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  1. Hello, I am hoping to find some direction or legal advice. I split with my ex-husband 7 years ago and divorced 3 years ago on the grounds of his adultery. I moved out of the marital home so that he had somewhere for our young daughter to stay when he had her at weekends. I went and got myself a rental home. The agreement was that he paid my half of the mortgage and I in return didn't ask for any maintenance. I was somewhat shocked this week when the mortgage company wrote to me this week at my new address which they didn't have the details to get in touch with them. I asked my ex if he knew what it was about. As always he said not to bother speaking to them as everything was ok. Curiosity got the better and I called them, I was horrified to learn that the property is in severe arrears and legal action has started to get the property back! when I spoke with my ex he tried to claim that everything was ok and he will pay all the money back. I know that this will not happen as the arrears are far too high and if one payment is missed then the court will enforce the order. I have asked my ex to sell the property but he is dragging his heels and lying to me when he says he's got someone coming out to value the house. What legal route can I go down to force the sale of the house. The property needs to be sold as I know it will be repossessed if not as the payment schedule is huge to clear the arrears. I am a bit lost as to who to speak with, would it be a family solicitor or a property solicitor? Any advice is appreciated.
  2. On 25th March 2016 I purchased a van to be used for my business. I carried out an online HPI check before agreeing a deal which was clear of finance. Unfortunately this was on my phone at the time and no longer have a trace of it as it was 20 months ago. I paid £5000 cash and received the log book on the day of sale. Today I had a note posted at my home address from a bailiff company. On ringing their office they informed me they had attended to reposses the vehicle. They told me to ring another company called Varooma to whom explained the situation and have now sent a new keeper questionnaire to them detailing the sale. They have said that I will be liable to pay the debt owed or the van will still be repossessed however at this stage have not told me what the amount is. They said there will be a meeting with a manager tomorrow and they will then inform me. Problem is this vehicle is my lively hood but will also affect the jobs of 3 other staff if this vehicle is taken away. Any help or ideas would be appreciated. I have also now got the Bill of sale registration number which I will check with the high court that it is valid.
  3. now know why Varooma hassle you to write your review 1 day after taking out the loan, as obviously you will be happy with them at that point, but my god will that change. I seriously don't know how these guys can trade let alone be a member of the CCTA & FCA I fell into financial difficulty after taking out a £5k loan paying back £500 per month for 24 months, I took out my loan in January 2015 and have literally just had to sell my £11k BMW for £7k so they wouldn't repossess my car. They charged me over £3.5k in charges (not interest I’m talking about just charges) for according to them, SMS Charges @ £1.5 per text, one month they sent me 30 apparently, Outbound call charges £5 per time, Late payment charges £15, Default Notice Charges £15, Default notice reminder charge £15, Final Demand charge £15, Demand for payment notice charge £15, Recovery handling fee £75, Recover agent fee £475 (I SPOKE TO THE REPO AGENT AND HE SAID THEY DONT GET PAID UNTIL THE CAR IS REPOSSESED). They contacted me to say the car was out for repossession and I tried to negotiate a payment plan, however they weren't interested, they wouldn't hold the repossession and demanded I paid over £3k in arrears that day or someone would come to my work and take the car. I was 1 month behind 1 month!!! I eventually sold my car @ a £4k loss just to pay these loan sharks. In total I borrowed £5000, I was 8 months into my loan and had paid back £3481.92 which was £518.08 shortfall (1 month ) and they forced me to pay back another £6857.13 even though I was settling my loan 15 months early. In total I paid them loan sharks £10338.92 for a £5k loan and only had it 8 months, that's £5338.92 profit in their back pocket. They target the venerable and nearly all the way through my loan except at the end they constantly emailed me offering further advances. I have an open case with the financial ombudsman, I have also contacted the FCA, watchdog and my local MP. I won’t let these sharks get away with what they have done to me I tried to post this on Trustpilot and guess what Varooma did "Varooma reported this review 16 hours ago for the following reason(s): The review contains sensitive information"
  4. Hi there I fell ill in oct. missed mortgage payment kept bank informed etc.. Was up in court last month moneymatters got me a lay defender who gave me lots of confidence beforehand then said nothing ..o except thankyou.. Complained to moneymatters who were more interested in getting my 9 separated 2 and a half years) wifes address for prosecutors. She told me they scratched each others back.. heeeelp owen Also told bank my daughters would make up any shortfall to interest paid by dwp.. werent interested.. Starting to believe their allin it together ...lol PLEASE HEEEELP..
