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Found 6 results

  1. BHS investigation READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/bhs-investigation
  2. BHS has gone into administration, but is continuing to trade for the moment. Customers are no longer able to claim refunds for items purchased before 22 April, but they will still be able to exchange goods. From 22 April you're only able to get a refund if the product is faulty. Restrictions have reportedly been placed on to vouchers whereby they can now only be used in a transaction that is worth double the voucher's amount. The balance must be settled by cash, debit or credit card. http://www.express.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/664166/Spend-BHS-vouchers-Shoppers-chain-files-administration
  3. Hi My partner ordered some bridesmaid dresses from an in-store catalogue, yesterday she went to collect the dresses which were delivered to store. One arriving home and opening the box she noticed she has been sent the wrong colour. BHS have admitted fault on this and have asked her to return them. However they are refusing to exchange only refund. The dresses were 20% off when she ordered, they say they will honour this but only if she re-orders today. Considering the cost of the dresses she does not want to re-order until she has received her refund. Does anyone have any advice? Is there any case for making them exchange considering it is their fault? Thanks in advance.
  4. My OH was just going through some old paperwork and came across an old closed BHS Gold Account Store Card from about 6 years ago. She has various statements but not all but there is a monthly amount for Account Premium Cover - Is this possibly PPI does anyone know ? If so, does anyone know the contactable address to send an SAR to thanks ?
  5. A few years ago i took out a BHS store which was financed i think by GE bank the account is now closed and i have no paper work with any account details how can i obtain these and start a ppi claim? Thank You
  6. Morning All My mum recently found a load of statements from Debenhams, Bhs, Dorothy Perkins and Evans store cards that she had a few years back. All of which had Account Cover attached to them. Until recently she didnt realise that in fact she didnt need it as her employer would of paid her for any illness/accident for at least 18 months on full pay. So we started to reclaim. In filling the forms we realised that it was GE Money that the complaints went to She had all statements so we filled in the FOS questionaire and attached the spreadsheet with the maths and sent them off. We have had two replies both from Santander for Bhs and Dorothy Perkins. The both said get lost pretty much you wont be getting a penny from us. This is the final response, case closed go to FLA ??? I done all my charges a few years ago and was pretty successful. Since then however it seems to have changed quite a bit. I am now at a loss as to what to do next. Do I write to Santander ? Do i contact FLA (not sure who they are in fact)? of do I go straight to FOS?? Any help will be greatly appreciated as I am at a total loss and I reckon mum will be getting a few more of these letters this week. Thans Olives xx
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