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  1. Good evening, I'll try to summarize briefly : - 10 day ago washing machine stopped to work at the end of the program, door locked... - I notified to the landlord the issue sending him an email with all details and a quick video where he can see what is the actual problem - After a couple of days I received a reply from him where he'll put me in contact with the guy who manage the house in his name so he can arrange the repair - This guy send me an email (landlord was in cc) saying and he requested a repair and he already arranged the payment. - This tuesday I received the visit of the engineer who made the work in about one hour This morning I found a letter in my letter box from the UK's leading specialist warranty provider about a "Repair and care plan" signed in my name (t's mentioning my name and surname as Customer Name) with a duration of 6 months. The payment has be arranged with Landlord's bank account, a Direct Debit Payment Schedule with a 6 Monthly payments. I'm pretty nervous cause he never agreed with me to arrange for a care plan and I never authorized him to do it in my name... I wrote him after a couple of hour I found the letter asking some explanation cause we never talked about care plan, he replied saying when he was doing the payment there was no different in price between the one-off repair and the care plan and due to the care plan is covering 6 months he decided (according with the landlord) to proceed with that. I replied him saying i'm fine with anything the landlord wants, but the contract needs to be signed in my of the lanlord... All email conversations contains the landlord as cc, at now they stop not replying ... How should I proceed?
  2. Hi I purchased a washing machine for the Very catalogue in October last year, February I noticed a number of my clothing items had pulls in them but put it down to wear and tear Last week I put 5 x under armour tshirts in there and its ripped them to shreds. I phoned hotpoint who sent and engineer out, a few days before he arrived he phoned me to say it probably needed a new drum so would I change the appointment until the drum had arrived, I had no problem with this so the appointment was changed. The day the engineer turned out he said he was just going to change the paddles I asked where the drum was and he said he did not have one!!, he had no idea what I was talking about when I told him of the phonecall I received but he said it was not a problem as it was the paddles ripping the clothes, I was happy with his explanation so he changed the paddles and left. The next day I put a wash on and as you have probably guessed it ripped my clothes to shreds again! I have contacted them and they want to send another engineer out I have told them no I want a new machine, its caused 100s pounds worth of damage and I am not willing to have it fixed again. I am currently waiting a response from them I guess I just want to know where I stand with asking for a new machine, the machine is only 8 months old I am really not happy having it repaired again
  3. My daughter purchased a new washing machine in Dec 17 form a major high street retailer. It has stopped working. She reported it for repair 11 days ago and they are still not sure when they are going to get the parts and affect the repair. I have checked the T&Cs of both the retailer and manufacturer, both explain that she is entitled to repair in a reasonable time frame but neither explain what that length of time is. My daughter has a household of 5 and is really struggling. The closest launderette is 7 miles away and it is costing her a lot in both petrol and launderette costs. Can anyone explain what a "reasonable time frame" is. And what my daughter should do once that time has elapsed.
  4. HI last week I had a fire at home that started within 10mins of plugging in my washing machine, I was upstairs when the electricity tripped went in the kitchen to check and the plug was on fire, it was plugged into extension cable on the floor. I phoned fire brigade and got out of house along with daughter and dog, the fire took hold and destroyed my fridge, microwave, tumble dryer and severely smoke damaged my walls and Kitchen cabinets that I had fitted last week. I phoned Beko who sent out an engineer took photos of damage and washing machine, he stated to me he could not say whether the plug had or had not caused the fire as the plug was not there to examine, I honestly dont know what happened to it it was just a blob of plastic with everything getting thrown out in the garden I dont know where it was, he didnt even cut the cable from the machine to check that. Friday I got an email to say that after their visual inspection their machine was not to blame, and thats the end of that. I was told I could discard the machine the scrap man has taken it now I dont know which way to turn, I am not insured after saving up for 2 years for my new kitchen its totally ruined, well the doors are. I would be grateful of any advice what to do next, after I received the email on Friday I did get a little angry and emailed back I would be taking them to small claims, just wondering if this is an option?