  5. This is my first post on here. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I seen a house that I liked so I arranged a viewing, when speaking to the estate agent who showed me around she said the property had been on the market for around a year with very little interest and that the property was for sale because the owner went bankrupt whilst he was renting this property out. Taking these few things into consideration I thought I would make a cheeky offer of 100k hoping that they would want a quick sale due to the bankruptcy situation (the property was on the market for 117,950). Two days later I rang the estate agent to see if there was any news she said she hadn't heard back from the trustees yet and in the end it took them a week to decide to reject my offer and make the decision to take the property off the market due to the property being in negative equity. If you've got this far I thank you for your time and basically what I want to no is what do you think they will do now? Will they file for repossesion and therefore the property will be up for sale again shortly? If so how long would it take before its back up for sale? Or will they do something different? Obviously the mortgage company want as much money back as possible therefore the only way I can see this happening is by them selling it. One thing I've thought of is will the trustees possibly take charge of the property and rent it out until the property price increases until they case sell it for what they need to take the property out of negative equity? Thanks
  6. Hi All, I have a big problem with my car finance company. I have had the agreement since about May 2013 and since about May this year I have had problems keeping up the repayments because I lost my job and the agreement as of last Friday, has been terminated I received my letter saying that I need to return the car. I haven’t paid over a third so I know they can repossess when they like. They've actually been quite good in the past and understanding so I can't really fault them as it was of my own making that I am in this mess. Saying that, they are however adamant that they will not reinstate the agreement going forward now and that I am to return the car. The only option I have is to pay the full arrears by Friday £1550 and they will allow me to keep possession of the vehicle but said it still won’t be a full reinstated agreement it will be something setup with their legal team and will be on a rolling monthly repayment and if I miss one the car will instantly be called on for repossession. My circumstances have changed in the last month or so and I am now earning good money again and the usual monthly installment comes to a tenth of my take home salary, I can easily keep up the repayments going forward but it’s obviously too late in their eyes which is fair enough. Is there anything I can do, I have offered to pay £1000 straight up today and the remanding £550 plus the month’s installment on my payday at the end of the month but they are unwilling to do that. Can I still apply to the court for a time order even though I’ve not paid under a third? Really stressing me out as I am finally straight in terms of income but they have given me till Friday to raise the money or it will be passed to recovery agents then. Thanks all
  7. Hi I hope someone can help me. My home I had was repossessed last December and subsequently sold on Feb 3rd this year. After the mortgage company taking off their money and solicitors and everyone else I was left with £15000 to come back to me. Drydens who dealt with it all said they had tried to contact me regarding this money so hadn't been able to so the money was sent to the court funds office in Glasgow. I've now been in touch with both drydens and the cfo, I've been sent a copy of the lodgement receipt with my case number and amount being held. The county court dealing with this was in Halifax and was too far away from where I live now so I filed in form n244 and made a request to the judge that my case be transferred to my local county court. This was granted.........and that's as far as I've got! No one I've spoken to at my local county court of the cfo can tell me what i need to do next! I was told to fill in a form cfo 200 but I've now been told that was wrong but no one can tell me what I'm supposed to do. Anyone have any ideas. Thanks in advance as usual
  8. My wife left the house to set up a new life 4 years ago, the divorce went through almost immediatly however the financial part has just been settled. My position so far is I have my own business which hardly makes any profit and no capital but has commercial property valued at £200000, I also have a joint mortgage on the marital home valued at £220000 currently occupied by myself my 22 yr old daughter and 16 year old daughter (still in education). The financial settlement outcome was a court order that I continue with the mortgage payments and bills until my youngest daughter is 18 or we sell the house then my ex wife will receive the equity on the house ( approx £55000) The house is on a repayment mortgage but as soon as my wife left 3 years ago the mortgage company agreed to put me on interest only (£360 per month) on a temporary basis, however they are pushing for going back to repayment £990 per month which I cannot afford, in any case the increased amount would benefit my ex wife. I have always kept up with the interest only payments but the mortgage company have now become aggressive and threatening legal action which I would assume repossesion. The house has been up for sale at a reasonable price and both my ex and the mortgage company are up to date with proceedings so far. My aim is to stop any legal action until the house is sold, my main worry is that the house will be repossesed and my ex will not get her equity Can anyone help ?
