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  1. Can I just ask about this process? I currently have 250 shares (santander) that are on my Equiniti shareview account online. Under my account it shows them as "Banco San SA Ord EUR0.50 CDI" I go to the buy/sell section and search for Santander but 3 share descriptions come up? The closest match is "Banco San SA EUR0.50 REGD". Would I sell as that 1? The others shown are: "Santander UK Plc 8.625pct perpetual non-cum" "Santander UK Plc 10 3/8% perpetual non-cum Pref GBP1" *Actually as I type this up, I see the "Banco San SA Ord EUR0.50 CDI" is the only 1 that says "Santander nominee service" when I click sell, the other 2 have "share certificate", so it must be the first* Other questions.... When I fill in the details to sell, does that mean I get the actual share price for my shares the moment I click to sell them? And also, on 1 of the sell pages do I get an option to select how many shares I want to sell? At the moment the shares are worth £1200. I would want to sell half of my shares, so £600? Minus their fees? Also what would their fees be? Thanks and sorry if these seem like newbie questions but I have never dealt with shares before
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