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  1. I got into work today to be told that the company has received 2 complaints, and that they are suspending me on full pay whilst they are investigating the complaint. I think it all stems from a post I put on facebook.Here is the post:- So,a particular driver thinks my brother is talking all the time at Friar Lane does He?.Considering my brother cleans more buses than the other 2 cleaners,you are incorrect,and have failed to secure any brownie points.If you think you are clever being a grass, then read this......I am a bigger grass than you.You better be careful now, because I will be gunning after you.The slightest thing you do wrong, or fail to do, I will report you, and that includes failing to fill your defect card out correctly,or failing to record defects that I am aware of from previous days.BE WARNED,AND BE AFRAID. I can only guess that the 2 complaints are from the other 2 cleaners.any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Government moves towards a shake-up of broken housing complaints system READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-moves-towards-a-shake-up-of-broken-housing-complaints-system
  3. Hi everyone, I hope someone can help with this I am at my wits end! Barclays have closed my account and say they are investigating due to breach of terms, however there is £6500 in the account which I can't get access to or transfer to another account. They won't tell me anything and say I cannot complain because I closed the account even though I didn't! Background: Last year I did some work as a subcontractor for a company and my wages after CIS deductions were paid into my Barclays current account, after talks with them we agreed that I take over the full jobs (project manage and complete works with my own subcontractors). I already had a separate ltd company so I started using this for the new work as a contractor, set up CIS, VAT, Corporation Tax etc. and obviously a separate bank account for the ltd company. All was going well but then the company I was doing the work for went into liquidation, they set up another company the same day. At the same time they paid three invoices for the limited company into my personal Barclays account (which they had on file) despite having the ltd company bank account details (which they had been paying into up to that point!). I tried to transfer the money straight over to my ltd company account but the transaction was blocked. I then got a letter asking me to come in to the branch and close my account due to 'breach of terms'. I went into the bank and was told I couldn't close the account because there was now an investigation. They would not tell me anything else but asked me to prove where the money came from, what it was for and why it had been paid into my personal account. I took all my invoices in, along with a letter explaining the situation , a letter from the company I worked for and all my up-to-date Tax/VAT/CIS returns and statements. All is above board, I run my company very carefully and I have never had any fines, debts or so on. I was then told I would receive a letter within 10 days. I didn't, I went back in to the branch, I spoke to the manager she spoke to the investigations team they wouldn't give any information said it should now be resolved in two weeks. The next day I got a large envelope containing all the bank statements from my account and a letter saying that these were for my records since I had closed my account = which I haven't done! I spoke to them again and they said they couldn't help and I should hear something by 9th May! I explained that I was trying to run a small business, this was money for my business and it was causing me a problem. They said they couldn't help until they had concluded their investigation. I asked what had happened to all the evidence I brought in and if they needed anything else and they said they couldn't discuss the matter! I phoned the complaints department and stated my complaint about the treatment I had received and the fact that I couldn't access the money, they said I couldn't complain because the account was closed. I asked who closed it because I certainly didn't and they didn't know. I do not know what to do. My business is relatively new and small, this money is a large chunk of my turnover to date. I will soon have tax and vat to pay along with my subcontractors and materials. I am managing at the moment but it is going to be a struggle. I can't get anywhere with the bank either in branch or on the phone, nobody will tell me what the hell is going on and they just keep adding more and more time on. If anyone can help or point me in the direction of someone who can I would be extremely grateful. I haven't done anything wrong, it was a mistake on the part of the company I work for that the money was put in the wrong account. It just feels like I will never get this money back or an explanation of what the issue is. Thanks in advance.
