extra charges added to the original fine are excessive, and the enclosed cheque is sent with the understanding that the charge is now dropped, and no further letters are to be sent..... etc etc But does that actually work? Also, cheques and letters in the post all take time, so could overlap yet another demand with yet higher costs en-route to the keeper. Which would take priority so to speak? Any advice is greatly appreciated.... Thanks
  9. Hello everyone, I have applied for current accounts with Natwest and RBS which have both been denied (even though I was originally accepted) I want to know why they have refused me as my credit file is in good condition, no defaults etc so do I need to send an SAR? if so, is there a specific template? Any help or advice would be appreciated.
  10. I opened an account in 2007 with Lloyds bank whilst I was 16 years old and living in the south of the country with my girlfriend at the time. I then moved back to the north of the country but did not change my home address and all my mail was withheld from me for about a year. I had gone overdrawn on my account by £5.40 and did not know of this because my mail was being withheld and had no cause for concern. (I should have changed my address). September 2008 I received a letter from Lloyds TSB demanding I pay £479.03 of the £679.03 balance in full in a couple of weeks. Due to my financial situation I was unable to pay. In October 2008 I received a letter from a solicitors demanding that I pay the full amount £686.69 outstanding balance. They also state in the letter that if the payment was not paid in full I would receive a CCJ, which inevitably happened. I chose to bury my head in the sand at this point only being young and unable to make such a massive payment upfront. Later in January 2015 I set up a repayment plan of £5 a week to Lowel and managed to get the outstanding balance of £767.72 down to £162.72 thus paying £605. On my credit report it states that I have had a CCJ. What I am wondering is, what is the likelihood of reclaiming these charges? What steps do I need to take to reclaim? Will the CCJ be attached to my credit history permanently? Any other advise would be most appreciated.
  11. http://www.welfareweekly.com/revealed-universal-credit-capability-for-work-questionnaire/ you want the first web link under the photo - has a download option Or you could use this? But I'd feel mean for not passing the DNS some traffic! https://www.scribd.com/document/368430893/Universal-credit-work-capability-questionnaire#from_embed
  12. hI, What I need is the current registered address for eBay (UK) Limited, I tried taking them thru MoneyClaimOnline a couple of years back but they never responded to the court papers served upon them, I'm presuming that I provided the wrong address, now I have two cases to serve upon them so if someone can confirm their current registered address. So far, from Google, I have four different addresses: eBay (UK) Ltd, Carmelite, 50 Victoria Embankment, Blackfriars, London EC4Y 0DX Whittaker House, 2 Whittaker Avenue, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1EH Ebay (UK) Ltd, Hotham House, 1 Heron Square, Richmond, SurreyTW9 1EJ 5 New Street Square, London, EC4A 3TW
  13. Can anyone tell me if this is the current address for GE Money? GE Money Home Lending PO Box 912 Newport NP20 9PB The loan i am enquiring about was originally through Loans.co.uk but they seem to not be operating anymore.
  14. Hi, I've received a PCN today from Euro Car Parks as my car was parked at their York store for 3 hours 31 minutes a few days ago, time limit is 3 hours. Yes, the car was there for that length of time, though I will not be stating here or anywhere else who was driving the car at the time (there are several people it could potentially be). The driver of the car did do shopping there during the visit, but did also do a few other things in and around the site of the car park during that time. I'm not sure yet if receipts are available to back this up, although 2 of the potential drivers share a "Morrisons More" loyalty card which will show purchases registered during that time period. The letter I have (as keeper) is "demanding" £85, or £50 if paid within 14 days. The letter shows 2 photographs of my registration plate, with typed text below stating the entry and exit times. I've searched the forum for similar Morrisons time period exceeded messages and most are old enough for me not to be sure if they contain the best current advice, so would be grateful if anyone here could give the best course of action I should take please. I have an address/email address for Morrisons head office customer services if I need to go down that route (any set text available for making the best case direct to Morrisons?). If its relevant, I've seen some messages here giving differing views on which associations Euro Car Parks belongs to. This letter clearly shows them claiming to be members of the BPA if that helps? Thanks in advance!
