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Found 13 results

  1. I was checking my Noddle file and found a CCJ against me at my old address. It says it is still active but it is over 5 years old. I have no idea what it is for as I was living at the address at the time and already paying another CCJ off . I would have responded to this. My question is should I let sleeping dogs lie until the end of May next year and let it drop off after 6 years or should I query who it is from with the courts? In doing so would I reset the clock with whoever brought it against me?
  2. Mystery of 2 unknown British soldiers finally solved READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/mystery-of-2-unknown-british-soldiers-finally-solved
  3. Apologises in advance if this comes across as a little vague but I am asking the question on behalf of my sister who is not a CAG member and as such I don't necessarily have all the facts. She received a letter from Mortimer Clarke Solicitors who are acting on behalf of M E III in regards to a debt of £1000 that they claim went the way of CCJ and remains unpaid. She has looked at her credit report and can see no sign of a CCJ and says she has never had one on there after I pointed out to her that if it was over 6 years ago it wouldn't appear on her report anyway. Rather foolhardedly she therefore ignored the first letter but has now received another letter from them stating that they are going to get an attachment of earnings. So I guess the first question is could there have been a CCJ that never appeared on her file? This seems unlikely I know but historically Ive had the experience of being in a joint IVA and it only appearing on my file not my wifes for some reason. With the above scenario seeming highly unlikely would the debt be statute barred based on it being over six years old? I have read that in some cases the court will revive the debt but am not sure what is required to trigger this. Finally what should her next step be as wouldn't any communication from her be seen as acknowledgement of the debt and therefore void the 6 year period anyway?
  4. I have been a British Gas customer for several years and in several addresses, not because I think they're great, but because 3 house moves ago they failed to provide a monthly bill for 9 months and then hit me with the lot a couple of weeks before that xmas. I spent the next 3 years sufficiently in arrears as a result that I was unable to switch. For a home occupied mainly at evenings and weekends by 2 adults and a teenager I was paying £4-500 per month. We moved house again at the end of July and informed British Gas (again). I was asked to pay a deposit for both new gas and electricity accounts (£125 and £90), was given a sales order number for each account and advised that it may take "up to 2 weeks" to set up the accounts. I have signed in to my online British Gas customer page every week since (nearly 3 months), only to find the same sales order numbers and the new account setup status as "in progress". Until today. There's nothing there. Where have they gone? Why? Who is my energy supplier? Do I even have one??
  5. http://www.itv.com/news/tyne-tees/2016-04-13/are-you-the-darlington-dogs-trust-mystery-knitter/ And the advertisement.... https://www.dogstrust.org.uk/news-events/blog/2016/introducing-our-new-special-someone-tv-ad
  6. Hey Folks Mystery Shoppers will shortly be introduced at the restaurant I work in, They will be filming the server covertly, whilst we know this will happen we obviously don't know when. I've looked around online but most conversations veer off into CCTV territory....not quite the same...can we refuse to allow this? My interpretation of the DPA would be that this is excessive for what it's being used for....I've also seen that they can't replay the video without permission or an exhibition license? Whilst the server is being covertly filmed, I would assume the whole meal is filmed, so what would the implications be for other servers eg those bringing you your food and indeed other customers who will surely be caught in the filming process... Any advice appreciated!