  9. Hi, I have sold my house due to being unable to pay mortgage wife leaving me etc, but I have about £9,000 in arrears it is only a couple of weeks away from completion but the lender wont wait and has issued repossession hearing in about 6 weeks time. I could exchange contracts any day now advice on stopping the hearing please and what happens if the lender is paid off before hearing? Thanks in advance for any help or advice
  10. Hi Guys, this is a long one so please excuse me and take some time to offer advice if you can. I bought a car worth £6000 which was financed by moneybarn in February so 8 months ago. I fell sick 2 months ago and was unable to make payments and had missed a payment prior to this too, so I put my hands up my payments were not on time and it is my fault. I went back into work last month and made a payment of £300 which is the most I could afford as I have a load of payments which have built up. I had fallen back with my payments to an amount of £800, and I got a call at work today from a guy who works for a company called Ceatta saying he was being assigned to repossess the car. I explained I would pay the whole outstanding arrears in two weeks and he went back to moneybarn with this but they would not accept. I called Moneybarn and they are adamant they will not accept a payment of all arrears to bring the account up to date in two weeks and want the car back to go to auction and I will still have to pay the outstanding money. Incidentally a few months ago I transferred the V5 into my fathers name as he is the main person now using the car, I kept the finance in my name. Do I have a leg to stand on? I am gutted because I know the car will fetch a fraction at auction and I will be liable to pay the whole loan amount. Moneybarn have also charged me numerous late payment fees over the 8 months. I have told them I need a day or two to get advise, what would you guys suggest is my best option? Thanks in advance.
  11. I am having a right nightmare with Kensington mortgage company and need some much appreciated help . I had a suspended possession order granted in oct 2007 as I had lost my job at the nhs and my wife business had collapsed the suspended possession order was issued in oct 2007 for my monthly payment plus £50.00 i think i need to dig it out as it was nearly 6 years ago i will post later the exact amount I have been making payments over the last few years to Kensington but also built up massive arrears on my council tax and second secure loan with welcome finance at the mo long story short I have now cleared my 7000 pound arrears with council tax (rossendales ballifs ) april 2013 and got my arrears down to £1095 with welcome finance (was over £5000) however with doing this I have now got arrears of £20,018.46p as of 19th august 2013 with Kensington. I had an arrangement in feb ,march,april, to pay £636 (monthly payment) to Kensington of which I paid march £640.00 april £650.00 may £800 i only paid £160.00 in feb due to having several other debts elsewhere stupid of me i know !! on the 28th of april when i paid £800 i was charged arrears fee of £50 and i was told my arrangement had finished and i needed to fill in income expenditure form send bank statements in and wage slips to consider a new arrangement for may after filling in all sheets and sending in the above i offerd £636 + £64 off the arrears (£700.00 a month after 19 days i got a letter stating this had been declined and was advised to up my offer so i didn't make a payment in may as i wanted an arangement setup so i knew what i was paying i will explain later (don't want to go on but arragrements have been declined lots of other times over the past 5 years until i offered a lot more even if i couldn't afford it so im at the end of my tether and on the verge of giving up ! after clearing more debts in mid april and doing a new budget sheet i could offer £636 + an extra £200 .a month off the arrears i sent again budget form, wage slip, bank statements and again the payment proposal was declined after 16 days stating i couldn't afford the above (even tho the budget form stated i had an extra £204.00 at the end of the month ) offer as i had stated i would like to pay weekly and the computer calculates some months as 5 weeks the payment would be nearly £1000 in certain months i didn't pay anything in june as im holding onto my money incase thy issued possession which they kept stating every time i called them unless an aragement was agreed after sorting the above