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  1. I had an agreement with Marston to pay off a fine due to an untaxed vehicle being on the road. Received my student finance last week not realising it was being paid into a different account. Agreement broke on the 13th of Jan due to the missed payment. I had made an initial payment in december. They noted missed payment on the 15th Jan Today (16th Jan) a Bailiff from Marston arrived. I was asleep but another family member was arriving home from work and saw them. They put a Final Notice letter through the letter box. £235 enforcement stage costs and £75 admin fee have been added. It says "Despite previous notices and attendance(s) I shall attend to take control of goods and remove for sale by public auction: ONE MORNING THIS WEEK Besides trying to arrange a payment plan, is there anything else I can do? This has already caused me to have a panic attack and things are hard enough as it is. I'm currently receiving help from a psychological therapist for anxiety, low mood/depression, I am on antidepressants and also receiving counselling from my university counselling team. I did note I could inform them of possibly being a vulnerable person but I am not sure if things have escalated too far or not.
  2. British army officer killed during WW1 is honoured as he is laid to rest READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/british-army-officer-killed-during-ww1-is-honoured-as-he-is-laid-to-rest
  3. Prison officer safety equipment rolled out - PAVA incapacitant spray READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/prison-officer-safety-equipment-rolled-out
  4. hi,i have just has a debt collecter from marston holiding knock on my door for a debt my daughter had.....he was dressed as a police officer look a like..he ,had a stab proof vest on with arrest officer written across the front and on his sleeves.....I have cctv and caught him on camera. he said he was here to arrest my daughter for a £57.00 debt issued via the courts..... he gave me a form with arrest notice on it saying if not paid he would arrest her..me being quite old panicked and said I would pay this....thinking he was a police officer... it says on the form failure to resolve this she would be liable to arrest either by a marston arrest officer or a police officer.. my question is was this legal and can a debt collector have the power of arrest... really confused on this thanks paul
  5. I am having a home visit by Capita next Friday and as I am not very good at answering questions as I get a bit confused, anxious and obviously nervous even though I like think I do not suffer from mental problems. The stress of the interview is enough to upset me. My PIP is for care as I have RA and a back issue due to worn joints which causes mobility issues. Would it be best to have a welfare rights officer present? If so, how would I go about arranging for this to happen and do they do home visits even at short notice. Thanks.
  6. Hello, Today someone from Marston Holdings came to our property for someone who no longer lives in the UK. He was a family friend of ours and used our address without our permission nor knowledge. They are after a Magistrate Court fine. My mother answered the door. Mother doesn’t speak English so she woke up my brother up who was unaware what was going on and shut the door on the person telling him that he doesn’t leave here. A removal notice was left behind saying that they are now going to take our stuff from us. I called the number from the removal notice and spoke to the person who authorised the entire thing and after explaining to them what happened and he said he can’t doing nothing but prepare for our stuff to be taken. His giving us 72 hours from Monday to prepare... He was rude and unfriendly and wasn't trying to reason to with me. He said that because my brother shut the door on him and didn’t provide ID’s, he nows has ‘enough evidence’ that the person does live here. Now we are going to lose all of our stuff because a) someone used our address without our permission and knowledge and b) my brother shut the door on the bailiffs telling him that he wasn't living in the property. We don’t have receipts for most of the items. What can I do? We do not know where this guy lives and we do not have any contact details... We are a family of 6 and this will cause a lot of stress. This is the first time we are dealing with bailiffs.
