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  1. Summary : I had been to a Car park which is adjacent to Rail station to drop by wife. There were road construction, and for safety reason I decided to pull the car into a Car park, and left the site in less than a minute. Exactly, at the same time, I been again to the car park, and left the site in less than a minute. The Car park has issued a Parking charge notice by picking up images of entry on day1 and exit on day2, claiming that my car was parked for 23 hours and 59 minutes and did not pay the parking charges. Parking Charge Notice issued by private car park accordance with the BPA code of practice 1 Date of the infringement - 1st dec 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 10th Jan (after 40 days of offence) 3 Date received - 13th Jan 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] no - it was accordance with the BPA code of practice 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes - Entry image of Day1 and Exit image of Day 2 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] Y – I said the fact as what happened. And also acknowledged that I was the Driver. Have you had a response? The response dated 25 Jan was very simple - Having carefully considered the evidence provided by you, we must advice your appeal has been unsuccessful on this occassion 7 Who is the parking company? APOCA 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Slough East Car Park, Slough For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. – Yes POPLA. I appealed with Popla on 8th Feb, and they have rejected on 8th Mar saying “In terms of the technology of the ANPR cameras themselves, the British Parking Association (BPA) audits the ANPR systems in use by parking operators in order to ensure that they are in good working order and that the data collected is accurate. Independent research has found that the technology is generally accurate. Unless POPLA is presented with sufficient evidence to prove otherwise, we consider the technology was working at the time of the alleged improper parking. Based on the evidence provided, I can only see one entrance and one exit for vehicle registration X. Therefore, in this case I conclude that the charge was issued correctly.” In addition I’ve raised the following points: “I gather that the Parking Charge Notice issued to me on 10th Jan (Notice to Keeper) does not comply the following: 1. The period of parking to which the notice relates to (POFA 2012, Schedule 4, paragraph 9 (2) (a) ), is missing from the Parking charge notice issued on 10th Jan, later this information was provided to me in the rejection letter 2. The deadlines by which the Notice to Keeper must be served, which differ depending on whether or not a Notice to Driver was issued first (paragraphs 8(5) or 9(5)) – the Parking charge notice was issued to me (Notice to Keeper) after 40 days. No notice was issued at the site. 3. Automatic number plate recognition (APNR) - Quality checks: before you issue a parking charge notice you must carry out a manual quality check of the ANPR images to reduce errors and make sure that it is appropriate to take action. In this instance, basic checks are missing.” they responded saying - I note the appellant’s comments however, the appellant has admitted to being the driver of the vehicle on the day in question. As such, the operator does not have to rely on PoFA 2012 to transfer liability from the driver to the Registered Keeper. Therefore, I do not need to consider whether the operator has met the requirements of PoFA 2012. I also mentioned that “In case, my appeal is rejected then it will be helpful if I can be provided with the evidence that my car was in the car park for the duration mentioned in the appeal rejection letter, the car has not left the car park on 1st Dec and entered again on 2nd Dec. There are several cameras at the site to make the car secure that can help to produce more evidence.” - No response I did attached my credit card statement that contains a transaction dated 1st dec that I been to Tesco Petrol station at Hayes around 8:20am but unfortunately, there is no time in the statement. in addition I attached the rail ticket credit card payment ticket for both the days, but again it was my unfortunate that the print on those tickets is missing the time of transaction. I picked my wife and her colleague from the Ealing broadway station on the same evening and can provide witness statement / contact details for verification. POPLA ignored all the evidence I attached to the appeal. It is very disappointing to see that these companies are making individual life so miserable, I've already spent more than a week since 13th Jan to understand and educate myself so that I can prove that I did not park. I would like to check is there anyway I can raise this complaint with APOCA, POPLA, ISPA and BPA. also, what else should I do so that they don't send me all those unwanted claim letters. It will really appreciable for your suggestions and thank you in advance.
  2. Monday, landlord texts me asks me to call him, I do and get told that someone from his mortgage company, he said they do this every so often and that my house along with 2 others were picked, so i said they can call Friday. Friday, a gentleman turns up and asks if im aware as to who he is and why he is there, i told him what landlord said, and he said not really and explains he working for a company that the mortgage lenders have hired to come and look at the house he shows me ID and tell me the company DMS. I let him in, I've no reason not to, he says he has to take pictures of the property to see if the landlord has done anything to it, im fine with that as in the 5 years being here he has done nothing, lucky had proof which he took and the environmental health report, he took pictures and then he explained that he knows the mortgage will not be happy that he has not carried out any work to the house since buying and that a lot of work is needed, he told us to prepare for the worse. Im devastated as we have been trying for a few years to move house in the area, but no luck, and the local housing association and council said a court order must be given before they will do anything to help us. Any advice would be really grateful, im on edge now, we have changed the locks 1st thing we did, a nd have CCTV on the house.
