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  1. Hi Folks Re: Debenhams I browsed the forums and can't see an answer. Apologies for the Newbie post, but any help would be greatly appreciated. I have all my old store card (Debenhams) statements, along with the original consumer credit agreement (signed 30.10.03). I understand that Santander took over the running of my store card from GE Capital Bank 7 years or so after I took the card. I paid-off the card and closed down the credit agreement in 2011. So my question is this: Do I send the completed form that I downloaded from the Ombudsman onto to GE Money UK Ltd (I can't find anything for GE Capital Bank Ltd) as it was with them that I signed the original agreement 12 years ago, or Santander UK plc as they're now running the store card scheme, or someone else? Thanks in anticipation Hartley
  2. Hi, I wonder if anyone could offer some advice? I received a letter from a firm of solicitors stating that a small secured loan I took out in 1997 was possibly subject to a secret commission. They included a copy of the mortgage deed but nothing else. They wanted me to sign a contract for their fee of 35% of monies they claimed back + contribution towards legal costs from GE Money. I wrote to them stating that I thought 35% a bit much - they replied saying that they weren't even sure that there was a claim to be had, but their initial investigations would be free and if a claim was pursuable, their fees could be less depending on the amount claimable. I have now received an offer from GE Money via the solicitors to pay:- the secret commission + contractural interest from the date I entered the loan to the date it was redeemed + 6% interest from the date the loan was redeemed ("delay interest") less 20% of daily interest paid to HMRC + the fee I paid to the broker + contribution towards legal costs. SO out of approx £1500 I get approx £800. This deal is on the table until the end of January and includes a confidentiality clause. Does this sound about right? I have spent many hours looking into this, and researching Hurstanger - unlike HUrstanger, this is a proper secret commission (in that I knew nothing about it at all - I thought the only commission being paid was the one I made). Whilst I am grateful for the heads up re; secret commission (I had never heard of it), I have no idea where these solicitors have got my details from, where they got a copy of my mortgage deed from, or if this is worth pursuing..... Obviously £800 is an unexpected bonus after all of these years, am I being greedy thinking that there should be more? Should interest be paid on the whole amount of commission + contractural interest that I paid, not just on the secret commission? If I were taking them to court myself the rate would be 8%?... In the meantime the solicitors are pressing me to sign the agreement and send it back to them before the end of the month when it expires. Thanks in advance This loan was 18 years ago, is there no time limit on making a claim?
  3. Took a secured loan + ppi with First National bank in 1991. - Paid loan off in 1998. I have all the paperwork. Made a ppi claim in 2014 GE Money (who took over First National Bank). GE Money said they had no records, so no case. Took complaint to Ombudsman. Eventually the Ombudsman said they cannot enforce the claim as loans only became regulated in 2007. Is this correct? Surely miss-selling is miss-selling? Ombudsman said ‘first national bank’ were not on our ‘voluntary’ list at the time the loan was taken out. Ombudsman have suggested i try and find out who the insurance company were that underwrote my ppi policy? any ideas anyone?
  4. Hi, I hope everyones fine, Ge money are taking possession proceedings against me even though the amount of unfair charges are well in excess of current arrears. I am having some dispute over my charges with Ge money, I have opened a claim against Ge money and going to Wandsworth county court on the possession proceeding on the12th of September to address my concerns about the charges, and GE money's unfair treatment of consumers. I know most of the people here are having the same problem with Ge money's outrageous charges and behaviour I am going to fight this in court and plead that there charges are outrageously high, also they haven't provided me with a clear copy of agreement contract and it was with Cowen my original contract was with, not Ge money. So if any one has problems with Ge money you are more than welcome to contact me And we can raise your issues in these proceedings. the hearings on the 12th of September so we have very limited time so please contact me ASAP and I will put forward your concerns as well, the more we are the more standing we have against Ge money and for once we can stand up to their outrageous behaviour. If you are deciding to join my action please send me a email well in advance of 12th of September, as I am also a litigation paralegal, I could provide you with some advice or come on the day as I said the more the greater standing we have against Ge money.
