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  1. Hi everyone I don't think there is anything can be done aboit this situation but I thought I would ask. My daughter booked a last minute caravan break at the weekend from a private owner who rents her caravan on a caravan site. She paid £50 bond and £40 per night for four nights. The caravan was not like the photo's she advertised as the pictures must have been from a few years ago. The van was dirty, loose electric radiators propped against the wall, fridge seemed warm, flooring a trip hazard, these are just a few things as the list is endless. My daughter took photo's but they could not afford to go anywhere else as they had paid the owner, so she cleaned up a bit and they decided to stay. They went out for the day the next day and on return they found the fridge was not working and all the food and milk had gone off due to the hot weather and the van was full of ants. She rang the owner who sent her brother to the van to look at the van and even he said he wouldnt let his kids sleep in the homemade bunk beds or shower in the filthy shower but I guess that would be his word against my daughters. My daughter decided that she couldn't let the kids stay in the filthy van another night so they came home. She contacted the owner who said she would give her her bond and £80 back after she had checked the van. Today not unexpected should I say, she said my daughter left the van in a bad state by spilling bleach in the toilet and kids drawing on the table, all of which are lies but once gain its her word against my daughter. My daughter rang the site where the van is kept and they won't do anything and that they do not inspect the vans. I just wondered if there is anything that could be done and also what could be done to stop this woman getting away with renting out a dangerous van. Thans Alamand
  2. I bought a caravan in August 2016, during the process was somewhat misled with the purchase and how beneficial it could be. I can afford the repayments, but unfortunately the information we was given on purchase wasn't 100% accurate and our homework wasn't as thorough as it could be, so now we are in a position where we cannot afford the site fees for the caravan and are now looking at the caravan being evicted off the park. This however leaves us in a bad spot as there is nowhere else for thee caravan to go, and moving it off site is expensive. The whole game is wrapped right up. I purchased the caravan for £11995. I paid a cash deposit of £5691. I took out a HP agreement on the remaining balance of £6304. Looking at my HP agreement for options, there is an option to "Terminate the HP Agreement" which for us would probably be the best solution. The text reads as follows: Reading this, the amount payable is exactly 50% of the total amount of the van. The cost of the HP, including the interest at 12.9% is £7997.28. £7997.28 + the cash deposit of £5691.00 = £13688.28 50% of £13688.28 = £6844.14 Reading this, then the agreement includes the cash deposit. Therefore, in order to make the total of £6844.14 I would need to make 7 monthly payments on top of the deposit to have the ability to terminate. However, speaking to the HP company, it appears that the total that should be in the Termination section is incorrect. I don't really want my credit report to be destroyed over this mistake as I am looking to be buying a house in the next 3 years. Please can you help? My main issue is that the balance for the VT is wrong. The balance for VT should be 50% of the amount on finance, not the total amount of the entire purchase. When I phoned the creditor, they confirmed that it was wrong. Basically, the amount to VT should be 50% of the finance, which including interest is 50% of £7997.28 = £3998.64. However, they have taken the full balance including the cash deposit into consideration. My question is, where do I stand now. If the entire balance, including the cash deposit is taken into consideration, then I have paid more than 50% of that agreement as my cash deposit and the 7 payments made to date exceeds the 50% mark. If they do not take the cash deposit into consideration, then there is an outstanding balance, but the agreement I have in front of me is wrong. My issue is that if the latter is applicable, the caravan will need to be put somewhere until the 50% is paid unless the creditor will take the van off me and agree for me to continue making payments until the 50% is reached (but that doesn't change the fact that the agreement is wrong). Please can you advise me on this. Several people, including myself, believe that the policy is incorrect and therefore void. What's your input? Please note: I have also posted this query on another site (Money Saving Expert), but am looking for solid advice so looking here too. Apologies to any member who has read this on there too.
  3. I know this is only small change but we went on holiday in August and put a £50 deposit down on a caravan (private owned) this was to cover costs of any damage refundable upon return home as long as there wasn't any damage. It was forgotton about till I mentioned it to the wife in late October she checked her bank and noticed it hadn't been paid back so she text the women who was away on holiday out of the country till early December and said she would check herself when she got back. We got a text message on the 17th December apologising saying she had checked and noticed she hadn't given it back and asked for bank details to refund back. heard nothing for a week then got another text to say sorry she had been working and it had been busy she would sort it over the weekend. Its still not turned up nearly 2 weeks later so my wife text her again yesterday and her text has gone ignored. Just wondering at this point if it was worth taking the matter further?
