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  1. My stepson left the house seven years ago. He had numerous debts. Since then I have had a long battle with various debt collection companies etc. I am sure you know what I mean constant telephone calls, letters etc. i actually won an out of court settlement with one company and have stopped all the rest sending letters or ringing. Today I got knock on the door. A man was there and stated he was from"RESOLVE". I asked to see his I.D which was refused. He then asked to speak to...............asking if he lived here. I simply stated it was none of his business and he was to remove himself from my property. If he did not I would ring the police. He then went to the house next door and started asking questions concerning my stepson etc. LOL my next door neighbour was not as polite as me and told him to Foxtrot Oscar. He then left the street. This came out of the blue. There was no threatening warning letter, no telephone calls. he would not even give the full name of the company. As any one had the same experience with this company? Secondly How do I make a complaint when I am not 100% which company it is.
  2. Hi all just wondering about the doorstep collectors using their own cars and if standard insurance will be enough or will they need something like hire/reward policy. sorry if this has been asked before.
  3. Hi guys, hope everyone is well. Been on this site a few times and think it is a superb tool and helps us against the bully boy company's out there who try and feed on hardship and vulnerability. Hopefully I can add some advice or help in the future. I have a question of my own if anyone can help. Today I had a doorstep visit from a company called Fidelite. They asked who I was so I asked who he was and his face was a picture. I never gave him my name and told him politely to jog on. He is chasing a loan debt that I took out in 2004 and haven't paid or acknowledged the debt since at least 2006. I am sure the debt is now stat barred. Question is did I do the right thing. Regards and thanks in advance. Staffy.
  4. Hi everyone, sorry I'm posting a lot. Bailiff from Marstons arrived at doorstep at 8:57pm says I have to pay £797 for unpaid car tax. i ghuess it relates to a car I sold last year. I never received a magistrates summons. he says I have to pay tonight or he has to enter the property and document belongings etc... what can/should I do? thanks so much
  5. Please forgive me if I'm going over old ground and the info I seek is already out there but I'm very distressed and up against time. I have an outstanding debt to a private members club which despite my disputing the charges ( i cancelled the membership when i hit hard times) has apparently gone to court I received a NOTICE OF ENFORCEMENT a couple of weeks ago for the sum of #1200 approx from CES.. ..asking me to pay or make an arrangement by 21st July I am used to being sent intimidation letters by DCA's and I took no notice this morning 22nd July two CES enforcement people turned up at my door demanding nearly 2700 pounds that apparently includes further costs as its gone to high court.. ..to be honest they took me by surprise at 6.30 this morning and I was going to pay but haven't got this sum available.. .Ive told them I will look to sort it today to buy time now I dont know what to do to avoid what they say is next which is a warrant for my arrest as well as removing goods (which I know they are not entitled to do if my small knowledge serves me right. HELP! Do I try to make an arrangement with the company? What about these exorbitant extra costs? Any help very gratefully received as Im at my wits end! Thank you
  6. Hi Everyone Hopefully someone can help with this. Last week I had a card pushed through the letter box from Scotcall saying it was a first visit and that I had to call a number etc. No more info on the card stating what it was about. I called the number to find out what it was about and was asked a heap of personal/security questions. The call went round in circles as I would not confirm my details so they could not tell me anything. I told them to put the matter in a letter so I could consider it. I heard nothing via letter. Anyway since then Mr Scotcall has visited my house no less than 4 times. Twice when I was not in so I just ignored that as no point calling them for the same nonsense. When he actually caught me at home the first time in he asked me to confirm who I was and I would not. He then gave me a sermon about his role for Scotcall and how he was to put us in contact with each other etc. I said tell them to put whatever their issue is in writing and I will not have any discussion with you. I politely closed the door and told him to leave. He stood there for a good five mins and then eventually left. He has now just been back again and I repeated what i said the first time that i will not talk to him and i want it in writing. He has a fleece type jacket on with scotcall on it and a badge with scotcall so basically the world and his wife walking past will assume I owe money and think they know my business. Anyway he stands there again after I politely say 'jog on' and after a while sticks another card through which says 'resolve call' on it and that he will call again. Twice now I have told him not to call again and i am sick of the humiliation of it...after 4 visits you would think he would give up. I believe this may be part of a debt I disputed some time ago and it is not a huge amount of money either - around 700-800 quid. I asked some questions in a letter to the original company re evidence of this supposed debt and heard nothing back so left it but I guess the debt has been passed on to these scotcall/resolve call people now. I really am reluctant to engage in any discussion with these people now, debt is probs around 5 years old anyway. I just want to stop this man turning up at my house all the time - can anyone give me a clue as to how I do this?