  5. Hi, I thought I'd see what I can do about settling a joint ge money loan taken out approx 7 years ago. Unfortunately I've been reading posts on here and now think I'm in for a rough ride : I spoke with them last week and have a settlement figure of 4.5k although the original debt was only about 6k. I was actually hoping to be able to offer a reduced full and final settlement but from posts on here it seems highly unlikely. The loan was taken out jointly by my ex and myself. We split and had a couple of joint debts so we agreed to take one each, I'm stuck with this one. I have absolutely no idea what I can do or need to do to get this from around my neck. I haven't missed any payments, although they are usually a week or so late ( now a single parent) The account isn't in arrears ATM as I'm usually borrowing from my parents to make payments, a friend of mine has offered to help me clear it as it's going to take me about 30 years to settle otherwise. Any help or advice would be hugely appreciated x Thank you sooo much for reading Pjs girl x
  6. Hi All, Im just new here, and am really hoping I can get a wee bit of advice. I took a secured loan with GE Money in September 2004. In November of that year, I suffered an injury at worked that resulted in permanent disability. Things have been very difficult since then, and I have been juggling the small amount of money I have to try to at least pay my creditors. The loan was taken at £7000, plus interest of £1050, making a total of £8050. Although payments were sporadic, over the next 10 years I paid to the account £10,333.44. Due to a load of bad circumstance, I am now forced to sell my home or risk repossession. I asked GE Money for a redemption figure, and they have sent me a total of £10,824.93. After I pay this, I shall have paid the grand total of £21,158.37, for an original loan of £8,050. I have not much experience in finance, and I fully acknowledge that payments being made on time would not have resulted in extra interest being added, but paying 2 1/2 times the original loan amount seems pretty harsh. Can anyone please advise? I tried the FCA but they said they do not handle individual cases.
  7. morning all i think im going to claim against kensington on behalf of my two sis in laws one of whom lost her home and is now in rented although she didnt keep up with payments (split up with partner) and they repossessed her home she hasnt even got any paperwork from the repossession etc but i KNOW there will be loads of charges there also other sis in law who is being hammered by £50 charges often what i find is strange is the fact that in the last week i have rang one has said she is in line with the court order imposed at £9 per month above the contractual £199.99 per month and the other said she is in arrears to the tune of £400+ she was on a payment plan although in default according to phone call 2 she was in default according to number 1 however when i asked in line with the court order they said in default by 40p so we promptly paid £1 on her credit file last time she defaulted was may they just tried to add councellor fees on but i cancelled this she has recently been treated for mental health issues and has been told to get letter from gp which we have requested and will forward a copy to them in the first instance i am going to sar on behalf of the two SIL's wish me luck i will update as we go along here
  8. Hi everyone i am back again for support and advice on an issue that i can not think of any way to solve. I made a bad choice in 2002 and opted for an interest only mortgage because it was quick cheaper payments and i had the intention of swapping to a repayment mortgage as soon as i could. However money i was owed by my sister was never received and i became ill in 2006 and ended up in arrears with this company. It went to the FOS who agreed with me they had been unfair and had not shown forbearance their fees and charges were refunded and arrears remaining original arrears capitalised and suspended repossession order removed. This was the one time that i am aware of that the FOS actually made a company comply completely with their requests. I have been paying in full on time ever since. 2006. Then last year i got a letter from ge money stating my term was up in 2015. I got the shock of my life because i thought it was up in 2020. I had arranged my morthage through a broker and this was the third time i had remortgaged with this company and the other times the mortgage term was for 15 years so i stupidly presumed this one was 15 years also. I remember my broker saying did i want it over the same term and i said yes so i dont know why this one is only over 10 unless the broker made a mistake. However i am in a situation now with no money to pay off the mortgage next year and ge money saying tough u signed the agreement. I was wondering if there was anything i could do because the extra five years would allow me to stay in my home and i would have the money to pay it off then. It just seems so unfairi i have a mental illness and couldnt cope with having to sell the house i am so tired of all the fighting with these companies as i am with the other demon too acenden and am on the 4th complaint to the ombudsman with them. I was so naive ten years ago. I thought companies were fair amnd if you were honest with them and genuine they would bend the rules a bit to suit individual circumstancres like they