  4. I have just purchased a second hand caravan, I had the van inspected by a MCEA approved technician at the dealers and no serious faults were found. But very shortly after purchase somebody pointed out a non standard wall in the bathroom, taking his advice I decide to have a new inspection done by a different technician, and its not good, serious damp in the bathroom and front walls conservative estimate about twelve months use before it starts to fall apart unless lots of money spent. The walls had been expertly covered by a faced board in order to hide the damp,the normal metre with two prongs would not have found the damp but the chap who did the second inspection had a bit of expensive kit that can look through walls and find problems behind any false wall which is how he found the damp. I took delivery of the van on the 18th of August and as its under thirty days I rang the dealer today to ask for my money back or the cost of the repairs paid, both refused, he said it was nothing to do with him as I had had the van inspected before I took delivery and no serious faults were found and he had not put in the walls or tried to hide any damp. Going to speak to trading stands tomorrow but not sure if they are going to be much help. Any ideas please!.
  5. brought our caravan on finance through evergreen finance ltd in august 2014, have paid on time no problem every month, but its starting to get a bit much, as our situation has changed, my health has changed my benefits have changed yet and we are struggling. have spoken to evergreen and they say no way can they help other than to defer payment for up to three months then for the next three will have to pay double to catch up. they refuse to let us pay less and over a longer time saying you signed the agreement that's it. that if I want out of the agreement I will have to stop payments then they will write to me give me 16 days to pay then they will contact the courts as we will have paid over £12,000 (we paid £6,000 deposit) and have been paying £358.07 every month since august 2014 they say that they can repossess then we will have a poor credit rating, and you wont get any credit anywhere.... they also said that we could sell through the park but that the park would want to take a percentage so we would have to sell above the outstanding amount....but then we've still lost £11,000+ really don't want to give it up, any ideas about what we can do to get out of this situation, we have looked at refinancing but because we rent our house we are stuck, no one will take over the finance as we have no other collateral. we are at the end of our tether no knowing where to turn next, any advice will be gratefully accepted thanks in advance
  6. My elderly relatives have purchased a static caravan near the coast for retirement but have had some issues and I was hoping someone here with a sharper brain than mine could help as they are old and very distressed after spending a huge chunk of life savings. The caravan is only 18 months old but already starting to rust away. They were hoping that it would last at least 15 years which is what was promised when sold. The site have written to them stating that the caravan is indeed faulty but as they had no knowledge of this at the time of sale they feel that the caravan was sold in good faith “as fit for purpose.” The site have proposed a repair in good faith as the caravan is outside the 12 month guarantee. Several other have been repaired nearby in the last 18 months and all have been subject to several problems and repeat repairs as it seems that once they are taken apart they are never the same. My understanding is that after 12 months the onus is on the consumer to prove that the fault was present at the time of purchase. And they have admitted this in writing.
  7. Hi, I have a family living in a caravan on my land. What notice do I have to serve before applying to the County Court for a possession order. I understand it is a Trespass Notice. Many thanks.
  8. I want to purchase a static caravan with cash, so no purchase repayments. Neither do I want to make a profit. I see it as 'buying memories'. Does anyone have any experience of renting a caravan out to cover the ground rent and insurance costs? Is this a realistic ambition? thanks.
  9. Gregory Transport, (Somerset), wants caravans banned between the hours of 6am and 6pm in the months of July and August. Wouldn't it be more sensible to ban lorries during those time and even more sensible to ban lorries from taking a couple of miles to overtake another lorry so blocking the road. I think there are a lot of caravaners, (and non caravaners), who might have something to say about that. The man is demented.
  10. long story short ! caravan purchased on finance agreement. then refinanced to pay for move to another site. been on new site for over 5 years, but due to health and financial issues, defaulted on payments over six months ago. then got a short letter saying defaulted and for 'key to vehicle' to be returned [!] at this point it would appear the finance company didnt know it was a caravan, not a car. have paid more than the required % that means they have to apply to court for return. now been issued with court date to say seeking return of vehicle and costs to remove and court costs as well as balance of debt [balance calculated to include all remaining interest rather than the settlement figure which is about £1200 cheaper]. so my question... if/can i voluntarily surrender with no further costs? OR if i go to court and plead circumstances, then i appreciate judge cant amend financial agreement so what likely hood of me getting to keep caravan and reduce payments and increase term? **************** adding to the problem is the site have refused my offer to pay the outstanding site fees by lump sum and then monthly payments to feb 2014 to clear the debt. they have notified me of their intention to sell - i have advised there is finance attached to the van. all done in writing. i have asked them to confirm the van is still sited as at todays date. ALSO caravan site have confirmed in writing that finance company rang them to see if any site fees had been paid [it implies they gave them the negative information] and the finance company told them that i had not paid my finance installments. ANY RECOURSE HERE?? for breach of confidentiality? **************** i am minded to surrender if an option. but also due to ongoing financial issues may have to sell my house to clear debts, and having now bad credit history will struggle with private landlords, so the caravan was my fallback.... have not told site i could pay site fees in lump sum if pushed; rather keep the money for longer if no caravan !! THANKS CHAPS (and Chapesses) FOR READING
  11. I packed my caravan away for winter on a registered caravan storage site. Yesterday I went to the site and pulled the cover off only to find a 9 inch dent and scratch on the side. It is clear that the owners to the caravan next to me had done the damage, there is even a scratch to the bumper which is the same height etc to the damaged to my caravan. The owner of the site spoke to the owners of the caravan and surprise surprise they denied ever damaging my van ,but they noticed that my cover had a rip to it. They must of noticed that when they where looking at the damage they had done!! I like them have insurance but why should I suffer when it is clear that they have done the damage but it comes down to there word against mine. Sorry to whinge on but I am so annoyed is there anything I can do so I dont become the injured party here?