  4. I booked disability assistance in Stansted Airport. The driver and his colleague of the disability vehicle taking disabled passengers from the plane to the airport building acted unprofessional and reckless. When the car started driving (and speeding!), the driver left the door opened right next to where an elderly passenger sat, she was petrified. After some commotion the car stopped and they closed the door. Then the car started speeding again and then suddenly braked throwing me to the floor, I was wearing a spinal brace at the time. They were saying they drove into a chain that was supposed to have a sign on it and it didn’t, trying to justify that it wasn’t the driver’s fault (although, had they not been speeding, I believe they would've seen the chain and even if they had to break I would not have fallen). Despite the incident, I was not allowed a doctor, any medical help, not even a first aid box for a plaster, etc. When I asked to speak to a manager, I was told the manager wasn’t there. I wanted to log a complaint, but they wouldn’t allow me in any way to record the incident, for various reasons they made up. Absolutely everything was refused, apart from a glass of water. I was travelling alone, and I remember severely shaking at one point. All of this should be on CCTVs. I had refused to leave the airport until a complaint/incident was logged and a first aid box was given. The guy said there were no first aid boxes around, or to that effect, and there was nowhere to log the incident or complaint. As I refused to leave, he then paraded me around the airport in the wheelchair while he (non-enthusiastically) kept asking random employees for a plaster and how to log this incident, this took a long time and it was obvious he was trying to get me tired of this so I would drop everything and leave. It was a humiliation of the first order and I can’t begin to express how stressful this was. In the end, I wasn’t’ going to leave the airport, so he had no choice but to get me a plaster, which he found on a colleague, and apparently logged a report on their computer in the disability office. Still, I wasn’t allowed a copy of the report or a reference number. I was assured that someone would contact me about this. No one ever contacted me. As the result of this incident and how I was dragged around the airport my prebooked transport was already gone. This was not a difficult hour of the night and the airport would not help me with getting home. I had money for a bus that went to Victoria station in London, so I got that, but I have a huge memory blank of how I got home that night, I think I was so stressed or in shock I have a memory loss. For many months I was so stressed about this incident that I couldn’t even fly to my cousin’s wedding in Europe. I couldn’t face contacting Stansted airport to chase up this incident either as when I would think about it I would go breathless and my heart would go into palpitations and out of rhythm (I have a medical heart condition). Some months later, when I could get myself to do it, I wrote to Stansted airport to find out about that complaint someone was supposed to get back to me about. I learnt I was mislead in the airport and there was no complaint on the system. Then I sent them a fresh complaint by email, they accepted everything that happened, but blamed me for it as apparently it was my fault I didn’t put a seat belt on in the disability vehicle. (Note: as a result of my heart condition I often feel dizzy and faint so I can easily overlook things like seatbelts. I book special assistance in the airport to help me physically with basic things like mobility and seatbelts. I don’t understand why this is my fault). The complaint was also not accepted properly because I emailed them just over 6 months after the incident (-apparently what I logged in Stansted airport was an incident not a complaint – a technicality I didn't know about, and apparently I had 6 months to log a complaint – another technicality no one told me about). I felt like I was a victim of some sort of Stansted airport mafia. I found it impossible to complaint to Stansted airport. What can I do about this please? Is there anywhere else I can take my complaint to? Or is this all at the discretion of the airport? I feel the incidents that happened in Stansted airport, how they were handled, and how passengers like me are presented with barriers to complain about such events makes Stansted airport a very dangerous place for disabled passengers. Any advise or feedback is most welcome.