  7. Hello all Getting worked up and worried over a letter I received from the DWP. It starts with: We need to check your personal information. Dear XXX In order to make sure that you receive the correct amount of benefit, we need to check that the details of your claim are correct and up to date. We have arranged a meeting with you xx March. Why you should attent: Keeping your details up to date ensure that you are getting the correct amount of benefit. 8 out of 10 people come to this meeting. If you can keep this appointment or would like to report a change please call. Then on the back it says: Any ONE of the following forms of id: Passport Driving license Utility Bill Any of the following documents IF you have them: Bank statement ISA Wage Slip Bonds Property or land I own Please note that not attending this meeting your benefit payment could be stopped as we wil not know whether we have the correct details on file to support your claim. ----------- I haven't been asked this before and I've been receiving ESA now for nearly 2 years I think, but I've read some stories about being in a booth with 2 officers who are hostile and really checking people for fraud etc. I suffer with Agoraphobia and I have severe mental health issues BPD and depression. This is really making me panic now.. If this is just a normal routine check and template then great, if anyone could help I would appreciate it. Regards
  8. Hello Someone was renting my flat and then left. He believes that I have withheld all his deposit (which I did not, only part of it was withheld for damages). He applied to the County Court to recover the monies but the mail was sent to the flat where I no longer live. Consequently I did not receive the letter from the Courts, or I would have challenged the claim. I have just received a Notice of Enforcement followed by a further letter stating that their Enforcement Officer attended my new flat but was unable to meet up with me to discuss payment. They state that as they were unable to recover the full amount, the enforcement of the Writ has escalated to Stage 2. Apparently this is over £3k. I do not even know how this amount has been arrived at as the rent was under £600 per month. What are the options now open to me? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cal
  9. Hi guys, long time no see. I've a bit of an issue and don't know where I stand on this and hope someone can give a little insight on what i should do. A few weeks ago my partner moved out. He was my full time carer and claimed carers allowence. I notified housing and DWP as you should albeit about 10 days after he moved out. Which I hold my hands up to, but I wasn't in the right frame of mind at the time. ( I had just found out my landlord, who was also my friend had suddenly passed away) So also have the worry about my housing situation. Another issue I may need help with. It was all very amicable and we are still very close, we just made the decision that we just couldn't live together any longer. Now I know that I couldn't discuss the carers allowence with that department because he claimed it so they cannot discuss with me. However this was over looked on his part and it wasnt deliberate either. I received an e-mail from housing benefit that they couldn't take him off my claim until I gave them an address where he was living. 1. I felt that it really wasn't my place to tell people where he was living and 2 to be honest I wasn't exactly sure where he was living. All I know is that he is staying with a couple of friends and sofa surfing until he finds something more permanent. I did state this to HB and they came back with he is still claiming carers allowance still at my address. I told them I would deal with it. I did ask him to deal with it which he said he would but just genuinely forgot. However only a couple of days later I got a visit by 2 compliance officers demanding to come into my home. It was 10am and had not long woken up and still groggy from my pain meds so i refused to let them in. Again he demanded to come into my home and again i refused. I'm very hard of hearing and registered deaf and disabled. I hadn't had time to put in my hearing aids (my dogs let me know there's someone at the door) So I really couldn't understand why he wanted to come into my home. He wasn't exactly being very friendly. He just shoved his ID in my face and wanted to come in. I felt incredibly intimidated and very anxious at this point as I still had no idea what he wanted. I asked if he had a warrant and he said yes this is my warrant and showed me his ID again. :???: I again refused to let him in and told him I didn't understand what hevwas wanting from me and he just said that my partner was still claiming as living here. Which I said he wasn't and he said he is claiming carers from my address. At this point I'm really getting very anxious and couldn't hear what he was saying so I told him I'm very hard of hearing and didn't understand what hevwas going on about and if he needed to talk to my partner then he should wait until he signed on to contact him as to why he was claiming it still. As soon as I said that he turned and started to leave saying something which I couldnt hear. I asked him if he still needed to come in and he said no I then got in touch with my partner to ask if he had contacted carers allowance and he had totally forgotten. So I got him round to do it online as he couldn't get through on the phone. My issue here is, can these men demand to come into my home knowing I'm a vulnerable female on my own? I had already explained via e-mail the situation. I'm registered deaf and disabled with Essex county council. Surely they would of known that and should of at least made an appointment, which states in their customer code of of practice. I have made a complaint, however, now worried I'm going to be sanctioned. It's bad enough that I'm worried sick about not knowing whether I need to move or not which they were aware of but now this. Any advice would be really great guys thank you
  10. Hi, Recently I received a letter from the local force with an accusation of me going through a red light at a pedestrian crossing. This letter was simply asking who was driving at the time. However, the very odd this about this letter was that it arrived within less than 32 hours of the supposed incident, 2nd class. Of course, I responded to say that I would have been driving at the time. I then didn't hear anything further for 6-8 weeks, until I got a call from an officer wanting to come to the house to discuss the incident. Having spoken to the officer, it turns out that he was the one who witnessed said offence while off duty but has a dash cam (he tells me I actually braked for a yellow light and then took my foot off and went through on yellow). Now, to me it seems very odd that an off duty police officer witnessing and reporting an incident would also be the one dealing with it. It very much feels like a conflict of interest and that he should be a witness only and that a different officer should progress it. I also find it odd that the supposed offence was reported and a "who was driving letter" appeared so quickly. To me this suggests that I did something other than go through a yellow light to upset the officer, I suspect using the second lane of a dual carriage way to go round him (perfectly legal to do) could be the reason. he came to the house to caution me and tell me that I should expect a court summons. Does anyone feel that this is a conflict of interest and that the police officer is acting alone with an emotional response to something I'd done? Is there anything I can do about it? Also, am I legally entitled to see the dashcam footage before pleading guilty/not guilty?
