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  1. Hiya I took out a couple of log book loans via Cash Converters between 2010 and 2013. The first was paid in full, the second I have no idea what the status is. I was in financial difficulty at the times of taking out the loan, due to several reason, one being a gambling addiction and an endless cycle of payday loans. When I took out the second loan against my car, the man who agreed it even commented on how much money i was gambling and said that he really shouldn't approve the loan but that he would for me. The car was repossessed by them and my sister lent me the money to get it back which was around £800, they then said I still owed them another £800 or so. I'm not sure whether I paid anything towards that, but I moved house, and they were aware of my address change. A few months after I moved up here my car was clamped as I let my tax run out and the car was taken by the DSA and I never got it back. Log book loans had the V5 and I have no idea what happened with the car after that, whether they took it or it got crushed. I haven't heard anything from them since 2013. I have since had help for my gambling addiction and have been getting my finances back on track and have seen online that it is possible to make clams back against some of these lenders for unaffordable borrowing. I know it's not their fault I had an addiction but there were no real checks in place when they were lending me money and I think that had they checked properly I wouldn't have been allowed a good 3/4 of the loans I got. I just wondered whether I could arguably make a claim against log books loans given that they may consider I still owe them money? Realistically they should not have given me the second loan at all, at the time I just needed the money so the fact that he said he give it to me even though he shouldn't was a bonus. I know that him saying that would come to he said she said but he had copies of my bank statements and they must have been file with his office so they could verify it as unaffordable from that surely? Any advice appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  2. Please can anyone advise log book loans got a charging order on my house - i wrote to the company thats dealing with things they responded saying another rcompany had bought their debt and i could make an offer to them to clear , I havent contacted them yet as i didnt want to say anything I shouldnt to them - Im so confused by everything , does anyone have any advice please ? Thanks very much
  3. My 82 year old mum hasn't been too well recently and her local Nat West Branch has closed down and the new one is a nightmare for parking and she doesn't walk too well. She also got caught out by a phone holiday spoof to the tune of a few hundred quid and became paranoid about the company knowing her account details so we decided that maybe a change to a new bank was a good option. Barclays is my and my sisters bank as well and as difficult as it is to talk about if something happens to mum before it happens to me we theorised that if we are all at the same bank things would be easier to deal with, but it has all become a bit of a disaster!! We had a meeting with an advisor who looked into it and after doing her bit on computer stated that mum qualified for a basic account which would not include an overdraft or the option to loan. To be fair mum has plenty of money in her account and gets very good pension and investment returns so the need for an overdraft or loan is highly unlikely as her balance stays pretty much the same each month and it's far higher than my balance is!!! The one thing the advisor forgot to mention though was that mum wouldn't get a cheque book and I wouldn't have know that anyway being a Barclays Current Account holder since I was in my teens!! This was only brought to our attention over a week later when I rang Barclays to ask because mum mentioned she hadn't received one, which we obviously thought was the norm, but was told that she couldn't get a cheque book for a basic account. We then went back for a meeting because this was baffling. It then became clear that mum had been declined a current account (hence the basic) but the reason for why she has been declined is unclear and apparently the advisors do not get told the reason so obviously the customer cannot argue against it. The advisor to be fair did apologise profusely for not explaining clearly and for forgetting to mention the cheque book and said the reason could be something to do with a credit score. I've however checked mums credit score on Experian and it was 999. She has no debts, mortgage paid off years ago, no loans taken out for years if ever as far as I know, plenty of cash in the account and has never had an issue getting credit cards, of which she pays off in full...… Could this be the problem?! The annoyance is that mum relies on her cheque book and is in a muddle and is having to either get me to send cheques for her or she has to withdraw large amounts of cash. The bank suggested waiting a couple of months and when they have seen how the account is managed and that Barclaycards have been paid off etc then they can reapply for a current account. If it is still declined then the only option is to go back to Nat West who have already said she can have a current account with cheque book like she did before, but it will obviously be a pain switching once again and I suspect all of the Direct Debit companies will be baffled as to what is happening!! Barclays have also made a mess up with statements as well with mum not receiving one statement in the two months since the account opened so I am chasing up that as well mum called Barclays Head Office last week and the guy on the phone couldn't understand why she hadn't been given a cheque book so we will wait and see if he gets any joy, although I would say probably not!!! So any ideas as to why this happens? Especially as I as an 18 years old got a current account without an issue and with probably no job at the time albeit 35 odd years ago!! It seems bizarre especially as they hide the reason. I am wondering in part if it's because she is a retired widow so upon first check they may not have known what monthly income she would be receiving but they would have seen from the account surely? Help massively appreciated.
