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  1. I'm with Scottish Power pre-payment meter with key. Put £15 on card as usual. The gas meter read "error call help". So rang up and had the gas machine replaced with a new one. The person on the phone said they'll give me +£10 credit. Got new card in the mail later. Placed £5 to test. No extra +£10 credit, just the £5 I put on, and I still have the receipt of the original £15 and the old card. What are my options if they say they can't do anything about the £15? Not too bothered about the promised credit.
  2. Hermes Courier broke window stay shoving a parcel through my porch window. The parcel wasnt for me but of 6 doors up and they didnt try delivering there or ringing my doorbell. Made a complaint and that is where it all went wrong. they mixed my name up with the intended recipient of the parcel. The manager who I spoke to and agreed that I would get a mate to replace the catch and he would send something nice as a gesture of goodwill. Well it didnt arrive and after a total of 12 more calls it turns out that the idiot didnt know what gesture of goodwill meant and so didnt do anything about it. No wonder he showed a lack of imagination when I asked him to think of something appropriate for the circumstance as people usually send flowers or chocolates. When i get the notes read back to me he had noted that as I hadnt sent them an invoice number for the flowers to he couldnt pay for it and left it at that. The customer services team cant read the complaints teams notes and vice versa so they have to email each other, the managers dont return calls in the promised time and make their junior staff appear to be incompetent at best and liars at worst and no-one would take control of the mess even the company chief exec denying he was the complaints dept overall boss but wouldnt say who was actually between him and them for "Data Protection". Just the job title would have done but not just the word "manager" as that could be anyone or no-one. They refused to send out stuff under a SAR as I wouldnt supply them with an email address ( they actually had it and I told them to stop being lazy and look at the notes but of course it was a different department that had that info). They said they dont send things in the post - THEY ARE A POSTAL SERVICE how the hell do they think they deliver all of the other stuff broken by them, by teleporting it? If they have any sense they would order a nice bottle of wine from Ocado and let them deliver it as they can manage to dispatch an order the same day (Hermes originally said it would take at least 3 days to deliver my GOGW as they are not a next day service and had seemingly never heard of Tesco online or Ocado) and not lose it or break it. We will see what the end of the day brings as They will be using RM to deliver their AOS to the County Court should I decide enough is enough. Truly they are the worst company to deal with I have come across as far as CS goesn and TalkTalk try to hold on to that crown with some pretty bad teams in the Phillipines and SA to navigate where Hermes all live in the same building in Leeds. Only posting this becasue they have hidden under a stone on Facebook and their livechat has gone dumb as well. Funny coincidence?
  3. My dad bought a used Peugeot 3008 from a main dealer. It had low mileage. He paid just under £7000 for it. The car came with a 3 month warranty. My dad has done around 600 miles in the car since he bought it. The warranty had expired only 2 weeks earlier. He took a friend to hospital which was a 200 mile round trip. On the way there the car suddenly lost all power and went into limp mode. AA came and said something was wrong with the injectors and he couldn't fix it. AA had to tow my dads car home. My Dad took the car back to the dealer. They said some of the injectors had burned out and they replaced all 4 of them. My dad was without his car for a week and when he collected it they charged him £360. Is this right ?? I know the warranty had only just expired, but having spent £7000 why should he be expected to then have to fork out £360 for a major fault. I don't think I'm being unreasonable, I would understand if the warranty had expired by several months. I'm trying to find out if my Dad has any grounds to recover the £360 from the dealer. Any advice greatly appreciated.
  4. Hi, I wonder if anyone could clear things up for me, I purchased a used car 5 months ago which broke down yesterday, the steering lock is electronic and will not disengage meaning the car won't start. I had to have the car recovered to home as it was in a pay and display spot. It is my understanding of the CRA that if a fault occurs up to 6 months then the dealer has to offer a repair or replacement. They said there was a 3 months warranty and that's that. Upon ringing the dealer today, they told me to book it in and it will be chargable. Recovery has already cost me 200 and dealer prices for the repair could run to a new steering column which would be astronomical. I bought a car with such low miles to avoid any unwanted repair costs. I'm 33 weeks pregnant and need the car to get to hospital every week as its a problem pregnancy. I have now had to hire a car just for this purpose. The car is only just over 3 years old and cost me 10000 pounds. And I have covered only 2500 miles in it. I am now unsure of my next step, I have car that won't run and can't afford to fix right away, and the dealer's stance is that its chargable even though the CRA says otherwise. Please help! TIA
  5. I am just making an inquiry here. I slipped on a pavement which was wet as it was drizzling and broke my ankle. I did not have on high heels with smooth soles and the street I was walking on was not slippery until I reached the McDonald's on that street and I slipped right outside. Friends keep telling me I should sue but sue who..yes the ground was slippery which I found strange but I don't have a clue what to do about it. Don't want to go through any unnecessary processes...any suggestions? ?