  15. Hi I only just noticed that £13.99 had been taken from my Santander123 cureent account by Ancestry.com via DD !!!!!! I checked the DD and it states it started on 29/07/16 and i most DEFINITELY did not start/confirm this Direct Debit. Thus far they have taken £13.99 on 29/07/16 and today 02/09/16 !!!!!! How do i go about cancelling this, i can not recall using this service !!!!! I have an excellent credit rating and am more worried about it effecting that. Also i have no details of an account with them, so would not know how to even 'log in' to cancel it on their site. Anyone advise. Thanks Little update, i had full info on the DD, it has been taken by - Payee name: GLOBAL COLLECT BV RE ANCESTRY.COM I have NEVER authorised this !!! Anyone advise ? Thanks
  16. Hi I have 2 debts with Lloyds both managed by Apex but now owned by Cabot The debts are for £4K and £10K they are 8 years old and are for closed current accounts. I pay £1 pm I was originally in £60K of debt with various lenders but have brought it down over the years with Partial settlements, My 2 Questions are Q1; I do not remember a £10K current account debt and have asked for a copy of the original contract on both accounts, they have replied by saying they will send me a statement but do NOT need to send a copy of my signature as its a current account and not a loan... is this correct?? Q2; Assuming due to age the debt it is no longer on my credit file what % is usually acceptable for a partial settlement? Thanks
  17. Hi My ex partner and I had a joint loan for £3000, when we split up she decided to reduce our payments which were below the required amount. The Clydesdale Bank agreed this. I have always paid my share, I have just recently found out she stopped paying, then restarted but paying less than we had agreed. I have just had a letter from a company called Cabot saying they are now responsible for the debt. They are being all nice saying they are happy for me to continue paying the agreed amount and I should set up a direct debit to them. read a lot of stuff on here I am sure they won't continue to be 'nice' I have already had 4 letters in 5 days! Where do I stand, I can't afford to pay more, I would prefer to keep dealing with the Clydesdale but this now seems impossible. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you
  18. I wonder if anyone can help me. I have a t mobile current balance showing on my credit file from 1999. The amount is for £155 It is not showing as a default, only as a current balance. How can I get this removed as experian said that T Mobile must do it? Any advise would be greatly appreciated as this is giving me a poor credit score. I have not been in contact with them since 1999 and have made no payments at all.
  19. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/children-starting-school-now-could-work-to-100-and-have-40-jobs-a6683266.html Some are predicting that people currently in school may have to work to 100. Not sure what they will be doing ! I can see the state pension age being increased gradually, as the numbers of people drawing money makes it too expensive. What i am doubting is the health of future generations as they are not as physically active, as past generations. Yes healthcare will improve, but there is an increase in dementia and things like diabetes. Also healthcare costs will increase and i am not convinced NHS will remain free at the point of access. From my experience some people do live currently into their 80's or 90's, but they often suffer from many different medical conditions and can end up in care homes, where they start to see quality of life decline. I could not imagine any of them, being fit to work, even part time.
  20. Halifax are trying a different angle with me it seems. Name of the Claimant: Cabot Financial Ltd Name of Solicitors: Restons Solicitors Ltd Date of issue – 28/9/15 Defence due - 31/10/15 What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the Defendant(s) under a contract between the Defendant(s) and Halifax dated on or about Jan 13 2006 and assigned to the claimant on Jun 27 2014 What is the value of the claim? £4594.12 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Credit Card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? Before I believe Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim - Assigned Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Dont remember Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Yes Why did you cease payments? Lost Job etc What was the date of your last payment? Not sure Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt Management plan? Yes Am I right in thinking that I now need to send a CCA request and a CPR31.14 request as per your previous help. Much Thanks
  21. Don't know how these were missed. http://www.fca.org.uk/news/tougher-rules-for-payday-lenders-take-effect
  22. Hey this is my first thread but i've been following closely in the background for a long while. I'm not sure if this should go here or the scottish debt forum :/ Hbos have a default registered on my current account dating back to an alleged debt that was last acknowledged in October of 2009 by way of a transaction by myself. I had forgot all about this until recently when I checked my credit report on Noddle so in response knowing the age of the account I fired off the template provided on here for debts affected by scottish law. In response I received this back: I therefore raised a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman outlining the same complaint and informing them of the response and failure to comply with the relevant legislation/financial guidance. This was the response from the ombudsman: So rather than appealing via the ombudsman, following their failure to make a decision based on the actual complaint of hbos pursuing a statute barred debt I emailed a complaint to Antonio Horta-Osorio(CEO). To which I received the following reply: So I'm kinda lost and not sure where I go from here... any help would be appreciated.