  7. Hi folks, hopefully someone can help. Bought and moved into a house a couple of months ago, it is an end terrace house. The front door of the house is on the side and opens into a shared driveway. The legal set up of this driveway is I believe like this: I own a 1/3 share of and have right of way across it both on foot and by car to access a gate to my private driveway at the back left of this shared driveway, and then to the road. The other 1/3 of the shared driveway is owned by the landlord of a block of around 10 flats accessed via a pedestrian gate towards the back right of the shared driveway, and the other 1/3 is owned by the owner of a massive warehouse further back and the access to which is through a closed gate which spans the whole width of the back of this shared driveway but which I have never seen used during the time I've been here. I don't have a car so I'm not bothered about not being able to access the large gate to my private driveway. My issue is that various people are parking on the shared driveway (they do not live at the flats, they are just parking to see somone who works in the shops nearby) , and sometimes this means that when I open my front door there is a car less than 2 feet in front of it. This makes it tricky to go from my front door to the street or back, especially with shopping etc. I'm aware of certain things in the highway code that say you shouldn't do something like this, but I know this isn't law. Is there anything I can do to make the problem go away? If I call the police or council would they be able to do anything / tow the offending car away? If it has any bearing, at the front of shared driveway where it meets the road is a double yellow line and on the outside of that is a single white line. Any help appreciated, thanks!
  8. Came home to a letter and notice from Marston Bailiffs. original client was thames valley magistrates court, who issued a fine to my husband from DVLA as they did not receive logbook information of new owner. This has escalated from a £40 fine to Marston claiming they have a warrant of control and will force entry for an outstanding sum of £620.00. Could someone please let me know if they are allowed to force entry for a warrant of control and how on earth did the debt reach £620? Please help as I have no idea what to do.
  9. hi there could anyone help me i'm having a problem with getting a phone number for GR FINANCE LTD and my agent will not give me it the problem is that, i was wanting to take out another loan with the company but now my agent is saying that he wants my bank details instead of collecting the money at my door as usual I do not know much about this company as my agent will not tell me anything but say its safe and everytime i search for it i can not find a phone number anywhere.
  10. hi everyone! im just wondering what my rights are if debt collectors turn up at my house. do i have the right to tell them to get off my property as they are trespassing? im in scotland. if they refuse should i call the police? or forcefully remove them with minimum force? im just looking to know my rights, thanks everyone!
  11. This lot have been harassing an employee where I work for a Wonga loan from 2009 which was repaid but apparently there was interest outstanding and charges have been continuously added till the amount they are chasing now stands at almost £1,100 (apparently just over £200 was owing in 2009). Despite several carefully worded emails being sent to them - they have not responded (no surprise) and this morning intimidating texts and voicemails were received stating that an agent would call at their house unannounced to asses their living standards. OP got angry and rang MMF "doorstep team" - spoke to little smart$$e who advised that they were perfectly within their right to come to the door and assess living standards - OP advised they were recording the call and the MMF guy had a bit of a splutter - he was then advised that the police had been informed about the threat and if they continued to harass then OP would be happy to let a county court judge look over the charges and decide the outcome. Parting shot from MMF was - we WILL be sending someone to your home no matter what you say .........
  12. Hi i have had 2 door step collector to my door in the last two weeks from robinson way i have been intouch with them and advise not to but they are still sending them i do owe them and offered a token payment any advise pls:shock:
  13. About a year ago I came home to find a card from a doorstep collector collecting on behalf of Lewis Group, I sent of a letter withdrawing any implied right of access to my property, I never heard any more from them after that until today when I came home (I've been working away from home since January so been away since then) and found another card from a doorstep collector on behalf of Lewis Group. This card had something about a Pre Enforcement Visit on it, and had the same name and number as the doorstep collector on the other card. There was no date or time on the card so I don't know when this visit was. I've got a few debts but none which are being handled by Lewis Group and I can't recall any other correspondence from them - I keep all letters regarding my money problems but nothing lately from Lewis Group. As I've already sent them a letter withdrawing any right to visit my property is there anything else that can be done? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you
  14. Ive been away on holiday and came home to find a card posted from above company saying to get in touch to sort a repayment plan etc with the agents name and phone number. Its a debt form Capital one for £794 a nd having looked on my credit file i defaulted on this in 9/2/2008 is that when i made the last payment? Being in Scotland can i have the debt Statue Barred as its 5 years and i have never written to them to acknowledge the debt.
