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Found 12 results

  1. Hello Perhaps someone can guide me on this matter. I bought a Washing Machine and in less than one and a half years it became faulty. An engineer tested it and said it is a manufacturer's fault and I should claim. I contacted the retailer, gave them details including DATE OF PURCHASE, that it was tested and found to be faulty. They told me to get an independent report, which I did. That report agreed with the first one, faulty machine. They agreed to refund the purchase price, plus the cost of the INDEPENDENT REPORT which THEY ASKED FOR, but not the cost of the first one. I pointed out they were at liberty to accept the first report, but that they chose to GET A SECOND OPINION. Consequently, I expect to be reimbursed for BOTH reports. I kept on disputing their responses. After many refusals of my claim for reimbursement, they agreed to give me GIFT VOUCHERS which I believe may force me to spend it in their shops. I feel that they should reimburse me in CASH. The amount is £25.00. Any advise on this please ?. Thank you. Laskin
  2. Got a call today, the message was made using a automated weird voice. Message was: Reward of £30 in vouchers for Black Friday - all you need to do is provide your signature and name of organisation I volunteered with - to be eligible for the vouchers. the number is 0786-***-1261 maybe belongs to someone else trying to get credit for my work placement?? Anyone else had this at all?
  3. BHS has gone into administration, but is continuing to trade for the moment. Customers are no longer able to claim refunds for items purchased before 22 April, but they will still be able to exchange goods. From 22 April you're only able to get a refund if the product is faulty. Restrictions have reportedly been placed on to vouchers whereby they can now only be used in a transaction that is worth double the voucher's amount. The balance must be settled by cash, debit or credit card. http://www.express.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/664166/Spend-BHS-vouchers-Shoppers-chain-files-administration
  4. I have been looking into entitlements all day and I am just going round in circles. I could really do with some advice. The abolishment of the family element in housing benefit is my main worry. I don't know if it will affect me or not? I have a 2.5 year old and our second baby is due in May, and according to 'entitledto' we will be entitled to some housing benefit in 16/17. But I don't know if this will start after I have the baby, or when I go on maternity leave in April. Also, as mentioned above, I don't know whether the abolishment will affect the result I am getting. I know it only affects new claims after 1st May, so if I submit my claim in April when my maternity leave starts- will I be entitled to the family element? I am thinking I will still get it, because I already have a child and my circumstances are changing prior to 1st May. Now, it seems I will be entitled to more help (around an extra £70 a month) if I do not continue with my childcare vouchers through my employer. But I don't want to opt out of the scheme to find that the calculations were all wrong and I would have been better off with continuing with the childcare vouchers. Would it be possible to cancel the childcare vouchers once I've heard back regarding my claims? Anything else I need to consider? Thank you in advance!
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31464897 I like most always knew that the man was a fool but this as well as showing everyone just how much of an idiot he is, this is asking for trouble, as forcing anyone to have treatment would surely infringe their human rights, as would be denying them benefits on those grounds, not to mention he has clearly forgotten that our broken NHS cannot cope as things are now without adding more pressure, He and his cronies really have no clue, They have obviously lost some of the grey matter they where born with ,(assuming that they had sufficient to begin life with)
  6. Hi, has anyone had any successes in challenging expired vouchers (only by a couple of weeks) using unfair terms legislation. I guess one problem is that the voucher holder is not the purchaser, although I guess it can be assumed that the purchase would not have expected the voucher to become a gift to the company. To what extent does the holder have a contract (if at all) with the company. I guess there afew fairly weak arguments e.g. some companies will replace expired and some won't, this company doesn't state. The print is too small to easily read. Complete forfeit is too drastic a response to delayed usage and in no way reflects the costs a company might incur. If I thought I had enough of a case to avoid being asked to pay costs in the small claims court I'd do just because it would cost them a lot more to turn up than it would cost me. What do you guys think? Cheers Jim
  7. Supermarket giant Tesco estimates that over two million customers have unspent vouchers worth up to £16 million, which are all due to expire on 30 November. With Christmas just weeks away, it could be worth checking your Clubcard account to see if you've got any unspent vouchers before they're lost forever. To check if you've got unspent vouchers, log in to your online Clubcard account via the Tesco website and click on the My Vouchers tab. This will bring up a list vouchers you've accumulated with their expiry dates.
  8. I was really stupid about 2 years ago. I returned a product to a well know retailer. Did not have the receipt but from their product sticker they confirmed it was their product. They did not have another in stock at the branch and gave me a card with the credit on it. I have subsequently used the voucher to purchase something else. Is there a way to trace the initial credit card purchase to voucher refund to new product. If so I think my company had found out. Any info would be grateful.
  9. from april 2013 with the roll out of UC claiments who apply for a crisis loan will no longer be issued with cash... from this time they will only be issued with a voucher to use in a recycling centre, or store cards which will prohibit the buying of alcohol and cigarettes.... link here http://atosvictimsgroup.co.uk/2012/06/29/welfare-cuts-welcome-to-the-era-of-vouchers-for-the-poor/
  10. Hi all, I have around £500 gift vouchers for HOS, they expired on Nov 2011. An initial call to HOS, and they said "we will not renew the vouchers they are not valid anymore"."It says clearly that they have expired" My question is are they allowed to get away with this. They have my £500 pounds and effectively have withheld my credit. Can anyone tell me what the law on this is and how I can proceed with Dealing with HOS? Best Wishes BB
  11. I have recently been looking for train tickets to London and almost had heart failure when the prices per person were coming in at £80+ (advance bookings) and over £100 for later bookings. This was for standard economy as I dont believe in paying extra for sitting on the same train, occuring the same delays and drinking the same coffee / tea! Anyhow I came across megabus. For the same train / time / date / stations (both bookings exactly the same) it is costing me £16.00 for 2 returns, with VIRGIN!!! Now I thought there must be a catch and so I asked around. Apparently its all above board. I checked on here and couldnt see any thread about it. Now with the summer hols coming closer each day, some of you parents will be using the trains...go grab a bargain...dont waste your money! www.megabus.com You will need to select your country (UK, USA, etc) and register....which costs nothing! Also if you collect Tesco club rewards for every £1 of vouchers, you get £2 off your fare. I had £5.00 of club rewards so I changed it up at www.tesco.com , was sent e-vouchers within minutes and got £10 off my £16 so I only actually paid £6.50 (50p booking fee applies to all bookings) for 2 returns to London Euston from Liverpool!!! Couple of downsides (which are not really downsides when you look at them) are: 1. Its not always a train...you are given options of coach or train...with coach taking a lot longer 2. Stations and coach pick ups tend to be in major towns / cities...but for a couple quid on the local train network you can get to these without much trouble A friend has just booked her flight from US to Gatwick and is coming to Liverpool on a coach for £1.00!!!
  12. Good Morning, Sounds stupid I know but when I retired in 2007 I was given an envelope with about £300 worth of gift vouchers. I put them aside until I could find something to buy. I forgot about them until this week and fetched them out again. It turns out that the vouchers have an expiry date about 12 months after issue (expired Sept 2008). I spoke to the Customer Service people and they simply said that there is no further action they can take as the deal the gift voucher company has is that once the expiry date passes then that's it. Given that my employer spent almost £300 with this company it seems a bit unfair that the money just goes to the gift voucher company without any goods being supplied. Has anyone come across this before and found a solution? thanks
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