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  1. Hi, We're renting privately at the moment and our boiler broke on the 18th of January 2019. We informed the estate agent who got an engineer out on Monday 21st January 2019. He informed them and our landlady that the boiler needed replacing and subsequently gave them a quote to do the work. We were then informed on Friday 25th January that our landlady wanted another quote done, so it took her 3-4 days to decide she wanted another quote, this doesn't seem reasonable to me? Surely she should just get a few quotes done as soon as she knew the boiler needed replacing. This second quote was done on Tuesday 29th January and as yet we have received no update about when the work to replace the boiler will begin, which is all I have been asking for as I know it'll take several days to replace but we're now heading into the third week without a boiler in the middle of winter, with a 2 year old child, and I really don't know what else I can do. I've asked for a rent reduction as we've not been able to stay at the property but I've not even had any response back for that, even when I've asked the estate agent to chase the landlady about it. This is the second time in 2 years that this has happened, the first time we had to move out of the property for about a week as it was the middle of winter. It just feels like trying to get blood from a stone when I have to chase the estate agent all the time. The landlady hasn't been in touch once to let us know what's going on.. We've been here for 3.5 years and always paid our rent on time (£915 per month), caused no problems and this is the thanks we get. Luckily we're moving out in a month so I think she is delaying it because of that? Good luck to her trying to rent out the property with no boiler then..
  2. Hi all, Just a bit of a background, I called Blackhorse on the 23rd December 2018 to check whether I had any PPI on loans that I took out many years ago. The first and most relevant was taken out in 1987 as I recently found out from them. They found I had three within 87 and 91. They didn’t indicate or tell me whether or not there was PPI on any of my agreements and instead sent out a complaint form and explain to them why I was misold any of the policies attached to each loan. I had no paperwork at the time of calling. A week later I sent back the form and gave the reasons why each were misold. Before doing this I called Blackhorse again and requested a copy each credit agreement agreement they hold on file which they said ok but still fill out the form and send it back which I did. 2 weeks after sending of the form, instead of receiving credit agreements, I was sent each loans running Statements from the opening payments right up until the last. 2 do not show an indication of PPI. But the largest and earliest loan clearly stated PPI £1637.11 included in a total amount of £15,387.78 to repay back. This is on the first page of the statement. Ive keep asking them to comfirm and they keep saying that there is a strong indication and a final response would be provided The Final response date I was given was 18th February. But I received a letter today stating they need at least another 8 weeks to fully respond to the complaint. It’s quite frustrating that they are not providing a final response. I understand there busy and that’s why they have such sufficient time provided to them under their regulations. The reason they have provided for this responses is that they are busy and it hasn’t gone to the relevant departments yet. It funny because I’ve spoken to 3 different people so far during the weeks that have gone by and they have each stated completely contradictory stages as to where the complaint currently is positioned. 2 weeks ago someone told me it’s half way, a week later someone said it’s not even been seen yet by the case handlers and now they have decided to extend for another 8 weeks. I don’t know what to believe. I’ve mentioned to them that I’m going through hardship at the moment as I’m now disabled and require funds for a needed private operation and the money would come in very handy at the right time. Is this common practice or is there something more to it? Would it be wise to take the complaint to the ombudsman? What’s the best thing to do going forward? Given that there is records of each loan, whats the hold up? Could they be passing liability onto someone else, and would have they not of done that already to address the matter ASAP? Any advice or experience anyone has with dealing with Blackhorse PPI dpt is very welcome and I look forward to receiving everyone’s responses on how to best get a reasonable response in a reasonable time. Thank you
  3. My personal current account was recently suspended pending a 'compliance review' and then about 3 days later immediately closed with no warning. No reason was given so got absolutely no idea why it was closed. They are also saying that the balance (approx £3-4000) will be credited back to the most recent accounts that have paid in, but this won't be done for 6-10 weeks, "possibly longer". They blocked a payment out for my rent (made approx 4 days prior to them suspending the account initially) which they were informed about right away, and which caused the payment to be 10 or so days late - causing a lot of distress as I got grief from my landlord and had to find somewhere to borrow the money from to pay the rent. Can they just do this?