  6. I'm Genes1s and a first-timer so forgive me for the myriad of details buzzing around in my head on this. Advance thanks to those of you who add serious value to this site and may feel inclined to offer your opinions. Evening of Monday 23Oct17 my husband bent under pressure and bought me a new Aerolite case from a local store [luggage+shoe-repairer+key-cutter] for my 2-week trip to Miami the next day Tues 24Oct. Really pleased with choice: hard steel grey outer with 360deg wheels where you can pack in both case sides, weight indicator, sturdy handle when horizontal and sturdy trolley handle when vertical, plus a 5-year warranty. Perfect for this trip on my own. Hubby whipped out credit card and, while owner regaled us with his latest St Barts trip, ordered a pair of keys from our house master. Total £85 incl VAT. Case was reduced to £79 from £135. No problem. All processed. Rushed home to pack for 10:30 Delta flight next day. Quickly realised the weight indicator was faulty - would not display let alone work. Too late to buy a battery. gauging the weight was easy: going from 15C to 82F - packed summer wear. Left home at 5am Tues 24Oct for Heathrow. Case checked in at 52lbs and all she did was smile at me and hand me my docs. Sweet. Connected at JFK and had to check in again - thank goodness for the 1.5hrs changeover: if I had to take off gorgeous full-length woollen coatigan, my snazzy ankle boots, belt and bracelets one more time, I'd have made the news. Okay, okay, I'd heard but didnt believe the new security reality]. All good. Case pristine except for a few scratches. What felt like 20hrs later, arrived at Fort Lauderdale to a case with TWO wheels/same side so damaged one wheel was missing and the housing left was destroyed. Looking and failing to find a trolley I walked up to the tallest uniform and asked him for help. He told me to leave my case and he kindly walked me over to Delta office to make a claim. [The Delta chap gave me paperwork, told me to follow-up when I returned to the UK and he manhandled my case outside to a pick-up point bench o/side the terminal]. Great. Brilliant two weeks. On my return via Atlanta on evening Tues 7Nov, my limp case was checked in at Fort Lauderdale airport curbside - brilliant idea - 4hrs early. While processing, check-in staff just wanted me to repeat the word 'passport' while they shoulder-moved to 80s soul music. I obliged. Every time. Case must have been heavier with all those extra clothes. No worries: luggage was travelling right through to Heathrow. Sweeter. Arrived next day approx 10am Wed 8Nov to 11C and a case that was in shock: no wheels. The remaining two wheels were barely attached. Okay. My new Aerolite is now no longer fit for purpose. My Delta claim has been acknowledged but not yet resolved. The store owner was lippy when I explained that his "premium" product did not withstand standard international travel and is preparing a letter for my house insurers. What? My pristine no-claims-bonus contents? Apologies for length, succinct writing is an art. Do I have any other form of recourse available to me? I still feel hard-done-by. Am I being unreasonable, guys? Your opinions are welcome
  7. Hello Guys, I am looking for advice on best place to start with my issue. I have 2 years 9 month old Bosch washing machine purchased from online retailer washtech.co.uk which suddenly developed sevaral cracks in the outside plastic drum. Washing machine was working ok for a first year then touch screen controls started playing up and I got it repaired under warranty in October last year. No problem with controls since then but today my garage got flooded by the water during drum clean cycle. I took back panel off hoping it was a pump or waste pipe. Unfortunately external plastic drum had at least two long cracks. I understand I can try and get it fixed by retailer as it not lasted a reasonable amount time or fix it myself and then take them to small court if they refuse to pay for repairs. I just wonder if I could try to start with Bosch to see if they agree to repair it free of charge or provide some sort of report or their view on the fault? I was told by their technician that after repair they made I do not have any warranty (original warranty was running out in two weeks after they made repair). I know some manufacturers extend warranty after repair by another year. And Bosh themselves say they will give 12 month warranty on the appliance if they fix it. But I guess it is meant when you pay them or could it apply to any repairs? Thanks for reading!