  4. New laws to better protect millions of Brits who book holidays online READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-laws-to-better-protect-millions-of-brits-who-book-holidays-online
  5. Hi hoping someone can help I stupidly took out a log book loan with varooma, I missed a couple of payments due to being off work with family issues and had the dreaded letter regards defaulting on the loan. I knew I had money coming in the next week so was planning on just getting the account up to date at that point. I then received a letter 7 days later telling me if I didn't pay in 3 days my car would be towed. This letter was dated the 11th and was sent 2nd class post so I received it on the 14th. No sooner had I opened the letter that a recovery agent was at the door saying my car is going. IF the letter had been sent recorded delivery I would have received it on time and paid the amount owing. I had to pay £735 which I was told was full payment to stop the car being taken. I assumed this was the full balance of the loan ?? I have now had a reminder that I have 4 payments left and the next instalment will be coming out this month. Is this right after just paying £735. I realise the recovery agent fees are high but he didn't take my car, just turned up and I paid. Also is it legal to give a paltry 3 days to pay and then send the letter 2nd class so it has no chance of getting to me in time ? I am trying to recoup some money and stop the further 4 payments being taken out of £100. The original loan was £500 and I have so far paid around £1550 with all the charges added on
  6. Hi. My father in law was shopping last Wednesday in Manchester City Centre and visited a book store. He was with his wife. They are both in their late 70's. During the visit, then went down 3 flights of stairs in store to the book section, but after the 3 flights of stairs, there were 2 steps that you couldn't see. My FIL fell and as he was going down, he tried to grab a stand and cut his hand open. He also smashed his face into the floor and was bleeding heavily from his nose. Staff came to help and my MIL was furious about no signs for the 2 small steps, and the staff were saying 'yeah, I know, we should have a sign'. They weren't bothered in the slightest. My MIL asked for a first aider. The store never had one! They called security who didn't really know what to do. They were trying to stop the bleeding from his hand and face with toilet roll. Then someone produced a small first aid bag and the security were arguing about what they could and couldn't apply to his injuries. The staff wrote the incident down in the accident book. They gave him a bottle of water then sent him on his way! They never once offered to call an ambulance! He left the store with his wife and both were in shock. My MIL said she was shaking like a leaf and didn't know what was going on. So he left the store with his face covered in blood, and his hand bleeding and got a bus home! He never went to hospital as he is 'old school' and everything will be okay. They never told me about this until last night. I am livid that the store let him leave like this and there was no first aider to help. I asked about photographs and they said they think someone took one of the steps but not sure. They don't have camera phones. I asked to see my FIL's hand but my MIL had just put fresh bandages on. She said she thinks it needs stitches as the cut is wide open, but he won't go to the hospital. So what can we do about this? I am disgusted in how he was treated and fobbed off. I was wondering if I could go to the store today and see the accident book. Also I'd like to take a few photos myself of the area and see if there are any warnings in place yet. I'd also like to see where CCTV is situated in store and how I can get a copy. Please advise if possible, I'm so angry right now how he was treated! Thanks
  7. I bought a car from stoneacre in 2014, i have 3 year warranty with vauxhall until september this year. My engine has failed on the motorway with no warning at all. We have had the car serviced and the book is stamped. However we lost our invoice, the garage cannot provide an invoice due to not having it on their computer system. genuine parts and oil was used. Now vauxhall are telling me that the engine wont be repaired under warranty due to not having an invoice however the book is stamped. can anybody advise me on what to do? thanks!!