over the phone along with been told Kensington had inputed my child benefit of £134 into child benefit and also the same figure int family tax wrong (not £179.00 as stated on the budget form) and explaning the weekly thing i put a new proposal of £640 a month + £200 a month of my arrears which would take roughly 8 years to clear (still have 22 years on mortgage term) i advised i would start paying at the end of august and was advised the new payment proposal was affordable and would be given to the senior team (5th of august and boom i get a letter today dated 19th august stating unless i pay £20,018.46 in 7 days evershields (solicitors ) will apply to the court for the issue of a warrant of possession im holding onto my £840 incase i need to pay a rent deposit in the past i have an arrangement for 3 months pay it then it ends then seems to take 4-6 weeks to get a new arrangement i get charged £50 a month arrears fee and i can never get an arragemnt set up that's affordable they always decline 1 or 2 times until i offer a silly amount once i pay that for 3 months the same again the arrangement ends i have to update my budget forms and again charged £50 a month arrears except this time agfter 3 months arrangement they wont renew it.. please help i don't know what to do !! i called Kensington this evening and was told they sent a letter dated 15th august stating my 3rd proposal had been declined and due to previous arrangemnts not been kept and arrears building up they are seeking evection sorry for the long thread but don't know what to do regards mark
  12. Hi all , I need a bit of advice , After falling into arrears on our mortgage with Natwest we were threatend with repossesion , it duly went to court where I was able to come to an agreement with them. They placed us with their Debt Management group whom I had been paying regularly each month till I fell ill . Eventually I was able to get back to work and via a few phone calls to them came to an agreement in Feb2011 to pay them £3000 and have the remainder spread over the remaining mortgage , this entailed uping our payments from 520.24 to 534,36 as well. I have now received a letter from them asking for just over £2000 or enforcement proceedings will take place , I rang them up and they said I hadnt repayed enough back to them since feb2011 to bring me back to my original payments of 520.24 , I explained that there was an agreement made with them from feb 2011 which they checked and agreed but said the bank would still go ahead if I didnt repay this £2000+ to get me back to my original payment with them. Can they do this as I really dont know what to do and now we are living in fear of repossesion when we thought everything was ok. Please help Jerry
  13. Hello, I am hoping that someone can advise me on what to expect at the hearing that I am to attend. We have arrears of £2600 on our (only) mortgage, which is with GE Money. These have built up over the last few years due to a decrease in availability of work. (Self employed in construction industry). I have always had a payment arrangement for the arrears. However, because our income is based upon finishing a job or a builder paying us, our pay dates are never consistent. If the mortgage payment is due on the 28th and we get paid on the 30th (And pay the mortgage) the payment arrangement is then considered broken. Even though our statement shows that a payment has been made each calender month or appox every 6 weeks. The payment plans have always been for an additional £170 per month, which I argued was too much for us. The main amount of arrears related to non payment of the mortgage over 3 months in winter when there was no work due to a cancelled job plus emergency repairs to our roof that was badly leaking due to old age. GE Money are saying that we have broken 27 payment arrangements with them! They still have had a regular payment. They were going for possession but again have agreed to a payment plan of normal payment £648.00 plus £50.00 for arrears, an amount that we can manage just from my wage. So now they are going for suspended possession. Apart from a letter from the court and solicitors confirming the date. (Postponed once already as the solicitors had not had time to do the paperwork). I have had no other paperwork. Should I have received paperwork outlining the solicitors/GE money's argument? What do I need to prepare? Can I stop this? I sought advice from a solicitors but am not entitled to legal aid. Can someone help me please?
