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Found 8 results

  1. Hi everyone I have an Energy Company giving data shares to a Credit Agency but the shares are not showing the outstanding amount or reduction in what's been paid every month. I was under the impression that to avoid breaching GDPR certain parts of the data share should include this to show a true reflection of the account and so other potential lenders could see where the account was up to etc. Some months inbetween others they wouldn't give any information! When I queried this with the Energy Company they then started showing the shares as an 'i' which I believe stands for Arranged Payment. Ok, so does that mean they can just show a status of AP every month still with no current balance and outstanding balance? How are other lenders meant to see when this will end? They also shared information via the Credit Agency during the dispute I raised that said I was responsible for the supply at the address with incorrect dates. As that's been sent to the Credit Agency in response to my dispute, would that breach GDPR?
  2. Can I just ask about this process? I currently have 250 shares (santander) that are on my Equiniti shareview account online. Under my account it shows them as "Banco San SA Ord EUR0.50 CDI" I go to the buy/sell section and search for Santander but 3 share descriptions come up? The closest match is "Banco San SA EUR0.50 REGD". Would I sell as that 1? The others shown are: "Santander UK Plc 8.625pct perpetual non-cum" "Santander UK Plc 10 3/8% perpetual non-cum Pref GBP1" *Actually as I type this up, I see the "Banco San SA Ord EUR0.50 CDI" is the only 1 that says "Santander nominee service" when I click sell, the other 2 have "share certificate", so it must be the first* Other questions.... When I fill in the details to sell, does that mean I get the actual share price for my shares the moment I click to sell them? And also, on 1 of the sell pages do I get an option to select how many shares I want to sell? At the moment the shares are worth £1200. I would want to sell half of my shares, so £600? Minus their fees? Also what would their fees be? Thanks and sorry if these seem like newbie questions but I have never dealt with shares before
  3. Good morning , could someone please tell me if shares are bought for me, from money in a SIPP, should the trustees of signed the share form. I have removed my personal details, gut were it states the detail's of trustees is blank. Thank you.
  4. I was looking into selling a few shares that had little value and noticed that brokers were charging £20+ for execution only, which was a good chunk of the value. I then looked into who the registrar was for the shares and they offer a basic sell option for £5. So the lesson i learnt was that sometimes, it is worth looking at whether the registrar offers a better deal than you can get elsewhere. Most registrars seem to offer a cheaper execution only sale service and they seem to be mostly cheaper. Because they hold the register of shareholders they also have your details.
  5. Many people will have been watching Tesco's recent debacle. I have lost over £5000 with the share price fall, over the last 4 months. Tough, you may say. The reality is that I bought my shares based on the financial accounting data published by Tesco in their annual report. Yesterday, I watched the new CEO Dave Lewis, parachuted in from Unilever. He said the "accounting errors" appear to have been undertaken for several years. They have declared £265 million in profits they actually don't have, and won't have. A definition of fraud is: " the intentional misrepresentation or concealment of an important fact upon which the victim is meant to rely, and in fact does rely, to the harm of the victim". I'd say that is exactly what Tesco have done. I'm tempted to issue a county court claim against them, for fraud. Any thoughts, please?
  6. I have worked for my employer for 12 years and as they were the only trading Ltd company of a PLC listed on AIM I started to receive several share option packs over the years as part of an Enterprise Management Initiative, however due to the price listed on AIM these were never exercised. About 2 years ago the company swapped all my old share options of 19.6p to equivalent number of 10p options. I thought this was generous and signed the relevant agreement but to this date neither myself of colleagues ever received countersigned copies back. Last year we were subject to a reverse takeover (unsure if reverse bit is relevant) by a company who now trade on AIM using 'our old account' but with a new name- essentially they needed funds from the markets to start a new overseas project and reversing into a PLC was easiest method. A retired Director I am friendly with told me the takeover was completed at 6.75p per share. I have had no correspondence regarding my share options since the takeover and when I ask my MD he states he doesn't know and he cannot get answers from the PLC Company Secretary or so he tells me - could he be lying? The Ltd Company has now been put up for sale by the new PLC as we are not part of their core business. Should the new PLC have offered me something for my options or swap for an equivalent share scheme or benefit in kind?, do they now even exist as the listing on AIM is under a different name to my previous employer? Any help would be appreciated as I am worried if we are sold quickly by the new PLC that my chance may be lost
  7. Hi, just wondered if anyone knew what you could expect to get if you sold 100 Santander shares. I know the price varies from day to day, but a ballpark figure would be okay. I've looked on the internet but can't believe that what I think would be the selling price, actually is, if you see what I mean! TIA
  8. I had about £200 worth of EGG shares, when I was in a better financial place, but I had forgotten all about them. They changed hands I think to Prudential, and a firm called Selftrade kept them for safekeeping. I have now sent me an email saying that I am overdrawn by £87.50 and they will sell my shares and take the money out of that. I don't understand how this can happen, I have never used them to sell or buy shares, and they say it might be to do with fees over 3 years.... Don't know what they are talking about? But can they take money from shares that I own, and can they sell them without my permission.......
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