  8. Hi I took my car to kwik fit in winsford today for a simple oil and filter change I received call saying that a button which I now know to be a oil valve has been broken from the oil filter housing and that my oil light has come on. When I arrived I was handed the broken plastic valve and told I need to go to another garage for the repair as he couldn't fix it he also recommended that I have my car towed and not to drive it he also refunded me for the oil change and filter. I took my car today to kwik fit in totally perfect working order only to pick it up in an un driveable condition. I am now left with a broken car and probably a very hefty repair bill because they broke it.
  9. Bought a car: - made in 2010 - 89,000 miles - Ad said: "car is mechanically excellent" - Paid GBP 2900 with debit card - Trade seller After 200 miles, car broke down (engine noisy, smoking and not going anywhere). Seller said I was driving the car with a problem, hence it's my fault. Called citizen's advice, got deferred to consumer helpline. They called today, saying: 1. The burden of proof is on ME 2. I need to take the car back and get an independent export report 3. I need to prove it is a "manufacturer's defect" All these 3 are totally contrary to what I have found via google. What in the name of Elvis is a "manufacturer's defect"? this is a 7 year old car! What to do? Bought car: 20 Jan 2017 Car broke down: 27 Jan 2017 Dealer picked up car for inspection: 2 Feb 2017
  10. Hi All, a few back ground notes. I bumped into a friend who I had not seen for a number of years due to moving out of the area. We reminisced of days gone past when he told me that he had just been in court for a hearing to get his invoice paid of a debt collection company (DCC) who had never produced any documentation to back their claim up. he sent them a unilateral contract based on performance. If they sent him evidence to back up their claim then this would be outside the unilateral contract and would not be chargeable. Send him anything else then it will be charged. he put in clam into their court for breach of contract non-payment of invoices. the debt collection company put a defence in and my friend put in an order to have their defence struck out due to no reasonable ground of success and a hearing date was set. Once in the court room the solicitor from the DCC motion the judge to hear the defence first. My friend said his should go first but the judge over ruled him, and said he wanted to hear the DCC first. The solicitor did not use what was in his defence pack but made broad statements in general and not specifics of their defence. When my friend got the chance to start his presentment he was cut short by the judge and not allowed to continue. The judge turned the hearing into a trial. He then summed up the case on what he believed the DCC was thinking not on performance of the contract. If he had been given the chance to put his case he would have destroyed the defence. He want to ask for a new hearing due to what had happened but he is looking for the CPR rules that judge did not follow so he can have a chance of a new hearing or appeal. can you help. What rules were not followed by the judge which would allow a new hearing or appeal.
  11. Hi, I have just picked up a car 530pm today reference and on my way home the car stalled in the middle of the road and it took awhile before the engine turned on again. when it did, multiple warning lights came on the dashboard 1. DBC (Dynamic Brake control) 2. ASC (Automatic Stability Control) 3. Engine Malfunction 4. Tire Pressure Monitor. Carried on driving but felt there was a problem decided to go to my friends house which was nearer from where I picked up the car from instead of driving it all the way to where my final destination is. The car was not normal to drive anymore had to make this assumption that its not safe to drive it any further as there seems to be no power on the engine. When I finally got to my friend's house, I sent a text message to the dealer as I know they were already closed at the time. to my surprise he replied and told him about the ordeal I just had within the hour of picking up the car. he said he is off tomorrow but asked me to call as he would sort it out with their mechanic. I have also called car finance 24/7 my car broker after sending the text to the dealer and was advised to get in touch with the dealer. I am worried that this may be a faulty car and have also sent an email to my loan/finance provider moneybarn too. I can be informed if what my options are if this is the case and was obviously conned which I am hopeful would not be. Please let me know if you any sort of advise. I am really frustrated. test drove the car and was assure it was in an excellent condition.