  4. Hi I'm hoping someone can help me My car a citroen grand Picasso 2010 was in the citroen garage a month ago to fix the boot whilst in they advised it had an oil leak and diesel leak and a belt needed changing they did the work at a cost of 1700 ive split the payments so payed 425 so far the next payment is due in two days. Less than three weeks after this work was done I was driving back from a day out for my son's birthday the first time the car had been driven over 60mph for longer than 10 mins. The car had done less than 300 miles since being in the garage. Anyway the car started making a funny noise and about 30 seconds later it came up stop oil pressure and I pulled straight into a layby and switched off the engine. The engine fan was still going and white smoke coming from it. I phoned RACand they towed it back to citroen. The car wouldnt switch on at this point even after he tried to jump it. After they looked at the engine they said it was nothing to do with the work they did however it may have contributed as now the top engine was fixed it would put pressure on the bottom. They offered Labour at half price to put in a brand new engine for 6500. The car is worth 4000 tops really. So now I'm stuck with a car that won't work on my drive and a 1700 bill. Is there anything I can do?
  5. Hello Friends, I am a Leeds city resident and I got three parking tickets in a span of two weeks. There are multiple issues with these PCNs as I spotted some discrepancies in councils guidance on the time limits. Few years back Leeds city council has introduced a mobile based parking solution by partnering with a company called parkmobile. Being a daily commuter I really love the convenience of the app though it charges 25P convenience fee for each transaction. The way the app works is as below: Step 1: Drive to the intented parking space and open the app. Step2: App presents the user a map with the exact location of your car by using mobile’s gps location. The map also shows the parking machine Ids on the map corresponding to the street. The same ID is also displayed on the parking machine with big, bright and bold letters so that any one can see it from far distance as well. Step 3: User selects the parking machine ID and click on pay now button Step 4: App asks user to re confirm the Vehicle registration Step 5: Counter starts The beauty of the app is that it also incorporates any timing restrictions that may have been imposed on that street parking machine (for eg : Maximum Parking Duration 2 hours), Price list for each of the hours (for eg 0-2 hrs – 2£). My case: Now coming to my case, I drive a fully electric car and Leeds City council incentivise all EV drivers with a free parking permit(to be displayed on windscreen) which enable EV drivers to park for free on any of the city’s street parking spaces. As I am so used to the parking app since its launch I always use it to check the parking restrictions and payments etc. On this occasion I parked on a street named as ‘Edward Street’ which has 2 hour maximum parking rule according to council and as per the front facia of the parking machine. But to the contrary on parkmobile app it was tagged as full day parking. Following the guidance from the parkmobile app I simply parked on the street came back in the evening only to find a PCN attached to Windscreen. Later in the week I started parking in a different street and it has also got similar issue and ended up getting another PCN. . Finally I ended up in getting 3 PCNs I was so desperate to speak to the Enforcement officer. Luckily I got hold of one of the officers sooner than later and explained the situation. Officer heard the whole story and agrees that there is a problem and council has to correct it. Officer also advised me to park in another street near by where the parkmobile info marry up with the front facia info. Since then I stopped getting tickets. Current situation: Current situation is that I appealed all the PCNs and council politely rejected and sent a NTO letter on my wife’s name as my wife is Registered Keeper of the car. Way forward: I am thinking to take a video of the whole situation, parking app usage video and put similar explanation as above in my respresentation to council. Questions I do have now: 1) The NTO letter is on my wife’s name, As me being the driver at the time PCN issuance can I do the representation? 2) How strong is my case and what are the chances of cancelling the PCN by council after my representation? 3) PCN states a contravention code as “06 – Parked with out clearly Displaying a valid pay and display ticket or voucher”. I think rather it should state “07-Parked with payment made to extend the stay beyond initial time” as I am displaying the council permit on windscreen all the time. Does this discrepancy invalidates the PCN? 4) Does council accepts the video as evidences in representation? 5) Any other suggestions please ?