  8. The amount that CFO were claiming was £940 - Motormile are now claiming £32.67. I probably will pay this to bring the matter to a close. OUR REFERENCE: M4591793 CURRENT OUTSTANDING BALANCE: £32.67 Welcome to Motormile Finance UK Limited (MMF). Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx We write to inform you the CFO Lending Limited was placed into administration on the 6th of April 2017. Paul Boyle and David Clements of Harrisons Business Recovery and Insolvency Limited, were appointed joint administrators and your CFO account 223644 has now been sold to Motormile Finance UK Limited (MMF). Click here to download your goodbye letter from CFO Lending, please note you will need to enter your date of birth. Whilst the conditions of your account will not change we are pleased to advise that, upon purchasing your account, we have removed any remaining interest, fees and charges from the original agreement. The balance noted above is therefore now your original loan amount less any payment you have already made to CFO Lending. We have allocated a new reference number (shown above). If you have more than one account with us, the customer reference number should now be used in all future correspondence or contact with us for all of your accounts. Please find a breakdown of the accounts you hold with us below: Original Lender Name Reference Amount Outstanding CFO Lending 223644 £32.67 The transfer assigns all of CFO's rights as the owner to Motormile Finance UK Limited. Your legal rights will not be affected by this transfer and future contact should be made directly to MMF. The effect of the legal assignment is that MMF now own the debt and perform all obligations as stated in your agreement, this includes the collection of any outstanding balance. We wish to ensure the smooth transition of your account to us and using our expertise, our intention is to understand your current financial position and agree a suitable repayment plan that is affordable based on your circumstances. You can securely manage your account online by visiting and follow our simple registration process. Alternatively, you can complete a payment mandate here and return to or to discuss your payment options please contact us on 0113 887 6876. If for any reason you believe any of the information we hold for you is incorrect, you should let us know immediately. Your statement of account will follow shortly, we look forward to hearing from you within the next 7 days. Yours sincerely Motormile Finance UK Limited (MMF) Please note: if you choose to communicate with MMF by email, unless otherwise advised by you, we will accept this as your consent to use your personal details to contact you by electronic means (email) with information about your account(s) which may include collections activity, negotiations and other services and products. We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in respect of consumer credit regulated agreements. MMF is the trading name of Motormile Finance UK Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 06637307. Our registered office is Protection House, 83 Bradford Road, Leeds LS28 6AT. EmailID:[3055189]
  9. Been helping someone who has got themselves into a bit of bother with a PBC [pawnbrokingcompany] over the renewal of a large logbook loan against a hypercar. Just wondered if anyone else has had an success in getting a LBL extended on the value of a vehicle that was clearly valued at 10+ times the amount of the advance, against the trade resale of said vehicle, without it being "re-valued" by a 3rd party on behalf of the PBC? The issue is the vehicle has gone up considerably in value, over the period of the original LBL and the PBC have called the full amount in, against the value of the vehicle 2 years ago... a single extension to the LBL was made 13 months ago, again, against the value of the original vehicle value. Can the LBL be called in based on the valuation of previous paperwork and called in early? Weird one, but sure a Gagger will know a Gagger that knows the answer!!
  10. My rent is payable weekly (tenancy agreement states rent is to be paid weekly to landlord's bank account) which I do. I have been told that the landlord should still provide a rent book as it is paid weekly - is that correct? Thank you.
  11. in may this year my daughter had a car accident and the car was written off (although we didnt think it was necessary). Two men have just knocked showed me a copy of my daughters registration doc asking if i knew the person, they were after the log book and they were driving the car that had been written off. I didnt have the logbook as logbook and reg docs had to be sent in to the insurance company. I hope we are not going to get some kind of come back over this
  12. Hi All, I've just got off the phone to my dentist after wanting to book an appointment, only to be told I can not have any appointments as there is an outstanding bill of £28 from 2009! This is the first time I have been told of any such outstanding debt with the dentist. The receptionist has stated that the reason for the outstanding bill is due to myself being charged the wrong Band after treatment. I was charged (and paid for) band 1, but they have stated I should have been charged band 2. Can they refuse appointment and any treatments based upon their clerical error, especially without having no contact of the debt and the age of the debt being 2009?
  13. I tried to buy a recommended book from your site in support of a very worthwhile consumer group. PayPal won't accept payments. Someone might like to check it out.
  14. Hi. We got a log book loan with Varooma, we fell behind on a couple of payments and it was suggested that we take another to clear the debt. Naively we agreed. The payments were £89 and £102 a month (approx), being made redundant meant we got behind again despite numerous attempts to negotiate a fair plan going forward we have been told again and again that they can't as we are in arrears. The issue is we can't get out of the arrears. We currently pay £150 a month on each but the interest on the arrears means the debt increases every month. I can't not understand what this means though (this info was as if July, I don't have any further updated) Total of instalments now in arrears £156.22 Total amount payable under the agreement £999.50 Total amount you have paid £2,094.27 Outstanding balance including arrears arrears £3,025.52 Less any rebate £2,026.02 Total amount payable by you £999.50 And the other one says Total of instalments in arrears £1,002.50 Total amount payable under the agreement £1,857.50 Total amount that you have paid £2,024.91 Outstanding balance including arrears £1,857.50 Less any rebate allowance £0.00 Total amount payable by you £1,857.50 It confuses me. I've contacted the courts to see if the bill of sale is registered. Do I need to get a statement of everything paid and owed?