  5. Hello Guys, I am looking for advice on best place to start with my issue. I have 2 years 9 month old Bosch washing machine purchased from online retailer washtech.co.uk which suddenly developed sevaral cracks in the outside plastic drum. Washing machine was working ok for a first year then touch screen controls started playing up and I got it repaired under warranty in October last year. No problem with controls since then but today my garage got flooded by the water during drum clean cycle. I took back panel off hoping it was a pump or waste pipe. Unfortunately external plastic drum had at least two long cracks. I understand I can try and get it fixed by retailer as it not lasted a reasonable amount time or fix it myself and then take them to small court if they refuse to pay for repairs. I just wonder if I could try to start with Bosch to see if they agree to repair it free of charge or provide some sort of report or their view on the fault? I was told by their technician that after repair they made I do not have any warranty (original warranty was running out in two weeks after they made repair). I know some manufacturers extend warranty after repair by another year. And Bosh themselves say they will give 12 month warranty on the appliance if they fix it. But I guess it is meant when you pay them or could it apply to any repairs? Thanks for reading!
  6. I Bought a Miele washing Machine in 2010 with a 10-year Parts & Labour waranty. A month ago, it began clunking during the rinse cycle. I called Miele, to book an engineer, & was told by the advisor, "if we can't repair it, we'll replace it." An engineer arrived last week, diagnosing a broken drum. The machine has only performed 1,000 hours use in 7 years, which is extremely low. I have Polished stone on the kitchen floor, & the engineer advised that despite laying protective coverings, the floor would likely be damaged during the repair, due to the weight of the drum assembly. Because I had been forewarned of this, Miele would not be liable. He also offered 60% off a new appliance, however with 3 years remaining on the warranty, this is not an option I would follow. I called their customer service team who agreed, with no alternative repair location, the repair could not be carried out. They agreed to supply a new machine of equivalent spec, HOWEVER I would have to pay £180.00 for delivery/installation. I informed them I was not prepared to pay this, as I had already been told I would receive a replacement if the machine was beyond repair. I am now dealing with their "customer experience team", at the highest level. As of now, they are saying they won't waive the £180.00 charge. I've read the terms of the warranty, which do state "at our discretion, we may replace the appliance", so they aren't obliged to replace it, however the repair is not viable due to space restriction & the likely floor damage. I have lost all faith in Miele, I've spent a month with no use of the washing machine, which in the engineer's opinion is a fire-hazard, due to sparking during use. Does anybody here think it's reasonable to be asked to stump up £180.00, because of their inability to carry out the repair, in line with the terms of the warranty?
  7. On 18th April I had a new washing machine delivered. As soon as the men left, I tried it out. The washing boiled and I scalded my fingers when I tired to remove it. Immediately I contacted Currys by email. I expected them to send the men straight back, but they did not, and a seven month long battle began. Indesit sent an engineer on 6/9 who told me the machine was working perfectly and the fault was mine. When I heard that, I suggested then that perhaps the machine had been connected to the hot water. Without even checking he said it was not. He told me that he had a good mind to make me pay for the visit as there was nothing wrong. He walked out while I was talking to him. When he left I put it on again, first cottons, then wool at 20 degrees. I sat at the computer while it was washing, and the boiler fired up. The boiler feeds the radiators and the wet room and the washing machine, and since only the washing machine was on, it was clearly connected. I posted on Indesit Face Book page. They told me that their engineer had made his report, which they believed, and that if I posted again I would be banned. After another battle they eventually sent a senior engineer today 27/10 who finally admitted that the machine had indeed been plumbed into the washing machine. I have to thank the CAB for monitoring the situation. It has been so stressful it hardly seems possible that someone can complain, and clothes ruined and they would not return, and I believe the visit today was because I started to list the costs involved, like their paying the difference in gas used from last year. Todays visit was by a senior Indesit engineer . Last Friday, however was not so good. The person they sent had no English, no identification, no job sheet and no tool kit. He could not understand what I said. He got his 'boss' on the phone and gave it to me. I spoke to the 'boss' and asked him if he would explain the job to the young man because he could not understand English. The 'boss' said he did not know the job either and expected me to explain . I was so nervous I threatened to call the police, because I really thought they were making a fool of me . At the he ended the call and the young man left. That is unpardonable.