  11. My Landlords gave false information to the Rent Officer in support of an application to register a new rent. This was in respect to a fellow tenant who is vulnerable. I informed the landlords of their inaccuracies several times and they took no action to correct them. The Rent Officer made an inspection and heard evidence. The landlords sent a representative who did not give evidence. The Rent Officer accepted all of the tenant's evidence and fixed a fair rent. Is there any action that can be taken against the landlords who were either attempting fraud or at the very least being grossely negligent? The tenant has suffered no financial loss but several months of worry. The landlords is a Housing Association and has refused to deal with the matter under their complaints procedure so it is now being referred to the Housing Ombudsman's Service. I am wondering if anything else might be done to stop this abuse of a vulnerable person.
  12. I Wonder if anyone can help. I have a debt that although I still dispute was incorrect they were able to get a CCJ. The dept was for approx £2000. After a visit last year from a high court officer I set up a payment plan of £60 a month which I have been paying for the last 9 months or so. I have been paying the middle of the month as I understood the payment was due the 26th of each month. We went to visit a friend for 8 days in Barcelona got a call from the person looking after our pet that our car was clamped on the drive by a person who I assume acts from Elliot Davies the people I pay each month. I called from Spain and he said he knew I was away in Spain as he had asked the neighbours. Apparently he said the payment was due the 3rd of the month so I am in arrears the £60 for this months payment. Of course I have no issue paying the £60 as I was going to do it on Monday as I landed today but he said on the phone that there is no chance and he wants £1000 immediately and drastically increased payments to release the car. We left on Holiday the 15th he initially visited the 18th knew we were away then visited the 20th and clamped the car. The paperwork says this Debt £2338.22 (£542.10) received Interest £165 Compliance fee £90 Enforcement Stage fee £1288.72 Total £3339.95 One letter says or pay outstanding amount of £2745.95 I emailed their office from Spain to try and get none threatening clarification (as the bailiff was very sure of himself...) but I only found out late friday so their office was shut. I need to call tomorrow, is there any advice of my rights or what I need to do
  13. Hi everyone, This seems to be a popular topic of conversation. I've had a letter of off a Compliance officer headed, "We need to check your personal information" Bit of background on myself. I have been unemployed for 5 years. and I have also in the last 4 years been sharing a house with a disabled guy, whom over the years I've been helping more and more with his meals cooking and personal assistance, I mentioned this to my advisor whilst on JSA and he suggested why do you not apply to become his carer and get extra money for it via carers allowance and income support, which I did in October. The crossover in benefits was very smooth an all was well until new years eve when I got a letter from DWP saying we need to check your personal information. It's an interview (not under caution) at the local DWP office and I have been asked to take id and any of the following if I have them, one of which is bank statements, which I will have to print out from my banking website as I do not receive paper statements. I was wondering if this is routine or random check although "We need to check your personal information" is quite specific. I was thinking that perhaps it had something to do with my first name, which is a female name that I don't use, my second name is not on the letter. Any ideas what it could be about? Thanks for any advice.