  12. Hi all, I hope I have posted in the correct forum. I am seeking advice on behalf of my dad, who lives in Edinburgh. Yesterday afternoon, when he tried to open one of the kitchen windows---PVC double glazing may be about 20 years old---he heard a mechanical crack and the top panel could no longer be pulled up and close. He called the insurance company, but was told that it would be considered as normal wear-and-tear, given the age of the window, and they won't cover the damage. He then called a local double glazing company to come and have a look, and a chap came and upon (according to my dad) a very brief examination said that the spring had snapped. He said that he cannot replace the springs on the day as it is a two men job, but will be able to close the window for my dad by removing the springs, and he can come back the next day to replace the springs. According to my dad, the tradesman then used what appears to be quite a lot of brute force to dislodge and break up the springs. At that time my dad was a bit worried that he might damage the frame, but did not say anything as he is no expert. Anyway, after some effort, the springs were broken into several pieces and removed, and the guy lifted the window up and tried to lock the panel up. However, may be due to age, the lock does not seem to be working fully, but he managed to get the panel locked in position---for the moment. Shortly after he came down the window panel crashed down too. This completely destroyed the frame and the panel. A new window is now required. The guy then said that he won't be charging the call out fee (90 pounds), but will charge another 60 pounds if he is asked to board up the window. Obviously my dad was quite upset, and did not want him to do more work. He also told my dad to call home building insurance as they should cover the damage, and then left. My dad called his insurance company again, but was told that they won't cover any damaged caused by workmen, and it should be the workmen's insurance who pays for the damage. Today, my dad called the guy again explaining the situation, but it appeared that the guy was trying to deny responsibility---claiming the window is old, and that my dad had forced him to do a two-men's job (which is completely untrue). In the end, he said that he is going to call his boss, and the boss will call back in a few days. They seem to be a very small company, with a rudimentary website. My dad has already called for an emergency repair from another company, and they managed to lift the broken panel up again, and temporally lodged it in place. But the window no longer seals, and wind blows in easily. My dad is anxious to get the window replaced as soon as possible, but is unsure if he will be able to get any money back without prior agreement with the trader's insurance company. And he is also unsure what to do if the company starts to play avoids contact, pass on the blame etc. I have advised him to instead of calling the company, write to them and keep all the paper records of correspondence from now on. And I would really appreciate any advice from fellow CAGers on what is the best way of dealing with this case, and if my dad would be able to get at least some compensation. He is happy to pay for the cost of a spring change, but replacing the entire window is totally unexpected, and of course a lot more expensive. Thank you very much for your help in advance. Any suggestions are welcome. WTLH
  13. Hello Everyone, On completion of my house purchase I arranged to change gas and electric supply from British Gas to Eon. When I moved in I called BG to advise of meter readings and that I didnt need the tarriff info etc as I had already instructed Eon to arrange transfer. BG advised they hadnt received the transfer notification so I contacted Eon. They advised that they had no record of transfer but I could set it up again online- which I of course did. A month or so later I received a letter from Eon stating BG had refused my transfer. A call to BG was made and they stated this was because I had a debit on the account for the first month - I set up a dd to cover this and any time in between transfer. I then set up a supplier transfer for a third time. I didnt receive any letters from either supplier and BG cancelled my DD so I presumed I was in the midst of the transfer process. Move forward several months later (today) and I come home to what I initially thought was a burglary. My dogs had been let loose and my internal doors were open. There was a letter placed on my sofa with an incorrect date 08/01/2015 stating BG had entered my property after obtaining a warrant and fitted a prepayment meter to recover non payment. The electric supply was in the room that my four small dogs were in and they decided to let my dogs roam free to get access and my sofa and kitchen were subsequently damaged severely by my very upset dogs. We had not received any letters from BG or given the opportunity to contest the warrant .I can not believe that this has happened. Can you please advise if this is legal and offer any advice how to proceed with a complaint. Your advice would be hugely appreciated. Thanks
  14. Hi, this is my first post so please be gentle. I recently had four tyres fitted at a local garage that I purchased through Black Circles, this was all fine and they seemed a reasonable bunch. My MOT is coming up so I booked it in with them for the following week. I also asked that once the MOT was complete could they align the wheels as the old tyres had been wearing unevenly. So far so good. I took the car in as planned and explained not to do the wheel alignment unless the MOT had passed. I was aware any part of the running gear that needed replacing would put the tracking out again. Still all good. It was a morning appointment and mid afternoon I decided to contact them as I wanted to know if I would have the car in time for the school run. I was informed that the car had passed the MOT and all was in order so they had moved on to the wheel alignment. I was then told there was a big problem and I would need to go in and see the car. I had asked for a full four wheel alignment. It turns out that whilst attempting the wheel alignment they cracked the aluminium rear sub frame. They explained they would get a local welder to have a look at it and see if he could weld it. Subsequently it turned out it could not be welded so I would need a new sub frame. They have now sourced and fitted a second hand sub frame and the car is ready for collection. I was quoted £270 + VAT for the sub frame and I am expecting it was a days labour. They did talk to me about it and I said go ahead as what other option did I really have. I had originally thought it was just one of those things but I am thinking otherwise now. When I took the car in I was expecting a bill in the £100 to £150 region. They supplied me a car to use whilst they fixed mine which says it is "£15 per period". I guess that is a daily rate. So all in all I am guessing I will be presented with a bill for around the £1000 - £1250 mark but I have not yet had that conversation as they told me the car is ready via voicemail. Obviously the sub frame was not cracked originally or how could the car have passed the MOT? So my question is this, should the garage foot the bill for the cost of the sub frame and fitting it? A quick response would be great as I know they will be on the phone very shortly. Hope you can help Ex.
