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Found 4 results

  1. Hello Guys, I am looking for advice on best place to start with my issue. I have 2 years 9 month old Bosch washing machine purchased from online retailer washtech.co.uk which suddenly developed sevaral cracks in the outside plastic drum. Washing machine was working ok for a first year then touch screen controls started playing up and I got it repaired under warranty in October last year. No problem with controls since then but today my garage got flooded by the water during drum clean cycle. I took back panel off hoping it was a pump or waste pipe. Unfortunately external plastic drum had at least two long cracks. I understand I can try and get it fixed by retailer as it not lasted a reasonable amount time or fix it myself and then take them to small court if they refuse to pay for repairs. I just wonder if I could try to start with Bosch to see if they agree to repair it free of charge or provide some sort of report or their view on the fault? I was told by their technician that after repair they made I do not have any warranty (original warranty was running out in two weeks after they made repair). I know some manufacturers extend warranty after repair by another year. And Bosh themselves say they will give 12 month warranty on the appliance if they fix it. But I guess it is meant when you pay them or could it apply to any repairs? Thanks for reading!
  2. We bought the Bosch because we thought it would be reliable. How wrong we were! It was bought from Curry's in march of this year. 3 weeks ago the Check water light started flashing, we called Bosch who sent someone out a week later then said they would have to order parts.. another 5 days wait. We have used the washer 3 times since the repair and today the fault has returned. I have lost confidence in them repairing it . My question is can I ask for a refund or replacement? I am dreading them having to come out again as they refuse to give you a time of the engineers arrival and have wasted 2 days waiting for them already.
  3. In July 2011, a product recall was issued for a fault in a batch of 632,000 Bosch dishwashers, sold between 1999 and 2005 which, in some circumstances, can cause fire. To date only 25% have been traced meaning that 478,940 remain unaccounted for and are still potentially dangerous. http://www.itv.com/news/2013-03-15/a-million-potentially-unsafe-electricals-could-be-in-uk-homes/ You can find out if your dishwasher is included in this repair action here: http://www.repairaction.co.uk/
  4. newby, can someone advise please, purchased a bosch advantix dishwasher from dixons on april 1st worked fine then in august door catch wont secure door you can feel and hear that it is not locked comes open slightley and stops mc organized visit from engineer mc repaired on aug 13 new door catch fitted, then same fault again, repaired on aug 25 new door catch fitted, now september 18 and its gone again what should i do from here:|
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