used to back in the day when you dealt with a manager face to face. I feel like giving up i dont have any more strength left in me to fight. Its just making my ilness worse and on top of that i have suddenly developed a problem with my legs that keep giving way and have been yold it could be cauda eguima which is serious and if left untreated could cause me to become inconyenant and never walk again. I am beside myself i just wish i had a magic hand come out of the cloudsto help lift all this worry from me i usedto be so confident and sure of myself but i just dont know were to start anymore or even if i should bother anymore as all these companies seem to win in the end . I have just had enough thankyou for taking the time to read this i know its long but had to give it one last go in hope of a miracle cher69.x
  9. Hi all I am looking for some advice re GE money and a repo hearing set for 20 December 2013. They are trying to reposess for the below reason 1) A warrant of execution shall not issue without the permission of the court where – (a) six years or more have elapsed since the date of the judgment or order; There was an initial hearing in May 2007 and then another in May 2009, since 2009 all payments as ordered by the judge have been made. GE money have continued to apply a £40 admin charge and additional interest costs each month. Despite them refunding me some of these charges, sending me someone else's information and then offering me £50 because of it ( i declined their £50 offer). My monthly payments are 402 i pay 500 each month but because of all the charges my arrears have only reduced by about £59 in all this time. Can someone please tell me are they able to do this even though i have made all payments as ordered in May 2009. They tried to repossess without a hearing i completed an N244 and sent it to court. What do or can i do to stop this! It now feels like i have struggled for years paying them and now they are going to take my home when i only have 3 years left with them! Any guidance would be greatly received as i can't let them get away with this :mad2: P.S sorry for the length of this post
  10. Hi, I'm new to this forum and would like some advice please.... My step father died suddenly a few months ago and I have been trying to help my mother deal with the debts he has left behind. He had a loan, which he struggled to pay when he could no longer work due to having both legs amputated. From what I've discovered the original loan was for £10,000, was sold off to GE Money Home Finance Ltd and has now grown to £35,875. The loan was secured against their home and GE money have now said that my mother has 7 days to pay off arrears of £25,477 before they take her to court for repossession. I have put her house on the market in order to pay the debt but obviously won't be able to sell it within 7 days. After reading some of the posts on here I am thinking that perhaps my mother does not have to pay all of this money off. How do we calculate what is "normal" interest and punitive payments and what is excessive? To me £25,477 sounds very excessive. My step dad was paying £300 a month to GE from his disability payments, which of course have now stopped since he has died. My mother can't afford to keep up the payments and GE won't take anything less than £300 a month. The original company took my step dad to court in 2008 for the sum of £10,057, which he couldn't pay. Could someone advise me on the next step please? P.S. I would also like to ask if it is possible to sell my mother's house even though GE Money have registered a restriction charge with the land registry against the property. Thank you.
  11. Hello, I am hoping that someone can advise me on what to expect at the hearing that I am to attend. We have arrears of £2600 on our (only) mortgage, which is with GE Money. These have built up over the last few years due to a decrease in availability of work. (Self employed in construction industry). I have always had a payment arrangement for the arrears. However, because our income is based upon finishing a job or a builder paying us, our pay dates are never consistent. If the mortgage payment is due on the 28th and we get paid on the 30th (And pay the mortgage) the payment arrangement is then considered broken. Even though our statement shows that a payment has been made each calender month or appox every 6 weeks. The payment plans have always been for an additional £170 per month, which I argued was too much for us. The main amount of arrears related to non payment of the mortgage over 3 months in winter when there was no work due to a cancelled job plus emergency repairs to our roof that was badly leaking due to old age. GE Money are saying that we have broken 27 payment arrangements with them! They still have had a regular payment. They were going for possession but again have agreed to a payment plan of normal payment £648.00 plus £50.00 for arrears, an amount that we can manage just from my wage. So now they are going for suspended possession. Apart from a letter from the court and solicitors confirming the date. (Postponed once already as the solicitors had not had time to do the paperwork). I have had no other paperwork. Should I have received paperwork outlining the solicitors/GE money's argument? What do I need to prepare? Can I stop this? I sought advice from a solicitors but am not entitled to legal aid. Can someone help me please?