  8. Hello Everyone Need your Help, really gutted and depressed spent £500 to a buy a new washing machine on 17/06/2014, received it on 21/06/2014. I have discovered that the Washing Machine has the problem. Electric Motor was burnt and with the toddler in the house I found it very dangerous.You won’t expect that from 16 months old machine, when I reported to their customer service people they seems delusional about the seriousness of the problem, I found them very rude and intimidating. Now they want me to pay £119.00 to replace the new motor, I mean you wont expect that to happen with in 16 months of a washing machine, please need advice what to do. Regards
  9. Myself and three other students currently occupy a privately rented property in Southwark, London. The flat is pretty run down and we seem to have been stuck with a landlord who doesn't want to shell out any money despite the fact that we are paying £145 a week each! As soon as we moved in we noticed the washing machine door was bent and didn't catch properly, so we immediately informed the lettings agency who informed the landlord on or behalf that it was damaged, however he declined to have it looked at or repaired. After one initial breakdown that I managed to repair it packed up for good 02/10/15, so I immediately got onto the lettings agency again who informed the landlord that day that the washing machine had totally broken and there was nothing we could do about it. A couple of days later, instead of taking our word for it he sent a repairman round who took one look at it and said it was beyond repair and would have to be replaced, which was communicated to the lettings agency that day. After several more days we had heard nothing more on the situation and with mounting piles of washing I again contacted the lettings agency who said that the landlord was ordering the white goods (the engineer also recommended replacing the freezer) that evening - 12/10/15. After hearing no word from the company for three or four days I emailed them again, to which they replied that they would chase up the landlord. Now finally after weeks of pestering the landlord has finally ordered the goods to be delivered this Sunday (25/10/15). We have gone over three weeks without a washing machine simply because the landlord was too lazy to sort out a replacement despite being given several reminders, and we have had to pick up the cost of that. The house was furnished with white goods as part of our tenancy agreement and it is the landlord's responsibility for their maintenance, would we be entitled to ask for compensation? As essentially the landlord has failed to provide a service that we have been paying a huge amount of money for. All help would be appreciated, Cheers!
  10. Hi All, I bought an indesit washing machine online from Curry's I was working away from home for a month so didn't use it for the first month. When I first used it all seemed fine until I went back a day later and there was a puddle in the bottom of the drum. I have had 2 engineers out and the fault is still there. I contacted currys who said as it was older than 30 days they couldn't give me a refund unless an engineer rights it off as faulty. I am now waiting till 5th August for a third engineer to come out and "fix this". Does anyone know my rights? The machine was bought on 16th April 2016. Thanks in advance. Hi All, I bought an indesit washing machine online from Curry's I was working away from home for a month so didn't use it for the first month. When I first used it all seemed fine until I went back a day later and there was a puddle in the bottom of the drum. I have had 2 engineers out and the fault is still there. I contacted currys who said as it was older than 30 days they couldn't give me a refund unless an engineer rights it off as faulty. I am now waiting till 5th August for a third engineer to come out and "fix this". Does anyone know my rights? The machine was bought on 16th April 2016. Thanks in advance.
  11. I signed up for a year of cover on a washer dryer and have just found out that they have been taking the payments since 2011 without me realising or indeed authorising it. I spoke to them and they were incredibly unhelpful - a rude and arrogant woman on the phone who said that they were not regulated by anyone and fundamentally they could do what they liked. They claim to have been sending me renewal notices each year which I have not received - I moved property so cannot verify this. Their main line of defence is that when they sent the first renewal letter it said that unless you cancel then it will automatically renew. I cannot believe that this is allowed?!? Can anyone please help me claim my hundreds of pounds back? I could have purchased about 3 new machines now for the amount they have charged!!! Any help greatly appreciated.
  12. Hi there. Problem with the washing Machine I bought last september. A month after purchase it caught fire, so I arranged for them to replace it. Argos were nice and helpful, no problems their end. Today the replacement has gone faulty, and now I am having trouble. First they are trying to foist me off onto hoover(I have no contract with Hoover) and then they tell me the Engineer cannot come for a week. What do I do to resolve this? Contact head Office?