  15. Hi, Hopefully this is posted in the right area. My girlfriend has received a few letters from BCW chasing her for an outstanding debt of 8K from Aktiv Kapitol (think that's how you spell it, haven't got the letters with me!) Firstly the letters are in her married name. She has been divorced nearly 2 years and has been using her maiden name again for the last 3-4 years. She has never had a credit card/agreement with Aktiv Kapitol, so has ignored these letters. After looking through these forums, i now believe they have probably taken over the debt from someone else. She has checked her credit report, which shows an entry for Aktiv Kapitol starting in Sept 2007 and defaulted as of Oct 2009, although there are no other entries for this and no payment was ever made. There are no other credit cards/agreements shown as in arrears/defaulted. She and her ex-husband got into financial difficulty before they split. She is still on the mortgage of their house, but as it is in negative equity, the mortgage provider won't release her from it until it is in profit and he can remortgage on his own, which i can't see happening anytime soon. She lives with me but is a stay at home mum, with no income of her own other than child benefit and child maintenance from her ex. I pay all the household bills for us all, so she just spends what little money she has on running her car, phone bill and stuff for herself and the kids, obviously supplemented by me where i can. Bear with me as i'm nearly there! She has now received a letter from BCW stating that they are now going to send round a door step agent?? What if any powers do these people have, if in fact the debt is actually hers, having been passed on from an old credit card? She has no possessions of any worth and has very little money coming in. As she is now living with me, can anyone go after any of my assets? Can my income be taken into account if she has to come up with any kind of payment plan? Any advice gladly received. Great forum by the way!
  16. Hi, I have a WDA loan which MMF claim has now been assigned to them, i have sent through a CCA request with the £1.00 po on the 9th july and revoked their right to a doorstep visit in the same letter, today however i received three letters from MMF.. 1st letter giving me notice that Mackenzie hall have assigned the legal and beneficial rights, title and interest in respect to this debt, 2nd letter threatening a doorstep visit 3rd letter stating that "in relation to your notification of your revocation of the doorstep license regarding our intention to send an agent to your home to discuss the debt. i can confirm that we are fully aware of this as we ensure that we fully comply with the OFT guidance regarding debt collection and visits by agents. you are not correct in your assertion that , under OFT rules we can only call at your home if you agree to make an appointment. The debt is not reasonably disputed or deadlocked, and we are giving you reasonable notice of the timing of the intended visit. In law a creditor is in a different position to a postman or a member of the public asking for directions. when you took this loan, you impliedly agreed that the creditor could communicate with you to discuss repayment. you do not have the contractual right to revoke that agreement until the loan has been repaid. yet you have frustrated our attempts to discuss the matter with us by letter or by telephone, we will not disregard any reasonable requests you make as to the timing or method by which we have those discussions. unless we hear further from you with such a request we therefore give you notice that our agent will be calling at your home address to discuss repayment of this loan. So there is no mention in any of these letters about my CCA request and it seems they can just visit anyway......any advise would be greatly appreciated. Swish1903
  17. A agent / male has visited our house when I have been out and spoken with my wife but will not hand over any paper work or business card stating that I must be the person to receive the paperwork. Apparently he has been polite enough but will now give his name but only gave his company called bdw legal but after searching I cant find anything to contact them. Only option is to wait until the next visit. My question is why wont they hand over a business card when call at the house after 8pm ? and whats the legal time to be allowed onto the home owners land ? Also is he trespassing if not invited ? and should he offer identity which we should be allowed to check ? Thanks for any info.
  18. Hi guys, My sister received a letter for council tax arrears from Bairstow and Suitor a few months back. She contacted the council and has been paying the arrears back monthly directly to them. On Saturday morning at 8am, a doorstep collector from Bairstow and Suitor turned up at her door to discuss the debt. He had a statement of the payments she'd made to the council since she made the arrangement, but claimed that because she had not informed them that she had made an arrangement directly with the council he was obliged to come and discuss this with her and promptly charged her £66 for the visit, which she actually paid. As I typed that, it seems even more unbelievable than when she told me! Am I missing something here? How can he come to discuss a debt that is already being dealt with, and charge for the privilege? Is there any way she can get that money back? Thanks in advance for your help folks.