  6. I've been reading around this forum before posting but I can't find an answer. I think I may be in an unusual position, so any advice specific to me would be great. I need to leave my job next week. Let's just leave it as a 'personality clash' (Manager is a , I'm not! lol) I've found a new job starting 1st November. Great! BUT, I went to the job centre on Friday and my area is trialing UC, and so the first payment I'd get is in 7 weeks from when I leave my job. Obviously I'll be working by then, but won't be paid till 1st December. I have no savings, but have paid a bucketload of tax over the last 25 years and something called 'National Insurance' to 'insure' me against being in a situation like this. But now I'm in need for the first time in about a decade I'm whole outta luck apparently!!! I've suffered with anxiety and depression my whole life but realised that life is better if I connect with other people through work rather than give in to my malaise - even if sometimes that work has been beneath me just to keep self-respect. Anything is better than just locking myself away in a darkened room and spending more hours on a computer than a full-time job would be sat alone at a computer trying to convince the JCP "I'm really sick, I can't even work at a computer, I need ESA", etc, all that bad-back . But I'm tempted to claim if ESA pays faster than the 7 weeks I've been quoted for UC. I only need what's my right having paid in, and only need it for a month to tide me over. Any ideas how best way to go? I'm going to hand in my week's notice tomorrow morning either way.
  7. I was offered a sales/ admin role for a company near me last year. advertised on indeed as a full time permanent position. nothing in the advert stated self employment. gave p45 from last job, NI number, passport and bank details. paid by bacs every week @ £260. the arrangement was for commission to be paid on top also but did no happen due to lack of business. part of my role was to drive to businesses in my own car. the owner gave me cash everyday for fuel despite asking for it to be placed in my account. after 2 months i became concerned that i had not had any payslips or a contract so approached the boss. He informed me that i was on the books as a self employed administrator/ sales consultant and i would need to prepare him invoices for the past 8 weeks. informed the owner that this was not how the job was advertised online and i expected to receive payslips and a contract. on the way home, received a text message saying my attitude is terrible and my services are no longer required. upon closer inspection, i realised he was paying me from his personal bank account, not the businesses. As far as i am concerned i was mislead in believing the role was full time and permanent. i trusted the owner of the company to prepare all the paperwork and i submitted the appropriate information for him to put me on the books properly. i am now concerned that i will be chased for the tax i may or may have not paid to hmrc. i dont plan to make a song an dance about it.i know i should have asked for my contract earlier. i have learned a valuable lesson from this and now in secure employment. I am just worried that HMRC will throw the book at me if they find out and he will get away with what he did. from what i can gather when i spoke to other clients, the owner has done this to several other sales consultants who also left after a few months. any advice/ experience most welcome.
  8. hi I recently finished a full time course at the end of january and started signing on to job seekers allowance while looking for work. At the first meeting at the job centre before anything else was discussed i was told that at the start of all new claims there is a mandatory 12 weeks of daily contact. After questioning this i was told that this is a national policy for all new claims. although im not attending every day i'm getting appointments to attend 2 or 3 times per week and must email my job search activity, jobs applied for, and forward all email responses from applications. i was told this was to help me find work but after almost 2 months all it has involved is keeping them updated on my work search activity with no help whatsoever towards finding work. after searching online i cant find anything about a mandatory 12 weeks of daily contact for all new claims so suspect that it is just some local thing. can anyone let me know if this is a national or local scheme? i expect that things like this are intended for people who who need help or encouragement towards looking for work rather than everybody, and as i was placed on this before anything else was discussed they have no reasons whatsoever to suspect that i might need this extra attention. Is there any national criteria to determine who gets placed on this daily contact which i could use to complain & be placed on the normal fortnightly signing?
  9. I have been sacked one and a half weeks into a two-week trial period. The employer says that, because I only worked for a short period, he doesn't have to deduct tax and Ni from my wages. I was working a 37-hour week for which my pay (due at the end of March) was £7.50 per hour. My employer confirmed this in an email to me before I started work. I was directly employed (not through an agency) and was not self-employed. My questions is this: Is the employer legally obliged to deduct tax and NI after such a short period and does he have to give me a P45? Also, what can I do if he doesn't do any of this? I am from Eastern Europe and feel that the employer is deliberately attempting to recruit EU citizens for a short period and avoiding his legal obligations to pay tax and NI. There was nothing wrong with my work. I believe that it was all along his intention to sack me and that this is ongoing company policy towards temporary employees. Your help on this would be much appreciated.
