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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, I've received a PCN today from Euro Car Parks as my car was parked at their York store for 3 hours 31 minutes a few days ago, time limit is 3 hours. Yes, the car was there for that length of time, though I will not be stating here or anywhere else who was driving the car at the time (there are several people it could potentially be). The driver of the car did do shopping there during the visit, but did also do a few other things in and around the site of the car park during that time. I'm not sure yet if receipts are available to back this up, although 2 of the potential drivers share a "Morrisons More" loyalty card which will show purchases registered during that time period. The letter I have (as keeper) is "demanding" £85, or £50 if paid within 14 days. The letter shows 2 photographs of my registration plate, with typed text below stating the entry and exit times. I've searched the forum for similar Morrisons time period exceeded messages and most are old enough for me not to be sure if they contain the best current advice, so would be grateful if anyone here could give the best course of action I should take please. I have an address/email address for Morrisons head office customer services if I need to go down that route (any set text available for making the best case direct to Morrisons?). If its relevant, I've seen some messages here giving differing views on which associations Euro Car Parks belongs to. This letter clearly shows them claiming to be members of the BPA if that helps? Thanks in advance!
  2. This post is just a reminder to read the timing on your Parking Eye ‘Parking Charge Notice’ Our tale of these companies in this regard is one of amazement! According to Parking Eye data, my daughter arrived at Morrisons carpark (Stratford) at 22:25:09, didn’t pay for the appropriate parking time etc etc and has now started to receive the automated paperwork as discussed on this forum So far from Parking Eye: Paper 1 Parking Charge Notice for £85 demand with £50 discount if paid within 14days Paper 2 Duplicate of £85 demand with £50 discount if paid within 14 days Paper 3 Reminder 29days have passed and £85 now due From DebtRecoveryPlusLtd: Paper 1 Demand for £135 Paper 2 Notice of intended court action for £135 AND if goes to court additional £15 court fee, £50 solicitor cost and 8% interest per annum Now here’s my reason for this post title... Should any of you ConsumerActionGroup members/readers get the above said paperwork from Parking Eye, check the timing! Look at this Parking Eye sign: In particular the wording: For use only whilst shopping in store Ignoring the argument of you could state in your defence: "you weren’t shopping" or "parked car to run across the road to another shop" etc etc this will be a very, very, very interesting court case I am looking forward to going to court with my daughter on this one because Morrison’s in Stratford closes 22:00hrs! (On the day in question, it opened 07:00 and closed 22:00) This means, (and I’m sure the judge will agree) that Parking Eye has broken their alleged contract with my daughter for issuing her with a charge that they had no right to issue! They state their parking tariff applys 24hours 7days a week Yes BUT... How can my daughter spend £5+ to get back a parking fee refund upon production of the refund portion of ticket when Morrison was closed AND their sign implies that drivers only need to Pay&Display if shopping in Morrisons Stratford? Makes me chuckle again and again So, if you, or anyone you know has been issued with a pretend Parking Charge Notice, check the timing on the paperwork and the time when the store closed because you just may have a case like ours where the timing part of the alleged parking contract is contradictory making it impossible for the alleged contract to be fulfilled by either party! Zoe PS Couldn't get the sign image to display any bigger Just trust me that the wording is there OR do a double take when next see a similar Parking Eye sign
  3. MBNA I'm in the middle of a PPI claim (have been self-employed since 1995 but discovered I've been paying PPI on my credit card since I took out the card in 2003). Today, I had the most annoying letter, from MBNA, saying the following: 'You may recall that we recently wrote to you and requested that you complete and return a questionnaire to provide further information in relation to your PPI complaint. To date we have not received your questionnaire. I have completed a review of the account based on the information we currently hold and am unable to uphold your complaint or issue a refund on the premiums you paid. This is our final response to your complaint. If you remain dissatisfied you now have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman, which you must do within 6 months o the date of this letter. For more information about how to do this, please read the enclose Financial Ombudsman's leaflet. Their address is as follow: [FO address] Yours sincerely Rachel Nixon' This letter is astonishing and annoying as: 1) There is no telephone number to call them up about this letter. 2) In early-Jan, I started a PPI complaint against MNBA. I called them for some basic info and said I'd send them a filled out copy of a PPI form (which I found online via a BBC site). They said not to bother as they would fill one out for me. The inference was that this was a 'service', that they would speed up proceedings as they had all the facts and figures to hand. Stupidly, I trusted them. I actually waited around 10 days for the form to appear and all that was on it was my name and surname. No other data. So they had simply slowed the process down by ten days. 3) With the form was a letter, demanding that I fill out the form within 21 days, or the matter would be closed. I don't ever recall entering into a contract with MBNA saying I had to jump to their timetable. This was especially rich as they had wasted 10 days - and had, in fact, sent a follow-up letter, apologising for *their* delay in sending out necessary information. When the apology came, I assumed something else would be arriving in the post from them - it didn't. 4) As I was busy with work at the end of Jan, it wasn't until around the 20-day mark that I was able to get down to the form. I actually called them, first of all, for some data (the start date of my credit card contract). At that point, they had every opportunity to say the case was closed, due to some strange time limit they'd imposed without my permission. They did not. 5) I spent the best part of a working day looking through the questions on the form, then posted it to them. 6) On 23 January, I received the above letter, dated 15 January (when did post ever take that long to arrive?). ...I have never, in my life, come across what feels like such a blatant attempt to renege on responsibilities. This, coupled with a lack of reply address, gives me an even lower opinion of MBNA and their insurance companies. Am I within my rights to go back to them? I don't want to go to the FOS - I'm a busy person and would like a speedy resolution to this matter (I estimate MBNA owe me within the region of £4000. However, if there is no other option but to go to the FOS, is there anything I can say to the FOS about these frankly dodgy practices? Brenda
  4. I have received a CCJ claim against myself from a past employer. I have responded to the letter on-line giving me 28days instead of 14, but I need more time to build a defence. The ressone for extra time is for information I never recived from my employer while with them. I have followed the ICO procedure under the data protection act for gaining this information, but it will take up to 40days to get back. Can I ask for more time from the court to do this as it is crusial to my counter claim.
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