  12. Hi I have had a new caravan on order since October 2012 order direct for manufacturer we asked for delivery early April this year as we use it for specific sporting events, after chasing them we were told 16 April that came and went then told beginning of May that has passed now told late June but no firm date, my issue is that we have now paid out for 3 hotels for 3 events booked a site at £135 for the next race in 2 weeks but will not have the van, we were due in Europe this week that has been canceled, ferry's are booked for Europe for Mid June but we still do not expect to have the van, none of the above is refundable, I have now asked for a full refund of the deposit so I can buy elsewhere but they have refused stating clause 7 on the contract, during this processes I have been the one chasing dates at no time have they been upfront with providing dates. Delay In Delivery The seller will use reasonable endeavors to secure delivery of the caravan and the accessories on the delivery date specified in schedule b but shall be under no liability whatsoever for loss occasioned by delay in delivery. dates for delivery specified in schedule b are estimates only and time for delivery is not of the essence of the contract
  13. As owners of a static caravan for the past two years, returning to caravan at start of season, we were flabbergasted to find, amongst other problems, what can only be described as a drawer or door handle screwed to the wall of the bedroom above the bunk bed along with a few stickers warning of maximum weight age etc. Next morning we told the site office who looked surprised and were clueless as to how it got there. The site has keys for the caravans so we pointed out they must have given someone access, they said they would investigate. Next news was they remembered letter from swift asking for owners details, site told them they could not give out personal details, so, site claimed swift must have done it. But how did they gain entry. They said they would investigate. Next news...they thought it might be another caravan owner having the work done and it may be a case of they got the wrong caravan, but.. How did they get in? Oh yes,...they will contact swift. In the meantime £ 50 has been credited to our account for good will gesture... Not admittance of guilt, we made clear it was not taken as acceptance of issues sorted. Last news.. It was something to do with health and safety and the callback of the caravans.it could not have been site because they would not have made mess nor would have the stickers that were used, we pointed out again that someone must of had a key, it sounds like tresspassing, the handle is a hazard for children's arms as it is only slightly wider than a pound coin away from the wall., and we would contact swift... the site then said they would contact swift again as they had only spoken to some girl who wasn't high up just first contact person. Still waiting for call back from site, manager away untill tue..hmmm. If anyone could understand all that and could comment on safety laws on bunks or site owners obligations towards use of spare keys or tresspassing laws for static caravans. Tried googling this problem and nothing comes up, cannot even find evidence of caravans being recalled for bunk issues. Thanks for reading if you got this far lol
  14. Hi all, This is probably a unusual one, we bought a small caravan site 12 months ago, 45% of owners were unhappy with ownership and 40% wanted to actively sell their units, during the past 12 months things have changed and only 2 units wish to sell, they have been up for sale with an estate agent (we don't take commission or any fee at all) one of the units wishes for us to buy back their unit. we got 2 local dealers to come in and give us a price both were £24,000 & £25,000 this unit was bought 7 years ago for £170,000 it's a holiday unit only, now the owner is saying they will accept £75,000 they marketed it at £100k we are struggling to see the value in this unit and what we could do with it. A brand new unit would cost £70,000 any suggestions/thoughts ?? I'm sure if we bought it at £75k people would think we will have ripped them off, but we don't actually want it, we would need to borrow the money the bank are saying 14.9% so it will cost us £11,250 a year in interest.