  10. Hi All I had a trip/slip over 4 years ago with the offending council admitting liability immediately. The case dragged on due to the fact that my legal team changed three or four times and a lot of time was wasted. Eventually a competent solicitor was appointed and an agreement was made to settle the claim (we were due in court on the 2nd June) on the 24th March 2017. A time frame was given of 4-6 weeks but usually much sooner than that. It is now the 18th May and I have not received my money, I have called and emailed my solicitor every day this week and have had no response. He forwarded me an email from the other side stating the cheque will be with us 'very soon' over a week ago. Still nothing. I called the other sides solicitor yesterday from the information forwarded to me and he has not called me back nor acknowledged my call. I am at a loss at what to do now. Why would they settle and not pay out. Any ideas where I go from here as I cannot afford to jeopardise nor delay my payment any longer. I am on the verge of missing out on a business opportunity and also a holiday that I booked on the strength of the money being with me at the end of the 6 weeks. Thanks in advance
  11. Thank you for your time and advice. We're looking for some general advice on this issue regarding my partner who is off work with depression caused by her workplace. The employer has told us they will visit this Thursday to "discuss her absence". Here's a bit of the back story: Mt partner is a Cleaner. She is off work due to depression, this was caused by her undergoing treatment for recurring miscarriages and her Manager moving her from a job she was happy in to another part of the company where it is very quiet, no interaction and a totally different world than where she had been. My partner asked to be moved back but was told it is not possible. She thinks she was only moved because her Manager had to cover 6am to 7am as she couldn't get into work for 6am. Funnily enough, the person who took my partner's old position starts at 6am (!) Events and Mismanagement that has led to my partner's Depression: 1. She was late for work twice when the buses here were effected by a huge amount of roadworks (which was front page news). Her bus simply didn't turn up two days in a row and she had to wait for an alternative bus (the following days she caught a taxi rather than lose her job). Both times she rang the Manager and let her know. All seemed okay until over 2 weeks later when her Manager issued her with a stage 2 warning for absence (not even a 'late'!). Luckily I was able to speak directly with the city bus manager who kindly emailed a letter explaining the missing buses and her Manager took the warning off her record. It was like a letter from Mummy for not having a PE Kit! 2. A few days later (revenge?). My partner received a printed warning document detailing things that would need to be improved in her cleaning duties. These included a set of stairs that experience 24-hour high traffic from hundreds of staff which she was warned were dusty and dirty. She was told another inspection of her work would take place on 4th April and if it wasn't satisfactory a PIP Procedure (warnings that can lead to dismissal) would be put in place..skipping the written warnings stages completely! Two weeks later she had the Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th March 2017 off as holiday. My partner went back on Monday 27th March 2017 and was called her into her Manager's office and told that the showers had body-fat in them, even though she had worked hard to make everything A1 before her days off. Her Manager then said "Just because you signed that warning, doesn't mean you can F?cKing slack off anywhere else!" (Bullying?). 3. Two days later (29th March 2017), My partner had a small operation to investigate the fibroids the hospital believe have caused her recurring miscarriages. She was not allowed this as unpaid leave and had to work before going to the hospital. She had to go work the day after the operation too. On the day after the operation she was taken home by the people she cleaned for in FOST and they phoned my partner's Manager to complain; which no doubt will be mentioned in the absence meeting and my partner blamed for it! Anyway, that date was 30th March which was the last day she worked and has been off with depression since. 4. On 24th April we received the letter saying they'll be coming to our home on 4th May 2017 to discuss her "illness, current health status, long term diagnosis, current abilities and when you might be fit to return to work. And also to gain authorisation to contact your GP for a medical report." - We appreciate any advice you can give and for reading this long post. If you can advise on what we should do at the 'Meeting to Discuss Absence' and whether we should print off this post and discuss it or if that would probably mean them finding an excuse to get rid of my partner? She has had depression all the time she's worked there (10 years) and never had long-term sick so could they sack her for depression knowing she has it anyway (last year she had a miscarriage and went sick with depression) Would she have the right to be asked to be moved and, if so, would they have to move her to a post that has the same hours/amount of hours? Staff who have complained in the past have always ended up sacked Finally, their letter says she can have a member of staff/Union Rep (unfortunately not in a union) at the meeting but I intend to be their. It is our home so can they say I can't be there? We will also be recording the meeting, as it is our home do we legally have to tell them so?