  14. Hi, new to the forum and having just read a fantastic post on a welcome loss, made super reading. I used a different company and bought a car over 48 months. After 36 payments, I lost my job but still managed to pay another 7 after that. This left 5 and I was finding it hard. I phoned the company and the rep was not interested in spreading payments. I defaulted but managed to pay the next instalment, leaving 4 but still a month behind. Charges were being put on but still no movement from them, they just wanted the money. I then paid the next payment ,leaving 3. Finally I reached an agreement with a senior rep and the last 3 payments would be, 367 instead of 322. I put the money in the bank but they tried to draw 467 and the bank returned the request. They served a termination notice and handed it over to another company. 3 months later I get a knock at the door and someone threatens to remove the car if I do not pay 1140. I ask if he has a court order and he says, NO. I told him I wish he had taken it as I could have claimed all the money back, he laughed and said he nearly did but checked the notice and saw there was no court order. He said he would have been liable had he had taken it. My question is, if the company apply for a court order to reposess. Does the court have to notify me directly as I want to make an offer to pay the remaining 3 payments off over a period as now unemployed. Or is there another way to resolve this, as I feel the company has broken an agreement and given me no chance from the offset. Thanks for any replies.
  15. hi i have a friend who bought a car on finance - the payments were made with no problems - 6 months after she traded it in for another vehicle financed through the same company - although the car sales place took the car back and gave her another one the outstanding finance was just added to the next car so the debt increased with all sorts of credit charges within a couple of months the car sales company contacted her to talk her into exchanging her car for another "better" car again the car company took the original car back and sold it but the outstanding finance was again carried over to the third car the debt now totalling over £16,000!!! she is was paying for 3 different cars - then her life fell to pieces - she lost her job relationship home etc she went to the company she bought the car from and asked for help but they refused to help - she went into default and they hounded her and her mother and hounded her at her new job (which resulted in her losing that job!!) they intimidated her into signing a voluntary reposession agreement - the finance company then passed the debt to a collector who hounded her constantly and have increased her debt by over £1,000 in charges - i have been trying to help and we have written to the finance company and the collectors - once we began to dispute the whole situation the finance company took the account back from the collectors - at the moment we are waiting for an SAR response (which i dont think they will do as the 40 days are nearly up). but i have a few questions which i cant seem to find answers to 1) when the cars were part exchanged why wasnt money from the resale given back to my friend to pay off outstanding finance? as this means the car company have had two lots of money for the one vehicle 2) when they forced my friend to give up the vehicle it was taken from her works private car park - i thought a vehicle could not be repossesed from third party land? 3) when the last car was sold at auction they did not inform her they were doing so - i thought under the CCA they had to inform her of where and when it was going to auction 4) i thought they had to issue a repossession order at least 15 days before they were going to attempt to take the vehicle 5) i thought it was against the law to sell a vehicle that still has outstanding finance on it? so how did they manage to do this through all the exchanges of the vehicles involved. 6) although we have said this account is in dispute and asked for an SAR they are still sending threatening letters from thier litigation dept - demanding income/expenditure forms are filled in and an offer of repayment made - are they allowed to do this? i really need to help my friend because this is just sending her over the edge she is in such a state and i do not exaggerate when i say she is near suicidal - please please help us on these points
  16. Sorry if this is the wrong place but I need urgent help, we are due for reposession at 9:30am on Tuesday, my husband has to call our lender (NRAM) at am on Monday morning to confirm that paper work we have faxed over is enough to put a hold on things. Our story, we got behind in mortgage payments when my husband was in between work contracts, we were always open and up front with our lender and a plan was set in place for the arrears to be covered, then in Nov/Dec we were fictims of fraud when a company sent false court papers to husbands work putting a wage arrestement in place, we proved that the court stamp was false, the judges signature was false etc and told our mortgage company about it and they were aware that we would be unable to make Nov and Dec payments. We got a notice to say that were are to be repossessed on Fed 4th at 0930. Hubbie contacted NRAM and they asked for documents to be faxed over, bank statements etc bu they theny failed to contact us to say that they needed to see where his wages were being paid into and our address wasn't showing up, this was at 5pm on Friday!!! We have faxed over the required info but have to wait until 8am tomorrow morning Monday) to see if it is enough. I feel sick, can't eat, have a baby to breastfeed and 3 other children one of which has aspergers, we have no family near by and a 5 bedroom house to potentially pack up in a few hours. Am very scared
  17. Hi everyone I was recommended to this site by a friend. My mortgage company are taking me to court because I have arrears of £ 8025.85. The Court date is 21/01/13. Arrears built up because I am a single parent , paying nearly £700 per month nursery fees which ended when my child began school this September. I am now in position to start paying off my arrears . My friend told me that she thinks that there is form I could send the court to postphone the court hearing. Can anyone help me with advice? Thanks in advance for your response.