  12. [ATTACH]42796[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]42796[/ATTACH] Good evening, I have been reading some of the forums recently with regards to GE Money and would like some of your expert advice please. Let me summarize... Took out a loan for £26,000 ( Secured) in March 2005 over a 15 year period Had difficulties early on in the loan and started to incur some charges and additional interest, this was then on/off like this for the next 7 years. With repayment plans put into place etc etc Seperated from my Ex Wife in 2011 and ended up having to sell the house for a large loss due to pressure from GE Money & Halifax Paid off the GE Money loan in January 2012 Now....I am ready to take these guys on :mad2:, I requested a SAR which came within 2 weeks (yesterday), I have been through this document today and the anger grew as I listed all the charges that had been applied to the account over the 7 year period!!! It seems to be over £7,000 pounds in admin fee's, additional interest, solicitors fees, lunch for GE directors ( made that one up ) and I am very very confused how they distributed the final payment which I will summarize later. I am going to attached a full excel spreadsheet showing my findings but below is a brief summary which may give you some idea of what I want to claim and if I can?? Charges I think I can claim NARRATIVEFEEADDITIONAL INTEREST£3,387.61 ADMINISTRATION FEE£2,000.00 SOLICITOR INTERIM LEGAL FEES£1,089.86 INCOME ON EARLY SETTLEMENT£353.92 REFUND OVERPAYMENT 999999 CHAP£204.16 INTEREST DUE DATE CHANGE£130.01 REPAYMENT OF ADMIN CHARGE£84.00 DD RECALL CHARGE£65.00 DEFAULT NOTICE CHARGE£65.00 INTEREST ADJ£5.38 £7,384.94 Summary of the loan ACTUALTOTAL MORTGAGE PAYMENTS£33,111.02 FINAL PAYMENT£28,006.26 £61,117.288 2MONTHS LESS INITIAL LOAN AMOUNT£26,000.00£745.33TOTAL COST OF LOAN£35,117.28ORIGINAL LOAN PLANINITIAL LOAN AMOUNT£26,000.00180£404.76 Months/Payment£72,856.80 In the 82 months I was paying this loan my average monthly payment was £745.33!!!!!!!!! Final Payment Redemption Below is the last few transactions on the loan account before it was cleared, I am confused on what all these payments mean, in particular the payment for repayment of fees and additions ( £4,539.22) DATECODENARRATIVEDEBITCREDITBALANCE26/12/20114004ADDITIONAL INTEREST£67.60£0.00£27,498.4106/01/20124443REDEMPTION ( TT THE LAW PRACTICE)£0.00£28,006.26-£507.8508/01/20124004ADDITIONAL INTEREST£3.93£0.00£503.9209/01/20124444INCOME ON EARLY SETTLEMENT£353.92£0.00-£150.0009/01/20124439SOLICITOR DISCHARGE FEE£66.00£0.00-£84.0009/01/20124342BLANK?£84.00£0.00£0.0009/01/20124420REPAYMENT OF ADMIN CHARGE£0.00£84.00-£84.0009/01/20124414REPAYMENT OF FEES AND ADDITION£0.00£4,539.22£4,623.2209/01/20124416REPAYMENT OF CAPITAL£0.00£20,622.58£25,245.8009/01/20124063BALANCE TRANSFER ON SETTLEMENT£25,245.80£0.00£0.00 Please based on the above could you give me some advice on the following Can I claim back all the charges? If not which ones do you think I should aim for? If yes to the above, what is the next suggested move? Can I claim back interest on these charges? I have used 8% on the charge calclulator ?( Tab 1) Do the redemption figures look correct? Figure on the calculator shows £9k + does this mean I have to go to court? I am really sorry that it is such a long thread for a newbie bit wanted to try and give you as much information as possible to try and get some valued comments Hope someone can help I will keep this thread as fully up to date as possible with all my results to aid other people in there claims. Regards Steve Excel Sheet Tab 1 - Compound Interest Calculator Tab 2 - Summary of charges and mortgage payments Tab 3 - Full breakdown of charges by date Tab 4 - Final Redemption Summary
  13. Hi I have an expired loan with ge money totalling 2281, I thought it was paid off as it expired in 2010, I have since received a letter from them telling me they are going for an eviction date, I have offered a 500 lump sum and 225 a month but they have refused, they are very rude and unhelpful. Any help appreciated xx:!:
  14. Hello, I hope someone can offer me some advice. I had a 10 year loan through GE money to pay for double glazing windows on a previous address. I had only two years to go with the loan, about £1700, when we moved to Scotland. On moving, we paid most of our loans off and I changed bank. I did not pay off the GE money loan and I overlooked the direct debit when we moved banks. I was unaware that we were now missing payments and GE Money sent letters to my old address and then a default letter, which I obviously never got. A credit check search highlighted the problem, I phoned GE money to explain and they advised me the loan had been sold to Link Financial. I spoke with Link and they told me the loan was now £3,845 because of charges added. They told me the default on my credit file will be lifted on full payment and offered a reduced amount to clear it. I was unable to make any sort of reduced payment and agreed a monthly payment plan of £110. I asked that they send me details of the loan and charges but they never appeared. They call every six months to try and clear the amount with a reduced figure of what I owe, which does not sound right. My job requires me to be vetted and the default causes me difficulty every year. When GE money sell the loan, do the charges get sold too? How can I make them send me details of the loan sold to them and the charges. Steve
  15. after nearly 2 years of reclaiming my PPI from GE Money, they referred me to Pinnacle. Guess what Pinnacle, claim it is with GE Money. GE Money say no and that is their final decision. To go ask the FLA. Obviously, I did not wait for that, I thought I would be smart and ask the FOS for help. at the same time, they asked Pinnacle, and 9 months later, they say, they need to wait on Pinnacle´s decisions. Because, the Insurance advisor is not in their jurisdiction. Any advise, gladly welcomed. Tired and fed up!
  16. Hi there, I am very new to this site so apologies if I do things slightly incorrect .... please advise if I do and I will do my best to correct myself ... I have been going around in circles with Welcome Finance and the FCSC for the past 18 months trying to reclaim PPI. My husband and I took out a loan for £10,000 in October 2008 for 96 months (if that helps) with an added PPI amount £2311.65. The PPI was calculated into my loan and I have been paying it on top of my loan since it was taken out. There was also a Broker Fee and an Acceptance Fee on top; all of which is outlined in my full statement. I made my first contact with the FSCS to claim, however the response I keep receiving is that we were providing insufficient evidence to take the claim any further because we are unable to provide full documentation of the loan (the reason is explained further down) I contacted Welcome Finance who explained the PPI was issued by a Broker - 21st Century Finance; who I have been unable to contact to discuss the situation. Welcome deny any involvement with the PPI. This poses my first question; does anyone know how I can contact 21st Century Finance? My understanding is that 21st Century Finance are no longer trading, and if they are they are not responding to correspondance..... I have since been advised that GE Money were also involved in my original loan - so now I am really confused. Looking at other Forum Threads; my understanding is, 21st Century were the Broker whilst GE were the Finance provider. Am I correct in assuming this? If so where do Welcome Finance come into play? Unfortunately we had a fire at home and lost a lot of paperwork because of this so we are unable to find the full Loan / PPI terms and conditions agreement - we have some outlining the amounts etc. So, this brings me to my second question; Who do we contact to get the original documentation we require to make a fully informed application for PPI refund? This is so confusing, I would appreciate any help you can give me to move forward with this. Many thanks