  13. I bought a Samsung washing machine (WF1124XAC) in January 2012 and got a 5 year warranty with it. It broke down in September 2013; the drum was bouncing/banging around. After several failed 'repairs', Samsung agreed to take it away and paid for a new machine, which I received in December 2013. The replacement washing machine now has a '3E' error intermittently displaying which is a motor defect; the drum will attempt to rotate (during washing or spinning cycles) but doesn't. It attempts to do this, fails, waits 5 minutes and then attempts again. Sometimes the drum will rotate and sometimes '3E' is displayed. I don't want to have this machine anymore, 2 have failed within about 18 months from new and I no longer trust Samung washing machines. The machine is still under warranty. What are my options with regard to dealing with Samsung? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  14. Hi, i need some advice as to whether brighthouse are liable for the repair on my washing machine please? I used brighthouse when i couldn't afford to go and buy a replacement washing machine. About 7 months later our cooker and fridge freezer broke within days of each other so purchased them from there also. After about 18 months the washing machine broke so brighthouse came to repair it and said it needed taking away and a loan machine would be provided. To cut a long story short the loan machine was a disaster and flooded my kitchen twice! Then nobody from the store got in touch about my machine so i had to contact them. After this they tried to return my machine 3 times but i refused it each time due to the condition that they tried to return it to me in. The final time they took the cover off and it was covered in dents and scratches so i told brighthouse that i wasn't going to pay until this issue was dealt with. Bearing in mind that they had had my machine for nearly 12 months!! I received a phone call from the manager who offered a new machine in replacement and i would only have to pay what was left on the old one (which was only a few weeks). I agreed to this and received the new machine. A few weeks later i finished paying for it and 7 months later the other two items. So my account is finished (thank goodness). The problem now being the washing machine has broken! As it is less than 12 months old are brighthouse liable to repair it or not? I would appreciate any advice, thanks.
  15. Hi GUys, I wonder if I can ask for your expert advice. Three years ago my cousin bought a washing machine (washer/drier) and 5 year extended warranty from an online website. In December 2014 the washing machine stopped working correctly (kept filling with water nothing else) so the warranty company was called and an engineer came out. On the first visit the engineer didn't seem very professional and actually flooded the kitchen and some water went into the lounger - didn't clean it up properly either. He stated he would need to order some parts which would take some time but they would make another appointment when they arrive. After about 3 weeks just before Christmas the warranty company called, parts have been received and to make another appointment. A different engineer came out, fitted some parts and tested the machine - same as before keeps filling with water. The engineer didn't seem very professional either as he spent a long time on the phone asking someone what he needs to do and it seems like he (they) checked everything in the machine. He stated they need to order some more parts which would take 14 working days as they are coming from China! Once they arrive they would phone to make an appointment. Towards the end of January they chased the warranty company and were passed around a few people. The person who they spoke to stated that the parts had been received but, the engineer who had them (who visited last) had left the company/run off with them!!! So the parts would have to be re-ordered from China which will take another 14 working days to arrive they would phone to make an appointment. My cousin had a bit of a rant at them that they have been without a washing machine since the start of December and they are a family of 4 and need to do washing 3-4 times a week and having to go to the laundrette and spending about £8 each time on washing and drying. The warranty company person didn't seem too distraught and stated that they would refund the cost of having to use the laundrette. But I then added what about the fuel cost of getting there and the time it takes - they just apologised and said that's all they can do. It is now 2.5 months since the washing machine stopped working and almost 3 weeks since the last contact with the warranty company - not heard anything further and the water is still in the washing machine since the last engineers visit. My cousins wife is at her wits end as she has now done around 74 trips (37 return) to the laundrette, spending over £275 on washing & drying + cost of fuel and time, as each trip takes half an hour - she has tried to combine it with other chores (school run/shopping/going to church) where possible, but when drying has had to wait or come back - additional trips & time. SO, can you guys advise what is the best course of action to take? Are there any rules/benchmarks for expected service under extended warranties? Will they really refund just the washing/drying costs of £275 so far? Is there an ombudsman who this can be taken to? Thanks, Mark.