  12. Hi Ladies and Gentlemen, Have currently been made full time by my current employer. It has been 3 weeks now. I was working for an employment agency ( removed by site team ) worst agency I have ever worked for, never paid the correct wages and took weeks to sort it. They have a finger print scanner to clock in and out, my new clock card system sits next to this. So, baring in mind I am full time and this agency knew I no longer worked for them, I occasionally just put my finger on the scanner just to confuse them, It was only a couple of times. On the 14th of April I got all of my holiday pay as expected. Last Friday the 21st of April, I got 40 hours of pay, the agency are saying I clocked in Monday to Friday. However, I was not even in work on good Friday. I have put the money they paid to one side, however, how do I stand on paying them back. It is obviously an admin error. They have an online payslip checker, and the payslip in question has been deleted, unlucky for them I have a copy on my mobile phone. Kind Regards Jason
  13. Hi all, I have a court hearing with money barn in 3 weeks where they are seeking a return of a car I have on finance with them. Firstly, hands up, entirely my own fault. Circumstances are this. I haven't yet paid a third. In february I got into financial difficulty and instead of discussing it with them I did a fine impression of an ostrich and ignored all their letters. One of them was a termination notice, that much I do remember, and it followed all the others into the bin. (No, I'm not sure what I hoped to achieve by that either.) I then got a letter stating that they had passed it to their repo company who would be in touch. I heard nothing then until I got this pack from the court telling me of the court date. They are seeking: - the full finance amount outstanding, including all the interest that would have been payable under the 5 year contract (even though it's just over 2 years) - compensation - the return of the car I contacted them via email, apologised, explained about being poorly and told them that I would be able to bring the account fully up to date on the 29th of November. They declined. Is there anything I can do? I think they're taking the a bit wanting all the money AND the car? I have to fill in a defence form and was thinking about saying that they can have the car and the outstanding finance LESS the book value of the car. Any suggestions?
  14. Hi, First the details of the alleged 'offence'... 1 Date of the infringement - 01/07/2017 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 21/07/2017 (20 days after the 'event') 3 Date received - 23/07/2017 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] - Yes 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - Yes, images of the vehicle entering and leaving the car park 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up - No, thought I'd ask for advice here before doing anything. 7 Who is the parking company? - Parking Eye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] - Premier Inn, Deansgate Locks, Manchester For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. - The notice only mentions POPLA in respect to appeals but it says they are a member of BPA. My son and daughter-in-law used this car park and my son paid for a ticket for considerably longer than the time they actually parked for. He can't remember the exact period he paid for (and they've lost the ticket), but as they were going to an event they didn't expect to finish until after 10pm, he knows it was for considerably longer than the time they spent there. Having said that, the Parking Charge Notice/Invoice makes no mention of why the charge has been issued, we're just assuming it's for staying too long. Is it normal that the 'offence' isn't mentioned on these charge notices? If it is, how is someone meant to appeal or defend themselves against an unspecified transgression? I've read in other CAG posts that these notices must be received within 14 days of the alleged 'offence' (it's termed an 'event' on Parking Eye's invoice) - does that apply in this case as well because it turned up 22 days later and was issued 20 days after the event? I've attached a copy of the PCN as a file - can't seem to figure out how to add it as an image like others on here are doing, hope that's not a problem. Can anyone suggest the best course of action to take? Many thanks Parking-Lie.pdf