  5. Hi, I bought a voltage converter from Amazon to use for an American TV. While using it the converter started buzzing really loudly, suddenly overheated, and killed my flatscreen Samsung TV. Since I bought the product there are some very bad reviews on the product that include a person whose item exploded as a result of the item being faulty, so its not just me. I've been trying to get in touch with Amazon complaints department as I wanted to log a formal complaint about the converter and the TV, and I did this over a chat with Amazon's complaints department (- apparently). Amazon wouldn't allow me to log a complaint or do anything. Here's a snippet of how the conversation with Amazon Complaints team went: 11:45 PM GMT M: Based on our conversation, I understand I am not allowed to make a formal complaint. I am not allowed to get a link to your compensation policy. And I am not allowed to get compensation for the items damaged in my property by your dangerous faulty product. Based on this conversation I understand amazon takes no responsibility for items that are dangerous to people and private property. And I am also not allowed to contact the Amazon’s legal department. Is that right? 11:48 PM GMT Parthasarathy: I will forward this issue to our internal team and will make sure that you will not face this problem again. 11:50 PM GMT Me: Yes, you can forward this to the internal team. In the mean time I would like Amazon to register a formal complaint on the following grounds: 11:52 PM GMT Me: 1) I am being blocked from logging a formal complaint. 2) I am not allowed to get a link to your compensation policy. 3) I am not allowed to get compensation for the items damaged in my property by your dangerous faulty product. 4) Amazon takes no responsibility for items that are dangerous to people and private property. 5) I am being blocked from contacting the Amazon’s legal department. 11:52 PM GMT Parthasarathy: Okay. I will now forward this issue to concerned team and will assure that this will not happen again in future. 11:53 PM GMT Me: Can you please give a reference number for my complaint. And when should I expect a written response to my complaint please? 11:54 PM GMT Parthasarathy: I'm sorry it's an internal contact and we don't have the option to disclose it's output. 11:56 PM GMT Me: If you register a formal complaint, you have to give the customer a reference number, it's got nothing to do with internal contacts or disclosure. Also, ever formal complaint has to have a written response. Again, it's got nothing to do with internal contacts, disclosure or outputs. Are you saying that you refuse to register a formal complaint? 11:58 PM GMT Parthasarathy: We understand how you feel, we’re very sorry. We’re going to take care of this and you can trust us that it will not happen again in future How can I file a formal complaint with Amazon if Amazon does not want it? What should I do? Thank you.
  6. Hi, sorry if this is the wrong place to post but need some advice about a reward card from bt. been waiting since last November !
  7. Hi, I was just wondering if anyone can offer any advice on some complaints that I have raised but have had either no response or have been told I am speaking to the worng people. It all feels like a painful process but I am trying to stick to my guns. Swift Stirling I got told that I needed to contact northway financial. Since emailing them I have had no response, is this correct and does anyone have any experience of dealing with them, I contacted them on 11th January. Is there anything I can do? Speedy Dosh I have complained to a customer care email address for them on 20th Feb but have not heard anything back. Is this the correct contact details for them and should I expect to hear anything back, if not then is there anything I can do? Early Pay Day Loans I have complained to the email address for ecashwindow on 20th Feb but have not heard anything back. Is this the correct contact details for them and should I expect to hear anything back, if not then is there anything I can do? MiniCredit I have complianed to the email address for opos limited. They have said they have no details of my loans and I need to contact the original lender and suggested a google search. I cannot see anything other than Opos on google, the loans were from 2011 to 2013 Toothfairy I have no idea if there is anything that I can do to complain against them as all I can see is that they have gone out of business. Is this just a dead end and I should stop wasting my time. Any help that anyone can offer would be much appreciated Thanks
  8. I sent my laptop into toshiba for repair under warranty around 10 weeks ago. Despite half a dozen phone calls over this period they still have not got the parts in nor know when they will have them. I said its about time they consider giving me another new or refurbished laptop but they were unable to offer this as they are only the repair company and not Toshiba themselves. They were unable to offer any contact details for Toshiba apart from email. I emailed Toshiba in Germany who deal with this apparently and politely asked for a replacement as a repair was not forthcoming. Because i only had an ebay invoice they considered this not proper proof of purchase and they wouldn't give me a replacement machine. I argued that they have accepted the laptop under warranty already and that surely they cant pick and choose solutions because the laptop is either in warranty or not in warranty and not some in between state where they can only offer certain solutions. Despite doing this politely they then decide to block my email address. No notice of anything i had to google up the server errors i was getting. i try contacting Toshiba by phone but the only number available for computer repairs is locked out unless you can provide a repair reference (mine didnt work). I wanted to talk to customer services and found out the only way i can do this is via snail mail. Right i thought, that old cop-out!, i tapped out a letter and sent it recorded post within the hour. That was nearly three weeks ago it looks like they have ignored it Anyone have any idea where i stand legally with this? Can they make me wait this long for a simple keyboard replacement? Can i do anything about my issue and complaint being ignored? Any advice would be helpful as im kind of in toshiba limbo atm. Thanks.
