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Found 13 results

  1. I have a debt under my DMP that is now with NCO Europe I presume they are merely the collectors for the original business-Direct Line Loans. Can anyone offer advice about this?
  2. I want to take a small claims action against my council but I do not know to whom I address the suit/claim. I mean in a normal law suit it would be the CEO, XXXX Ltd, but in the case of my council should I sue -'The Mayor and Burgesses Council xxxxxx' -& address the claim to him, or do I address the claim to the - CEO of London Borough of XXXXXX ref, TVs 'The Sherrifs are Coming' and they had high Court write against 'The Mayor & Burgesses Havering Council' . Thanks for any help.
  3. Hi I work for a small business which has no HR department. It's a combination of the administration manager and the finance department who deal with any HR related matters. I'm leaving the company and have asked for a note of my remaining holiday entitlement. They are saying I have no remaining annual leave as I've taken it all. I haven't. I've only taken 5 days. They say I've taken 16 days (I wish). I can prove that I was in the office on the days they say I was on annual leave but it's a proving to be a battle. When I first handed in my notice I was told I had quite a bit of remaining leave. As soon as I say I want to use some of it, it disappears. Can they take away holiday entitlement? What are my rights as an employee if they refuse to correct their records? The holiday year starts on the 1st April, I'm leaving in October. This has happen before but with sick leave. I was reprimanded for taking too much sick leave after being off for 3 days with the flu. When I asked to see my sickness record they had me off for 8 days. Again I could prove I was in the office on the additional 5 days. They only corrected their records when I threaten to get the union involved. I don't want to do this again, I want to leave peacefully. It's a great company to work for, it's just a shame that the HR side is in a shambles. I'm the only person who carries out the type of work I do. It does create problems when I'm not in the office. Holiday requests are a chore and when I do finally get a holiday my line manager is constantly on the phone and e-mail asking me to do work. Booked holidays are cancelled at the very last minute. Same with sickness. Those 3 days I took off, they were constantly checking on me each day. Even when I was sat in the doctor's reception - every 10 minutes, "have you seen the doctor yet?"!! My theory is the additional sick leave was a ploy to ensure I didn't take anymore sick leave in the fear I would lose my job. Needless to say, this disappearing holiday entitlement does not come as a surprise. Thanks B
  4. The ASA has made a ruling on Amazons 'Free Delivery' http://tinyurl.com/hrfwzqc
  5. I face a massive fine I can't pay because I ticked the box on my prescription saying I was eligible for free prescriptions. This is because I am on working tax credit I asked the chemist if this meant I got free prescriptions (I was on benefits years ago, i forgot how it works with prescriptions). He said yes, and I ticked the box and got my fee prescription. Then I got a letter saying I was being fined (including what my prescriptions should have cost) £139. I realise, having tried to appeal unsuccessfully, that the onus is one me to read the form and know if I am eligible or not. Fair enough (not really as I've read a lot of accounts of this happening and by now chemists, dental nurses etc, should have been told that they shouldn't falsely tell someone they will be free, they should either have the right information or be told 'read the form, I cannot tell you, and if you get it wrong they'll fine you £100+) but the fine is so excessive I can't pay and feel it is unfair and don't want to pay. You can tell me I am in the wrong if you like, and should pay. But my question is has anyone actually been taken to court to recover the money? I've looked around the internet and can't find anyone who has. So what if I just don't pay, what will happen? Thanks.
  6. Hi there, long time reader first time writer! Hoping someone can clarify the most up to date advice please? I've received a NTK from Athena ANPR Ltd for a "Civil Parking Charge Notice" for £90!!!! for overstaying in a carpark at a Lidl store. I hadnt noticed any parking restriction signage. The store was due to close shortly after the vehicle was parked and was closed well before the vehicle left. Alleged Infringement date was 24/03/16. Date on the NTK is 31/03/16 Date received was 02/04/16 There is no mention of schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012. There are 2 photos on the document showing only the vehicle number plate and headlights (the rest of the photos are very dark), they are supposedly from an ANPR system which has overlayed some text stating that the first photo was taken on entering the car park (with the time) and the second on exiting (and the time) I've not made any contact with Athena ANPR. The document states that the appeals official body is the IAS, and also that the company is a member of the IPC. I've had an inappropriate invoice from a ppc before (as a NTD) and have read into their poor operating standards and manipulative and bullying tactics. .. and at the time the advice I read on-line was just to ignore the NTD, which I did, and they never followed it up. This time around I saw a post stating the advice had changed and so I was hoping someone might be able to confirm if my best action is just to ignore it or to write back stating that they will need to take the matter up with the driver of the vehicle at the time and that I'm not obliged to disclose that information to them since they are not a local authority or police constable etc. Many thanks in advanced!