  14. Grave of Kent born WW2 Pilot Officer finally rededicated after 77 years READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/grave-of-kent-born-ww2-pilot-officer-finally-rededicated-after-77-years
  15. My wife and I are approaching 70 and receive Pension Credit. A few years ago we had a terrible experience when I was summoned to an Interview Under Caution. We couldn't imagine what lay behind the allegation of fraud that was mentioned, but nevertheless I was rather fearful of a formal recorded interview and all that this implied. My wife however, who was not a strong woman, was very badly affected by stress and significant anxiety. This began when they would not pre-advise their concerns so that I could assemble whatever supportive material would be appropriate to have with me, and then grew much worse over almost ten further weeks of furnishing information followed by long silences before ultimately stating in a brief phone call and in a very offhand manner that they had actually dropped the matter a week or so earlier and would be writing to confirm. I understand entirely the need for due-process, and certainly for not giving deliberate fraudsters any wiggle room in advance of looking them in the eye. I could however have provided at the interview all of the particulars supplied in response to drip-feed requests across the subsequent many weeks, eliminating the anxiety-escalating long silences and saving everyone's time and my wife's perpetual distress and more. "Due-process" is not simply a step-plan to be followed for DWP's information-gathering needs, it also dismissively corrodes undeserving people's lives when followed with no discrimination. My wife was not the same woman after that experience nor has been since, despite there actually being nothing to answer and the matter dropped. A glib dismissal certainly did not reset the clock. I am not able to forgive. I tried, I really did. In view of this I hope someone can help me now with some information or guidelines on a new matter ... This morning I received a DWP letter notifying me that a Customer Compliance Officer will visit us at home next week. No particular purpose given just general phrases about possible changes of circumstance and ensuring correct entitlement, and about having bank documents etc available. I told my wife who now has a genuine dread of every brown envelope arriving, and she went ashen, sat down with her face in her hands and started sobbing, all those insecurities and fears instantly on the surface again. If anyone from any of these Departments is actually reading this and didn't understand what I was saying a few lines above, think what that past effect must have been to cause this so readily some years later. And you should be bothered by it. I have told my wife that it is just a box-ticking visit to make sure we aren't missing out, that it isn't an IUC, that there is no accusation/suspicion involved, however she simply sees that "IT" is about to happen all again beginning next week. What I would like help with now please is some real-world understanding solely for myself ... I have a hard time thinking that this is just a friendly benevolent chit-chat. I suspect there has to be some underlying purpose, some information-gathering for whatever reason and prompted by some itch they now need to be seen to scratch. I've absolutely no problem providing information, but it would be nice not to be deceived in the process. Clearly DWP does nothing for other than a self-serving purpose. Can anyone comment from experience about a Customer Compliance Officer's visit that they were subjected to? Benign? Or were you hit with an IUC letter shortly afterward whether justified or not? That won't help me to know the topic, and no doubt if they are quietly gathering information to possibly support some suspicion then I won't find any clues next week either, however just being aware of a different motive will help my focus on the day. I think you could say we are a pretty nice senior couple, have daily habits for walks and visits and shopping, we have nice neighbours, are clearly retired not career benefit-fraudsters and as far as I know nobody living near knows our affairs and that we receive benefits anyway. But I am sorry, DWP is NOT just coming for a cup of tea and checking we aren't missing some entitlement. I would like to be aware if it is known that these visits are an initial ploy, can you advise me at all so I can focus suitably when they visit? With thanks.
  16. Just after a bit of advice after my partner had a visit at her home, and it hasn't gone well from sounds of it as he's saying that we're living together! We used to live at my flat but once child was born we had the usual stress and split up, council gave her a house for her and our little girl and I stayed on at the negative equity mortgaged flat . With her not working she has been claiming full entitlement and I work full time to just keep afloat here Now he's visited and says I have been spending too much time at her house, which I do go round a lot after work and stay 1 or 2 times a week, and his final abrupt comment to her was to sort it. I can't move in with her, I owe way too much on flat to be able to walk away even if I could! What can I do? Is the officer right? Just after some advice before we schedule another meeting
  17. I have a compliance officer visiting on thursday .no idea why and as far as i know no reason for one . basic standard letter ,no mention of circumstances etc . my wife has known for a few weeks and hidden the letter ,she only showed me it today ,i understand why as i am a natural born panicker . im already scared to my wits end and ive only known about the letter around 2 hours max, i dont know what ive supposedly done wrong ? but its like your already guilty before they even speak to you . my wife hasen't told me for the simple reason i suffer from epilepsy and already had a heart attack this year and i panic over anything . im so nervous im shaking like a leaf . how can i try to avoid this anxiety . they recently paid us £3,500 approx as they had forgot to pay us for our oldest daughter for 2 years, this was only pointed out when my wife phoned for a completely different reason. they only paid us 1 year back and paid us until 28/08/15 as this is when our oldest daughter goes onto her 3rd year at college so benefit stops for her . im just a bag of nerves .
  18. Came home from work late last night to a letter, not in an envelope which appears to be from a local county court enforcement officer. It states I have failed to return a statement of means form. Not had one. It also states that I have three working days to attend the court to fill it in or return said paperwork. His name and phone number are on the bottom. No paperwork has been left and I have no idea what it is about. Advice on how to proceed would be gratefully appreciated please. Just when you think you're getting straight with things something else pops up to bite you on the bum!