  15. Hi can someone help i bought a car and have had a letter from logbook loans stating the car had a loan on and they are coming to get it
  16. After a few requests from the secretary, asking for the bushes to be pruned, my wife pruned them a week last friday. sadly she got an infection in her right hand ,which spread to her right arm. She has been off sick for nearly a week now after the infection that started in her hand causing swelling quickly spread to her arm, causing that to swell too. As my wife is part time, she only earns around £76 from her employer so I am guessing she won't be eligible for SSP.Is this correct, as I believe an employee has to be earning at least £111.00? As the accident occured on her employers premises, is he therefore legally obliged to pay her full pay while she is off sick?, furthermore, can she also claim for loss of earnings from her second part time job? As the company only employs around 4 or 5 people, are the company obliged to have an accident book? .the law states that a small company are not obliged to do so, but what is interpreted as a "small Company"? Her employer did not provide my wife with any PPE. My wife provided her own gardening type gloves. Any help with the law and any implementations would be greatly appreciated.
  17. Hi everyone, A friend of mine is looking to get a log book loan, as he needs some urgent cash - he had problems similar to my own in the past with payday lenders and made settlements to all, which of course leaves him unable to get credit with them or any of the normal channels. He is now in good shape financially (other than having no credit score) and able to repay the loan over probably 3- 6 months without any problem. His big worry is whether the companies that offer these loans can be trusted - having dealt with all the lies and tricks of the paydayloan industry in the past, he doesn't want to get involved with anything dodgy, or worse still risk losing his car due to their dishonesty. Are there companies out there that do logbook loans that are safe/reputable? So far he has looked at (Company name removed- SS ) which seem reasonable in terms of interest compared to the others, but I see stories of them taking cars back without cause? Haven't ever seen a story of this happening when payments were kept up and on time, so can they be trusted? Is there another option that would be better/safer? Any help much appreciated....
  18. now know why Varooma hassle you to write your review 1 day after taking out the loan, as obviously you will be happy with them at that point, but my god will that change. I seriously don't know how these guys can trade let alone be a member of the CCTA & FCA I fell into financial difficulty after taking out a £5k loan paying back £500 per month for 24 months, I took out my loan in January 2015 and have literally just had to sell my £11k BMW for £7k so they wouldn't repossess my car. They charged me over £3.5k in charges (not interest I’m talking about just charges) for according to them, SMS Charges @ £1.5 per text, one month they sent me 30 apparently, Outbound call charges £5 per time, Late payment charges £15, Default Notice Charges £15, Default notice reminder charge £15, Final Demand charge £15, Demand for payment notice charge £15, Recovery handling fee £75, Recover agent fee £475 (I SPOKE TO THE REPO AGENT AND HE SAID THEY DONT GET PAID UNTIL THE CAR IS REPOSSESED). They contacted me to say the car was out for repossession and I tried to negotiate a payment plan, however they weren't interested, they wouldn't hold the repossession and demanded I paid over £3k in arrears that day or someone would come to my work and take the car. I was 1 month behind 1 month!!! I eventually sold my car @ a £4k loss just to pay these loan sharks. In total I borrowed £5000, I was 8 months into my loan and had paid back £3481.92 which was £518.08 shortfall (1 month ) and they forced me to pay back another £6857.13 even though I was settling my loan 15 months early. In total I paid them loan sharks £10338.92 for a £5k loan and only had it 8 months, that's £5338.92 profit in their back pocket. They target the venerable and nearly all the way through my loan except at the end they constantly emailed me offering further advances. I have an open case with the financial ombudsman, I have also contacted the FCA, watchdog and my local MP. I won’t let these sharks get away with what they have done to me I tried to post this on Trustpilot and guess what Varooma did "Varooma reported this review 16 hours ago for the following reason(s): The review contains sensitive information"
  19. I bought a car from Car giant four days ago. On the way to home I noticed a knocking kind of noise from the engine. I believed it's a minor problem but I immediately booked an appointment with a SEAT service center for an inspection. They confirmed engine sound was due to lack of service and it will take 5-8 hrs to strip the engine and find the problem. They said most probably new engine may required. They also showed me next service due to date and mileage on the service book had been tampered. Actually I didn't noticed or believed that it had altered at the time of purchase. Next service date altered to 07-06-2016 from 07-06-2015. We can see this clearly, it has been altered by pen. No service been carried out in 2015. Had I seen there was a missed service I wouldn't have bought the car. Now due to this lack of service, engine appear to have damaged. Only one service been done from new (06-2012). I called to Cargiant today to return the car for a full refund. They said they want to inspect the car and fix the fault. Recovery has been booked. I told them I was sold the car with tampered service book hence I need the full refund of the car regardless of type of the engine fault. They said they cannot take the responsibility of the tampered service book because that's how they received it from the previous car owner. I believe this so un-fare to sell a car like this. I'm wondering what are my rights in this case. Can I request for a full refund just based on tampered service log book ? Thanks for your advise in advance
  20. Hi, has anyone else got a message on their Face Book saying to download Beta for the games? If you have and are using it, it is better, any good? pro's con's please Thank you Sandy xx
  21. I was looking to where to buy a book called 'the truth of the lie' by Goncalo Amaral which I couldn't seem to find for sale on Amazon. Any ideas ?..