  18. hi all, not really got time to go into too much detail right now with the background of how this all came up (will give details tomorrow when I can) but due to changes in circumstances certain benefits got stopped last year and took quite a few months to be restarted again. .the same has happened over the summer this year and both of these instances have resulted in a build up of debt. I am on the verge of being taken to court for repossession of my home (local authority) but have paid the majority of what I owe with back payments of the benefits I have just had reinstated. I have recently gained employment, a year after graduating last year as a mature student with 2 children and will get my first pay on 30th november. My most urgent problem right now is that, despite telling british gas of my situation re benefit non-payment, on and off for over a year, as well as my rent arrears this has caused, they are refusing to stop court action (on thursday this week, to cut off my supply on 20th november) despite my application to the british gas energy trust and my offer to pay a substantial amount to both my gas and electric bills on the 30th of november and every month from then on now I am working. I know this is very last minute but I really dont know what to do. My home phone is incoming calls only until I can pay that bill which I have told them so email is the only way at present that I can talk to them..they have given me a freephone number but the only pay phone near me has glue stuck in the coin slot!!! Any advice would be truly appreciated. .all I want to do is get out of this mess ..if only they would give me 2 more weeks and I will have been payed and will be able to pay them!!! Thank you for any help you can give ..to be honest I just wanna give up. .really seems like theres no way out, they just wont give me the extra week or two to come up with the money..
  19. Hi all, First time poster... use to forums though I took on a finance for a vehicle back in February 2012 and kept up with all payments as one should. However, in June 2012 I moved home, contacted the finance company to inform them of this and also changed the due date. Unfortunately though the bank wouldn't allow me to change my address without having an up to date bill to prove that I was living at the address, we are on quarterly bills in the new home so I had to wait. Finally received the first electricity bill, as to which my partner went into the bank and changed the address and also requested copies of statements because we were unable to gain access to the previous address due to a dispute with the old Landlord. (This however has since been resolved). It wasn't until the statements arrived that we noticed that the due date had not been changed and that I had missed 2 payments! I contacted the finance company, apologised for the error and arranged to clear off the outstanding 2 months by the end of January 2013 - this would give me enough time to get together additional monies and ensure that the mistake on their behalf (i.e. non change of payments date) and that we thought all payments had come out so unwittingly had spent additional money were we shouldn't had. The person that I spoke to on this particular day, confirmed that it was quite clearly an error on their behalf because 1. Address had not been changed 2. Contact Phone number had not been changed. 3. Due date had not been changed He was quite helpful (it seemed!) even knocked off £50 charges, and did not charge us the apparent £25 address change that they charge, as of which I knew nothing about from the first call. However... Come Monday evening 10th December 2012 - I arrive home to find a notice of termination on my doorstep! - I immediately attempted to contact the finance company to find out why this had been sent, to find that despite the times on the notice saying 9am - 7pm the answer machine stated 9am - 5pm and offices were closed So like any other sane and rational person, I thought it was a mistake, and that I would be able to contact them the following morning. Tuesday Morning arrives, my partner goes downstairs to defrost her car, comes back upstairs, wakes me to tell me that the car had gone! I thought FFS! only just had the termination letter WTH is going on here! I contacted them in the morning to be told the following... 1. It's not the finance companies job to monitor my debts?! (Which annoyed me extremely!!) 2. It's been taken because I've fallen behind with another month because THEY cancelled the DD - apparently to save me getting any more bank charges?! - Yet they failed to tell me this back in November!! 3. The only way I could get the vehicle back was by paying over £3600 by card + £282 for the removal of the vehicle. Now, normally I'd have bowed down and kissed someone's backside at this point, to try and keep the vehicle however...The tow company that took the vehicle has done the following. 1. In order to move my vehicle, they have moved/dragged another vehicle out of the way - this is quite apparent and I also have photographic evidence and an eyewitness to verify this. 2. They have dragged my vehicle off a private car park. I.E. The car park my vehicle was on is owned by my Landlord, we have to park "closely" in order to stop the local taxi rank from abusing our parking area by parking taxi's on it day and night. 3. By dragging my vehicle they will have certainly damaged it - I have spoken with my mechanic about this, and he stated you DO NOT drag an Automatic Vehicle because you will damage the transmission, the braking system and the gear box 4. The tow company has also damaged the other vehicle which belongs to my neighbour! Now, I wouldn't mind some advise on this matter... as I've been informed to not pay another penny to the finance company because their actions have been extremely unprofessional and they have provided no support as a consumer/customer to me whatsoever... Where do I go from here?