  23. Hello All Firstly thank for help in my other posts. Just to make things worst came back home and found claim form from bryan carter regarding lowell related to Lloyds. quick info: name of the claimant: lowell portfolio i ltd date of issue: 9th october 2015 particulars of claim: "the claimants claim is for the sum of xxx, being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under an agreement regulated by the consumer credit act 1974 between the defendant and Lloyds under account reference xxxxxxxxxxxxxx and assigned to the claimant on xxxxxxxxxxx notice of which has been given to the defendant. the defendant failed to maintain contractual repayment under the terms of the agreement and default notice has been served which has not been complied with. and the claimant claims xxxxx the claimant also claims statutory interest persuant to s.69 of the country act 1984 at a rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment of the agreement to date but limited to maximum of one year a maximum of..." value of the claim : 1300 - current account/overdraft i did not received notice of assignment, notice of default sums, anything except demand of payment from time to time from different dca. before i came back home i posted letter to bryan carted with information that debt is staturatory barred under limitation act 1980. i checked my files and last payment was made back in 2009 and payment demand from Lloyds was also in 2009 besides if oryginal entry regarding this account vanished from credit report it must be over 6 years am i correct? well cant check it atm because Lloyds account just vanished from my credit score and i got some document at work so will confirm that. what i should do next? acknowledge and fill out defence based on SB or proceed with defend in full like other people ? im bit confused...? thanks for help guys lowell claiming that account was defaulted in 2010.
  24. Lloyds customers are losing their free, interest-paying current accounts and told to sign up for one at £60 a year. Loyal Vantage current account holders will no longer receive interest of up to 1.49 per cent from May 3. If they want to earn interest they must opt for the Club Lloyds account, which pays up to 3.93 per cent on balances of up to £5,000. It also offers access to a savings account paying the same and a 0.2 percentage point reduction on Lloyds mortgages, plus perks such as free cinema tickets. But customers will be hit with a £5 monthly bill unless they pay in £1,500 a month. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-3549204/Lloyds-snubs-loyal-customers-taking-away-free-paying-current-accounts-tells-sign-one-60-year.html#ixzz46pxXHH99
  25. Packaged accounts are current accounts that have ‘benefits’ attached. Such as Travel Insurance. It is a good way to obtain Travel, Mobile or breakdown insurances. However, you might be able to get these cheaper elsewhere and those included in the packages were not always beneficial to the customer. However, for this type of account, a monthly fee is charged, usually about £10 - £25.00 per month. – Doesn’t sound too much when you say it like that, but say £120.00 - £300.00 per year and that could be quite substantial. If you made a decision to take a packaged account for these benefits then all well and good. If you didn’t, and were advised that this was the only way you could have a mortgage or other type of loan, credit card or overdraft with your bank or it simply appeared – then you were mis-sold. If you were mis-sold, then you can reclaim:- Reasons for mis-selling You didn’t know you were paying for this type of account and don’t remember ever agreeing to having this account. You were upgraded without your knowledge. You were told you would be eligible for travel insurance but later found out this wasn't correct. You weren't told you wouldn’t be eligible for one or more of the insurance policies. You were told you had to get the account in order to take out a loan / overdraft / mortgage. You were told you wouldn’t be eligible for the Banks' fee-free accounts and had to get one. You weren't told there was an alternative, free account. You tried to cancel the account but the bank wouldn't let you . There is a draft reclaim letter in the CAG library. HERE Ideally you should fill out a copy of the statint.xls sheet HERE Please start your own thread in the appropriate Bank Forum to chart your progress and to ask any questions we might not have covered. This is not to be used for Bank Charges and/or unfair interest
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