  15. Myself and three other students currently occupy a privately rented property in Southwark, London. The flat is pretty run down and we seem to have been stuck with a landlord who doesn't want to shell out any money despite the fact that we are paying £145 a week each! As soon as we moved in we noticed the washing machine door was bent and didn't catch properly, so we immediately informed the lettings agency who informed the landlord on or behalf that it was damaged, however he declined to have it looked at or repaired. After one initial breakdown that I managed to repair it packed up for good 02/10/15, so I immediately got onto the lettings agency again who informed the landlord that day that the washing machine had totally broken and there was nothing we could do about it. A couple of days later, instead of taking our word for it he sent a repairman round who took one look at it and said it was beyond repair and would have to be replaced, which was communicated to the lettings agency that day. After several more days we had heard nothing more on the situation and with mounting piles of washing I again contacted the lettings agency who said that the landlord was ordering the white goods (the engineer also recommended replacing the freezer) that evening - 12/10/15. After hearing no word from the company for three or four days I emailed them again, to which they replied that they would chase up the landlord. Now finally after weeks of pestering the landlord has finally ordered the goods to be delivered this Sunday (25/10/15). We have gone over three weeks without a washing machine simply because the landlord was too lazy to sort out a replacement despite being given several reminders, and we have had to pick up the cost of that. The house was furnished with white goods as part of our tenancy agreement and it is the landlord's responsibility for their maintenance, would we be entitled to ask for compensation? As essentially the landlord has failed to provide a service that we have been paying a huge amount of money for. All help would be appreciated, Cheers!
  16. DWP and UC it could take 6.5 weeks to get your first payment which is going to cause significant problems for claimants and the rise in use of the food-banks and the like, could you be affected by this? I have added a PDF with a substantial amount of Q&A's. This was issued by the DWP in August of this year, the link is here https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/449218/universal-credit-and-rented-housing-faq.pdf or please read the attachment if you are unable to link to the site... Please use the links within the PDF to see if they can answer any of your questions If once reading the new PDF and you have questions please post them up here and we will see how we can advise you further... One question could be where do I get the information that you could have to wait 6.5 weeks before I get my first payment? The answer to that question is located at q10 of the attachment
  17. Hi everyone im quite desperate. I just made my new account at barclays less than 2 weeks ago with the switch service and yesterday i got a letter where they say my account is gonna be closed on 18th jan, 2016. The letters date is 17th nov. Also i recieved another letter with the date of 20th nov, which says my switch process has been successfully completed from my old bank (santander) to the new barclays account. I called them a lot of times but nobody could give me a proper reason why they want to close my account. Some said, ( also in the letter says) the bank made a review on my account and thats why, and in the letter says i broke thr terms and rules of agreement. But how? I didnt do anything. I mean until the 17th i havent even used my card. I requested a pin change on the 17th because i entered it incorrectly too many times.one day before that i called them and asked if i can transfer my money from santander to barclays without waiting for the switch process to be done. They said yes, it was on 16th. I paid in one check on 19th. Nothing else happened. Any chance that its just a mistake letter? Help me pls what can i do?