  20. Evening, I'm not sure if I'm posting in the correct place but I hope someone may be able to offer some advice. My husband and I went bankrupt in 2007 discharged a year later. Purchased the beneficial interest in our property for a £1 prior to discharge. Since then no problems until a year ago when my husband lost his job and one of our children was taken ill and everything that could go wrong did. We are now in a position where we are 6 months in arrears (NRAM MORTGAGE) and our home is in negative equity. Now up till now NRAM have done nothing, no letters, no phone calls nothing! We speak to them weekly and yet are no closer to finding out what they intend to do. It seems they can't decide if we are liable for any shortfall if the house is repossessed. This is where I'm confused, I thought that when buying the beneficial interest this meant that we would be liable for any shortfall if the home was ever repossessed?? In a phone call this week NRAM mentioned something about signing a deed of assignment (I know we've never done this) So basically what I'm asking does anyone know if we will be liable for any shortfall, or can we just walk away? Thanks
  21. Hi Guys, hoping you can help me with a big issue my family have at the moment We bought my grandmothers home a couple of years ago. My father remortgaged the property 2 years ago to finance a business venture, which went bankrupt. So we were left with the remortgage at a horrible rate on a £120,000 property, paying out £800 a month. This has been ongoing for the past 12 months. Chopping and changing repayment amounts when RBS decide to 're-evaluate' our position. Basically, we have mortgage arrears of about £4000 on the house, and the mortgage was initially for £100.000. We have the house on the market now for offers over £114,000, however we will probably only get close to £105,000 at best. According to RBS, they are now raising court action because even though we have offered to make lesser repayments and the house is for sale, we are still accruing slight arrears every month. They just aren't willing to give us any more time. They also say even if the house sells we will still owe them a slight amount of money. Currently the house has a lot of interest, with 20 people due to have viewings over the next month. Also, the local council have contacted us and said they would rent the property off us for social housing and pay us £575 a month with the potential to purchase the house off us after a year. We informed the solictor this, but RBS just flatly refused the idea to switch the mortgage to buy-to-let. We asked the solicitor to switch the mortgage to a lower rate, as RBS currently offer between 2.5 - 3.5 % on mortgages. This would have lowered our payments and allowed us to meet them. Again, flatly rejected. At the start of January, RBS had told their solicitors to inform us they required £500 payments over the next 3 months. We cannot afford that, so we offered £250 a month. This was flatly rejected, and shortly afterwards we were informed RBS had raised court action to repossess. The fact that my parents have tried every possible option, with absolutely no leway or help from RBS, surely is in our favour. We've offered to make payments, at a lower amount but still offered, and are able to meet these payments (we haven't missed one since the repayment agreement started). The house is garnering good interest from potential buyers who are all due in to see it soon. We already have a concrete offer from the council to rent it off us, which the bank wont even entertain even though they will get their money that way. Any advice on our situation would be most helpful. The court action was raised yesterday. Just wonder how the courts proceed with this, and if the fact we have done every possible thing to keep paying RBS but they have shot all of our options down would result in us being allowed to keep the house and not be ruled against? Sorry for being a bit muddle in the information, i've just put down everything relevant. Thanks Greg
  22. HI, First time poster so apologies if I'm not doing this correctly etc. I have read through a few similar posts regarding Santander Consumer Finance and was hoping I could get some advice on my situation. HP Agreement commenced - Nov 2011 4 yr term Located in Scotland As above my wife and I purchased a car using SCF in November 2011 paying by direct debit, the original direct debit was set up against another account we hold (long story but we though it was a good idea as thats is where my travel expenses from work go) we had finaly closed this bank account to ensure we were only operating one account. As part of this the DD to Santander was cancelled and we thought it would be simple to set-up a new one for our current account (incidentally with Santander) when my wife phone after work in November their contact centre was closed and she was directed to an automated payment line she made the payment that way with the