  7. Hello all, Just started my new job two weeks ago in security dept on four days off and four off rota that includes nights as well 7pm-7am and 7am-7pm shifts. Basically i left my previous job and had to take a salary haircut for this new role but i was not happy in my previous job so i left. At interview stages It was said to me on email i am on 28 days paid holidays. However, in the last week i found out that from other colleagues in my dept that its actually 20 days holiday. Now i feel a little down because even though i was not happy with my previous job i was paid more at least a £1000 more a year and i was on 28 days holiday (bit more as working on bank holiday will got me 2 lieu days) but i can't go back to it as it is now taken. I don't know if i want to as well but i took my current role on premise as i was told on email by HR director i will be on 28 days holidays. So not only wages (however i knew about that and not so perturbed about it) but also taken a holiday cut, you can imagine 8 days less holidays makes a difference. I read my contract of employment after confirmation of email from HR stating my salary and 28 days holiday like a small print rapidly. It says 20 days including public holidays. My query is i accepted the job offer from email send to me from HR stating 28 days holidays and now feeling let down with 20 only. I have not raised with HR yet but may do in coming days. I also spoke to ACAS and they pointed out to me that because of hours i am doing i have statutory right to 28 days holidays. they encouraged me to raise with HR. Question is how can i get them to re-write the contract of employment while others in dept are on 20 days holidays. How to deal with this as i am only 2 weeks into job, in probation period for 3 months meaning that i ma afraid they can just say well if you not happy with it you can leave. Anyone has experience of it or can advice me. How can i successfully turn it around. Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi, First time poster, long time lurker, so be gentle! My partner had an old mobile phone debt being chased by Lowell for 3 Mobile. I sent them the Prove it letter in 2011 back not acknowledging the debt and requesting the credit agreement. They sent back one page of an overdue mobile phone bill as proof. Nothing else. The debt would have become statute barred at the end of this month. Fast forward a few years, and it now turns out they issued a CCJ for £350 in January to an old address she has not lived at for 6/7 years, whilst sending threat-o-grams to our current address and our previous address to this one. She has had a letter from Bryan Carter Solicitors yesterday informing her that the CCJ is now in arrears of £150. This was the first we'd heard of any CCJ being issued, never mind arrears, and only today has it appeared on her Noddle credit report under her old address. We have heard nothing from the court at all, but thats understandable given they were provided the wrong address. The noddle report says its £350. They now want £350 for an original £70 debt, which was increased to £209 in 2011, and are adding on these CCJ arrears. My partner has no job (not claiming benefits), no property and no real items a bailiff could repossess. We rent and I own all the items in our flat. I know nothing about CCJ's but a quick google indicates we'd have to pay £155 to apply to have it set aside. They are demanding the CCJ arrears for £150 to be paid in full immediately. I don't know if this is Bryan Carter adding this on, or this is court ordered. We are not married but could they repossess my items as we share a home? What should we do now? Hopefully I've given enough details but please do ask if I've neglected to mention something.
  9. This lot have been harassing an employee where I work for a Wonga loan from 2009 which was repaid but apparently there was interest outstanding and charges have been continuously added till the amount they are chasing now stands at almost £1,100 (apparently just over £200 was owing in 2009). Despite several carefully worded emails being sent to them - they have not responded (no surprise) and this morning intimidating texts and voicemails were received stating that an agent would call at their house unannounced to asses their living standards. OP got angry and rang MMF "doorstep team" - spoke to little smart$$e who advised that they were perfectly within their right to come to the door and assess living standards - OP advised they were recording the call and the MMF guy had a bit of a splutter - he was then advised that the police had been informed about the threat and if they continued to harass then OP would be happy to let a county court judge look over the charges and decide the outcome. Parting shot from MMF was - we WILL be sending someone to your home no matter what you say .........