  19. Hi, I came home tonight to find two HCEO on the doorstep trying to collect £6815.87 apparently owed from a Money Order, breakdown as follows: Judgement Debt - £5122.55 Judgement Costs - £0.00 Costs Of Execution - £111.75 Assessed Solicitor Costs - £0.00 *Interest To Date - £173.74 *HCEO Fees - £1532.78 Total Outstanding - £6815.82 As you can imagine this came as one hell of a shock, this all dates back to May when we moved out of our last rented property, the landlord refused to carry out any of the repairs we continually complained about, heating systems that didn't work, taps that ran constantly, a bath you couldn't use, the first time we did water came pouring through the ceiling and ruined the leather suite, the list goes on. The property was managed by Reed Rains, we moved in on 15th December 2012 and out on 15th April 2013, the £1200 deposit has disappeared, the landlord doesn't have it and the deposit protection service has no record of it ever being submitted. I had refused to pay the rent as the repairs were not being carried out, rooms were left totally unusable over winter because of the heating not working. The landlords solicitors sent me a letter stating they were seeking eviction, I replied informing them we had found another house and were moving out, we moved out and left the house in an immaculate condition. Since then I have not heard another word from them until the HCEO's turned up today, they have left a Form 55 seizing my Car (bought for £400 5 months ago and probably worth 2) yet they have driven off without it, I understand this to be Abandoned Levy? I have spent 20 years self employed and am signing on JSA now as times are tough but I still report any work done to the job centre and need the car to get to any jobs that may come up. I have been told to get straight to the court tomorrow morning and enter an N244 stating all the facts and ask if there is a judge available to act on it immediately, also the usual 'Keep doors, windows closed and locked' etc I know how to deal with Bailiffs but this is my first run in with HCEO's - can someone please give me some advice urgently? Jayce
  20. hello, not sure if this is in the correct place, if not could someone let me know. anway, i had a scotcall doorstep person call at my house last week. he showed me credit card sizes id and asked about repaying a debt. told him that i would contact scotcall direct. he called me on my mobile and asked if i had alled them, as it was close to debt being sent back??? not sure what to do. do i call and talk or write and request my cca details??? am sure i wrote to them requesting no doorstep comtact. many thanks
  21. Hi all Received a letter from a company called Inter-Credit International Ltd regarding a debt with Affinity water it states (I will cut out the unimportant bits) I note from our records that .................... Having reviewed your file............blah blah................................it will be beneficial to both you and our client for a personal visit to be arranged. Our Doorstep Recovory Officer will therefore attend your premises at 6:30 pm on 04 March 2013 to discuss this debt. blah blah blah blah Yours sincerely ...................................... I am sitting here now(6:55pm) no one has arrived, I am armed with my 'get lost we don't have an appointment' letter and was wondering if anyone has dealt with these before. I have search the forums and the net and they don't appear much at all, and was wondering if I am the first of many. thanks Simon
  22. Hi, First post and I was hoping someone could please help me. I had debts when I was younger, I moved house in 2005 and recently started receiving letters from lots of different random companies claiming I owe money. I ignored them as I don't believe I have any outstanding debts, credit rating excellent etc. now a man turned up at 8pm last night and spoke to a relative claiming I owe money to GE Capital from a 2000 account/store card, and that the last payment received was in 2002. He left his card so I called him and told him I am not aware of this debt and any debts I owed were paid off years ago. I said I believed this debt, even if it existed, would be banned now as its over 6 years. He laughed at me and said this is a massive company and I owe them money and they will take legal action. I said they can do that as I am not handing over money for a debt I am not aware of. He said he would send it back to the company. I requested no one comes to my house again, he said its my address so they can. I said if they wish to pursue it it needs to be through proper legal channels. Was I right or wrong? I am pretty scared and live back with my parents.
  23. hi.. any advice please ..got home yesterday and found a card in door from an agent from moorcroft re HALIFAX..asking for total of 235.00 and please ring.. .i havent a clue what this is for. ..i used to have a halifax account about 2 years ago ..it was a basic account with no overdraft or anything. ..havent used this account for a few years. ..i know i didnt ask for a visit. ..and dont know what to do. ..i know also i will not be ringing him. ..as i dont want to converse with these....
  24. MMF are trying to collect on 2 accounts, both Payday loans. I have sent several requests to MMF asking for proof of my liability to the alleged debt plus a full breakdown. MMF have continued to ignore my requests and have continued to send emails and letters with their usual threats of court and doorstep collection. I sent a recorded letter on Monday 26th November and was received and signed for by MMF on Tuesday 27th November telling MMF that ALL Communication MUST BE IN WRITTING by post, and no telephone, e-mail or text contact will be tolerated, Furthermore I expressly state that I have no wish to make any appointment for any agent, representative or employee of MMF Ltd to visit my home, should such a visit occur the person will be invited to leave failure to do so and will result in their removal using any necessary means. I have requested a full explanation and proof of my liability for this alleged debt along with a full breakdown of the alleged debt and MMF have failed to provide any data in this regard; therefore I do not acknowledge any debt to MMF Ltd., or any company you may claim to represent. I have also sent an email to Baranby Page & home visits with the same information which has been read... Fast forward to this morning whilst in the shower I heard a knock at the door and Ignored it. Through my letter box was 2x letters from MMF, hand delivered. The leter states "I have now been instructed to visit your property to discuss repayment. I am your local MMF Doorstep Agent and although disappointed that I could not meet you today, I am constantly in your area and a revisit can be booked. Why are these people ignoring me?
  25. Hi These Muppets have tried to visit me at home when I was out at work and they knocked on my neighboughs door and asked if he knew where I was after he said at work they tried to get my neighbough to tell them where I work as they have financial reasons to contact me urgently. My neighbough who is also my best friend told them to sod off and he would be letting me know. This was done despite them receiving a letter telling them that I would only correspond with them in writing and that they would be no appointment made for a doorstep visit. They are surely not allowed to do this and what is the best way forward to deal with these parasites Thanks Steve
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