  19. I hope I have posted this on the correct forum I have recently encountered a very distressing experience with a store manager at my local Matalan upon complaining to customer services the customer services also have pulled rank and has taken the side of the store manager, making me out to be a blatant liar . I insisted the cctv be watched back on of my visit and conversation with the store manager which showed that i was the one telling the truth . They would not allow that I discuss this incident further with a area manager , and getting details of higher managerial to take my complaint to is impossible to come by . Does anyone know what my rights are when requesting information of the Chief Executive of Matalan please ? like an email address etc , thank you
  20. I have a matter of automatically unfair dismissal pending. Could not take it to an ET without speaking with an ACAS Conciliator. Conciliator advised me my claim was worth very little even if I won it, which I can prove (One and a half weeks wages which I now understand is a Basic Award) and which I have now found out is not remotely reflective of the amount I may be entitled to claim. A COT3 has been generated with an offer from my former employer which has offered the pittance I was led to believe I was entitled to claim by the ACAS officer. Is the agreement binding when it was formed upon the misadvice I was given by the ACAS officer? I have not yet signed the agreement. Thank you for your help.
  21. Whilst browsing as I do I now have an important question, the thread title says it all, why? See here http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2007/15/section/63 See s63 (2)(b)©
  22. Is it possible that a former officer of the old Log Book Loans organisation is now an adjudicator at the financial ombudsman services? I have mentioned him in my application to the FOS in relation to my stolen car. What should this mean for me or anyone else that is seeking justice from this company which has now gone into administration? Fortunately the FOS are accepting applications from before a certain date.
  23. hi i need some help/advice i went to court a few months back for non payment of a fine was told to pay the £300 odd back weekly i have not payed as my circumstances have changed and i could not afford to pay, i have had nothing from them to say any thing so was going to pay after Christmas, today i had a knock at the door and when i opened it there was a hco that asked if i was myself (full name used) my reply was i am me, he then went on to tell me why he was here, which was to collect the balance which is now £650?! and that if i can pay by 6 pm tomo which is Sunday they will be back Monday to seize goods! i have not let him in, i have not said that i am me, also i do not have anything worth that money, i also have 3 children who are 4-5-8 and work 16 hours a week, if any one can help i would be great full thankyou x
  24. Hi all, hope you can help. My sister has been invited to attend an interview with a compliance officer at the Jobcentre. I rang them on her behalf and was advised this was due to undeclared capital but they would not give me the full details. When she claimed Income Support, she forgot to mention some money in her account, over £6k and I can imagine this is the reason for the interview. She is really worried and is feeling suicidal. She has never broken the law and this was definitely not intentional given her mental state. This is the worst thing that could ever happen to her as she has suffered from years of depression and anxiety ( she is still taking anti depressants ) and has just gone back to work and signed off benefits. She also has children with special educational needs and is worried if they will be taken away and so on. My question is, if she offers immediate repayment of any overpayment, will they still take her to court ?. She is in pieces and is even considering leaving her job. Also , how is this type of interview conducted, is it the same as an Interview under caution? . I am working and not able to go with her at the interview and am worried she will have a breakdown as she can't stop crying. Any advice would be really appreciated, many thanks. Liyanne
  25. Hello, I'm just looking for some advice about an incident that happened with northern rail. I have just moved to the area and was travelling from my local station to Manchester Victoria for the first time. I tried to buy a ticket at the machine however it kept on saying that were no fares available for my journey which completely confused me. Anyway, I was going to buy a ticket at the manned office however the queue was huge and there were only a couple of mins until my train so I just thought I'd get on the train and buy a ticket from the conductor. The train was slightly delayed which meant that I was going to be late for work. Also, the conductor didn't come around meaning I couldn't buy a ticket and as I got off there were people checking everyone's tickets. As I was in such a rush and panicked because I hate being late, I stupidly just flashed an old ticket that I had in my purse and I got pulled up by the revenue protection officer. He took my details and said that northern rail would write to me and he said that they would either let me off or they might charge me. Anyway, I've been scaring myself to death reading forums and things like £1000 fines and prosecution have popped up?! I've been frequently using trains for over 8 years and I have never done anything like this before. I have hundreds of tickets to prove that I always buy a ticket. The same guy also saw me doing the same journey today with a ticket. It was just a stupid mistake because I was in a rush, panicked and was unaware that nobody would come around on the train giving me the opportunity to buy a ticket. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
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