  9. Hi, I too have a situation with xercise4less for less I could do with some help on... Myself and my wife joined the gym back in 2012 on a special £9.99 a month 12 month membership. I registered my membership over the phone as the gym in wigan hadn't even opened yet therefore signed no contracts or received any cancellation terms and conditions Myself and my wife moved home in summer of 2015 and had since used the gym maybe once after moving. In November 2016 I rang to cancel our memberships and was told it would be dealt with I then cancelled my DD. On 24/11/16 we both received a txt stating our "account" was in default and needed settling otherwise it would be passed to third party debt collectors. My wife then rang the branch to sort it out. She spoke to the branch manager the first time who said he would email head office and sort it for us and contact my wife the next day. The next day he didn't contact my wife so she rang him back on each day for 3 consecutive days to be told he was busy and would ring her back each time. The fourth day I rang to speak to him and was told he was on annual leave which I didn't find amusing in the slightest. On the 2/12/16 we both got a 2nd txt stating the same message as the first, to this date we have received nothing in writing from the gym asking for money apart from these txts. My wife then spoke to customer services, gym's front desk, the woman at head office called Natalie was very rude and abrupt with my wife and just basically didn't care about our situation so she got nowhere. We then emailed what we thought was head office to find that our email must of been forwarded to Wigan branch for then to deal with as it was wigan who replied to my email they requested £90 over the phone to settle both accounts to which I refused and was told the debt would be passed on. I then emailed greg Scott the wigan branch manager stating the I had "spoken to a solicitor" and that they wanted... > a copy of our signed application agreements > a copy of the cancellation terms and conditions that was sent to us back dated to when we joined > and an official request of any debts owed as any requested have only been made by txt and without any value This email was sent on 12/1/17. To this date I have had no response however through the door today arrived a letter each for us from cos stating that we owe £207.47 each. Please help as we are due to remortgage our home shortly and don't want this to affect our credit rating. Thank you in advance.
  10. Hi, I stumbled across this website and I hope you can help me. I'll be so greatful if you can. I have a defaulted Lloyds account which I last used in 2007, and in oct 2013 it defaulted. The overdraft had grown from about £250 to over £1600. I received not a single letter... .up until 2013 when I got one from a credit collector demanding I repay it. I have been arguing it is statute barred for some time now, and they have supplied me with statements showing no activity since 2007 and a steadily increasing debt. It defaulted shortly after maxing out and defaulted. I seem to be going round in circles, after reading what feels like the whole internet on this topic, my point is that LLoyds could have taken action after a nominal two years of inactivity, thus starting the SB clock. Is lloyds had withdrawn the account as per their own T&C then it would have defaulted a long time ago, and been a much smaller debt. Do you think that is a fair argument? If it is, clearly it's not in their interest to agree, so how do I force the issue as I don't want this to go on another 2 years! Thanks for any help you can offer
  11. Well a little bit of background Info in a period from 2010-2014 I got caught In the payday debt spiral like many others did I would often move from one lender to next In a desperate attempt to try and make my month salary meet my everyday commitments, I eventually got out of the trap but not without a big impact to my credit score and mental health (I found myself to scared to open letters and ans phone calls I even changed email address to avoid dealing with the problem) I realise this was a stupid thing to do but believe this may have been caused by a mild form of depression caused by the stress of the situation. I would often feel intimidated by these companies and would agree to repay amounts I couldn't afford when trying to get then to agree to repayment plans, I even had a period when I went on holiday with my partner where I would have mild panic attacks when my phone would ring as I knew my mum was staying at our house looking after my young son and was worried one of these lenders had rang her or had sent a collection agency around. I have since started on a DMP with step change and started to get back on my feet, I am annoyed with myself for not acting sooner but honestly didnt have the confidence to deal with the issue and at the time I was mentally a mess unfortunately this resulted in me getting 2 ccjs one that should have been statue barred and one (uncle buck) where a defualt hadn't even been issued but because of my mental state I just wasn't in a position to fight these, I have however kept up with the repayments and both will be satisfied in next few months. I have recently learnt that a number of these loans will have been classed as irresponsible lending and to begin with I just passed it off as not worth the fight (again scared of potential outcome and maybe being forced to repay more effect my dmp ect) but on Sunday decided I was going to fight them due to the effects these loans have had on me as a person. I originally sent this email on Sunday night to all the lenders I have since received rather speedy replies from a number of lenders and have just sent my first ever complaint and feel quite liberated in doing so. any further advice would be greatly appreciated, I know this wont be a short process and I am hoping that I can continue with the positive mental state and not sink back into the shell im gradually crawling out of.