  16. Hey, Can someone offer me some advise here, back in November we purchased 2 of the Google Nexus 7 tablet computers for the kids christmas presents. One of them has not gone faulty with a common issue where they stop charging and become unusable. We have contacted CPW to see what they can do under the warranty and they are basically saying that as they no long have a service agreement with Asus they can unable to offer me any support in regards to replacement or repair - I have to go directly to the manufacturer. The manufacturer are saying other wise and again CPW are having none of it - I have escalated this to the CEO's office at CPW however they are still sticking to the story of not being able to offer any help and my need to speak tot he manufacturer again. Is this right or am I being royally fobbed off. The tablet is 7 month old, undamaged and fully boxed. What can I do? Many Thanks
  17. Hi, We bought a washing machine at Comet via a charity Family Fund voucher in May 2012, it went faulty 11 months after which The Warranty Group repaired and have been doing every couple of months. They've now said they are going to replace the washing machine for a new one (different make) but they will not honor the remaining 3 years warranty, it says nothing in the T&Cs. Can they do this? The payment of £169.00 was made for the extended warranty, which was a requirement of the Family Fund voucher. Should the Warranty Group honor the remaining 3 years or part refund the Family Fund? Ian
  18. Hi All i purchased a new Hoover washing Machine from a local independent electrical retailer in January this year after only 8 weeks the machine broke down so called Hoover who came and repaired it now 2 weeks later it has broken down again and seems to be the same fault, i have now booked an engineer with hoover online as can never get through on phone. 1) So my question is have i done the right thing to let them come and repair it again. 2) If so and it breaks again what would be next step 3) As it is only 3 months old what rights do i have under the sale of goods act now i have let hoover try and fix it. Kind Regards Casper
  19. Hi guys I have a stupid idea the other day to buy a new washing machine from Brighthouse. After I'd come home and thought about it (after the staff in store where lets say... pushy and I fell into their trap!) I realised that paying £1068 for a washing machine on sale in Currys for £349.99 is ludicrious. I phoned Brighthouse and asked to cancel my order, they told me I cannot, I explained that the hire purchase agreement I'd signed and that is sat in front of me said I had 14 days to change my mind - They've told me that I can only change my mind once the product has been delivered. I have a feeling they're trying to get me to have the washing machine delivered and then tell me because it's been delivered I cannot cancel? This is stressing me out, I simply do not want to be in this agreement with Brighthouse anymore, I'm not bothered about the £8 I paid to them already.. Thanks in advance
  20. So a really odd one... My washing machine broke, I called Hotpoint and they quoted me 2 prices to fix it next day (one as a care plan, or a one off fee). I wanted to discuss it with my spouse and they offered to provisionally book it in so I didnt miss the available slot and he would call me back at 5pm to confirm. He never called back. The repair man turned up called them back and did the work while I was on the phone to them. I was gonna take out a care plan but then the quoted me a different price, and I didn't agree to it. So they said they would invoice me in the post for works done. By this point the repair man has finished the work and leaves without being paid. I have never agreed a price but they are going to send me an invoice. Will I have to pay it if I disagree with the cost? Obviously they can pick a number out of the air, but the work is done, unpaid, with no cost signed for or agreed. I didnt even sign that the work has been done.
  21. Hi everyone I have a washing machine with brighthouse which went faulty last last Thursday. I phoned the store to be told an engineer would come on out on the Tuesday ,,, no engineer came after waiting in all day I received a phone call asking what the problem was and they asked me for serial number of washer and said they would order the part .. quick diagnosis without even checking . .so I ring the store not very happy .. I was then promised I would have a loan wash machine delivered today after I stressed I have disabled child who soils his clothes and bedding and I need to wash but alas I received no phone call or wash machine ..so again I rang the store who said its down to the service centre but how can it be when my service cover is paid to them?? I m having to go the laundrette whuch has cost me so far just over £ 30 as I cant have my son bedding and clothes soiled till brighthouse sort out my washer so what can I do?? any help advice greatly appreciated