  17. Morning All My mum recently found a load of statements from Debenhams, Bhs, Dorothy Perkins and Evans store cards that she had a few years back. All of which had Account Cover attached to them. Until recently she didnt realise that in fact she didnt need it as her employer would of paid her for any illness/accident for at least 18 months on full pay. So we started to reclaim. In filling the forms we realised that it was GE Money that the complaints went to She had all statements so we filled in the FOS questionaire and attached the spreadsheet with the maths and sent them off. We have had two replies both from Santander for Bhs and Dorothy Perkins. The both said get lost pretty much you wont be getting a penny from us. This is the final response, case closed go to FLA ??? I done all my charges a few years ago and was pretty successful. Since then however it seems to have changed quite a bit. I am now at a loss as to what to do next. Do I write to Santander ? Do i contact FLA (not sure who they are in fact)? of do I go straight to FOS?? Any help will be greatly appreciated as I am at a total loss and I reckon mum will be getting a few more of these letters this week. Thans Olives xx
  18. Hi, any help would be gratefully received....! My husband took out a First Naitonal Home Improvement Account through EYG Windows back in 2004 - which is not paid up yet. We consider the PPI to be missold and wrote to GE Money with the letter, spreadsheet and FOS questionnaire. They wrote back to say that we need to contact EYG Window Centres to ask them to investigate the complaint as the PPI was not sold by GE Money. We therefore wrote to EYG who responded in writing saying that they have no information on EYG Domestic formed 1st June 2007 - the original paperwork we have is for EYG Heatseal. Do we need to go back to GE as the applicaiton form is under First National Bank or do we need to go back to EYG stating that it relates to EYG Heatseal. My feelings are that we need to press GE Money as surely the policies were sold on guidelines from First National Bank despite being handled by EYG? Thanks in anticipation for any advice.....
  19. Good Morning Everyone After reviewing the Consumer Forum, I discovered that I might have a very strong case for claiming PPI charges back from Debenhams/G E Money. I opened a Visa Card account back in 2002 and on looking through the statements (luckily I kept them all) it has an item each month described as 'Account Cover @ 150 Pence per £100 Bal' I do not really know what this is. An analysis I did on Excel shows that I paid £773.84 for this. My questions are: - Is this something I can reclaim? If so, how do I go about claiming? What interest, if any, might I be due? Thanks in advance.
  20. Dear CAG, Many thanks for reading. I am writing on behalf of my father who isn't very technologically or financially savvy. He yesterday was made redundant which has caused us to begin this quest. In 2002 he took out a 10yr £11.6k secured loan with GE Money (that was the easy bit). In October 2012 he finished off paying the loan. During the 10 year duration of the loan, he was in and out of work and managed to accrue fees of £5800. This has built up in a separate fee account which is now outstanding. In the past (when he had been out of work) he has had bailiffs calling and a court summoning etc, which is probably why the account value is so high. They have also been charging him compound interest on this money. Once he had paid the loan they sent him a letter demanding the full amount of the fees account, which he couldn't pay. we made an arrangement with GE Money that he would pay £200 a month. They would only accept this arrangement for 3 months, and then they would review it to see if we could continue like this. This is how we planned on continuing, until he was made redundant on Monday. The property that it's secured against is a flat worth about £110k which he owned outright until he had this loan secured against it. I am unsure if he ever signed up for PPI. We feel that we need to tread gently with them because if they demand all of the money then we are in trouble (which will probably cost more). in the short term I'll give him the money to pay the loan with a long term view of me getting a loan to pay it off (to keep the interest paid at a minimum). We are looking for any advice that may be able to help us out before we go down the route of getting a loan in my name. I have read things about reclaiming unfair bank charges and we could look into PPI. My fear is that by pursuing something like this could turn things sour, with them demanding immediate payment or something along those lines Many Thanks, Sheila.