  12. Guest

    csa complaints team?

    is there an actual complaints team to contact and how can the email or postal address be found please? numerous phone calls with different people saying different things, wrong calculations, threatening letters, and no reply to letter of complaint to the office address given on the letter. seems like all letters to them are ignored and they say different things on phone calls.
  13. JHi, and thanks to all those who contributed to my other thread in respect of ESA, the help has been greatly appreciated and I would appreciate any same kind advice on my PIP Tribunal was has now been listed and will proceed in a few weeks time. My initial reason for the Appeal has been based on the time it took the assessment, (approximately 14 minutes) and this was for two conditions, physical because I have a heart condition and for my mental problems which are secondary to the heart condition, PTSD, anxiety and depression. During the examination, the assessor just repeated the same questions that l had provided in the questionnaire and no physical examination was carried out, giving the time it took as opposed to other assessments that I have taking , it was as if the decision was already made before I walked in there, the assessor was and in theory just going through the bare minimal motions which I feel is unfair and not to mention the fabricated report which if true would have taking the assessor about 45 minutes to an hour to conclude what he concluded which was a complete pack of lies in all honesty, my wife who cares for me was at this assessment. I feel and this is purely based on previous assessments and not just an assumption that I was denied the right to a full and proper assessment which every claimant should have any rights too, have I got grounds?, thanks
  14. I was asked to defraud DWP by a work programme provider in July 2015. In short I signed off, I got acall from a guy asking to provide details and sign forms for DWP to pay them. I explained I just signed off without a job. He told me dont worry think of an employer and we both could get paid. I just laughed at the guy and put him on loud speaker and let my mum hear him going off his nut and getting angry. First point of call, go back see my old advisior, she just looked at me like I was stupid and asked what she could help with:S. For 3 months DWP told me they wont take my complaint as I must complain to the person trying to defraud them????? Anyway finally my complaint was taken serious on the 1st of September 2016. Someone collected all the dates and times I called trying to pursue this and reassured me something was going to be done. She even called me back 2 hours later telling me its been passed on and will get looked at. On the 12th of September I got a call lasting 12 minutes from an unknown number (have screenshot). This was a person from DWP fraud department who asked me for more information and told me I may need to provide a statement. I was told a follow up call would happen in the next 14 days. Nothing. Call up to enquire. The log on the 1st says no complaint was every taken as DWP dont deal with companies trying to defraud them. Also no call logs on the 12th to me. It seems it was no one from the DWP who called me???? I'm going absolutely insane here. When I try and sign on I get sent to the work programme provider who give me no assistance or help and my referral was not even acknowledged 9 weeks later. SO I just signed off again. JCP cant help me find work and jobs offered in the centre are for people not on the work programme so I feel attending the job centre a waste of time. What should I do? Just shut up about it in when put in that position next time just accept? Its only tax payers money right?
