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  1. Im not very good with technology I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place but I am desparate for some advice Im having a horrible time with utility warehouse. its causing me sleepless night and aggravating my health conditions. I have also had to have anti depressants put up from the stress and had to go to bed today for four hours after speaking to them. I am disabled suffer from anxiety stress and depression and also have CFS made worse by stress. I had utility warehouse on bills paid on time every month. sent meter readings as much as I could. (I had to get someone to read my meter cos A) im dumb and didn't understand them and b) I couldn't get to the meter it was low to the floor. After nearly a year they decided to tell me id been underbilled and owed a debt £500 £250 gas £250 electric. They came and put pay and go meters in and said I could pay back through them. They kept either not taking the payment or taking random amounts. One time I only had £5 left to top up and it took it and left me with £1. I was so fed up I decided to switch (not knowing they can object if you have debt, like I say im not very clued up at all) I tried to transfer to ovo, they allowed my electric to transfer, but not my gas. it was very stressful cos everyday id get a letter saying they were going to let me then they weren't. then I got a letter from ovo saying they now had my gas as well and I have been using their card to pay my gas. without problems. I phoned ovo to make sure this was correct and asked on the phone and they confirmed 100% they were as I asked them to. One month later I get a nasty letter from UW asking why I want to transfer. I phone up and said I had already transferred been using new company card and expected to get a letter from them regading making payment. They said I am still with them they wont let me transfer and they will send me their card which I need to use. I called OVO the new supplier 1 hour on phone to be told ive been misinformed, they do not have my gas its still with UW and they were so flippant like oh well we were wrong. yet ive been using their card for over a month top up. Im so miserable and stressed I have so many problems at the mo and health problems making my life a misery plus some scans and tests for cancer coming up which im so worried about. I have m/e and fibromylga get brain fog and really struggle sorting and understanding things. I don't know what to do or were to turn to sort this. it will take years to pay the debt with UW so am I stuck with them? and now am really let down by the new company who I thought wre great, and they have taken over my electric even though that had a debt with out taking the debt themselves. im so confused. any advice would be so appreciated. Thanks One fed up lady
  2. Hi Everyone Hopefully someone can help with this. Last week I had a card pushed through the letter box from Scotcall saying it was a first visit and that I had to call a number etc. No more info on the card stating what it was about. I called the number to find out what it was about and was asked a heap of personal/security questions. The call went round in circles as I would not confirm my details so they could not tell me anything. I told them to put the matter in a letter so I could consider it. I heard nothing via letter. Anyway since then Mr Scotcall has visited my house no less than 4 times. Twice when I was not in so I just ignored that as no point calling them for the same nonsense. When he actually caught me at home the first time in he asked me to confirm who I was and I would not. He then gave me a sermon about his role for Scotcall and how he was to put us in contact with each other etc. I said tell them to put whatever their issue is in writing and I will not have any discussion with you. I politely closed the door and told him to leave. He stood there for a good five mins and then eventually left. He has now just been back again and I repeated what i said the first time that i will not talk to him and i want it in writing. He has a fleece type jacket on with scotcall on it and a badge with scotcall so basically the world and his wife walking past will assume I owe money and think they know my business. Anyway he stands there again after I politely say 'jog on' and after a while sticks another card through which says 'resolve call' on it and that he will call again. Twice now I have told him not to call again and i am sick of the humiliation of it...after 4 visits you would think he would give up. I believe this may be part of a debt I disputed some time ago and it is not a huge amount of money either - around 700-800 quid. I asked some questions in a letter to the original company re evidence of this supposed debt and heard nothing back so left it but I guess the debt has been passed on to these scotcall/resolve call people now. I really am reluctant to engage in any discussion with these people now, debt is probs around 5 years old anyway. I just want to stop this man turning up at my house all the time - can anyone give me a clue as to how I do this?
  3. Hi, we spent 430 on a lay z spa Monaco hot tub. We bought it in may and it was delivered 25 th June. We've since had to replace the whole pump thrift lay z spa warranty and now it's gone again. We're feed up as we go outside to use it and it's not working. We have spent loads looking after it, correct chemicals cleaning etc. Can we take back to argos. Want money back Thanks
  4. Hi all I'm looking for some help and advice please. It's regarding the amount of junk mail that gets pushed through my front door on a weekly basis. You know, local free weekly paper stuffed with the usual rubbish. Today is Thursday, this is an inventory of what has been dumped behind my front door so far this week (4 days worth)... Estate Agents ad card Chiropractic ad card (A5) Direct Line mini booklet Pizza Hut vouchers in ad leaflet (A3) Local shopping centre Christmas leaflet (A4 folded) Indian restraint booklet Toys R Us mini catalogue Ernest Jones watch and jewellery mini booklet Pizza Hut voucher leaflet (A4 folded) - yes another one! Bus travel leaflet Specsavers booklet Sainsbury's £15 off turkey leaflet Clique fashion magazine (100 pages) BT Sport ad leaflet 2 envelopes non address specific This is just since last Saturday and to be honest I'm getting a little hacked off with this unsolicited rubbish constantly being dumped in my house. I've recently had a new front door fitted and I put a Dymo label printed message across my letter box. It says "Addressee Only - No Junk Mail". This sort of worked for a few weeks but it's being ignored now I feel. I know there is usually an upsurge in this unwanted marketing strategy at this time of year but seriously, even at the best of times it's got beyond a joke. Is there anything I can do or do I just have to put up with it? I don't want to have to put up with it, I see it as nothing more than littering to be honest. I can't afford to get a new front door fitted that has no letterbox (letters to go in small box fitted to the wall). Is there anything I can do? Thanks in advance. Scott
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