  21. Hi. I am hoping someone will be able to help me. I contacted GE Money a couple of weeks ago by phone on 01626 492367 only to be told that they can not find my account details regarding a loan I took out a number of years ago. They told me to send them a letter. I sent them the name, address and account number and photo copies of the loan agreement and all the details. They have replied to me today asking for the reason why I took the loan out??? They have everything they need, they tell me and I quote "Unfortunately we have not been able to trace this customers account". They also only give a fax number as a way to communicate with them, no email, telephone etc. Are they hoping that I will forget about it as they are making it difficult to get in touch with them? Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  22. I need advise please. I took out a 6 year repayment loan in April 2008 with ASDA Loans (GE Capital Bank Ltd) and it stated in the terms and condition that I could repay the balance at any time with out any penalty charge or early payment interest charge. However, during the course of the loan Santander took over the loan from GE Capital without my knowledge. The payments going out of my account were the same so I had no reason to believe any change had occured. It was only when I called them to clear the balance that I realised the loan had been taken over. They said that a letter had gone out to all former GE Capital customers offering them to either clear the balance or to continue the loan with them. The terms had also changed, in that if I wanted to clear the balance early I would have to pay early payment charge. After complaining to serveral members of staff I was finally put through to the complaints department. They said that although a letter had been sent out they did not have a copy on their system and offered £122 off the balance. Despite their offer they would still be charging me an early payment charge. My question is that due to the fact that I never received any corespondence from Santander and they have no record of sending it out, are they in breach of statutory duty. Should I not have had the opportunity to read the terms and condition and the opportunity to settle the loan early by finding another loan company with a more favorable terms. If I do have a case what should I do and what am I entitled to? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
  23. I currently have a suspended possession order with GE Money and have a small amount of arrears. I have received the documents back form my SAR request and I am ready to send a LBA as my fees balance and additional interest amount to nearly 12 months payments. I am fully prepared to go to court to get my money back but want to make sure I have my facts right first. They sent me a screen dump from their systems but they have blanked out various parts such as: A box headed: Commission with: 1. To Source - blanked out, 2. Consolidation – Blanked out 3. Broker fee – Blanked out and Internal reference number – Blanked out. Is there any relevance in this and can you make them disclose it. They also state in a covering letter that they have only sent information held on a relevant filing system that they were obliged to send as per the SAR request but have not sent information that is not held within a relevant filing system. Is there any way of getting hold of the ‘other information’? Also on the original application form they have totally changed my occupation and different people seem to have filled it in as some is typed, very little is in my handwriting, and someone else’s handwriting. The application form shows arrangement fee 995 (added to loan), Discharge fee 110 (added to loan) and Broker fee 2995 (deducted from loan) The underwriting sheet shows no broker fee paid. The offer letter says that GE Money will pay over 800 to the mortgage intermediary and that a completion fee of 995 and a broker fee of 2995 will be added to the loan, though the application form says the broker fee is deducted from the loan. I assume I can only claim for the extra interest and normal fees, along with default notices and debt councellor visits. Can I claim for the 800 GE Money paid to the broker. Any advice of gentle shove in the right direction greatly appreciated. (sorry my pound symbol doesnt work)
  24. Claiment is LINK finacial amount is correct but particulars state that we entered into an agreement with GE Money in 2000, The actual Loan was taken out with First National in 2000. Until 2003 First National had no conection with GE money. The loan also included a ppi payment added to the initial balance. I will have the means to settle this debt in September and had already written to LINK to tell them this. My letter and the claim crossed in the post. Do I admit the claim and ask for time to pay or do I fight the claim on the grounds that it does not identify the debt to be claimed upon and then pay as planned. Because of my job I would rather avoid a ccj but will not have the means to settle until after the claim is heard. Advice please, I have 10 days left to acknowlege the claim.
  25. Please can someone give me some sound advice...... 5 yrs ago i paid for my double glazing with interest free finance from GE Money. About 2 yrs ago I got into difficulty paying my direct debit on time, and although it was always paid it was often late, and GE Money always let me know this with numerous letters/reminders to myself, my wife, and both of us at the same time ! Now my 5 yrs is up and GE Money have informed me that I still owe £600 for late payment charges etc, so my payments will continue, interest free for another 10 months. I have no problems with making these payments and even contacted them and asked if I could settle the account with one payment if they were willing to discount it a bit, even by just 25%, to which they said No Way ! I have to pay the full amount as it was an interest free account. As I've said, I can afford the payments but it just drives me mad that they are so pedantic and unhelpful, So, the crux of the matter is, Can I in anyway reclaim these charges, simply for the satisfaction of getting them back !!??? Any advice, ie am i wasting my time, will be gratefully received, Many thanks B68
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