  3. My relative is vulnerable and has mental health Moorcroft have put a hand delivered letter through the letter box on behalf of a catalogue. It states that a field operative called to discuss the account is there a templateicon letter I can send to tell Moorcroft or any other debt collectoricon not to make personal visits to my relative
  4. Just after a bit of advice after my partner had a visit at her home, and it hasn't gone well from sounds of it as he's saying that we're living together! We used to live at my flat but once child was born we had the usual stress and split up, council gave her a house for her and our little girl and I stayed on at the negative equity mortgaged flat . With her not working she has been claiming full entitlement and I work full time to just keep afloat here Now he's visited and says I have been spending too much time at her house, which I do go round a lot after work and stay 1 or 2 times a week, and his final abrupt comment to her was to sort it. I can't move in with her, I owe way too much on flat to be able to walk away even if I could! What can I do? Is the officer right? Just after some advice before we schedule another meeting
  5. -IDEM Services replied that debt is unenforceable as they are unable to provide CCA paperwork, but they refuse to release me from my financial obligations. (£2000) This debt does show my on credit file, defaulted 09/2001 Not sure what to do here, please any help info on next steps??? stop paying ? wait for it to fall off credit file? offer full & final???
  6. Hi I was wondering if anyone can help me! Last week equita bailiffs visited my parents address for payment on council tax i was unaware of due the fact I dont live in that property any more and all correspondence was sent to my parents address so I didn't receive any summons or anything. On Tuesday last week an equita bailif delivered an enforcement notice to parents stating I owe 621 plus 75 compliance fee and 235 enforcement fee. There was then a second stating i owe 247 plus 75 compliance plus another 235 enforcement fee. Firstly I don't understand why it has been split up. The bills are from the same address and sent on the same date. I have also read only one enforcement fee can be charged no matter how many liabilities have been charged. Do i have grounds to write to council to get them to return my debt and cancel my fees? Also the bailff was threatening action on my parents address where i have no property. I contacted CAB to make a payment plan and got an appointment because he was threatening to visit my current address even though no enforcement notice has been delivered here. From everything I have read on here and other sites it seems to me that this guy has breached regulations and I am being charged excessive fees I have rang the council and told them but they said there was nothing they could do and I had to talk to the bailiffs but I wanted to confirm that before i sent the letters you provide so not to make the situation worse. Also this is causing me alot of stress and I have a history of depression and anxiety. I have felt the need to go back onto my prescription pills due to this and have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I want it sorting asap. Would it be quicker if i wrote the letters to the council asking them to reclaim my debt or take the directly into the council offices?
  7. Hello Everyone. First time poster in need of some help and advice. I was recently accused of shoplifting in Sainsbury's. Here's the story: an off-duty employee, who just happened to be shopping in the store, incorrectly claimed she saw me trying to steal some items and she reported me to the store security. The security guard (accompanied by several 'burly' male members of staff) asked me to leave and escorted me off the premises. I attempted to remonstrate with them but they weren't interested and feeling completely surprised and intimidated I left. The police were not called, my details were not taken, and no further action was taken. It ended there and then……or so I thought….. From that day on, I always get followed by security in almost all major shopping chains up and down the country from London to Aberdeen. It's very easy to spot and I'm certainly not being paranoid. The process is almost always the same - it usually starts with an announcement over the speaker system when I walk in (e.g. "Can the Store Manager please come to the security desk" or some variation) and then I get followed around the shop often culminating with large groups of staff standing next to the exit as I leave, I assume, waiting for me to do a runner or something. The whole experience makes me feel sick every time as I hate the idea that I'm thought of as a shoplifter. I don't have the confidence to confront them either. I've also been followed at Airports and Kings Cross train station amongst other places. Am I an some sort of UK National Shoplifting Database? Does the database have a name and someone I could contact? Can I get removed from it? Where would I even start with any of this? I'd appreciate any help you could offer. Best regards, Garabaldi
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