  18. Friend of mine bought a second hand car from a dealer about 2 weeks ago. Today the clutch has failed and the RAC have said a new clutch is required. Dealer has been contacted and said it is nothing to do with him. Car is 10 yrs old with 95,000 on the clock. The price paid was about right for the car with that mileage. Are there any rights under SOGA or CPA. thanks
  19. Hi Sorry if I make mistakes I am new to this. I bought a laptop from Currys on 9th Feb 2016. The mouse pad did not really work but I got by using a plug in one. 2 weeks ago I went back to the store and a lady tried to make it more responsive. I took it home and it hadn't worked. I use this laptop for work every day and my business cant operate with out it. I simply cant have it sent away for repair and be without one for any length of time and so asked for a replacement. Curry's are refusing saying that they are entitled to one shot at repair. I paid £700 for this laptop 11 weeks ago and don't want a repaired machine. .... maybe if I had it for 8 months to a year. Am I being unreasonable? This is the 4th machine I have bought for work from them and I am not inclined to buy any more from them (the others are fine and were for colleagues) ! You lot seem to know what your taking about... Am I being unreasonable in not accepting a repair is this my right or not? In some respects it would be easier as I wouldn't have to set up the machine again but then it has Industry sensitive information on it. In other respects I just cant be with out the machine for any thing longer than a day or two and think going through the trauma of setting up a new computer is the lesser of two evils! Any help would be appreciated
  20. I desperatly need some help i bought a persian for 1000.00 from a breeder and after 3 weeks she died suddenly from liver abnormailitys which vet said she was posibly born with it developed very quickly the breeder has not offered me a new kitten or a refund ive tried sending her 2 letters before action but to no avail both letters were signed for so i knew she would get them PLease can someone advise me wethere it is worth my time taking her to small claims court if so would i loose more money
  21. Hi Everyone, So on Thursday 14th January I received a Reminder Notice from Horizon dated 8th January for parking at a Sainsbury car park during a no parking period on 5th December 2015. They also mentioned that a notice was issued on 10th December 2015 but this is the first communication I have received from them. Because I did not respond to the notice (which I did not even receive in the first place), they are saying I as the registered keeper am liable to pay the full £70 charge. I went back to this car park yesterday to check the signs. On the entrance it says that the car park is operated by horizon and to read the terms on the boards in the car park. Then inside the car park there are big purple boards saying 4 HOURS FREE PARKING in bold white writing . However they also have yellow boards closer to the inside of the car park mentioning in small print that you cannot park when the store is closed. I was only in the car park for around 10 minutes eating my KFC meal so did not go right inside to look at all the signs. My understanding was that if they did not want me to park there, the car park would have been closed just like the one next to KFC, they do have a barrier but it was up and I saw a few cars inside. Even if my not seeing the small print in the dark argument is not valid, would I still be able to appeal this charge as I did not receive anything within 14 days of the incident taking place? They have mentioned that it was issued 5 days after the incident but I did not get anything and for all we know, they could even be lying about this. I have attached a copy of the parking notice. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks. Sam
  22. Hi Guys i attended an interview under caution as they felt my partner was living with me, according to what i have read on other peoples threads the interview went as standard. So this is going back to 2012 when my partner left his wife and used my address as a postal address until he got himself sorted so 9 weeks ago i was called in and i've since had over payment letters for 3 months benefits to be paid back from aug - nov 2012 we was not living together and up until recently we never was, yes he used to stay a few times a week and also stay at his mothers house they have got some video footage of him leaving my house on 3 seperate occasions. Since the interview apart from the overpayment letters i've recieved i've had nothing else, im wanting to appeal the over payment as there is no way or no proof he was living with me, but i dont know if to wait a few weeks to see if anything else happens in the next couple of weeks, i am very scared i have worked since leaving school and had a period of 5 yrs on ESA due to the hospital messing up on an operation and causing me a further 9 operations I have been back in full time employment since sept 2015 and in oct i was called in for the interview, where after the interview the nasty man said it will be sent to Dundee for a decision normally takes around 5 weeks this is 9 and im wondering who i can contact to see what is happening or if im just going to recieve a letter telling me im going to court ? What is the amount of time these people have to make decisions ect Please help im sorry it's all jumbled up this is my first ever post
  23. Hi all. Please can I ask have the redundancy pay rules been changed lately? A friend told me today that there is now a maximum of 12 weeks redundancy pay? Apologies if this is a sily question.
  24. Please can someone provide me with some advice, my son has been sanctioned for 6 weeks for failing to turn up to an appointment, what can he do to get some money for now as no money and rent ect to pay. Mashmallow
  25. Just had phone call from DWP telling me my ESA is ending today(8 weeks after my medical)??? I had my medical on the 1st July 2016,which as usual I have received "0"points! They have told me I have to make a claim today (so that I get a continuation of benefit??) Can somebody please tell me if they can do this with no warning? And will this cause problems with my housing benefit/council tax(which happened to me before, whilst waiting for my appeal and took months to sort out(but lost out on a lot of benefit) so now i'm terrified that its going to happen again!!!! Any advice would be welcome Thanks
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