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  1. As the topic asks Do we have the email address of the BT executive Complaints, not the normal phone drones. I did have Ian Livingston but i do not think he is with BT any more Thanks
  2. I hope I have posted this on the correct forum I have recently encountered a very distressing experience with a store manager at my local Matalan upon complaining to customer services the customer services also have pulled rank and has taken the side of the store manager, making me out to be a blatant liar . I insisted the cctv be watched back on of my visit and conversation with the store manager which showed that i was the one telling the truth . They would not allow that I discuss this incident further with a area manager , and getting details of higher managerial to take my complaint to is impossible to come by . Does anyone know what my rights are when requesting information of the Chief Executive of Matalan please ? like an email address etc , thank you
  3. At my wits end with Santander. Back in early 2012 a transaction was processed on my account out of hours by my local branch. £200 was withdrawn manually this was not authorized by myself. After noticing my balance had been taken into the red, i contacted the bank who said go into branch to resolve, i attempted this three times and waited over 30 mins each time. In April 2012 after numerous collection calls and each advisor being told read the notes this is your error so please don't call again a default was registered on my credit file. Once this default was registered I registered a complaint that until now 2015 has always been routed to the collections manager. After much hassle I managed to get my complaint investigated by an executive complaint manager - media and esecutive complaints. His findings- The bank made an error. Apparently updated my credit file although default still showing £145 compensation Final response refer to ombudsman Upon receiving this letter I contacted him and he is unable to confirm if my details have been compromised as the staff member who completed the "transaction" no longer works in the business. I remain unhappy with the banks response and the duration this has gone on for and the impact this default has had on my character when obtaining credit. I seek case study and legislation from fellow caggers. I wont be shut up with £145. I have posted on their social media channels and have been promised a call back tomorrow, that's because they don't want there tactics exposed. If my complaint had not been routed to the collection team for nearly 3 years this could have been resolved a lot quicker even when i emailed the CEO the response came from the collection team. ( my account should never have been in collections) £140 does not cover the calls i have made to Santander over the period of time. My account has not been reopened and restored to how it was before all this either.
  4. I've had a few issues with my EE Account that I opened in April Last Year. Most of which have got resolved but it was the handling and managing of the account which seriously got my back up. So I decided enough was enough and sent an email to EE's Executive Office as a final resort before CISAS complaints. Anyhow the complaints and incidents were as follows: BTOpenzone addon worked for about a week, moment I gave EE my PAC code from Three Mobile it stopped working and over a year on, still continues to be troublesome and works 2/10 times Added a Sharer SIM which was registered as a Data only SIM. Que my sister running up a £200 bill without any knowledge by her or me. HSBC declined the payment on my Credit Card for Fraud Prevention reasons. I first became aware of the above when I was discharged from hospital having been an inpatient for a week for bowel surgery. I needed to contact the hospital after noticing something unusual and found services suspended. I made that phone call via Skype. EE took a duplicate payment from the My EE App of £82. I discovered this on a Saturday and was told I needed to wait 7 - 10 days for the funds to be credited back to my account. I did a chargeback for 1 of the payments as I wanted the funds that day in my account. HSBC oblidged after a 50 minute phone call and quoting FCA Guidelines I contacted EE the same day and advised them of my actions as I was told that "Common Sense would prevail" Anything but that then happened. EE then blocked card payments on my account for fraud prevention. After contacting them multiple times to resolve this and being told by 4 agents that my services would not be suspended. Exactly that happened. I was promised several callbacks over all issues which were never received. In a previous complaint EE had admitted "That this had happened on more than 1 occasion" EE Suspended my services over £10 after giving me an Ex VAT figure for a Bill on the phone which I paid immediately. After contacting them I was told the agent had made an error and that it was just "Tough" I paid the VAT amount again being clever and adding an extra £10 so their was no margin for error and to show I was not withholding payments. You get the idea... Pretty poor show. Anyhow I wrote to the EE Office in pure frustration and made sure I was in a foul mood when I did so. With a 3 Hour Train Delay on the Great Western Main Line and a lack of a Restaurant Service was the perfect moment to do so. However here comes the biggest concern of all. At no point did I refuse payments or otherwise. But EE kindly littered my credit file with Late Payment Markers which the Executive Office kindly offered to remove... Whilst all that was going on, I contacted BTOpenzone to request the purchase of a 12 month WiFi Subscription which is £15 per month. EE agreed to credit my bill by £15 per month continuously after I threatened to send them the bill for BTOpenzone. However BTOpenzone declined my application due to data with the credit reference agencies. I found this out BEFORE EE told me about the late payment markers. So I was refused credit by their errors. On all occasions I made sure I overpaid the bill to show commitment and it looks like this was all a complete waste of time. The executive office also told me that they would inform me once card payment restrictions were removed. I had to chase this just like every other phone call they promised which I never received. EE also gave me a credit of £80 which was increased to £150 after I told them I was not satisfied. So, they late payment marked my credit file, suspended my services 4 times, promised to call me back and never did, lie to me on whats going to happen, mess me about and cause my blood pressure to rise increasingly. And offer £150 Compensation + £15 reoccuring when my bills total around £100 per month every moth. Should I just accept that? Or should I escalate to CISAS or do something more sinister? Any advise or constructive criticism would be welcomed. Thanks
  5. email: executive.complaints@npow er.com [no spaces] dx
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