  15. Had an issue over a water bill for some time which has resulted in non payment. Due to my somewhat poor state of health I've not had the energy to deal with things as well as I could do. So I've done the worst thing possible and ignored it until today. Searchlight Collections attended my property this afternoon. I was not at home at the time. The agent spoke to someone who came to my property to collect some belongings, they do not live here. They are a completely different gender to me also. From what I've been told the doorstepper had the cheek to ask for me and state that I owed money for a water bill and to make contact with them. They left a menacing looking card with a box ticked next to "An application for a bailiff or HCEO to seize possessions" ... I have nothing of value, I don't drive on medical grounds so really that course of action is not going to end well for anyone. They are also lacking a defaulted CCJ against me so I don't see how they could even do this without one! They handed this over to the girl at the property and left. They did not enter the property at any point. I received a phonecall from the lady in question and said that if he'd not gone to politely tell them that I was busy and not to be disturbed. Needless to say I'm rather angry that this clown has breached the DPA in this manner. Therefore I want to follow that up. I've no interest in discussing the account with Searchlight. I'd be happy to speak to water company directly however and get the billing issue resolved. How should I proceed in this? I don't want any compensation as such. However I do want to raise the pulse-rates for them a little bit. Thinking a letter asking them what they were doing and copy of their complaints procedure? Then threaten the ICO but actually raise the matter with them anyway? Tyia
  16. Hi. Back in June 2014 I purchased a table & Chairs set of ebay from Furniture Choice uk for £600. On Saturday when I was extending the dining table for the second time in two years, the tension wire snapped. This is causing the table to pretty much slide back and forth freely. I contacted Furniture Choice uk for some advice and they pretty much said to me they can't do anything for me as it's past the 12 month warranty period. Surely this can't be right. Is there anything I can go back to them with because I would of thought a £600 table should last longer then 23 months.. Any advice much appreciated. Link to the table I bought is below. h****P://w$£.furniturechoice.co.uk/Dining-Room-Furniture/Dining-Tables/Extending-Dining-Tables/Tokyo-White-High-Gloss-Extending-Dining-Table_250107.htm
  17. OK so here is a issue. I sold a mobile phone on eBay, been selling them for years with no issues until now. I have 200 positive feedback. Few weeks later the guy tells me the phone isn't working and opens a case. He writes. "The phone was working fine with the supplied sim card, as my sim card is the older type I had to cut my sim card down to fit the micro sim slot, now the phone will not read my sim card or the supplied sim card, I got a new micro sim card from my provider and it does not work either" So he says the phone was working fine with the supplied sim card, he cuts his to fit rather than use the correct sim and now it doesn't read any sim cards. He escalated this to eBay, few days later ebay decide in his favor and refund him. I contact ebay to enquire why has he not returned the phone to be told basically he gets to keep the phone as I did not refund him time, I stated I was arguing my case and was awaiting a reply only to be told tough, case closed. So to sum up I now owe eBay £97 for refunding him, he gets to keep the phone and I owe £9.70 in eBay fees for this transaction. I have appealed but case is closed apparently. I have cancelled my reimbursement method. What can I do? This is blatant theft assisted by eBay.