  15. Financial firms delivered fair outcomes in just 44 percent of complaints about mis-sold packaged bank accounts, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has announced. The FCA published findings from its thematic review of packaged bank accounts on October 20. It said firms are “well below the required standards” when it comes to complaint handling. Less than 50 percent of these mis-sold packaged bank account complaints being dealt with resulted with a fair outcome, the regulator said. http://creditstrategy.co.uk/article/18545/online-news/financial-services-failing-on-packaged-bank-account-complaints
  16. Hi all, Having read through many threads on this excellent site, I decided to raise formal complaints with a number of payday loan lenders. Between around 2012 and 2014 I took out around 60 payday loans. After the first few loans, I quickly found myself short of money after paying off the loans, and having to take out new ones again. Eventually I threw the towel in and started a DMP around the start of this year. My complaints were based on the loans being un-affordable, and that they should have been for short-term lending only. Complaints were raised in early October to the lenders. Here are the results so far: Pounds to Pocket - did not agree that the loans were unaffordable. However, they have cleared my outstanding loan in full. £996 written off as a goodwill gesture! : ) Lending Stream - didnt agree loan was unaffordable, but they reduced £105 from outstanding balance - refund of interest charged after i informed them of DMP - which i accepted. QuickQuid - did not agree that the loans were unaffordable. They offered me a £150 goodwill payment which I did not accept. Complaint with FOS. I am aware of recent redress ruling, but no contact from that. Peachy - This lender did not agree that the loans were unaffordable. Complaint with FOS 4Finance / Vivus.co.uk - This lender has not responded to my complaint. I dont think they operate in UK any more but they do have brands all over Europe. Does anybody know how I can contact them as they are ignoring my emails? Complaint also with FOS DifferentMoney (My Mate) - did not agree that the loans were unaffordable - with FOS Wonga - acknowledged my complaint, but not provided a response yet (still within 8 week window) Mr Lender - did not agree that the loan was unaffordable - with FOS Ladder Loans - acknowledged my complaint, but has not provided a response yet (still within 8 week window). I am aware of Dollar Financial redress scheme, no contact from that either. So... not a bad result on my complaints so far with around £1150 written off. I'll keep you all posted as the other complaints develop. My advice to anybody in similar situation to me, get those complaints in! pjb
  17. Fines for misusing bus lanes are overtaking parking tickets as the main cause of complaints from drivers, according to the AA. The motoring group said thousands of drivers were being "entrapped" by worn road markings and poor signage. A junction in Lambeth, south London generated the highest number of fines, totalling over £6m, the AA claimed. Lucrative rat traps' Edmund King, AA president, said: "Whilst we support the use of bus lanes in the right places, functioning at the right times, we are totally opposed to 'entrapment' cameras on poorly designed or poorly signed bus lane junctions. "If thousands of drivers are getting tickets at the same junction then something is wrong and that junction or bus lane should be reviewed. "We fear that too many local highway authorities have become addicted to the lucrative income from these rat traps." BBC
  18. As the topic asks Do we have the email address of the BT executive Complaints, not the normal phone drones. I did have Ian Livingston but i do not think he is with BT any more Thanks
  19. See Below for Details Can anyone tell me who is the regulatory body for amazon? Or who to contact that can handle a complaint on my behalf? Cheers!
  20. Hi, Apologies if this is in the wrong forum but wasn't sure where to post. Recently I attended Minevention - an event advertised as a convention for Minecraft lovers. Unfortunately we left after 15 mins due to there literally being nothing in the arena. It was a big event with about 4000 people showing up and there were some "popular" youtubers there. This was the only thing there really, plus a merchandise stall (which had counterfeit goods) and a sponsor stall and about 20 computers to play minecraft on. I think really it was missold - many people said if they had stated it was a 'meet and greet', they would have never have went. It turns out though, that many companies who said they would be at the event, bailed last minute, leaving a very empty arena. Lots of people have complained about the event and wanted refunds - quite a few people got them without question on the day, but many more (including myself) complained once we were home. Unfortunately the Organiser has since deleted all the negative feedback off their facebook page. They have finally responded to refund requests with offering tickets to their next convention, which most people are unhappy with - due to how poor the event was/travelling the distance to be let down again etc/feeling very ripped off. I personally wouldn't go to another one again. I am not too concerned about the money for myself - it was a lot of money to spend 15 minutes in an arena, then to walk out with a disappointed child, but I think I am more concerned with HOW MANY people were upset about the event. Some people travelled a long way for the event (fortunately we lived close by), even booking hotels, taking children for their birthday's - only to go to an arena with semi-popular youtubers, a few computers and queues and queues for food. I feel like something needs to be done for them (rather than myself). Some people have complained to BBC Watchdog but I am just wondering what could be done? As a collective could anything be done? Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I appreciate any suggestions/feedback.