  7. Mystery missed call on your mobile? It could mean a bill for hundreds of pounds as new phone [problem] hits Mobile phone regulators and operators have warned that customers are being be left with bills running to hundreds of pounds after receiving mysterious missed calls that then trigger outgoing calls to premium rate numbers lasting several hours. The communications watchdog Ofcom said it was looking into cases where huge bills had been generated from calls to 0845 and 0843 numbers following missed calls to the victims that were not answered. Several instances reported by the Daily Mail involved calls to claims management firms that pursue flight delay compensation. In the cases detailed by the newspaper, the premium rate calls lasted up to 12 hours and generated bills of up to £300. The report said all cases seen by the newspaper involved Vodafone. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/mystery-missed-call-mobile-could-145434862.html?cache=clear
  8. Hello, I have just checked my partner's credit report as we are applying for a new tenancy (our rented house has been sold, we have 6 weeks to get out). I was shocked to find 2 CCJ's that neither of us had a clue about. They were both registered at previous addresses long after we'd moved on, so no claims/summons were ever received. The credit report does not show who the claimants were, or what they were claiming for, and neither does the online register of judgements. How do we find out what the hell these are for? Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi all. I got a letter from Moorcroft in April asking me to contact them urgently to discuss an overdue account; very few details given, date and amount was missing for eg, creditor was shown as Arrow Global. I contacted them by letter and informed them that I didn't acknowledge the debt and that my credit report was perfect, showing no late payments/defaults etc, so the debt would be statute barred in any case. They wrote back to say the account was on hold while they looked into it. I received a letter saying that they had heard from the creditor (who were no longer Arrow, but Vodafone) and that the debt wasn't statute barred because they had received a payment from me last year on Aug 5th.. Absolute rubbish! I've had a contract phone with o2 for the last 11 years, so even if the vodafone debt (for £100 odd) were mine, it had to be from well over a decade ago. I checked with my bank in case I had had a temporary lapse in memory/sanity and had made a lone payment. Of course, I hadn't, not to Arrow/Moorcroft or Vodafone, neither in August or the last 6/7 years we checked. I have printed off a letter, so could someone give it a read and let me know if it's any good please? I'm so unbelievably angry about this (irrationally so), and I'm racking my brains to try and remember whether I (stupidly) may have signed my last letter to them. I doubt it, but would you put it past them to try and lift my signature? Would I be able to prove that? here's what I want to send them. Thanks. Dear Sir/ Madam. I received a letter from you in April, requesting payment for a debt allegedly in my name. The creditor was Arrow Global (who I now understand are your sister company). I disputed the debt in writing, and as my credit report had no mention of it, declared that even if the debt were mine, it would clearly be statute barred. I received a response from you that the account was on hold and that you would respond within 30 days. I received your response, that you had spoken to the creditor who informed you that the debt was not statute barred because I had made a payment on the 5th August 2013. This is absolutely false, I would never make a payment for an account/debt that I did not acknowledge. I contacted Moorcroft (who said that the creditor wasn't in fact Arrow Global but Vodafone) to reinforce this and also informed you that I had checked with my bank, and NO payment to Moorcroft/Arrow Global/Vodafone had been paid, either in August 2013, nor as far back as 7 years earlier. After seeking legal advice following our telephone conversation earlier today, I am no longer just disputing this debt, I am now requesting proof of the debt and in particular, this payment. I suspect fraud has been committed and wish to be able to present any forged payments claiming to be from myself, to the police. If you are alleging that I paid by credit/debit card, I would like the account/card number and sort code; if by cheque, the account number and sort code, and if by postal order, the PO details. I know, with 100% certainty, that I have NEVER made a payment for this alleged debt, either to Moorcroft, Arrow Global or Vodafone. I am also sending a copy of this letter to the OFT to add to their files, as I feel strongly that you are ignoring my assertions that this debt, if mine, is clearly statute barred and continue to harass me for payment. I have never acknowledged this debt. A ''relevant acknowledgement'' as stated in the OFT Guidance 2003/2011 is made by ''(a) making a payment and or (b) An unequivocal acknowledgement in writing that the obligation still subsists''. If you are still insistent that this is my debt and do not have proof of payment to provide to me, then you should absolutely take me to court. Sincerely,
  10. My sister has applied for a mortgage and has been declined due to a debt with a collections agency that was sold to them by Lloyds TSB. She had a bank account with few pounds in credit that had been dormant for a few years she moved house and forgot about it. Apparently a cheque was written (she says it wasn't her) it bounced resulting in a charge this has then increased + interest + more charges etc and turned into a £200 debt. All correspondance went to her old address as she moved and didn't give them her new address as she'd forgotten about the account. I think maybe they sent a cheque book in the post and the new tenant wrote one out to himself? -just a possibility Lloyds won't tell her anything ie date of cheque amount etc they say as account is closed they can't talk to her and she has to write in? Her main concern is getting the mortgage, obviously though she doesn't want to pay the £200. How can she get it off her credit file? What's her first step a complaint letter with a SAR?