  18. Hi I have had my halifax account for 13 years. Its a cash card account with no credit facilities available on this type of account. I did a direct debit charge back for £1167 which the bank refunded but then took back and sent to merchant which left my account -£1167 . I never noticed this and they closed my account and placed a default on my account . When checking default I found that they registered it at my old address and sent all letters to that address . I complained and they admitted the mistake and gave a £50 goodwill gesture and said they would remove default if I pay within 30days , I said that I would pay but would need 6 months which they refused and said 30days or default stays surely they must have broke some guidelines here
  19. The boiler broke down yet again yesterday and the letting agency just keeps saying we have to wait for the LL to OK the repairs and the LL has to provide any portable heaters I may need, this house has no other means of heating than the central heating, only hot water is now from the kettle, I am classed as disabled and this cold house is making me feel unwell to say the least. what I want to know is there anything I can do or say to the letting agency to get some sort of heating device to keep at least one room warm? And am I entitled to any compensation for the lack of heating/hot-water, also how long is reasonable for me to have to wait for repairs please?
  20. Hi, I sent my mobile phone to be repaired on a shop as I broke the screen. They did this but the home button then didn't work properly so I sent it back as they gave a 12 month guarantee. Whilst they had it they completely broke it and said the home button will never work again. They sent me to another local store to if they could do anything but they couldn't. They then said they would order me a new phone. This was now over a week ago and it still hasn't arrived. They keep telling me it should be on certain days but it never arrives. I know for a fact I could buy a new phone and have it delivered next day as this is standard practice. Also I would be able to track the order in this day and age. They have offered me a loan phone which is just a cheap thing that only makes and receive calls and nothing else. I cannot even collect this as I work all day until late. I am 8 months pregnant and really need a phone. I cannot ever get hold of the regional manager that is meant to be dealing with it as he never answers his phone and only replies to emails with his false promises. Can you someone please advise on the best way forward. Can I just order my own new replacement and charge this back to them on the basis that they just keep providing false promises and I only have their word that one has been ordered. Also I am tempted to seek compensation for my out of pocket expenses for the travelling and waiting around that they initially made me do plus all the time I have to spend trying to get hold of the manager and emails I've sent. Any help and advise would be great. Thank you
  21. brought a corsa cat c repaired (was damaged in 2013 passed vic test) form a dealer who advertised the car as a cat c repaired car obviously price reflected the fact the car was a cat c fully repaired and had an mot in feb and on the road before this dealer got it .. i paid cash for the car garage gave me an invoice on the invoice he wrote no warranty dealer delivered the car to me no issues. car had to be parked up for 2 weeks as i didn't want to lose a month when i taxed it . the day came when i taxed it j umped in car driving around after about 50 miles there was a terrible noise coming from gearbox. took car to be checked the next day at an independent place who gave me the bad news the gearbox was shot worn bearing. called the dealer to explain this and to get this sorted straight away he said no warranty car sold as it is was not prepared to do a thing after numerios calls they finally said they would pay half towards the repairs . . obviously i have looked for advice . and the advice i have been given is the dealer has to either repair the car as its not fit for purpose due to the sale of goods act. and if he refuses then i can reject the car for a full refund , i have said this to the dealer who has said that's not the case as they knocked 500 off the screen price when we was haggling ??? bear in mind this car has only done 70 miles since it left the dealership thats including delivery . HELP any help and info with this would be appreciated
  22. Hi Guys, I hope your well. I accidentally cracked the screen on my work laptop today. The latop had been used prior to me being given it and was already scratched and scuffed by the previous user. I have the laptop connected to two monitors at work and have an external keyboard and mouse plugged into my laptop. I tried to log into the laptop this afternoon and the external keyboard wasn't working which happens from time to time and normally I would just open the lid of the laptop and close it again and this is normally enough to rectify the problem. When I open closed the lid of the laptop as I normally do today the keyboard still didn't work, and when I open the laptop for a second time a 3cm crack had developed on the screen of the laptop. I didn't use any kind of excessive force and the laptop still works perfectly plugged into the external monitors. The laptop screen itself still works apart from the area immediately around the crack that has gone black. I'm very worried that my employer is going to try and deduct the cost of the laptop from my wages which I really can't afford and i'm not sure what to do. The computer itself was hardly in the best of conditions anyway and I would feel extremely hard done by if I had to pay for a new computer which i'm sure my boss is going to try and make me do. I have though about getting the screen replaced out of my own pocket but this would cost well over £100 and dont see why I should have to incur such expense but at the same time this may be the best option instead of having to replace the laptop itself. Any help on how to deal with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  23. Hi, we spent 430 on a lay z spa Monaco hot tub. We bought it in may and it was delivered 25 th June. We've since had to replace the whole pump thrift lay z spa warranty and now it's gone again. We're feed up as we go outside to use it and it's not working. We have spent loads looking after it, correct chemicals cleaning etc. Can we take back to argos. Want money back Thanks