  21. Hello all! I have been reading this website for awhile and decided to join yesterday! I am extremely interested to get anyone's advise or experiences with having Bank of Ireland put on CIFAS, how to approach it and how it can be resolved. Many Thanks Lisa
  22. Over the past five years or so I have made frequent threads on the forum concerning complaints that were made to the court about bailiffs (Form 4 Complaints) and the many times that courts did not find the bailiff at fault and ordered that the person MAKING THE COMPLAINT must pay the bailiffs legal costs in challenging the complaint against him. The worst case that I reported about concerned a debtor who had been ordered to pay over £20,000 !!!! In April 2014 when new bailiff regulations took effect, a new complaint procedure was implemented and 'Form 4' complaint forms were done away with and a new form (EAC2) was introduced. Crucially, the new regulations specifically state that the court can make a finding that the person making the complaint can be ordered to pay the bailiffs costs. During October I received enquiries from THREE individuals who had been ordered to pay costs. In the worst case, a lady was ordered to pay £3,000. Another lady was ordered to pay £1,500 and a gentleman ordered to pay £900. Worryingly, in two of the enquiries, the individuals had submitted an EAC2 Complaint to the County Court where the bailiff was certificated on the very SAME DAY as the bailiff visit. It simply beggars belief that anyone would do this without first making a complaint to the enforcement company or creditor (usually the local authority). Worst still, in one of the cases (the lady who was ordered to pay £3,000), she was a SOLICITOR !!! In EACH case, the person making the complaint had not known that the PURPOSE of the complaint was to seek the Judges agreement that the bailiff was not a 'fit and proper' person to hold a bailiff certificate. If anyone considers that a bailiff has done something wrong, then the FIRST step should be to make a complaint to the company that he works for. If their reply is not satisfactory, then a further complaint can be made to the local authority etc If a bailiff has a complaint made against him to the County Court, he will know that the Judge has to consider whether or not to remove his certificate from him. If so, this will lead to his immediate unemployment. It is for this reason that the bailiff will ALWAYS have legal representation and if the court do not find fault, they can....and do.....order the complainant to pay these costs.
  23. Ryanair has signed a deal with Ombudsman Services that will see the organisation operate as the airline’s approved alternative dispute resolution (ADR) body. Approval to the scheme means that passengers of Ryanair who have disputes relating to issues such as denied boarding, lost baggage, delays or cancellations will be able to escalate their complaint to Ombudsman Services if a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached with the airline. The scheme operated by Ombudsman services will be free of charge to consumers. Up until now, you have to take your case to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). But the CAA don't have the same powers as ombudsman schemes, meaning they can't force airlines to pay out. The service is expected to be up and running by spring 2016. http://www.traveldailymedia.com/229670/ryanair-aims-to-simplify-complaints-procedures/
  24. A cagger has asked me to start a thread in respect of complaints against Credit Reference Agencies. The Link below is to an American article. http://www.housingwire.com/articles/34870-cfpb-complaints-against-credit-reporting-agencies-rise-sharply It would appear that complaints there against CRAs has risen considerably. Two of the 3 most complained about agencies are Experian and Equifax. I seem to recall that we have had several complaints about CRAs on CAG - one that comes to mind is where an Agency provided credit information to someone they shouldn't have. (I will try and find the thread and link it) The Court of Appeal has ruled that the CRAs are not obliged to ensure absolute data accuracy !!
  25. Hi all A quick update on my final 3 complaints regarding irresponsible lending all with the Financial Ombudsman Wageday Advance - complaint rejected by adjudicator. escalated to an Ombudsman who has disagreed with adjudicator and will give final response this week. Lending Stream - received e-mail from adjudicator upholding my complaint. She has written to lending Stream with her response asking them to refund all interest on all loans. They can refer to an Ombudsman and I think they probably will as they have been awkward throughout the whole process although she has said unless they can come up with more information then the outcome is unlikely to be different. PoundstoPocket - heard from adjudicator, he is hoping to provide a response by the end of this week. Nearly at the end of a long struggle with payday lenders. So far have had refunds from 7 out of 10 lenders and it looks promising for the other 3. Would advise anyone in a similar situation to make a complaint.
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