  11. As owners of a static caravan for the past two years, returning to caravan at start of season, we were flabbergasted to find, amongst other problems, what can only be described as a drawer or door handle screwed to the wall of the bedroom above the bunk bed along with a few stickers warning of maximum weight age etc. Next morning we told the site office who looked surprised and were clueless as to how it got there. The site has keys for the caravans so we pointed out they must have given someone access, they said they would investigate. Next news was they remembered letter from swift asking for owners details, site told them they could not give out personal details, so, site claimed swift must have done it. But how did they gain entry. They said they would investigate. Next news...they thought it might be another caravan owner having the work done and it may be a case of they got the wrong caravan, but.. How did they get in? Oh yes,...they will contact swift. In the meantime £ 50 has been credited to our account for good will gesture... Not admittance of guilt, we made clear it was not taken as acceptance of issues sorted. Last news.. It was something to do with health and safety and the callback of the caravans.it could not have been site because they would not have made mess nor would have the stickers that were used, we pointed out again that someone must of had a key, it sounds like tresspassing, the handle is a hazard for children's arms as it is only slightly wider than a pound coin away from the wall., and we would contact swift... the site then said they would contact swift again as they had only spoken to some girl who wasn't high up just first contact person. Still waiting for call back from site, manager away untill tue..hmmm. If anyone could understand all that and could comment on safety laws on bunks or site owners obligations towards use of spare keys or tresspassing laws for static caravans. Tried googling this problem and nothing comes up, cannot even find evidence of caravans being recalled for bunk issues. Thanks for reading if you got this far lol
  12. Hi All, I bank with Natwest. As a result of their recent outage I missed a loan repayment. I received an apology from them and was told that it would not affect my credit score. I decided to check this out online the other day. I got reports from Equifax and Call Credit. I was somewhat surprised to see an "AP" entry for my current account from the month before the outage on my Equifax report. There was no such entry on the Call Credit report. Curious, I have queried this with Equifax. Equifax told me to speak to Natwest. They are, of course, currently snowed under with complaints so I may have to wait a while to get a response. I understand that AP stands for Arrangement to Pay and is applied when a person in debt renegotiates with the creditor to pay less than the required amount to satisfy repayments. Whilst I was in my overdraft at the time, no payments were missed and at no point have I exceed it. I am a bit confused, therefore, about how the AP marker has got there. Would I have had to have agreed something for it to go on? Would someone have had to have warned me? I am completely lost. The plot thickens because this AP marker does not appear on the Call Credit Report. Do they not use the same information? I am wanting to apply for a mortgage in the next few weeks (hence paying off said overdraft etc) and am concerned that this AP marker will affect me, particularly as Natwest aren't in a hurry to get back to me. My credit rating remains at the top end of the "fair" bracket, despite the hit that the AP marker has caused. Help, anyone?
  13. Hi. I've been in dispute with Lloyds TSB over an unenforceable credit card for nearly 3 years. Lloyds TSB & their various DCA's have accepted the account is unenforceable but they are still passing the account around on the DCA merry go round - which is fair enough. Recently I received a letter from Lloyds TSB acknowledging my payment of £10 on to the account back in February - except I haven't made a payment on this account in almost 3 years. I am fully aware of the issue of the debt being legally time barred after 6 years and have no intention of making any payment to Lloyds TSB that may alter the date my debt becomes legal time barred. 2 months ago I wrote back to Lloyds and Fairfax Solicitors (who were then pursuing the debt on behalf of Lloyds) and made it clear to them that I hadn't paid a penny toward the debt in 3 years and suggested that this appeared to be nothing more than a blatant attempt to push back the legal time barring of the debt (i.e. the 6 years begins again). The next thing I get is a letter from the solicitor saying they've closed the file but almost immediately Robbers Way write to me. Has anybody else heard of Lloyds TSB of anyone else applying payments to accounts which they allege have come from clients?
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