  24. Good Evening, I am having a few issues with a car I bought on the 26th August It is a 2009 Vauxhall Insignia 2.0t 4x4 SRI Picked up the vehicle from the trader at approx 5.30pm on the Tuesday evening, drove it 75 miles home and all seemed well Wednesday evening on the way home from work in it a message appeared on the dash stating "service charging system" and illuminated the battery icon Arrived home and turned off and then back on and the message had gone - oh well I thought, will check that later Thursday morning and evening on way to and from work the same thing - message appeared - Decided would look at the battery at the weekend as possible worn as per other cars I have owned Friday Morning same thing again, except this time it started throwing all other error messages and illuminating all other lights as it steadily shut down all non essential systems - pulled over and turned off - car dead, no attempt to crank, nothing RAC called and got car started via boost pack and attached multimeter to battery and diagnosed possible alternator fault as reading were 11.3 -11.6 volts - keeping the booster on the car managed to get it to local mechanic Mechanic tested the alternator which seemed fine and was outputting the correct amp on the bench, but will not charge battery in car. Took it to another mechanic who has better diagnostic kit and will run some tests on it tomorrow to try determine what the fault is Car came with a 3 month RAC warranty, to which I say isnt worth the paper its printed on! There is a £300 limit on the repair, including parts/labour & VAT! The alternator is dealer only and costs £523.81 inc VAT! I rang the dealer to tell them about the breakdown to which they said I have to deal with warranty - I stated the warranty is not sufficient and they are required to put it right. After days of chasing them they are saying they can supply the part, should it be the alternator cheaper than I have been quoted, to which I stated they must be quoted for the wrong part as I have been quoted the same from 3 different dealers and told the same amount by all three! They said they will check and let me know - that was Tuesday evening. No word today. I am now waiting for the diagnostic report - if it is something simple and cheap I dont mind paying to get the car on the road again, but £540 + labour is too much after just 170 miles!! I just want advice on how I can approach this with the trader - they seem adamant I have to use the warranty, which I dont want to as they will not cover the whole amount. Dependant upon the outcome of the diagnostic I will be taking it back up there on Saturday morning, and demanding they fix it. Should I take a formal letter with me stating they must repair or refund me? Not sure how to tackle this one to be honest! Sorry for the long post, just wanted to get as much info out so can get the best advice possible
  25. My friend who is a vunerable adult with certain mental health issues, recently awoke to the sound of people breaking in to his house. He text me and I rang him and he told me they had smashed in the porch doors and front door and were inside and he could hear them rooting around and having a laugh. He wouldn't go down and confront them, which I wish he had done as he could prove for sure they were in parts of the house that the gas meter isn't in. I phoned the police who turned up just after they had gone and my friend wouldn't answer the door. The police said the door was not broken and still locked. My friend told me that they had moved things from his porch into his hall and left a letter from Richburns in the middle of the hall floor. He agreed all the doors were locked when he finally went downstairs. He will not face up to the matter. He claims he had a bill of £1200 ish which was for only a year of gas - he only has a gas boiler as everything else is electric and they were only estimated readings and he was only 3 months behind - I have my doubts but I have not seen any of the bills. The real problem I have is, whilst I am aware that utility companies can and do enter into houses to change meters, they only had to go into the porch and change the meter in the cupboard out there. They had no earthly reason to enter the house. He has even found a key which looks like a lock picking skeleton key, again in his hallway. Unfortunately my friend is behind on many bills and I cannot help financially and have not the time to devote to sorting all his issues out - plus he is very abusive to me and makes a million and one excuses as to why he can't deal with it. He may be ill but I am not his whipping post! I am just about to email Keith Anderson of Scottish Power because I feel he needs to explain if they needed to break into his house when the meter was outside. Also, my friend said he signed up to gas with Sainsbury's years ago but this was sold over to Scottish Power but he never signed a contract with SP. Regardless of the rights or wrongs, it is a terrible thing for anyone to be awoken to the sound of people breaking in. I don't know if he got a Letter of Intent, as he just piles post up unread. He is also a clinical hoarder and so I feel these people should not have been rooting through stuff. Any advice as to how to deal with this would be great. Thanks.
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