intention to phone back within the next month to set-up the DD. with Christmas and various other things going on, we forgot we have not received any correspondence in the meantime. Last week a Repossesion company turned up to say they had been instructed by Santander to collect the vehicle as it was two months in arrears, I refused stating that I had not had any correspondence from Santander and would like to speak them first. I didn't realise my rights but I asked them whether they could take the car as it was on our drive and our other car was in-front of it, the gent conceeded that he could not but said he would wait until I had phoned Santander, I said no he could go away and wait to here from Santander. I must admit I was surprised that he accepted this and left. I then phoned Santander and explained that it was our fault but I could pay any arrears immediatley and reset the DD, the lady was less than helpful and said the agreement had been terminated and all she could accept was full payment, I asked to speak to someone else and she said that I wouldn't get any different opinion and beside no supervisor was available I ended the call asking for a call back from the supervisor, not happened! In the meantime I lodged a complaint with the financial ombudsman, I know Santander have eight weeks but I'm hoping a letter from them and I have a ref now might help. That same day I sent two e-mails to their complaints department stating what I have done so far and asking why they don't seem to want my money, no responce I then spoke to my brother who works for HBOS and he advised that they will argue that although I do not have the letter they have issued from their system. He told me to pay them by any means as that makes their case difficult, i sent a chaps payment (got their bank details from their website). I have sent them 3 months so that it also includes this months and then sent another e-mail to tell them this including the payment ref, I have told them that I have only sent the monthly payments bringing the account fully up to date (in fact slightly ahead) as I did not have any visibility of charges but was willing to pay their missed payment charges, I cc'd the ombudsman in this with their ref as well. Still no response and it has been three days, have I done the right thing and will they/can they continue their action? My brother said they need a court order to obtain the vehicle and I will have made the awkward by forcing payment and bringing up to date, is that right? Help!
  23. Hi all Don't know if you can help and I am new on here. I lost my wife Jan last year suddenly and unexpectedly and my life turned upside down lost job depression etc etc. Fell into arrears with my mortgage and had a suspended order for possesion issued. I negotiated to pay back 62 a month on top of mortgage 2 months ago. Unfortunately I hit rock bottom again over the christmas perod (first chistmas etc) and stuffed up. I know its my own fault and I have been stupid and shouldnt have buried my head in the sand but what is done is done. My arrears are 6367.44 and total month payment is 750. I can pay 750 this month nad have done a spreadsheet detailing income, expenditure for the next 6 months incuding bank balance on a running basis. I dont want to lose my home as my daughter (20) and we love ur home and it was the world to my wife and is a glowing testimoey to her as she was the desginer and innovator. Please can anybody help us in our moment of crisis Many many thanks in advance
  24. I had my home repossessed in Jan 2007 - Last payment made oct 2006 - house sold in Aug 2007. The main mortgage on the property was settled. The remainder of the equity was transferred to my 2nd loan - EPF under a non-regulated credit agreement. Does the 12 year time limit apply for the second load or does it come under the CCA 1974 - making it statutory barred after 6 years. If it is 6 or 12 years does this time limit apply from the date of last payment or from the date of repossession. I only ask as I haven't heard of them since they sent me a letter in 2007 saying that there was a shortfall of £11,000 and asked me how id like to pay. I politely told them i have no job and no savings, make me bankrupt. thank you in advance
  25. Hi all ,have hearing this month with arrears of around 3500 on secured loan. been refused agreement plan verbaly and letter subject to forwarding bank statements not happy to send them. I/E form + reasonable offer refused= unfair treatment?. over payments made evened out with charges and solicitors fees, true arrears aprox 1200, can I put house on open market before hearing? - further implications? PPI through broker claim full + interest from kensington? Previous breech of security -my full details, account +phone no, balance, address etc disclosed to third party. Further fundamental issues also, would welcome any comments/advice on the above issues, thank you.
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