  22. I ordered a washing machine on Wednesday 26th June for delivery on Friday 28th June. I took a day off work and dutifully waited in. I received a phone call at 12.30 pm from the delivery man saying he would be with me within the hour. 6.00 pm rolled around and I made the 1st of numerous phone calls. I was told that my delivery window was 2.25 to 6.25 pm and that I still had 25 mins left in which the delivery man could arrive. I called again at 6.35 pm only to be told that my washing machine had been signed for and fitted. I stated categorically that this was not the case. I was put on hold and then put through to the depot where i spoke to Anna at 6.50 pm who reiterated that the machine had been signed for and was delivered and fitted. She failed to understand that if this was the case, then I would not be calling. She finally agreed to investigate what had happened and would call me back. I called Currys again at 7.30 pm and spoke to a lovely man called Arun who noted my complaint and who contacted the depot again requesting that they call me back. I told him that I could take a delivery tomorrow (sat 29th) but had to leave by 10.00 am as had plans for Saturday that could not be changed. 7.40 pm I received a call from the depot asking about how many door bells were at my flat. Told him only 1 as I have a separate front door from the rest of the house. He told me he would call me back. Waited up until 10.00 pm for a call that never came. Saturday 29th June - called Currys again and spoke to Richard from 8.00-8.12 am, he informed me that there would be a delivery on Sunday 30th and that I would receive a phone call on Saturday to let me know what time. No phone call. Sunday 30th June - called Currys again and spoken to Kalswom at 11.10 am. She informed me that the depot would call me back. 12.00 pm - no phone call received, called Currys again and spoke to Kalswom and eventually her manager Ahmad. He offered new delivery dates, failing to understand that I am unable to take any more time off work. He also suggested that as I was unable to do the dates and times he offered that I should cancel my order. When I explained that I could not take any more time off work but could accept a delivery after 5pm, he was unable to offer this, he eventually put the phone down on me. 1.00 pm - my partner seeing how distressed I was over this called Currys again and was put through to the depot where he tried to sort out the issue. He was also told that he would receive a call back from the depot. 4.25 pm - as we have received no call again from Currys. I called to try and rebook a new delivery date. I spoke to a customer service man called John, who was very pleasant and reasonably understanding of my situation. As my partner has agreed to take the morning off work (as a private contractor, he will not be paid for taking this time off) on Friday 5th July, I asked for the 7.00-11.00 am slot. He was unable to get hold of the depot to confirm this slot. I was informed that someone will call be back on Monday 1st July but he was unable to provide me with a time frame for the call. Given their past history of this weekend of not returning calls, I am not hopeful. Currys has failed to understand the meaning of customer service and that mistakes they make need to be rectified by them and not the customer. They seem to believe that customers can take time off work at the drop of a hat without the subsequent loss of a day/half days pay or precious annual leave. I look forward to updating this post with positive news but am not at all hopeful.
  23. My girlfriend lives in a rental property which is unfurnished except for a cooker, fridge freezer and washing machine. On Friday evening the washing machine packed up, she has searched the internet and had tried several online fixes, nothing that involves taking the machine apart but just stuff like unplugging it and letting it stand for an hour. She has emailed the letting agent about the matter but won't hear back from them until Monday morning as no one works at weekends. My girlfriend is concerned that the letting agent is going to come back and and say that she will have to either pay for the washing machine to be repaired or for a new machine. Neither of which is an option as she is currently unemployed. Can someone please advise as to what her rights could possibly be? Thanks
  24. I bought a washing machine on boxing days sales from sonicdirect.co.uk it was delivered a few days later and found to have a faulty door - which kept on locking after the wash cycle. spoke to sonic who asked me to ring samsung. ..rang them and got a RMA number. Rang sonic and they wanted ME to bring back the washing machine, when it was them that had delivered it in the first place!!!! Went to the store to the store when the sales lady fobbed me off suggesting I buy another washing machine and 'top it up' with extra funds to buy the new machine. I said i want the same washing machine and suddenly ALL of this make are SOLD OUT!!! Luckily they had a new delivery coming in but they wanted me to PAY for having a replacement washing machine delivered - why should i pay if the machine they delievered in the place was faulty!
  25. Hi I purchased a washing machine from Curry's in May 2008. All fine until last year when door seal went. Repaired as I have a Whatever Happens policy. Last year 2 main boards replaced within 3 months and then on Friday it stops turning. My policy states if I call on a Friday they will come out on a Tuesday but they said not possible and they came today. Guy/engineer says it may need a new motor and he orders new part and it should be available next week. I call as I'm not happy. Family of 5 and no machine. They say they have 21 days to repair as they don't class it as essential. They are also supposed to call a few days before to try and diagnose so they can have parts ready but they didn't even do that. I could scream. I'm now doing a 60 mile round trip to my parents to get washing done. The policy is fine as long as the machine is still usable while waiting for parts but totally crap if it breaks and can't be used. I would advise people not to bother with a policy and just save the money so when it breaks you can just purchase a new one. What I want to know is how many times are they allowed to repair before replacing cause this is its 4th repair and I'm fed up.
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