  10. Can anyone advise me and confirm my own thoughts on this situation please? I have had a letter from Barclaycard about a debt that I had accrued due to my lack of employment. The matter came to a head in June 2009 when I took issue with them sending me a formal demand as I had been paying for PPI.........or so I thought. They said not and I took them to the FOS for a decision. I won the claim and in February 2010 Barclaycard offered a payment of about 10% of the debt outstanding. I suggested, via the FOS, that given my employment status, Barclaycard took this themselves in full and final settlement. In March 2010 their Senior Customs Relations Manager wrote to me saying they would pay the refunded charges as a credit to my account in full and final settlement, I subsequently heard no more from them at all for 4 years and therefore assumed it was all was over and done with. Today I received a letter from Barclaycard, as attached, claiming the original full amount they wanted in 2009. There was a second letter which was a formal demand for the full amount payable within 28 days. Clearly they have not paid themselves the amount agreed with the FOS or, if they have paid it, it has not been credited to my account and certainly not used in full and final settlement.... ..so who has had it I wonder? It is now 4 years since the awarded amount was accepted by me and Barclaycard have not made a single phone call, nor have they sent any letter or statement to me in that time. 4 Years and no contact until now, one has to wonder, why not? Their letter says they have identified and error and apologise to me for it. to me, it simply looks like an effort to cover up their continued ineptitude and get me to call them, thereby accepting the debt and making it “live” again! So a simple question, do they have a leg to stand on here?
  11. I drive coaches for a (meesly) living. I always take large groups of people to a variety of places. When I get there, I have to figure out how to "legally" deal with my vehicle when it comes to the issue of "parking". Usually, coaches are allowed in designated coach bays, for free, as long as you are there. However, not all places have coach bays or specific coach parking. I cannot begin to tell you how confusing it is when coaches are not specifically dealt with. I rarely carry cash so getting tickets is often impossible. Work should fund me, right? Works view is that I'm not parked if you are with the vehicle. If you leave the vehicle secure and/or unattended, that's how they define parking. I agree with them. The problem is translating that view into real life. If coaches are not specifically dealt with, the signs usually say something like "find a space, park within the lines, pay for your ticket, be a good boy". These terms are obviously aimed at cars. My coach can take up 7 or 8 spaces, even at the bottom, out the way. I recently got asked to pay for a ticket or leave. Having no cash on me, I felt obliged to leave so I parked the coach just outside the car park on the access road that had no parking restrictions but it caused an unnecessary obstrution, so much so that the warden asked me to repark back in the carpark. I refused so he called the Police who said there was no reason for me to reenter the car park, nor leave the place I'd now stopped in, even though it was causing problems for the patrons if the place I'd just dropped off at. So, my question is 2 fold. Where it is unclear how to deal with my coach, by staying with the vehicle, am I parked or not? If sitting in the vehicle DOES constitute parking AND I've no cash on me to get a ticket, if I have to leave but cause problems elsewhere, am I better off staying inside the carpark and plead that I'm not parked as I'm still with the vehicle as work say? In my contract of employment, they expressly state I'm responsible for speeding, parking, tacho fines and seatbelt fines. I'm stuck in the middle when coaches are not specifically catered for. Any coachie people out there with experience of ths "parking" issue?
  12. Hi, I ve been searching the forums and used the templates etc. Basically, I have 4 PDL and its spiralled out of control. I've taken ownership and contacted them to offer repayment based on available funds. I have provided them with income and outcome figures, then divided the rest based on percentage amount. Wonga are just ingnoring me and Im getting no where, so I itend to send a letter instead of email. MEM gave accepted and Ive made 1st payment. However, P2P / QQ are demanding I fill out a complete income and expense form. This is after two weeks of counter offers to extend my loan with different amounts and time, with questions about my personal life each time. Im not sure what to do next. Do I have to fill out a complete I/E form they have sent me or do I just reply back with the two figures with an explanation. I'm just wary as it all seems to be game-play?
  13. Serious question. I can't find any evidence and wonder if anyone can help. (Yes I know the web site is non-compliant with the law and openly admits it's not independent and merely a monkey to the usual organ-grinder, but that's not my question)
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