  22. I am a driver. The vehcile I drove today has a very very badly worn drivers seat. I have reported this via defect card 4 times since january. As I finished my shift today my lower back was hurting very badly. I asked for the accident book so I could enter the injury in the accident book. I was told it should not be entered into the accident book, but should do an occurance report instead. I was under the impression that all injuries at work can/should be put in accident book. Your thoughts?
  23. Ok my daughter in-law tried to make a payment to her door stop loan agent(provident) she has missed her for a couple of weeks told her to try to give her something even if its only a couple of pound a week till they can get back on track. She only had £3 she could give her today(She had received a letter from provident say she could make a token payment of a pound per week just now) agent refused said it would have to be £5 or nothing this agent has also been holding on to the payment book and has refused to had it over unless she can get a guarantee of £5 min a week. Now as far as I'm aware she can't hold on to the payment book or refuse a payment.
  24. hi i dont know if someone will reply but if the agent who is the witness on the bill of sale uses the company address as their address on the bill of sale is this void or not please help they turned up to take car but as i had paid an amount a few days prior they did not take it as phoned company and asked whats going on firstly the person i phoned giggled and said i bet you were scared and that they forgot to cancel the repossession also the day before the people turned up for the car i had come to an arrangement with the same lady who i spoke to on the phone and i still had no idea that the next day they planned to repossess as i never received a default at all. Also the agent who was the witness on the bill of sale used the address of the company and their own is this allowed please 1) can the agent who is the witness on the bill of sale use the company address as their address. As i read somewhere that it must be their home address as they dont live at the company. 2) Secondly the people turned up to take car and i did not have a clue this was happening i did not receive any default letters but as i borrowed some money to clear some debt as i had lost my job no fault of my own i phoned the company asking what is going on in which the person giggled and said bet you were scared i was in utter despair getting laid off work and found this comment was a punch in the heart. this same person said sorry we forgot to cancel the repossess order so they never took car but over a three day period prior to the people turning up i had been making arrangements with the same person who giggled at my distress we had made arrangement which were accepted but i was made to pay over half my income now being jobseekers allowance which is paid fortnightly of £143 in which they wanted a fortnightly payment of £76 i begged for some compassion because this amount i am expected to pay is set up for me to fail as i was going without food sometimes but this amount is taking food from my children they didnt care 3) when i was first laid of i sought help from citizens advice who phoned the company a nd to lower my payment which thy did for a month my adviser asked if i could pay £20 per week in which they wanted £25 but still in same situation im now forced to £38 per week. Even though prior to getting the loan a manager made me feel so secured in getting the loan including how they would help me if a financial situation did happen which i now feel was false information just so i take the loan 4) it also states in the contract to allow 30 days to get over the shock of a loss in finance which when my advisor from citizens advice was not informed about no one offered me any offer of a 30 day hold on payment. i am now in a constant state of worry that my car will just disappear if i do not manage these payments in other words take food of myself and children. i really need my car for job interviews children to school help take are of ill nana. i would not of got the loan if the manager hadnt have been so reassuring in how much help they would give people and i did not know i would be laid of my job which is not my fault please help
  25. I very foolishly took out log book loan with Mobile Money and very evident that they are not type of company to help people. I have learnt that they break alot of CCTA code of practice.. and as there is no proper legislation there is not much help out there for when my car was repossed. I have followed every procedure got bona fide debt advisor that log book loan company should recognise and put an account on hold mobile money would not accept. I applied for time order and day after documents sent to them they went to another county were car was hidden and took it without any keys on back of a car with hand brake on etc. The collector wasn't sia regulated just another to add to long list of mobile money being above the law. Well I have court date and looking into going to media this week. These companies are just doing there own thing and need stopping. Luckily I have backing of citizens advice who are legal advocating on my behalf would love to hear if anyone else has concerns or took mobile money to court. I am hoping to lobby my local mp for all log book loan companies to apply to court before they repossession as ccta are being ignored. Any advice much appreciated! !
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