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Found 2 results

  1. Hi I work for a small business which has no HR department. It's a combination of the administration manager and the finance department who deal with any HR related matters. I'm leaving the company and have asked for a note of my remaining holiday entitlement. They are saying I have no remaining annual leave as I've taken it all. I haven't. I've only taken 5 days. They say I've taken 16 days (I wish). I can prove that I was in the office on the days they say I was on annual leave but it's a proving to be a battle. When I first handed in my notice I was told I had quite a bit of remaining leave. As soon as I say I want to use some of it, it disappears. Can they take away holiday entitlement? What are my rights as an employee if they refuse to correct their records? The holiday year starts on the 1st April, I'm leaving in October. This has happen before but with sick leave. I was reprimanded for taking too much sick leave after being off for 3 days with the flu. When I asked to see my sickness record they had me off for 8 days. Again I could prove I was in the office on the additional 5 days. They only corrected their records when I threaten to get the union involved. I don't want to do this again, I want to leave peacefully. It's a great company to work for, it's just a shame that the HR side is in a shambles. I'm the only person who carries out the type of work I do. It does create problems when I'm not in the office. Holiday requests are a chore and when I do finally get a holiday my line manager is constantly on the phone and e-mail asking me to do work. Booked holidays are cancelled at the very last minute. Same with sickness. Those 3 days I took off, they were constantly checking on me each day. Even when I was sat in the doctor's reception - every 10 minutes, "have you seen the doctor yet?"!! My theory is the additional sick leave was a ploy to ensure I didn't take anymore sick leave in the fear I would lose my job. Needless to say, this disappearing holiday entitlement does not come as a surprise. Thanks B
  2. I have been a British Gas customer for several years and in several addresses, not because I think they're great, but because 3 house moves ago they failed to provide a monthly bill for 9 months and then hit me with the lot a couple of weeks before that xmas. I spent the next 3 years sufficiently in arrears as a result that I was unable to switch. For a home occupied mainly at evenings and weekends by 2 adults and a teenager I was paying £4-500 per month. We moved house again at the end of July and informed British Gas (again). I was asked to pay a deposit for both new gas and electricity accounts (£125 and £90), was given a sales order number for each account and advised that it may take "up to 2 weeks" to set up the accounts. I have signed in to my online British Gas customer page every week since (nearly 3 months), only to find the same sales order numbers and the new account setup status as "in progress". Until today. There's nothing there. Where have they gone? Why? Who is my energy supplier? Do I even have one??
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