  15. In August of 2011 I bought a holiday chalet that was advertised on Ebay. The chalet was sold to me under pressure because they ‘apparently’ had somebody waiting in the sidelines ready to buy it if I didn’t……I Know! It’s a well known sales tactic and I shouldn’t have fallen for it. However, I did, now I’m tearing my hair out and feel a fool! I was presented with the ‘licence’ to read while I was in his car being driven to the site office to then arrange the handover and change of ownership. When in the site office they offered me no advice to dissuade me from buying the chalet and calmly took my £50 handover fee. If they would have asked me the simple question, have you read the licence conditions? Or do you know that the chalets have a very short life? I would have backed out immediately. I feel very disgruntled about the way I was conned and feel that the site manager, who has now been sacked because of dishonesty, was in on the deal with the chap who sold me the chalet......where was the 'duty of care' on this site? I found out about the huge mistake I made a few days after I bought the chalet. I learned from chalet neighbours that all of the approx. 20 chalets on the site were in fact doomed and were going to be demolished in 2015/16 to enable the park owners to have only static caravans on the site as it was far more lucrative for them. Far too late I know, I read the licence and sure enough, it did say that the licence would expire in 2015. I immediately knew that I’d been conned and of course, felt a fool. I went to see a solicitor about trying to get my money back but was basically told that I had very little chance of getting my money back. So I just accepted that I’d been conned and accepted my fate, and got on with it! However, only a few months ago, a couple of weeks after I had paid the site fees for 2013 season, I became very poorly and lost my well paid job. I decided that I must sell the chalet so I approached the site office to get permission to advertise it and to ask them if they would extend the licence a couple of years to increase my chances of selling it, they said I could sell it but refused to extend the licence, even though there is a chalet next door that has two more years on their licence! This annoyed me as I know that they will only start demolishing the chalets when all the chalet licences have expired. I then called the sites head office to ask them why they wouldn’t extend the licence to improve my chances of selling it I spoke to his secretary and I put this question to her “I know that I won’t be able to pay the £3.600+ fees due in October this year I am now a pensioner and my income is less than 10k so what happens if I can’t sell the chalet?, to which she just replied, “Well, we’ll have to cross that bridge when we come to it won’t we?” Not very helpful at all! Despite only asking a couple of thousand for ownership of the chalet and even offering to give it away to another interested party, nobody wants it! The costs of owning the chalet and paying site fees, council tax, insurance, gas, elec and water, amounting to approximately £4.500 pa just to be on the plot frightens them off! I don’t know what to do now. How do I stand if when the invoice demanding £3600 comes in October this year arrives? Please help!
  16. Hi, my Dad purchased a static caravan in October 2012. He purchased it for £37,000 with £16,000 of their own funds and the balance on a Hire Purchase agreement with Black Horse. Black Horse being the finance company that the caravan site dealt with. In January he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He is now looking to sell the caravan as they will need the funds for more important purposes. The Black Horse agreement states that one third of the loan needs to be paid before the caravan can be sold. However, the sales chap at the caravan site who sold them the caravan originally has stated that they can sell it now. I'm not really sure on the legality of this and would appreciate any advice on what we can do to sell/redeem the caravan. Any advice will be gratefully appreciated. Thanks.
  17. How much of a hold does a site owner have when trying to move to another site,
  18. Morning all My husband and I have owned a static caravan at a large commercial holiday park for 4 years now. We have, since the very first year, had problems with the park's drains and septic tanks whereby the tanks are not sufficiently able to handle the amount of sewage passing through them and, as a result, raw sewage has erupted from the ground a couple of meters from our caravan on many occasions, where my 2 young children play. When there has been heavy rain, this has only made the problem worse. The story is a long one, but at this point I would be very glad of some advice as to where to turn next. We have complained many times to the park itself. The General Manager of 2011/2012 (there has been a new one every year we have been there!) approached Head Office. They shirked all responsibility. I then wrote to the General Manager and sent in photos. Still nothing. I then turned to the British Homes and Holiday Parks Association. It said that if offered an arbitration service. I forwarded them the letter and photographs, along with a further letter and further photographs of another eruption. Far from "arbitrating" they simply sent my letters and form to the General Manager of my park! Whose response to my pages and pages of letters and photos was half an A4 piece of paper, basically saying "sorry, not our fault". The BHHPA then simply wrote to me and said "here is their reply, we take it this is an end to your needing us". To say I am angry is an understatement. We are selling our caravan this year (assuming we can!) as it has caused so much stress, plus the now extortionate ground rent is simply too much for us to find each month. In any event .... is anyone able to assist with some advice re my next step? I simply don't know where to turn to next. I was going to write to the Head Office myself, as their only correspondence so far has been through the General Manager, but not sure this will do any good. Is there anyone out there who actually sets the rules and regulations that the park owners have to abide by? Many thanks for your help. Victoria
  19. We have been given a static caravan on a site we were already sited on. The site owner has qouted £500 to disconnect and remove our original caravan. However, he is charging us an additional £500 for transfer of the caravan we were given by my parents. In the park regulations it says family members pay 15 percent of the cost price to the site. As there was no payment involved for the ownership of this caravan, our we within our rights to quibble this charge. No other work has been mentioned, or needed. The caravan will be taken over by us, exactly as it was left, all connected etc. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. New user on this forum.
  20. Don't know if anybody knows the answer to this. If a holiday caravan or lodge park claims to be a member of a trade association and included the trade association logo on its website, what's the procedure when a park is suspended? Should they still be showing the logo to say they are members? Any comments gratefully received
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